List of Shy Guy names in other languages

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The following is a list of names for Shy Guy in other languages.

Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 嘿呵[?]
Transliteration of the Japanese name
Prior to Mario Kart Tour
Chinese (traditional) 嘿呵[?]
Transliteration of the Japanese name
Dutch Shy Guy[?] -
French (NOA) Maskache[?] Pun on masque ("mask") and cache ("hide")
Shy Guy[?] - Early translations
French (NOE) Maskass[?] From masque ("mask") with the pejorative suffix -asse
German Shy Guy[?] -
Italian Tipo Timido[?] Shy Guy
Korean 헤이호[?]
Derived from the Japanese name
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy[?] -
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito[?] Pun on máscara ("mask") and possibly mosquito
Romanian Timidul[12] The Shy One LEGO Super Mario
Russian Скромняга[?]
From скромный (skromnyy, "shy") and «-яга» (-yaga, Russian suffix used for creating nouns denoting a possessor of a certain quality)
Spanish Shy Guy[?] - Also spelled "shy guy" in the Latin American Spanish localization from 2012 to 2019, when species names were always written in lowercase.
Shy Guy Block
Language Name Meaning Notes
Italian Blocco Tipo Timido[13] Shy Guy Block

Light-blue Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 浅蓝色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))[?]
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihǔ
Light-blue Shy Guy
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē
Chinese (traditional) 淺藍嘿呵[?]
Qiǎnlán Hēihē
Light-blue Shy Guy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē
- Mario Kart Tour
Dutch Lichtbl. Shy Guy[?] Light-blue Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache bleu ciel[?] Sky blue Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass bleu ciel[?] Sky blue Shy Guy
German Hellblauer Shy Guy[?] Light blue Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido azzurro[?] Light blue Shy Guy
Korean 하늘색헤이호[?]
Haneulsaek Heiho
Sky blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy azul-claro[?] Light-blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Azul-Claro[?] Light-blue Shy Guy
Russian Св.-синий скромняга[?]
Sv.-siniy skromnyaga
Light-blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy azul claro[?] Light-blue Shy Guy Mario Kart 8
Shy guy celeste[?] Sky blue Shy Guy Mario Kart Tour
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy azul claro[?] Light-blue Shy Guy Mario Kart 8
Shy Guy celeste[?] Sky blue Shy Guy Mario Kart Tour

Black Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 黑色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))[?]
Hēisè Hēihǔ
Black Shy Guy
Hēisè Hēihe
Chinese (traditional) 黑色嘿呵[?]
Hēisè Hēihe
Black Shy Guy
Dutch Zwarte Shy Guy[?] Black Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache noir[?] Black Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass noir[?] Black Shy Guy
German Schwarzer Shy Guy[?] Black Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido nero[?] Black Shy Guy
Korean 검정헤이호[?]
Geomjeong Heiho
Black Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy preto[?] Black Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Preto[?] Black Shy Guy
Russian Черный скромняга[?]
Chernyy skromnyaga
Black Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy negro[?] Black Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy negro[?] Black Shy Guy

Green Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 绿色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Lǜsè Hēihǔ
Lǜsè Hēihē
Green Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 綠色嘿呵[?]
Lǜsè Hēihē
Green Shy Guy
Dutch Groene Shy Guy[?] Green Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache vert[?] Green Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass vert[?] Green Shy Guy
German Grüner Shy Guy[?] Green Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Korean 초록헤이호[?]
Chorok Heiho
Green Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Russian Зеленый скромняга
Green Shy Guy[14]

Zelenyy skromnyaga
Green Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy verde[?] Green Shy Guy

Yellow Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 黄色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Huángsè Hēihǔ
Huángsè Hēihē
Yellow Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 黃色嘿呵[?]
Huángsè Hēihē
Yellow Shy Guy
Dutch Gele Shy Guy[?] Yellow Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache jaune[?] Yellow Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass jaune[?] Yellow Shy Guy
German Gelber Shy Guy[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido giallo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Korean 노랑헤이호[?]
Norang Heiho
Yellow Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy amarelo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Amarelo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Russian Желтый скромняга[?]
Zheltyy skromnyaga
Yellow Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy armarillo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy armarillo[?] Yellow Shy Guy

White Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 白色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Báisè Hēihǔ
Báisè Hēihe
White Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 白色嘿呵[?]
Báisè Hēihe
White Shy Guy
Dutch Witte Shy Guy[?] White Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache blanc[?] White Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass blanc[?] White Shy Guy
German Weißer Shy Guy[?] White Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido bianco[?] White Shy Guy
Korean 하양헤이호[?]
Hayang Heiho
White Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy branco[?] White Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Branco[?] White Shy Guy
Russian Белый скромняга[?]
Belyy skromnyaga
White Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy blanco[?] White Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy blanco[?] White Shy Guy

Blue Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 蓝色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Lánsè Hēihǔ
Lánsè Hēihē
Blue Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 藍色嘿呵[?]
Lánsè Hēihē
Blue Shy Guy
Dutch Blauwe Shy Guy[?] Blue Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache bleu[?] Blue Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass bleu[?] Blue Shy Guy
German Blauer Shy Guy[?] Blue Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido blu[?] Blue Shy Guy
Korean 파랑헤이호[?]
Parang Heiho
Blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy azul[?] Blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Azul[?] Blue Shy Guy
Russian Синий скромняга[?]
Siniy skromnyaga
Blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy azul[?] Blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy azul[?] Blue Shy Guy

Pink Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 粉色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Fěnsè Hēihǔ
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē
Pink Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 粉色嘿呵
Fěnsè Hēihē
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē
Pink Shy Guy
Dutch Roze Shy Guy[?] Pink Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache rose[?] Pink Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass rose[?] Pink Shy Guy
German Rosa Shy Guy[?] Pink Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Korean 핑크헤이호[?]
Pingkeu Heiho
Pink Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Russian Розовый скромняга[?]
Rozovyy skromnyaga
Pink Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy

Orange Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 橙色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Chéngsè Hēihǔ
Chéngsè Hēihe
Orange Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 橙色嘿呵[?]
Chéngsè Hēihe
Orange Shy Guy
Dutch Oranje Shy Guy[?] Orange Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache orange[?] Orange Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass orange[?] Orange Shy Guy
German Oranger Shy Guy[?] Orange Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido aranc.[?] Orange Shy Guy Mario Kart 8
Tipo Timido arancione[?] Mario Kart Tour
Korean 오렌지헤이호[?]
Orenji Heiho
Orange Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy laranja[?] Orange Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Laranja[?] Orange Shy Guy
Russian Оранжев. скромняга[?]
Oranzhev. skromnyaga
Orange Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy naranja[?] Orange Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy naranja[?] Orange Shy Guy

Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 嘿呵 (糕点师)[?]
Hēihē (Gāodiǎn Shī)
Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)
Chinese (traditional) 嘿呵 (糕點師)[?]
Hēihē (Gāodiǎn Shī)
Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)
French Maskass (pâtissier)[?] Shy Guy (pastry chef)
German Shy Guy (Konditor)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Italian Tipo Timido (pasticciere)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Korean 헤이호(파티시에)[?]
Heiho (Patisie)
Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)
Portuguese Shy Guy (confeiteiro)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy (pastelero)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy (Pastelero)[?] Shy Guy (Confectioner)

Shy Guy (Gold)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese 嘿呵 (金色)[?]
Hēihē (Jīnsè)
Shy Guy (Gold)
French Maskass (or)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
German Shy Guy (Gold)[?] -
Italian Tipo Timido (oro)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
Korean 헤이호(골드)[?]
Heiho (Goldeu)
Shy Guy (Gold)
Portuguese Shy Guy (ouro)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy (dorado)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy (Dorado)[?] Shy Guy (Gold)

Shy Guy (Ninja)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese 嘿呵 (忍者)[?]
Hēihē (Rěnzhě)
Shy Guy (Ninja)
French Maskass (ninja)
Maskass ninja[15]
Shy Guy (ninja)
Ninja Shy Guy
German Ninja-Guy[?] -
Italian Tipo Timido (ninja)[?] Shy Guy (ninja)
Tipo Timido Ninja[16] Ninja Shy Guy
Korean 헤이호(닌자)[?]
Heiho (Ninja)
Shy Guy (Ninja)
Portuguese Shy Guy (ninja)[?] -
Ninja Shy Guy[17]
Russian Ninja Shy Guy[14] -
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy (ninja)[?] -
Shy Guy (Ninja)[18]
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy (Ninja)[?] -

Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 粉红色嘿呵 (忍者)[?]
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē (Rěnzhě)
Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
Chinese (traditional) 粉紅色嘿呵 (忍者)[?]
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē (Rěnzhě)
Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
French Maskass rose (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
German Rosa-Ninja-Guy[?] Pink-Ninja-Guy
Italian Tipo Timido rosa (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (ninja)
Korean 핑크헤이호(닌자)[?]
Pingkeu Heiho (Ninja)
Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
Portuguese Shy Guy rosa (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (ninja)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy rosa (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (ninja)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy rosa (Ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)

Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 淺藍色嘿呵 (探险家)[?]
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Chinese (traditional) 淺藍色嘿呵 (探險家)[?]
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
French Maskass bleu ciel (explor.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
German Hellbl. Shy Guy (Abent.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Adventurer)
Italian Tipo Timido azzurro (espl.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Korean 하늘색헤이호(탐험가)[?]
Haneulsaek Heiho (Tamheomga)
Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Portuguese Shy Guy azul-claro (explorador)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy celeste (explor.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (explorer)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy celeste (Explor.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)

Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 黄色嘿呵 (探险家)[?]
Huángsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Chinese (traditional) 黃色嘿呵 (探險家)[?]
Huángsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
French Maskass jaune (explorat.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
German Gelber Shy Guy (Abent.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Adventurer)
Italian Tipo Timido giallo (espl.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Korean 노랑헤이호(탐험가)[?]
Norang Heiho (Tamheomga)
Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Portuguese Shy Guy amarelo (explorador)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy amarillo (explor.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (explorer)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy amarillo (Explor.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)


  1. ^ マリオテニスGC キャラクター紹介. Nintendo. Retrieved July 1, 2024.
  2. ^ マリオパーティ9:マリオと仲間たち. Nintendo (Japanese). Retrieved July 1, 2024.
  3. ^ Mario Trump NAP-05 5 of DiamondsMedia:NAP-05 Diamonds 5.png, though the picture actually depicts a Fly Guy.
  4. ^ マリオカートDS キャラクター&カート. Nintendo (Japanese). Retrieved July 1, 2024.
  5. ^ マリオvs.ドンキーコング2 ミニミニ大行進!:ポリーン救出作戦!. Nintendo (Japanese). Retrieved July 1, 2024.
  6. ^ a b 1987. Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic instruction booklet. Nintendo (Japanese). Page 30.
  7. ^ a b c d Super Mario USA instruction booklet (PDF). Nintendo (Japanese). Page 26. Retrieved November 16, 2022.
  8. ^ 1994. Perfect Ban Mario Character Daijiten. Shogakukan (Japanese). Page 225.
  9. ^ 2004. マリオvs.ブイエスドンキーコング (Mario buiesu Donkī Kongu) instruction booklet (PDF). Nintendo (Japanese). Page 15.
  10. ^ マリオvs.ドンキーコング2 ミニミニ大行進!:行く手を邪魔するおもちゃたち. Nintendo (Japanese). Retrieved July 1, 2024.
  11. ^ From the ending scenes of Super Mario Advance as localized by iQue. Reference: 无敌阿尔宙斯 (August 28, 2013). 神游 超级马力欧2敌人官译. Baidu Tieba (Simplified Chinese). Archived February 26, 2017, 16:11:09 UTC from the original via Wayback Machine. Retrieved March 6, 2023.
  12. ^ „Figurina inamic Timidul și Super-ciuperca sporesc opțiunile de joacă.” ("The Shy One enemy figure and the Super-mushroom boost the gameplay options.") – Set de extindere Atacul lui Boomer Bill § Specificații. (Romanian). Retrieved October 1, 2024. (Archived December 2, 2022, 00:33:44 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  13. ^ Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!, in-game help guide
  14. ^ a b Прокатитесь с ниндзя. Russian. Retrieved September 5, 2023. (Archived February 10, 2022, 21:56:24 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  15. ^ La Saison des ninjas. (French). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 26, 2021, 01:30:36 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  16. ^ Preparati al Ninja Tour. (Italian). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 26, 2021, 01:18:22 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  17. ^ Prepara‑te para a Ninja Tour. (European Portuguese). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 26, 2021, 01:12:00 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  18. ^ Prepárate para la temporada ninja. (European Spanish). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 28, 2021, 21:54:06 UTC via Wayback Machine.)