List of Paper Mario: The Origami King glitches

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This is a list of glitches in Paper Mario: The Origami King.

Note: All names are conjectural unless otherwise specified.


Note: These glitches are purely visual and have no other affects on gameplay.

Bob-omb animation glitch

With correct timing, if the player swings their hammer at Bob-omb and rescues a Toad, Bob-omb's sprite when hit by the hammer remains the same until Mario enters a battle. Cutscenes do not fix this glitch.

Disappearing Sea Captain Toad

If you reload a save where Mario approaches the Sea Tower from the dock, either by starting a file there or dying and reloading, Sea Captain Toad will have vanished.

Disappearing T. Ode

While at The Princess Peach, if you enter a room and then return to the Sea Captain Toad's ship, Captain T. Ode will have vanished.

Invisible Olivia glitch

When Mario goes up the stairs outside the Earth Vellumental Temple after collecting the MAX UP Heart, Olivia comments on the Folded Soldier Goombas and tells Mario that he can defeat them with a First Strike. If Mario buys a fortune and gets the coin outcome before walking up the stairs, Olivia's dialogue appears without her. Enemies on-screen continue to move in place, while Toads move around freely.

Mega Paper Macho Pokey victory glitch

Upon defeating the Mega Paper Macho Pokey in the Battle Lab, it is possible for Mario to be standing sideways, facing upwards, during his victory animation. This has no adverse effects and the game progresses as normal.[1]


Bob-omb duplication glitch

If the player manages to pull off the Autumn Mountain skip, they can duplicate Bob-omb. They need to continue to the point where Bob-omb is knocked into Chestnut Valley, at which point they need to backtrack to the empty river, which activates the cutscene where Bob-omb interacts with the boulder blocking the path. After this cutscene is over, they will have a glitched clone of him, and they can have both Bob-ombs in the party if they jump down to Chestnut Valley without activating the Paper Macho Goomba cutscene. When using this glitch, it is possible to bring the cloned Bob-omb into the Water Vellumental Shrine, though if the player enters the fight against the Water Vellumental with him, he vanishes from the party afterwards.[2]

Floating partner glitch

If the player swings their hammer at their partner and jumps away, waits for the partner to attempt to follow, then open the item menu to cancel the partner's jump, the partner's gravity will be disabled. Warping will simply change the height they float at. This behavior can be cancelled if the partner jumps or walks down certain slopes. It is also possible to perform this glitch on a partner not immediately behind the player, but it requires having the partner in front of them to jump away from them rather than Mario.[3]

The cause of this glitch was not fully understood until being reverse engineered a year later.[4]

Professor Toad in the floor

In front of any tower in Scorching Sandpaper Desert, the player can get Professor Toad stuck in the ground by having him dig in front of the structure, moving back slightly and then speaking to Olivia.[5]

Teeter storage

By opening either the item menu Y or pause menu PLUS as Mario is about to teeter at a ledge, the game gives him both states. If the player keeps holding toward the ledge until closing the menu, Mario enters an unintended state of interaction. Prompts will not appear, menus and Olivia cannot be used, npcs do not react to being hammered, items are not collected, combat cannot be entered, etc. However events with triggers, loading zones, benches, and Not-Bottomless Holes will end the glitched state.[6]

Out of bounds

Autumn Mountain skip

Also referred to as Station Clip. At the tram station in Autumn Mountain, the player can clip between a wooden pole and the steps and jump out at a certain angle to land out of bounds on the other side of the fence behind the station. If the player walks around the corner, whilst staying close to the wall to avoid the loading zone for the secret coin area, they can access the long grass field, skipping a small portion of the area.[7]

Leaving Bowser in Bowser's Castle

After destroying the Green Streamer, Bowser insists that the player "Get me down already!". Instead, go to the right where the spike shaped like a traffic cone sits, and do running jumps angled downward in midair. If done properly, Mario will be pushed forward by the geometry, bypassing the trigger zones that keep Mario in near the throne.[8]

Leaving Luigi in Toad Town

By jumping on a specific portion of the lip of the "outer crust" in Peach's Courtyard, it is possible to jump over the short wall and walk around the flower beds in the background of the courtyard to skip saving Luigi in Toad Town. This does not affect future encounters with Luigi.[9]

Paper Macho Gooper Blooper boss skip

After attempting to unlock the yellow lockbox, the Paper Macho Gooper Blooper will be waiting at the front of the ship, while a trigger blocks access to the stairs leading to Sea Captain Toad's ship. By cloning partners and exiting out a portside door, Mario will walk out farther than intended to make room for said partners causing him to fall out of bounds and respawn near Sea Captain Toad. Despite not defeating Gooper Blooper, a flag has already been set that allows Bob-omb to use the contents of the lockbox in Sweetpaper Valley, skipping the boss fight.[10]

There is also a more indepth tutorial with details on setting up Bobby clones for the trick.[11]

Princess Skip in Shogun Studios

With either a precisely timed/placed jump or a mushroom to avoid using the prompt on top of the food bowl, it is possible to jump over the fence of [ [Princess]]' encloser. From there if the player positions Mario correctly, hammering the folded toad will cause Mario to be pushed along by said toad, bypassing the trigger for Princess to scare him away.

This skips the fetchquest in Shogun Studios normally required to feed Princess the chain chomp and gain access to the Ninja Attraction.[12]

Red house roof clip

Mario, on top of another house after crossing a hedge

By jumping at the right angle between a wall and a crate in Toad Town, the player is able to climb onto the roof of a house in the center of town. From there, they can wander along the tops of the nearby hedges, as well as make their way onto other rooftops in the area.[13]

Sea Tower floor 2 skip

Also referred to as Colgate™ Clip. By lining up on the fourth step in the stairs leading up the Ice Vellumental statue, then jumping into the spot where the wall and the stairs meet and drifting back towards the stairs, Mario will be clipped into the ground. From here you can narrowly jump from the edge of the icy terrain up to the area with a shiny ice flower. Jumping forward into the "teeth" will clip Mario through to the other side, bypassing the icicles and completely skipping the puzzles intended on the 2nd floor of the Sea Tower.[14]


Arrow Storage

During the Earth Vellumental boss fight, Olivia will reset the rings if you fail to complete the puzzle on your 2nd turn. The game fails to reset Mario's walking direction, basically storing the last arrow you used. This can be used to hit the tail one turn early.[15]

Item not used ending 1st phase of Tape battle

During the battle with Tape, the 1st phase ends with a unique fakeout animation. If the player uses an item to end the 1st phase, the game is not queued to remove the item, thus whatever item was used is not consumed. This glitch also applies to the durability check for weapons.

King Olly soft-lock

In the second phase of the final battle with King Olly, it is possible for the Thwomp to get stuck in mid-air just above Mario. This prevents him from using the 1,000-Fold Arms or dying, and hence requires the player to reset the game to move on.[16]

Missing Origami Character in the museum

If an ally finishes a battle with an enemy that only appears in a scripted battle like a Black Shy Guy, that enemy will not appear in the Musée Champignon in the Origami Character section, thus not counting towards 100% game completion.

Wave battle glitch

If a wave battle is supposed to start, but only one enemy is alive and another is in their death animation, it still initiates a wave battle and consider both enemies alive.

Wave phase glitch

Even though there are supposed to be three waves in the final batch of enemies battle in Origami Castle, only two are initiated, despite the second wave saying, "Next wave."


Fishing in Shogun Studios with the wrong partner

It is possible to bring partners out of their restricted areas through various means. If the player have such partners in their party but do not have Bob-omb, attempting to quit the fishing minigame in Shogun Studios will result in a crash.

Patched glitches

Due to patches, these glitches are impossible to perform.[17]

Battle Lab score glitch

In the Battle Lab, the score sometimes was not properly updated if the player completed 33 or more rings in the Speed Rings mini-game.

Ladder Softlock

Using a ladder from specific angles, you cannot move after jumping off. You can use Olivia to turn Mario and escape by climbing down the ladder, however if you instead climb to the top of the ladder again Mario will be enter a softlock.[18]

MAX UP Heart coffin skip

In the Temple of Shrooms, it was possible to collect the MAX UP Heart in the coffin room by hitting it with the hammer while the coffin is closed. If the player did this, the Love Toad would not count the upgrade has having been collected and would continue to get the player to find it.

This glitch has since been fixed in version 1.0.1. The MAX UP Heart cannot be collected without opening the coffin anymore, and any players who have collected it now find that the Love Toad considers it to have been collected.[17]

Missing Black Shy Guy glitch

If the player let Professor Toad defeat the Black Shy Guy enemy in the Temple of Shrooms, the enemy would not be registered to the museum as defeated and they would be unable to face it again to register it. This glitch was fixed in version 1.0.1 by adding another Black Shy Guy to Scorching Sandpaper West after Hole Punch is defeated, which can be battled as many times as the player likes.[17]

Rubber Band freeze

In the battle with Rubber Band, it was possible to freeze the game.

Snif City Royal Hotel glitch

Warning! Performing this action may corrupt your game's save file.

If the player turned off the water in the Snif City Royal Hotel, then does not free the Toad that the nearby Snifit was surfing on, they would be unable to free it when they return later in the story. This made it impossible to get 100% completion for Shroom City and locked the player out of the secret ending.[19]

Stuck pillar

Warning! Performing this action may corrupt your game's save file.

In the Sea Tower, there is a moving pillar in the Earth Vellumental room that the player has to pull Olly Tape off of. However, in some instances, the pillar does not move after they do this, potentially rendering the save file unwinnable.[20]

Sumo Bro softlock

During the second phase of the Boss Sumo Bro rematch in the Battle Lab, defeating the Boss Sumo Bro with a POW Block without defeating the two Sumo Bros beforehand causes the game to soft-lock.[21]

Undefeatable Ninjis

In the Ninja Attraction in Shogun Studios, some Ninjis were impossible to defeat, making the area unwinnable.

VIP pass glitch

Warning! Performing this action may corrupt your game's save file.

In Shangri-Spa, after obtaining the Spring of Rainbows - VIP, if the player left the path to the Spring of Rainbows after entering, the Spring of Rainbows - VIP would disappear from the menu. If the player then spoke to the Toad at the reception, they would not have the stamp card and there was no way to get another one. Saving after this point would brick the save file.[22] This glitch has since been patched and any players affected by the glitch would be able to progress normally.[17]


  1. ^ GloverMist (May 16, 2021). How are you feeling about that win, Mario?. Twitter. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  2. ^ Mayro (July 23, 2020). Duplicating Bobby!! YouTube. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
  3. ^ SolidifiedGaming (July 23, 2020). Paper Mario: TOK - Professor Toad in Fire Vellumental Cave YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  4. ^ MilsTailsPrower (May 26, 2021). Paper Mario The Origami King - Fire Vellumental Cave with the Professor Toad Recreation - YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  5. ^ Flutter_344. (July 28, 2020) Hey guys! Just found a glitch in Origami King with Professor Toad. Before I move on, I'm going to try and find some places where I can break the game. Be back soon!. Reddit. Retrieved 28 July 2020.
  6. ^ AstrasEvolution (July 24, 2020). heres how to do it btw. just hold towards the ledge and mash y Twitter. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  7. ^ MilsTailsPrower (July 23, 2020). Skip in Autumn Mountain YouTube. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
  8. ^ MilsTailsPrower (June 17, 2020). Bowser's Castle - Cutscene Skip - YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  9. ^ Zaku! (July 20, 2021). LOL Icay showed these walls were short, he wasn't kidding. Here's your Luigi skip Mils! Twitter. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  10. ^ TheBigGuap (October 1, 2020). Successful Bobby Duplication Run.(33) YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  11. ^ Chuck13s (October 14, 2020). Gooper Blooper Skip, with Bobby Duping - PMTOK YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  12. ^ MilsTailsPrower (May 31, 2021). Princess Skip YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  13. ^ Gaming Reinvented. (July 24, 2020) Glitching Onto a House Roof in Paper Mario: The Origami King. YouTube. Retrieved 24 July 2020.
  14. ^ MilsTailsPrower (March 20, 2021). Paper Mario The Origami King - Skip the Second Floor of the Sea Tower - YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  15. ^ Arceusplayer13 (August 10, 2020). Arrow Storage replicated after accidentally being performed in Failboat stream Twitter. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  16. ^ lmt42 (July 22, 2020) Anyone else manage to glitch on the final boss and forced to start it over again? Reddit. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
  17. ^ a b c d Nintendo Support. (August 6, 2020) How to Update Paper Mario: The Origami King. Nintendo. Retrieved 6 August 2020.
  18. ^ Icay (July 21, 2020). softlock YouTube. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  19. ^ Gaming Reinvented. (July 22, 2020) Paper Mario: The Origami King Bug Potentially Renders the Game Unwinnable Gaming Reinvented. Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  20. ^ Riolus31 (July 31, 2020) My brother found a possible game breaking glitch. He can't continue forward in the sea tower because of this. Reddit. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
  21. ^ Gaming Reinvented (August 06, 2020) Defeating Boss Sumo Bro With a POW Block Freezes Paper Mario: The Origami King. YouTube. Retrieved 6 August 2020.
  22. ^ Nintendo Unity. (July 22, 2020) Massive Game Breaking Glitch Destroys Your Save File in Paper Mario: The Origami King. YouTube. Retrieved 22 July 2020.