Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

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Template:Infobox Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (Mario & Luigi RPG 4: Dream Adventure in Japan and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. in Europe & Australia) is a title for the Nintendo 3DS. It is the fourth installment in the Mario & Luigi series. The game was released in Europe on July 12th, 2013, Australia on July 13th, Japan on July 18th and North America on August 11th. This game is part of the "Year of Luigi," celebrating the 30th anniversary of Luigi's debut. As such, Luigi has a much bigger role in the game than in the previous Mario & Luigi games. A special edition Nintendo 3DS XL with a Luigi themed print was released in Japan as part of the event and includes a digital copy of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team pre installed on the SD card.



It has been requested that this article be rewritten. Reason: this plot summary is excessive in detail and length

Template:MoreImages One day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Broggy comes down on a blimp to deliver an invitation to take a vacation on Pi'illo island to Princess Peach and her staff. Peach, Mario, Luigi, Toadsworth, and some Toads travel to Pi'illo Island on a blimp called the Zeeppelin. During the flight there, Broggy opens up a screen with Dr. Snoozemore, who claims to be the proprietor of Pi'illo Island. He further explains that he is researching the science of sleep and that on Pi'illo Island, there is a special power that makes people fall asleep. After he finished talking, a dark pillow falls from the sky and onto the Blimp and transforms into a dark figure. Mario then engages with the unknown being. This battle serves as a tutorial for battling. After defeating him (which only takes a few hits), the blimp malfunctions and crashes into the Pi'illo Blimport. However, it is revealed that it was all Luigi's dream. Luigi is so startled when he wakes up that he falls of the blimp on his face leaving him unconscious. Some Brock people then come and explain that Dr. Snoozemore is off on a business errand in hopes to boost tourism. The player then takes control of Mario and must make their way to Pi'illo Castle. However, on their way there, they are interrupted by Broque Monsieur. But this time, Broque has turned evil and unleashes a Gromba to attack Mario. This serves as Mario's first proper battle with an enemy. After fighting one more battle, Broque Monsieur clarifies that it was all an act. Soon after they reach Pi'illo Castle and re-unite with Luigi. Inside the castle, they meet up with Starlow and Mario and Luigi are free to explore the castle and have access to their first shop. After exploring Mario and Luigi go to a room where Peach and Toadsworth accidentally set off a test platform sending them to ancient Pi'illo ruins. Mario & Luigi follow upon pursuing the two through the ruins, find Peach and Toadsworth surrounded by a group of Smoldergeist which flee when the Bros. arrive. Here they find a Pi'illo, which later turns out to be Prince Dreambert. This action causes the Smoldergeist to come back and attack the Bros..

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Mario and Luigi in the ruins.

Upon beating the group and leaving the ruins the Bros. come to a collection room. Here Luigi takes a nap on the pillow. After everyone gathers in the collection room, a Dream Portal opens a portal to a place called the Dream World. This allows Antasma, unknown by anyone, to pull Princess Peach into the world against her will. After Mario chases after Peach into Dreamy Pi'illo Castle, with the help of a dreamy version of Broque Monsieur, he comes across Dreamy Luigi, Luigi's dream representation, who assists Mario through his treks in the Dream World.

Giving chase, the Bros. catch up to Antasma who creates Dreamy Mario to stop Mario, but upon Dreamy Mario's defeat, Antasma creates a portal to Dream's Deep and flees there, sealing it up afterwards to prevent the Bros. from giving chase. Mario and Luigi then find a Nightmare Chunk & break it, freeing Prince Dreambert. He then explains that there were two powers in the on Pi'illo island, the Dream Stone and the Dark Stone, both stones have the power to grant wishes. The Pi'illo folk were protecting the stones from misuse. Then the Bat King, Antasma, came to steal the Dark Stone to fulfill his desires. The Pi'illo could not defeat him, though managed to trap him in the Dream World, however Antasma was able to destroy the Dark Stone at the last second, thus causing the Pi'illos souls to be trapped in Nightmare chunks upon being hit by one, thus rendering them helpless. Prince Dreambert, in a haste to save his fellow people then runs out, the Bros. following him. After catching up to Prince Dreambert and saving some Pi'illos they learn from one in particular that Eldream, a Pi'illo elder, knows how to reach Dream's Deep. The Bros. then set off to find him in Mushrise Park.

Upon arriving at Mushrise Park the Bros. learn that Brickle, the Manager of the park, has Eldream but will not give him up unless they catch him. After the Bros. chase him, gaining hammers during their attempts, they find him on top of a fountain, where he tries to flee but gets stuck in the fountain top. The Bros., going underground, turn up the water pressure causing the fountain to explode, and freeing Brickle. Meanwhile at Brickle's Maintenance hut, Grobot, the hydrozation robot, gets hit by a large piece of the fountain, damaging it and causing it to go haywire. Brickle thanks the Bros. and tells them they can use his bed in his hut. Upon arriving there, Grobot is incredibly unstable and attacks Brickle. It then attacks the Bros. After defeating Grobot, Brickle is heartbroken although quickly gets over it and allows the Bros. to use his bed to free Eldream.

In Dreamy Mushrise Park the Bros. encounter Dreambunny, Eldream's pet rabbit, who's carrying the nightmare chunk containing Eldream. Dreamy Brickle interrupts them though saying the rabbit is what will bring people to his park and competes with the Bros. for it. After Mario and Luigi corner Dreambunny, it gives up the Nightmare Chunk, allowing the Bros. to free Eldream. Eldream opens a portal to Dream's Deep with the use of Dreambunny and then goes to spend some time with his pet. The Bros. enter said portal and proceed to Dream's Deep.

The Bros. quickly corner Antasma but are held back by his obnoxious screeching. Meanwhile in the real world, Starlow is watching Luigi when Kamek appears along with Private Goomp, Corporal Paraplonk and Sergeant Guy. Bowser then enters, demanding the location of Peach, and upon catching the princess's scent, jumps into the Dream Portal. He arrives in Dream's Deep right where the Bros. are confronting Antasma. Upon being convinced by Antasma and his claims, Bowser fights with Antasma against the Bros. After being beaten by the Bros., Antasma increases Bowser's power and floors Mario, Luigi and Peach. Antasma then flees with Bowser, stating they will get Peach later as they have work to do. Eldream who arrives on the scene, helps get the Bros. and Peach back to the Real World.

Back in the Real World, the Bros. learn that Antasma is going after the Dream Stone, which resides in Dozing Sands. Upon reaching Dozing Sands, the Bros. meet Britta, a ruthless construction manager who says she can't help them as there is no more treasure in the already explored areas besides the path with the large sand slide. The Bros. learn that to get up the sand slide they have to find the four Deco Pi'illos of the Dozites, special stones that fit into Zeekeeper statues, when all collected would allow them to proceed up the sand slide. After finding three of the Dozites, the drill monster, Torkscrew eats the fourth Deco Pi'illo, resulting in a chase. Upon drilling it several times in the chase, it coughs up the Deco Pi'illo, who, like the others, was trapped in a nightmare chunk.

After placing the last Dozite in the last statue, the sand slide becomes climbable and Britta races ahead of the Bros. to the newly accessible area in hopes of treasure. Upon reaching the new area, Torkscrew attacks Britta and swallows her. After beating Torkscrew, Britta is freed, however fades in and out of consciousness in a bad state and is carried off for medical attention. The Bros. approach the ruins that hold the Dream Stone to discover Antasma and Bowser had already stolen it. Prince Dreambert realizes that the Dream Stone's alter is a Dreampoint, a point where one can enter the Dream World easily. Prince Dreambert suggests that the Bros. try to find the Dream Stone Soul who may be able to tell them where Antasma and Bowser went with the stone. Upon hearing this, Mario enters the Dream World as Luigi sleeps on Prince Dreambert on the Dreampoint, into Dreamy Dozing Sands. After finding the Dream Stone's Soul, it tries to hide as it doesn't want to get involved but is pestered to the point it is consumed by fury, turning into the massive Robo-Drilldigger to get rid of the Bros.. Dreamy Luigi, fusing with many Luiginoids, then becomes Giant Luigi to defeat Robo-Drilldigger. After doing so, the Dream Stone's Soul tells Luigi where the Dream Stone was taking, Mount Pajamaja.

To reach Mount Pajamaja, the Bros. need to take a tour there, signing up requiring them to go to Wakeport. At Wakeport, the Bros. run into Kylie Koopa and Popple, both claiming to not recognize the Bros.. Mario and Luigi learn from one of the two tour guides, Lil' Massif, that the tour can't start unless Big Massif, his older brother and the other tour guide, shows up.

The Bros. later find Big Massif voluntarily asleep on a Dreampoint. Luigi then falls asleep in an attempt to connect to Big Massif's dream to wake him up. The Bros. succeed in both that and in entering Dreamy Wakeport, but discover that to meet Dreamy Big Massif, they have to beat his four apprentices with special conditions involved. After beating all four, it is revealed that Dreamy Big Massif was disguised as the Referee. Upon beating Dreamy Big Massif, Big Massif wakes up, notices he slept in and starts the tour to and up Mount Pajamaja.

After climbing up to the summit of Mount Pajamaja, the group comes across the mammoth guardian of the mountain, Mammoshka, who is currently sleeping. The Massif's get by unnoticed but Luigi sneezes, waking up Mammoshka, who gets enraged when it sees the Bros. After beating the Guardian, the Bros. proceed to the summit where they find Antasma, Bowser, Kamek, Private Goomp, Corporal Paraplonk and Sergeant Guy with four large speakers. It is revealed that the Dream Stone needs to charge before it can grant wishes. Private Goomp then turns on the speakers and music known as the Dreambeats starts playing, making all who hear it fall asleep, except for Pi'illos, Starlow, Antasma and Bowser (who is covering his ears). The Bros. try to escape but Luigi falls asleep while Mario fights the drowsiness. Prince Dreambert suggests going to the Dream World to escape the music until it's over upon stumbling upon one in their escape. Mario manages to escape the Dreambeats by diving through the Dream Portal of a nearby Dreampoint into Dreamy Mount Pajamaja, but the Dream Portal soon closes as the music has made Luigi so deep in his sleep that it can't remain stable.

Meanwhile, the entire island falls asleep and Dream Orbs, orbs created by those who sleep, are absorbed into the Dream Stone to power it. Upon reaching the summit, the Bros. discover the dream version of the mountain volcano, Mt. Pajamaja, is alive and anger it by popping a pimple on its nose. Mt. Pajamaja's reaction sends the Bros. running back to where the Dream Portal was but it hadn't re-appeared yet, leaving the Bros. to face Mt. Pajamaja, resulting in another Giant Luigi battle. After beating the Volcano, the Dream Portal reappears and Mario returns to the real world. Starlow and Prince Dreambert discuss their next plan of action and decide to hide Princess Peach as that would be Bowser's prime target and head back to Pi'illo Castle.

The Dream Stone finishes charging and Antasma wishes for a Castle for him and Bowser, which soon appears. Antasma destroys several small islands around Pi'illo island with large lasers and surrounds the castle with an impenetrable shield. The Bros. arrive at Pi'illo Castle, decide to find Princess Peach, and find out she's at Driftwood Shore.

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Mario and Luigi in Driftwood Shore

When they arrive, they are told to go see Broque Madame who has disguised Peach and Toadsworth as Block folk. It is suggested that Peach should be hidden in the Dream World from Bowser. The Bros. find a Dreampoint and meet Seadric, a Seadring who suggests the use of Dream Eggs to expand the world. Seadric then tells the Bros. to go see his two brothers and one sister to get their three Dream Eggs. After doing so, Seadric expands the world and the team continues towards the farthest point possible. However, it is revealed that Peach was actually Kamek in disguise, who summons Private Goomp, Corporal Paraplonk and Sergeant Guy to fight the Bros.. After being defeated, they are teleported out by Kamek who then leaves.

The Bros. start looking for a way to get to Neo Bowser Castle when they discover Dr. Snoozemore has returned and go to see him. Upon finding him, he suggests trying to find the Zeekeeper to break the shield around the Castle. Prince Dreambert remembers seeing a Zeekeeper statue in Dream's Deep in Pi'illo Castle. After the Bros. find the statue, Mario and Luigi learn to summon the Zeekeeper by using the Ultibed, which in order to access, must first be built by a Bedsmith once they collect the five Zee Parts scattered across the island.

The Bros. have little trouble getting the parts, but upon finding the Jelly Sheets, a group of Fly Guy Rs steal it. The Bros. locate the group taking a break on the path towards the Blimport. and fight the Fly Guy Rs.

After collecting the necessary parts, the Bros. head to Wakeport and run into Popple again, who is trying to steal from Pi'illoper's, a Pi'illo artifact collector, collection room. The Bros. follow Popple to a sealed-off area full of ruins. Popple mistakes a Wiggler called Wiggly for a security guard. He then tricks the Bros. into helping him fight Wiggly, by talking first, and then after insulting Wiggly, fighting him. After Wiggly is defeated he turns on the Bros. immediately but is beaten. Upon learning that Wiggly wasn't a security guard, he insults Wiggly again, getting chased, and claiming he's had enough of the island.

The Bros. then find Pi'illoper who takes them to his prize possession, Bedsmith, who is trapped in a Nightmare Chunk. When the Bros. finally reach the Nightmare Chunk, Earthwake, the guardian holding the nightmare chunk in its head, activates and forms a robot made of buildings resulting in another Giant Luigi battle. After beating Earthwake and breaking the nightmare chunk, Bedsmith is more than happy to help, but needs to meet the Bros. at his workshop in Somnom Woods to build the Ultibed.

After arriving in Somnom Woods, Bedsmith makes the Ultibed, and then tells the Bros. to find the Zeekeeper they would have to sleep in the temple in Somnom Woods. To reach the temple, the Bros. have to free the Pi'illo Masters which hold the keys to reaching the temple. Mario and Luigi manage to save all six of the Pi'illo Masters and are able to continue towards the temple. Unfortunately, upon reaching the ideal spot for the Ultibed to be slept on, the temple's defence system releases the guardian, Pi'illodium, who then attacks the Bros.

After defeating the guardian, the Bros. then place the Ultibed into position, and Mario enters Dreamy Somnom Woods to find the Zeekeeper. Climbing up the large tree towards where the Zeekeeper sleeps, Mario and Luigi make it to the top, where they find a large rainbow egg (known as the Zee Egg) of which Mario smashes, releasing the Zeekeeper who instantly attacks the Bros., this soon triggering another Giant Luigi battle. After the Zeekeeper is defeated, he notices Prince Dreambert with the Bros. and reverts to his usual casual demeanour, no longer hostile.

Upon hearing the dire situation, the Zeekeeper reluctantly agrees to help. He takes Mario out of the Dream World and then proceeds to scope out Neo Bowser Castle. Once doing so, he returns near the forest entrance, awaiting the Bros. to shatter the barrier. Once they board the Zeekeeper and he flies near the castle, he unleashes the Wakebeam upon the castle, shattering the barrier and causing the castle to plummet in an empty area slightly to the north of where the forest entrance is, right between Mt. Pajamaja and Somnom Woods. The Zeekeeper lands with the Bros., and then rests, allowing Mario and Luigi to then storm the castle once prepared.

Upon infiltrating Neo Bowser Castle, Kamek casts a spell on the rooms and passages, making it harder for the Bros. to navigate the castle. Upon doing so, Kamek and Antasma flee into the Dream World and the Bros. follow suit and are able to chase after the duo into Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle. After hunting down Kamek, they do battle with him, however Kamek exits the battle midway in order to flee to another Dream World, releasing the spell on the areas in Neo Bowser Castle and leaving.

Mario and Luigi follow suit and re-enter Neo Bowser Castle, and proceed deeper. Meanwhile, upon Bowser stating his desire to conquer the world now, Antasma suggests Bowser sleeps due to his potential dream energy being raw and powerful. Bowser agrees to this line of logic, and goes along with the suggestion. Mario and Luigi eventually find Kamek who casts a similar spell as before on to the nearby rooms. Antasma appears and once again opens the Dream Portal, the duo entering again.

Once Mario and Luigi re-enter the Dream World, they find Kamek disguised as Peach, however do not fall for it this time, causing Kamek to drop the act and engage battle with them yet again. Deep into battle, Kamek once again exits the duel along with the Dream World, heading deeper into the castle yet again, causing the Bros. to follow.

Mario and Luigi quickly catch up to Kamek, startling him as he was in the middle of muddling up the rooms. He flees through another Dream Portal but is caught and defeated, allowing Mario and Luigi to continue upon their leave of the Dream World. The battered Kamek then decides to use the rest of his magic to assist Bowser, and disappears.

Mario and Luigi are once again stopped from their trek deeper into the castle quite soon by several intense flames being shot out of three Dream Worlds, and then realize they must enter each of the Dream Worlds and stop whatever is causing the flames. Upon succeeding in doing so, Mario and Luigi enter the doorway at the end to find Bowser sleeping on Antasma as a pillow with a barrier protecting him. Prince Dreambert states that the strange purple vines they've seen everywhere throughout the castle are what powers the building, and that they originate from Antasma. Luigi suggests they enter Bowser's Dream World, Prince Dreambert realizing they could try what they did with Big Massif with Bowser. Prince Dreambert connects himself to the vines as pillow form, and Luigi sleeps on him, Mario entering the Dream World.

After traversing the Dream World, the Bros. soon come across Bowser, who spots Mario and Luigi and starts inhaling the area around him, growing in size. Bowser then jumps off the ground and into a pit in what seems to be a fatal fall. Mario and Luigi run over to where Bowser jumped, and look down in the pit. They see no sign of Bowser, and assume he's been dealt with. Mario and Luigi try to move, but they are knocked back by a Giant Bowser wrecking the place up, clearly unharmed.

Luigi signals Mario that they're going to do what they normally do in this situation, a Giant Battle. When Bowser gets struck by Finishing Bros., only for Kamek and some Magikoopas to appear and power Bowser up, causing the Giant Battle to continue. When Luigi manages to make Bowser woozy and open to damage, the Bros. start up Star Driver, another version of Finishing Bros. where Prince Dreambert powers up the star instead. With this attack being successful, the Bros. defeat Giant Bowser.

Mario and Luigi leave the Dream World and after pursuing the evil duo, discover that Bowser was planning to double-cross Antasma all along. Antasma reveals he had made a wish on the Dream Stone for the ability to create Dream Portals at some point, and flies through one after challenging Dreambert to a duel. Bowser, meanwhile, flees with a Paratroopa holding Princess Peach. Prince Dreambert decides to fight Antasma just as he did centuries ago, and loses. Mario decides to avenge him and jumps into the Dream Portal himself. Dreamy Luigi and a barely conscious Prince Dreambert join in the fight to assist him. After Mario defeats Antasma for good, they leave the Dream World, knowing they still have Bowser to take care of.

Narrowly avoiding Private Goomp, Sergeant Guy, and Corporal Paraplonk's Bob-omb attacks, Mario, Luigi, Starlow, and Prince Dreambert make it to the castle balcony, where Bowser and Peach await. Bowser boasts about the power he now has, with the Dream Stone and Peach in hand. Suddenly, Peach and Starlow activate their wish power from the previous game and, at the request of Prince Dreambert, destroy the Dream Stone. Bowser is initially shocked about this, but then screams in rage, "NOT YET!" as he inhales the Dream Stone's pieces (meaning that he still keep his Vacuum Ability from the previous game) and becomes Dreamy Bowser. Mario and Luigi engage battle with him, and upon winning, knock him flying into the sky. Suddenly, without the Dream Stone to maintain it, the castle begins to crumble, but the Zeekeeper gives Mario and friends a lift back to Pi'illo Castle just in time.

Back at the castle, Toadsworth is so relieved to see the princess. Prince Dreambert presents the Zeekeeper with the Dream Stone's essence extracted from Bowser's body, hoping to get it repaired. He does so, but it becomes the Dream Coin, which spouts infinite coins, instead. The Zeekeeper explains that he made it this way because simply having the power to grant all wishes is too risky, and it's more intuitive to "buy" one's wishes. Prince Dreambert, seemingly shocked at what Zeekeeper was doing, pouts at the sight of the concoction, but Broque Monsieur says it'd be a great attraction, and Mario, Luigi, and Peach agree. Meanwhile, Bowser and his minions are desperately trying to escape the island in the Koopa Clown Car, and Bowser announces he will come back for revenge, finally remembering Luigi's name. They are then showered in coins from the Dream Coin, Private Goomp and Sergeant Guy rock the Koopa clown car, trying to get coins, that it falls into the ocean. The group then start their vacation, shown during the end credits.


The gameplay shifts between Luigi's dream world, where Mario and Luigi move in a 2-D fashion, and the regular world, where they freely roam the overworld. While Mario is playing inside Luigi's dreams, Starlow can move Luigi's face to affect the area, such as making him sneeze to spin platforms. The battles give the player coins directly from enemies in battle, like Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Badges similar to those in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story make a return in this game. Sometimes Gifts also appear in between or after battles. Giant battles from Mario & Luigi's Bowser Inside Story return, this time with Luigi instead of Bowser. The games art style also changes in this installment due to the shift to 3D. Unlike the previous games' basic sprite style, this installment uses a pre-rendered visual that makes the sprites smoother with the backgrounds. The environment uses 3D models while in giant battles, characters use 3D models for the first time in the series.

The bottom screen of the 3DS displays the area map. Unlike previous installments, the map shows and follows the actual location of the Bros.

Battle system

The battle system in the overworld is similar to those in previous titles, but the system in Dream World is different, as Mario will fight, merged with Luigi's dream form. As a result, he has higher stats, with his HP and BP multiplied by aproximately 1.5. There are now five categories of attack, as in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. They are Jump, Hammer, Item, Luiginary Attacks (in the Dream World) or Bros. Attacks (in the Real World), and Flee. If a player loses a battle and tries again, a sixth option appears, which is the Hint option. Also during battles if the player fails at Bro. moves a numerous amount of times in battle a slo-mo feature will activate allowing for easier hits. There can be more than five enemies in battle, as in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. The Rank feature returns again. One change is the lack of Lakitus from the level up system.

Status effects

Effects can be caused by enemies, gear and more. Some increase/decrease Mario and Luigi's stats and some them from attacking. In this game, there is no Poison effect like the previous Mario & Luigi games. Enemy effects can't be combined but others can.

Effect Type Effects
Trip Enemy Effect This effect makes either Mario or Luigi trip over, stopping them from avoiding a single attack. There is a rare chance that when it is their turn, they will not get up and attack.
Dizzy This effect causes Dizziness to Mario, Luigi or enemy. They will not be able to attack or dodge for a turn.
Burn/Char This effect is similar to the Dizzy effect, but actually hurts Mario, Luigi or an Enemy. The effect ends after being hit either once or twice.
Mini This effect makes either Mario and Luigi very small. It makes them inflict less damage. When in the dream world, using the jump or hammer attack when mini still causes the Luiginoids to be normal size.
Pow Up Increase Effect This effect increases the Power of Mario or Luigi. It can combined with the other increasing effects.
Def Up This effect increases the Defense of Mario or Luigi.
Speed Up This effect increases the Speed of Mario or Luigi, allowing them to attack more regularly because they are faster than the enemies.
Pow Down Decrease Effect This effect decreases the Power of Mario or Luigi. It can combined with the other decreasing effects.
Def Down This effect decreases the Defense of Mario or Luigi.
Speed Down This effect decreases the Speed of Mario or Luigi, making the enemies attack before Mario and Luigi.

Out-of-battle techniques

There are out-of battle techniques that Mario and Luigi learn throughout their adventure. The first techniques are jumping. The player uses A Button (or Y Button) for Mario and B Button (or X Button) for Luigi. Upon pressing R Button, it will cycle the bros' current techniques, going to to different ones gained later on. There are four sets of different techniques. When in the dream world, the only ability that both of the Bros. can use is the jump ability, while the hammer is exclusive to Mario's hammer and only Luigi can use Luiginary Work Possess.

Technique Button Set Number Description Location Unlocked
Jump A Button 1 Mario will jump. He can use this to make a starting attack and jump to places that can't be walked to. It is the most commonly used technique in the game. Initially
B Button Same as Mario's jump but for Luigi.
Hammer A Button 2 Mario hammers whatever is in front of him. He can hit buttons and break Nightmare Chunks that can't be broken with jumping. Mushrise Park
Mole Mario or Small Mario B Button Luigi hammers Mario so he becomes squashed. Mario will then be able to go into smaller areas that can't be reached normally. If Luigi hammers Mario again he will return to normal size. If Mario is standing on softer ground, Luigi will hammer him into the ground so he can move underground. He can use this ability to dig up beans and other things. Use the A button for Mario to jump out and ground. Dozing Sands
Spin Jump A Button 3 Mario will jump on Luigi. Pressing A again will initiate the spin jump so Mario and Luigi can spin things and spin other to further away platforms. Press B when Mario is on top of Luigi to return to normal. Mount Pajamaja
Side Drill B Button Luigi will jump onto Mario's back; pressing the B button again launches the drill. It will drill whichever way Mario and Luigi are facing. Drilling can smash through rocks, and go into drill cannons that shoot out Mario and Luigi in different directions after Mario and Luigi have drilled in. Pressing the A button while Luigi is on Mario's back to returns them to normal.
Ball Hop A Button/B Button 4 Mario and Luigi will jump into ball, which will endlessly jump until the player press A or B again. The jumps that the ball make are higher so the bros can reach higher places. It is also used for Ring Puzzles, where Mario and Luigi must jump through rings without touching the same space again. Mount Pajamaja (revisit)
Luiginary Work Possess B Button 2

(Dream World Only)

Luigi will fly into any nearby Luiginary Work so it can be controlled by Starlow in the Real World. Dreamy Pi'illo Castle

Luiginary Works

Luiginary Works are special abilities found in the Dream World. When Dreamy Luigi is near a Luiginary Work, both react to each other, causing them to be surrounded by a green light. Dreamy Luigi, then, can "possess" the object, creating a special object that can be controled by the sleepy Luigi, with Starlow's help. As said by Prince Dreambert, the Luiginary Works are the objects of connection between the real world and the Dream World.

Name Image Description/Function Locations Present
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi in the form of a tree. Dreamy Luigi possesses a tree with mustache-like leaves. If Luigi's mustache is pulled and moved, the leaves move the same way, and they can be used as slingshots for Mario. Dreamy Pi'illo Castle, Dreamy Mushrise Park Dreamy Dozing Sands, Dreamy Somnom Woods, Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle (Area B)
Template:Conjecturaltext Dreamy Luigi blowing in Sneeze Wind form. Dreamy Luigi possesses a whirlwind in the level's background. If Luigi sneezes, it causes a strong gust in the Dream World, which can be useful to knock large blocks, spin platforms and move Blocks from the background to the level. Dreamy Pi'illo Castle, Dreamy Mushrise Park, Dreamy Wakeport, Dreamy Somnom Woods
Template:Conjecturaltext A screenshot from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Dreamy Luigi possesses a constellation in the background. When he does it, the stars turn into Luiginoids that can be stacked to help Mario with strong moves. Dream's Deep, Dreamy Dozing Sands, Dreamy Wakeport, Dreamy Mount Pajamaja, Dreamy Driftwood Shore, Dreamy Somnom Woods, Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
Luiginary Stack Jump, Lean Over, Ground Pound, Crouch, Spring Jump
Luiginary Typhoon Spin Jump, Hover Spin, Tornado
Luiginary Ball Ball Hammer, Hookshot
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi in the form of a drill. Dreamy Luigi possesses a drill. If Starlow spins Luigi's nose, it will cause the drill to spin as well which Mario can then hold onto to reach higher areas. Dreamy Dozing Sands, Dreamy Driftwood Shore, Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle (Area F)
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi in the form of a clock. Dreamy Luigi possesses a clock which can affect Mario's speed and jumping height. This is done by Starlow either touching Luigi's mustache or nose. Pulling on the right side of the mustache will speed up time, pulling on the left side will slow it down, and tapping Luigi's nose will make everything go at normal speed. Dreamy Wakeport, Dreamy Somnom Woods, Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle (Area E)
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi. Dreamy Luigi possesses a sun. Starlow can move his arm and make him to press a button near the frozen Pi'llow that is used to change the real world from hot to cold and vice-versa. If the real world gets hot, the sun in the Dream World makes the area similar to a desert. If it gets cold, the sun freezes and the Dream World turns snowy. Dreamy Mount Pajamaja (Dreampoint)
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi in the form of a planet. Dreamy Luigi possesses a planet. Starlow can rotate a raft that Luigi is sleeping on to change the gravity in the Dream World. Dreamy Driftwood Shore, Dreamy Dozing Sands, Dreamy Wakeport
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi in the form of a pinwheel. Dreamy Luigi possesses a giant pinwheel. When Starlow spins Luigi's nose, the pinwheel causes wind in the Dream World. Dreamy Somnom Woods, Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle (Area C)
Template:Conjecturaltext Mario and Dreamy Luigi in the form of a void. Dreamy Luigi possesses a patch of matter, turning into a circular object with light revolving it, which when activated by Starlow via a switch in the real world, allows Mario to space-swim through the area freely. This is similar to the first time Mario enters the Dream World. Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle (Area A, D)

Giant battles

Main article: Giant Luigi

Giant battles play similarly to the ones in the previous installment, with the boss on one screen and Dreamy Luigi on the other. The battles now offer a choice of left-handed or right-handed play. Attacks and counter-attacks, like in the prequel, are used by tapping repeatedly, sliding in correct shapes and sliding repeatedly. As the playable character being different in this game, Luigi is instead able to perform a variety of the moves he uses in normal battle, such as his jump and hammer attacks, the latter having two variations. He is also given the option to work together with Mario to perform both a useful healing technique and a spinning stomp attack, as well as a finishing attack involving Mario piercing through the boss in question's weak point while riding a Star thrown by Dreamy Luigi.


Upon completing the game, two new features will be available, Jukebox and Hard Mode. Jukebox allows the player to listen to the game's soundtrack. In Hard Mode, enemies are stronger, and the maximum amount of each item the bros can carry is 10. Like the previous games, should the brothers lose in a battle in Hard Mode, rather than having the option to restart it, they will automatically be taken back to the last save point. Upon beating the final boss in Hard Mode, the player gets to view a two-screened image featuring all the main characters and main bosses in the game.

Special attacks

Bros. Attacks (Real World)

Bros. Attacks are powerful and complex team techniques that Mario and Luigi perform in unison in the Real World. These moves are unlocked by gathering the ten Attack Pieces in a particular area. Like in the prequel, the player is given the option to practice their unlocked Bros. Attacks in the menu. In this game however, certain Bros. Attacks are influenced damage-wise by either Mario's or Luigi's Boots POW stat, Mario's or Luigi's Hammer POW stat, or just Mario's or Luigi's normal POW stat, whose variable POW stat depends on who's performing the attack and how it involves them. Once again exclusive to this game, Mario and Luigi each have Bros. Attacks unique to themselves that only they can activate. Some of Mario's Bro Attacks mainly focus on single targets, while most of Luigi's attack multiple foes.

Special Description Effects BP Type Location
3D Red Shell* Use the A Button for Mario and the B Button for Luigi, and kick that shell! Similar to the previous Mario & Luigi games, Mario and Luigi kick a red shell at enemies, first targeting one enemy before moving to the next. If the targeted enemy is in the back, the Bros. will fire the shell at any enemies in the enemy's way. It ends with Mario using a charged kick upon Luigi kicking it to him. 4 Boots Mushrise Park
Bye-Bye Cannon Memorise the order that the shadows of Mario and Luigi launch into the sky. As they land, press the A Button for Mario and the B Button for Luigi. If you get it perfect, they'll descend in the opposite. Stay focused! Mario and Luigi jump into a cannon. A randomized sequence of them blast out. The player must hit the A and B Buttons in the same sequence Mario and Luigi came out, and if successful, must do the same sequence backwards for maximum damage. 7 Boots Wakeport
Bomb Derby Slide right on the Circle Pad to toss bombs then hit 'em with the A Button! Don't delay your swings! Toss a bunch, feel the tempo, and hit all the bombs! Using the Circle Pad, Luigi passes bombs to Mario who must hit them towards the enemy before the bombs explode. The last bomb is bigger and likewise does the most damage. 9 Hammer Driftwood Shore
Jet-Board Bash Press and hold the B Button to paddle. As you draw near, press the A Button! Luigi accelerates face-down on a board, Mario riding, and with the right timing Mario needs to hit the enemy when the board is accelerating at maximum speed to deal the most damage. 12 Hammer Somnom Woods
Zee Egg Slide the Circle Pad left/right to align the Zeekeeper and the Wakeorb. Once the Wakeorb and the Zeekeeper are aligned, Mario or Luigi will jump out! Use the A Button for Mario and the B Button for Luigi to hit the Wakeorb! Mario throws the Zee Egg, unleashing the Zeekeeper for him to take Mario and Luigi into the skies and prepare a Wakeorb for Mario and Luigi to hammer upon lining up with it for it to crash down on a single target mainly with maximum damage. 15 Hammer Mushrise Park - When the player rescues all Pi'illos, Eldream will reward them with the ten pieces.
Special Description Effects BP Type Location
3D Green Shell* Use the A Button for Mario, and the B Button for Luigi, and kick that shell! The 3D Green Shell has the brothers kick a green shell. It targets all ground enemies; the shell is kicked at enemies randomly. It ends with Luigi using a charged kick upon Mario kicking it to him. 4 Boots Mushrise Park - All ten pieces are given upon Brickle being freed from the main fountain.
Fire Flower Use the A and B Buttons for the bros. When the fireballs get big, throw 'em! If you throw all big fireballs, it's bonfire time! Mash the A and B Buttons! Mario and Luigi generate fireballs. Shoot the fireballs when they are their biggest size for more damage. If this is done successfully, the player will get a short time to repeatedly tap A and B for even more damage. 5 - Dozing Sands
Dropchopper Tilt the Nintendo 3DS left and right to pilot the craft once Mario and Luigi grab on. Jump up with the A and B Buttons! If you grab on quickly, you'll fly higher. Press the prompted button when you're above a foe for a devastating slam! Tilting the 3DS to move the Dropchopper, the player must get Mario and Luigi to jump and hang onto it. Afterwards, Mario and Luigi will do a powerful attack downwards on the unsuspecting enemies. The earlier Mario and Luigi jump on and head upwards, the more damage dealt upon impact. 7 Boots Mount Pajamaja
Slingsniper* Slide and hold the Circle Pad down to draw back, hold the B Button, and aim. Tilt the 3DS to line up your target, then release the B Button to launch Luigi! Mario pulls Luigi back in the string of a Slingsniper. The player must use the 3DS to aim to successful sling Luigi into the target enemy. 9 - Mount Pajamaja - All ten pieces are given to Mario and Luigi upon solving a Ball Hop puzzle for the Massif Bros..
Star Rocket Tilt the 3DS to change the star's trajectory and grab all the litter stars. Use the A and B Buttons as the bro land. More little stars mean more power. Tilting the 3DS to move the Star Rocket, the player must guide it around to collect all the stars. At the end of the collecting, the player must perform a good timed jump with both Mario and Luigi for lots of damage. 12 Boots Neo Bowser Castle

Luiginary Attacks (Dream World)

Luiginary Attacks, like Bros. Attacks, are powerful and complex team techniques that Mario and a group Luiginoids perform in unison in the Dream World. These moves are unlocked by gathering the ten Attack Pieces in a particular area. Like with Bros. Attacks, the player is given the option to practice their unlocked Luiginary Attacks in the menu. Much like Bros. Attacks, certain Luiginary Attacks are influenced damage-wise by either Mario and Luigi's Boots POW stat, Mario and Luigi's Hammer POW stat, or just Mario and Luigi's normal POW stat. As Mario battles solo (in a sense) in the Dream World, only he can activate these moves.

Special Description Effects BP Type Location
Luiginary Ball* Tilt the Nintendo 3DS to move the ball. Grab Luiginoids to make the ball bigger! Line it up, and kick it with the A Button! A bigger ball means more damage! Tilt the 3DS to control the small ball of Luiginoids. Use the ball to collect more Luigis for more damage, then kick the ball with A. 6 Boots Dreamy Mushrise Park
Luiginary Stack Jump with the B Button and stack up Luiginoids as straight as possible! While jumping, adjust the landing zone with left/right on the circle pad! Press the B Button as the stack lands. Use the A Button at the end for Mario. Perform well-timed jumps to make a large, stable stack of Luiginoids. If they are unbalanced, they may fall or inflict less damage. 10 Boots Dreamy Dozing Sands
Luiginary Hammer Press the B Button repeatedly to form the Luiginoids into a giant hammer! It will tilt, so use left/right on the Circle Pad to help Mario keep it balanced. As Mario runs, aim with up/down on the Circle Pad and swing with the A Button. Mash the B Button to make Luiginoids jump onto Mario's hammer to form a Luiginary Hammer. Use the Circle Pad to balance the unsteady hammer, otherwise Mario will tumble and the Luiginoids will also fall and disperse. 10 Hammer Dreamy Mount Pajamaja
Luiginary Flame The fire will bounce at a steady pace. Press the B Button to make it bigger! Mario will cover the spots where the Luiginoids aren't. Use the A Button here. Press the A Button once to make Mario hammer the flame at the foes! Press B just as a fireball lands on a group of Luiginoids or A if on just Mario to bounce to the next group. If successful, Mario will volley the fireball with his hammer into the group of enemies. 14 - Dreamy Driftwood Shore
Luiginary Wall Use left/right on the Circle Pad to move and the A Button to hit Dreamy Luigi! Hit Dreamy Luigi where the foes are gathering to deliver more damage! Depending on Mario's position when you swing, Dreamy Luigi's angle will change. Mario will hit Luigi forward, spinning him and charging through all enemies like a game of Breakout. Players will need to avoid focusing on the same spots of the Luiginoid Wall, otherwise the wall will break and the attack will be more likely to fail. 14 Hammer Dreamy Wakeport

(Bedsmith's Pillow)

Luiginary Typhoon Wind up the Luiginoid rope, and yank it with the A Button for a typhoon. You can move the typhoon with the Circle Pad to swallow up your foes. Rapidly press the B Button to deal more damage with the Luiginoids' spin! Hold B to pull a string of Luiginoids to make a large Luiginary typhoon. The more time players leave before letting go of B, the longer the typhoon will last for. Failure at that point will result in little damage. Pressing B while the Luiginary Typhoon has enemies inside it will make the Luiginoids hit them with their hammers for more damage. 16 Hammer Dreamy Somnom Woods

* - Mandatory Bros./Luiginary Attacks.






The following is a bestiary for all enemies encountered in the real world and dream worlds of the game, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. For Common and Rare Drops, values in percentages are the probability of the enemy dropping the item when defeated. Please see the enemies' respective articles or a complete listing of enemy stats for more detailed information.

Real World

Image Name HP EXP Coins Normal Drop (small Gift) Rare Drop (large Gift) Location
Gromba sprite, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Gromba 8 3 1 Mushroom (10%) 1-Up Mushroom (4%) Pi'illo Blimport, Pi'illo Castle
Bloatula from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Bloatula 12 5 4 Nut (4%) Secret Box (2%) Pi'illo Castle
Capnap from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Capnap 16 15 5 Mushroom (10%) Candy (2%) Mushrise Park
Thorb from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Thorb 12 16 6 Nut (5%) None Mushrise Park
A Flibbee from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Flibbee 36 17 7 Syrup Jar (10%) So-so Hammer (2%) Mushrise Park
File:Flounderflage.PNG Flounderflage 28 24 8 Super Nut (6%) Shock Bomb (5%) Dozing Sands
File:Sandoon.JPG Sandoon 52 30 12 Super Mushroom (4%) None Dozing Sands
Caccac in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Caccac 74 32 16 Super Candy (10%) Bare Boots (4%) Dozing Sands
File:Hermite crab.PNG Hermite Crab 40 55 16 Super Nut (5%) HP Bangle (3%) Wakeport
Monolift Monolift 120 85 20 Taunt Ball (8%) Ultra Nut (2%) Mount Pajamaja
File:Grumbell.PNG Grumbell 88 90 24 Refreshing Herb (5%) POW Gloves (2%) Mount Pajamaja
File:Flibbe R.png Flibbee R 142 75 26 Supersyrup Jar (5%) None Mount Pajamaja
File:Pi'illodactyl.PNG Pi'illodactyl* 318 200 180 Ultra Candy (80%) Soft Hammer (20%) Mount Pajamaja
File:Durapurl.PNG Durapurl 89 130 30 1-Up Deluxe (3%) None Driftwood Shore
File:Fly Guy.PNG Fly Guy 138 100 35 Super Mushroom (5%) Mushroom Amulet (1%) Driftwood Shore
File:Goomba.PNG Goomba*** 54 15 15 Boo Biscuit (10%) Antiair Boots (?) Driftwood Shore, Mushrise Park
File:ShyguyAirtub.jpg Shy Guy Airtub* 123 250 240 Ultra Candy (80%) Iron Ball Hammer DX (20%) Driftwood Shore, Wakeport, Mushrise Park, Dozing Sands
File:Shy guy.PNG Shy Guy** 35 15 20 Ultra Mushroom (5%) None Driftwood Shore, Wakeport, Mushrise Park, Dozing Sands
Viruses from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Virus 106 30 6 Secret Box (5%) POW Mush Jam (1%) Mount Pajamaja, Dozing Sands, Mushrise Park, Driftwood Shore, Wakeport
File:Monolift R.PNG Monolift R 182 210 35 Refreshing Herb (10%) None Mount Pajamaja
File:Hermite Crab R.PNG Hermite Crab R 81 220 30 Ultra Nut (5%) None Driftwood Shore, Wakeport
File:Fly Guy R.PNG Fly Guy R 149 190 35 Ultra Mushroom (5%) Bros. Wear (2%) Mushrise Park
File:Goomba.PNG Goomba R 58 30 10 Boo Biscuit (10%) None Mushrise Park
A Bandit in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bandit (1) 111 110 20 Taunt Ball (10%) Gift Gloves DX (2%) Dozing Sands
A Bandit in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bandit (2)* 123 100 0 None None Somnom Woods
A Golden Egg from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Golden Egg* 68 0 200 None None Somnom Woods
Eyepi'illo from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Eyepi'illo 138 290 50 Taunt Ball (5%) Bare Hammer DX (2%) Somnom Woods
A Beehoss's redesigned look from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Beehoss 123 280 60 Ultrasyrup Jar (3%) None Somnom Woods
Boomerang Bro from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Boomerang Bro. 135 160 30 Ultra Nut (3%) Heart Wear (2%) Somnom Woods
Commander Lakitu from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Commander Lakitu* 1 100 20 None Heart Wear (15%) Somnom Woods
Pi'illodactyl R from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Pi'illodactyl R* 476 600 450 Max Candy (20%) POW Gloves DX (5%) Somnom Woods
Fire Bro, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Fire Bro. 172 300 50 1-Up Deluxe (4%) Crystal Boots (3%) Neo Bowser Castle
Flaming Antasmaton, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Flaming Antasmaton 190 400 70 Ultrasyrup Jar (4%) Farmer Boots (1%) Neo Bowser Castle
Inky Piranha Plant, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Inky Piranha Plant* 3 100 80 None None Neo Bowser Castle
Chain Chomp, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Chain Chomp 245 50 80 Max Nut (8%) POW Scarf DX (1%) Neo Bowser Castle
Walker Guy, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Walker Guy 136 330 20 Max Mushroom (4%) None Neo Bowser Castle
Sprite of a Shy Guy Airtub R from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Shy Guy Airtub R* 178 500 160 Max Candy (20%) Soft Hammer DX (5%) Neo Bowser Castle
Sprite of a Shy Guy R from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Shy Guy R** 48 25 20 Max Mushroom (4%) None Neo Bowser Castle

* - Is a background enemy.
** - Can only be fought if the Shy Guy Airtub (for Shy Guys) or Shy Guy Airtub R (for Shy Guy Rs) is defeated.
*** - Also appears in Dream World.

Dream World

Image Name HP EXP Coins Normal Drop (small Gift) Rare Drop (large Gift) Location
Dromba from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Dromba 6 1 1 (50%) Mushroom (2%) Discount Boots (1%) Dreamy Pi'illo Castle
Storch from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Storch 14 4 3 Super Mushroom (5%) None Dreamy Pi'illo Castle
Dreamcap from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Dreamcap 18 1 1 (20%) None None Dreamy Mushrise Park
Dreamcap Captain from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Dreamcap Captain 26 6 7 Syrup Jar (10%) Super Mushroom (2%) Dreamy Mushrise Park
File:Propellion.PNG Propellion 42 8 (10) 8 Candy (10%) None Dreamy Mushrise Park
File:Dreamy Sandoon.PNG Dreamy Sandoon 38 5 (6) 2 Super Mushroom (1%) Boo Biscuit (1%) Dreamy Dozing Sands
File:Lob-omb.PNG Lob-omb 42 10 (12) 14 Supersyrup Jar (5%) Thick Gloves (3%) Dreamy Dozing Sands
File:Skipdrill.PNG Skipdrill 22 7 (8) 3 Super Candy (1%) Secret Box (1%) Dreamy Dozing Sands
File:Cocoknight.PNG Cocoknight 42 10 (14) 3 Super Mushroom (1%) EXP Bro Gloves (1%) Dreamy Wakeport
File:Ticksquawk.PNG Ticksquawk 90 20 (24) 18 Supersyrup Jar (5%) None Dreamy Wakeport
A Chizzle Chizzle 44 12 (14) 3 Ultra Mushroom (1%) Fighter Wear (1%) Dreamy Mount Pajamaja
File:Magmad.PNG Magmad 125 50 (60) 20 Super Candy (5%) Secret Box (1%) Dreamy Mount Pajamaja
File:Icead.PNG Icead 125 50 (60) 20 Super Candy (5%) Secret Box (1%) Dreamy Mount Pajamaja
A Lob-omb R in Dreamy Mount Pajamaja. Lob-omb R 105 30 (36) 25 Ultrasyrup Jar (5%) None Dreamy Mount Pajamaja
Spiny R, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Spiny 31 21 (25) 4 Super Candy (1%) None Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:LakituR.png Lakitu* 60 45 (54) 25 Secret Box (10%) Blunt Hammer (3%) Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Piranha Plant.PNG Piranha Plant 222 170 (204) 30 Ultra Mushroom (5%) None Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Nipper plant.PNG Nipper Plant* 1 0 10 None None Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Bloopurn.PNG Bloopurn 127 75 (90) 35 Ultrasyrup Jar (5%) None Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Dreamcap R.PNG Dreamcap R 74 10 (12) 5 (20%) None None Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Dreamcap Captain R.PNG Dreamcap Captain R 116 30 (36) 30 Shock Bomb (5%) None Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Dark Block.PNG Dark Block 133 150 (180) 40 Ultra Candy (10%) Knockout Hammer (3%) Dream's Deep
File:Krubbish.PNG Krubbish 83 160 (192) 45 Refreshing Herb (10%) Rookie Gloves (5%) Dreamy Wakeport
File:Cocoknight R.PNG Cocoknight R 101 20 (24) 5 Ultrasyrup Jar (1%) None Dreamy Wakeport
File:Pelicrump.PNG Pelicrump 109 50 (60) 10 Ultra Candy (1%), 1-Up Mushroom (inside egg) None Dreamy Somnom Woods
File:Spritzbloom.PNG Spritzbloom 200 160 (192) 60 Refreshing Herb (5%) Flame Hammer DX (3%) Dreamy Somnom Woods
File:Skipdrill r.PNG Skipdrill R 66 35 (42) 6 Boo Biscuit (1%) None Dreamy Somnom Woods
Mechakoopa, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Mechakoopa 124 40 (48) 8 Max Candy (1%) None Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
File:Taily goomba.PNG Big Tail Goomba 260 180 (216) 84 Boo Biscuit (5%) Crystal Hammer (3%) Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
File:Antasman.PNG Antasman 204 84 (101) 12 Secret Box (2%) Legendary Wear (1%) Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
Spiny R, from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Spiny R 50 56 (67) 6 Max Mushroom (2%) None Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
File:LakituR.png Lakitu R* 97 120 (142) 60 Max Syrup Jar (4%) None Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
Gold Beanie from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Golden Beanie 517 4000 (4800) 800 Random DX Bean, Mini Boots, Mini Hammer, or Mini Gloves (100%) None Dreamy Pi'illo Castle, Dreamy Mushrise Park, Dreamy Dozing Sands, Dreamy Wakeport
Dreamy Mount Pajamaja, Dreamy Driftwood Shore, Dreamy Somnom Woods, Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle

* - Is a background enemy.


The following is a bestiary for all bosses (and support enemies) encountered in the game Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Please see the bosses' respective articles or a complete listing of enemy stats for more detailed information.

Normal bosses

Image Name HP EXP Coins Normal Drop (small Gift) Rare Drop (large Gift) Location
File:MLDT - Antasma First Battle.png ???? (Antasma) 4 0 0 None None Zeeppelin
File:Smoldergeist Sprite.PNG Smoldergeist 12 each 5 (6) 10 total None Cozy Wear (25%) Pi'illo Castle
File:DreamyMario.png Dreamy Mario 96 75 (90) 45 None So-so Boots (100%) Dreamy Pi'illo Castle
Grobot from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Grobot 288 250 (300) 75 None So-so Hammer (large Gift) Mushrise Park
File:Bowser and Antasma.png Bowser and Antasma Bowser: 233
Antasma bats: 6
300 (360) 0 Syrup Jar (3%, Antasma bats) Iron Ball Hammer (100%, Bowser) Dream's Deep
Image of Torkscrew from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Torkscrew 656 500 (600) 260 None Coin Boots (100%) Dozing Sands
Image of Sorrow Fist from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Sorrow Fist 395 200 (240) 50 Super Candy (30%) HP Knockout Bangle (5%) Dreamy Wakeport
Image of Beef Cloud from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Beef Cloud 357 200 (240) 50 Super Candy (30%) HP Knockout Bangle (5%) Dreamy Wakeport
Image of Heavy Zest from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Heavy Zest 282 200 (240) 50 Super Candy (30%) HP Knockout Bangle (5%) Dreamy Wakeport
Image of Thunder Sass from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Thunder Sass 140 200 (240) 50 Super Candy (30%) HP Knockout Bangle (5%) Dreamy Wakeport
Sprite of Big Massif from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Big Massif Big Massif: 864
Hooraw: 28
800 (960) 250 None Knockout Boots (100%) Dreamy Wakeport
Image of Mammoshka from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Mammoshka Mammoshka: 918
Block Monolift: 1
1100 (1320) 350 None 1-Up Gloves (50%) Mount Pajamaja
Elite Trio in battle. Elite Trio Corporal Paraplonk: 415
Private Goomp: 249
Sergeant Guy: 581
Sergeant Guy Cannon: 1
Sub-Goomba: 80
2100 (2520) Corporal Paraplonk: 200
Private Goomp: 300
Sergeant Guy: 5
Sub-Goomba: 5
Mushroom (2%, Sub-Goomba) Counter Wear (100%, Corporal Paraplonk)
Action Hammer (100%, Sergeant Guy)
Mushroom (100%, Private Goomp)
Dreamy Driftwood Shore
File:Fly Guy R Thieves.png Fly Guy R Thieves 149 each 570 (674) 105 Ultra Mushroom (small Gift) Pi'illo Blimport
Image of Wiggly from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Wiggler 1485 1000 (1200) 400 1-Up Deluxe (50%) Max Candy (30%) Wakeport
File:PoppleDT.png Popple 999 500 (600) 100 None Coin Bro Gloves DX (100%) Wakeport
Image of Pi'illodium from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Pi'illodium Body: 1673
Wings: 172
Mini Pi'illoid: 1
3600 (4120) 600 None Antiair Boots DX (100%) Somnom Woods
Image of Kamek from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Kamek (1) 1428 0 0 None None Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
Image of Kamek from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Kamek (2) 1743 0 0 None None Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
Image of Kamek from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Kamek (3) Kamek: 1496
Kamek (Green): 816
Kamek (Red): 544
Kamek (White): 626
3000 (3600) 500 None Mushroom Gloves (100%) Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle
File:MLDT - Antasma First Battle.png Antasma (final time) Antasma: 2435
Antasmunchie: 90
7500 (9000) 900 Max Candy (2%, Antasmunchie) Dark Hammer (100%) Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle*
File:Dreamy Bowser2.png Dreamy Bowser Body: 2417
Left Arm: 350
Right Arm: 464
None None None None Neo Bowser Castle

*Antasma is not actually fought in the Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle area, but is fought in the dream world after creating a portal to it.

Giant bosses

Name Coins Item Drops Location
Robo-Drilldigger 500 Snare Boots (large Gift), Super Candy (large Gift), Super Nut (large Gift), 1-Up Deluxe (large Gift) Dreamy Dozing Sands
Mount Pajamaja 560 Metal Gloves (large Gift), Ultra Mushroom (large Gift), Ultrasyrup Jar (large Gift), Refreshing Herb (large Gift) Dreamy Mount Pajamaja
Earthwake 1000 Charge Gloves DX (large Gift), Ultra Candy (large Gift), Ultra Nut (large Gift), 1-Up Deluxe (large Gift) Dreamy Wakeport
Zeekeeper 1200 Energy Wear (large Gift), Max Candy (large Gift), Max Nut (large Gift), 1-Up Deluxe (large Gift) Dreamy Somnom Woods
Giant Bowser 2000 Supreme Hammer (large Gift), Max Candy (large Gift), Max Nut (large Gift), 1-Up Deluxe (large Gift) Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle

Battle Ring bosses

Image Name HP Recommended Level (Normal/Hard Mode) One-Time Fee Turn Limit Reward Location
Image of Grobot X from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Grobot X 1133 17/22 100 Coins 6 600 Coins
Zeekeeper's Feathers*
Battle Ring
Bowser X Bowser X & Antasma X Bowser X: 771
Antasma X: 19
19/24 150 Coins 8 900 Coins Battle Ring
Image of Torkscrew X from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Torkscrew X 1594 23/28 200 Coins 8 1200 Coins Battle Ring
Sprite of Big Massif X from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Big Massif X Big Massif X: 1901
Hooraw X: 53
26/31 250 Coins 12 1500 Coins Battle Ring
Image of Mammoshka X from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Mammoshka X Mammoshka X: 1771
Block Monolift X: 1
30/35 300 Coins 16 1800 Coins Battle Ring
Elite Trio X Elite Trio X Corporal Paraplonk X: 780
Private Goomp X: 468
Sergeant Guy X: 1092
Sergeant Guy Cannon X: 1
Sub-Goomba X: 149
33/38 350 Coins 12 2100 Coins Battle Ring
Sprite of Pi'illodium X from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Pi'illodium X Body: 2742
Wings: 282
Mini Pi'illoid X: 86
40/45 400 Coins 26 2400 Coins Battle Ring
Image of Antasma X from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Antasma X Antasma X: 3336
Antasmunchie X: 132
45/50 500 Coins 14 3000 Coins Battle Ring
File:Bowser Jr. & Koopa Clown Car Mario & Luigi Dream Team.png Battle Medley** + Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr.: 4099
Junior Clown Car: 512
Monty Mole: 1
50/55 1000 Coins 45 10000 Coins Battle Ring

* - The Zeekeeper Feathers are only available as a prize once Mario and Luigi begin the hunt for the Ultibed parts.
** - Battle Medley, like Class 7 in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, has the brothers take on all the previous bosses before facing the final, exclusive boss.

Battle Ring giant bosses

Image Name One-Time Fee Turn Limit (Normal/Hard Mode) Reward Location
Robo-Drilldigger X Robo-Drilldigger X 200 Coins 10/7 1200 Coins Battle Ring
Mount Pajamaja X Mount Pajamaja X 250 Coins 13/11 1500 Coins Battle Ring
Earthwake X Earthwake X 300 Coins 10 (Both Modes) 1800 Coins Battle Ring
Zeekeeper X Zeekeeper X 350 Coins 6/4 2100 Coins Battle Ring
Bowser X Giant Bowser X 400 Coins 6 (Both Modes) 2400 Coins Battle Ring
Giant Medley 800 Coins 41/42 8000 Coins Battle Ring
  • Giant Medley has the brothers face all five bosses in a row.


List of usable items

Item Name Image Description Effects
Mushroom File:IconMushroomDT.gif Restores 30 HP (to a single bro).
Super Mushroom File:IconMushroomDT.gif Restores 60 HP (to a single bro).
Ultra Mushroom File:IconMushroomDT.gif Restores 100 HP (to a single bro).
Max Mushroom File:IconMushroomDT.gif Restores 160 HP (to a single bro).
Nut File:IconNutDT.gif Restores 15 HP to both Mario and Luigi.
Super Nut File:IconNutDT.gif Restores 30 HP to both Mario and Luigi.
Ultra Nut File:IconNutDT.gif Restores 50 HP to both Mario and Luigi.
Max Nut File:IconNutDT.gif Restores 80 HP to both Mario and Luigi.
Syrup Jar File:IconSyrupDT.gif Restores 20 BP.
Supersyrup Jar File:IconSyrupDT.gif Restores 40 BP (to a single bro).
Ultrasyrup Jar File:IconSyrupDT.gif Restores 60 BP (to a single bro).
Max Syrup Jar File:IconSyrupDT.gif Restores 80 BP (to a single bro).
Candy File:IconCandyDT.gif Restores a little bit of HP and BP (to a single bro). Restores 40% of a single bro's HP and BP.
Super Candy File:IconCandyDT.gif Restores a decent amount of HP and BP (to a single bro). Restores 60% of a single bro's HP and BP.
Ultra Candy File:IconCandyDT.gif Restores a solid chunk of HP and BP (to a single bro). Restores 80% of a single bro's HP and BP.
Max Candy File:IconCandyDT.gif Completely restores both HP and BP (of a single bro).
1-Up Mushroom File:Icon1upDT.gif Revives a fallen bro with half of his HP.
1-Up Deluxe File:Icon1upDT.gif Revives a fallen bro with full HP.
Refreshing Herb File:IconRefreshingHerbDT.gif Cures statuses like BURN, DIZZY, TRIP, and MINI.
Taunt Ball File:IconTauntBall.gif Enrages an enemy in the background. Whooooosh! Brings a background enemy to the battlefield to be fought.
Shock Bomb File:IconShockBombDT.gif Makes enemies dizzy... maybe? Makes all enemies dizzy.
Boo Biscuit File:IconBooBiscuitDT.gif Grants damage immunity. Helps with dodge training!
Secret Boxes File:IconSecretBoxDT.gif Does...who knows what? Use one to find out.


*Neo Bowser Castle was originally not on Pi'illo Island, but floating in the air near the island. However, it crashes onto Pi'illo Island when the Zeekeeper breaks the barrier.


Hooski trading quest

In Wakeport during Mario and Luigi's travels, the player may encounter a male Hooski wanting to propose to nearby female, but is lacking the proper proposal gift. Upon Mario and Luigi agreeing to help, they are given a plush Zeekeeper to use in order to get something better to propose with, initiating a brief trading sidequest.

Mario and Luigi first trade the plush Zeekeeper for a rare fruit with a Shelltop in the nearby item shop, afterwards swapping it for a Yoshi egg with a Red Yoshi in the hotel district, which they then swap for a photo of Peach with a Toad by the tour center, which they then swap for the Book of Ruins with a Brock researcher to the north of the Toad, which they then swap for a photo of Queen Bean with a Beanish in the gear shop, which they then swap for a lost camera with a Bean in one of the buildings in the hotel district, which they then give to a Toad near the rooftops of the hotel district in exchange for info about a bird burying something between the nearby umbrella and fountain, which then turns out to be upon the Bros. digging it out, a Pi'illo ring which Mario and Luigi hand to the Hooski for him to then propose with, the female accepting after a short cutscene which ends with the Bros. being rewarded greatly with a Sap Hammer, Heart Bean DX, some Rally Wear, and a 1-UP Mushroom, and if the player talks to him afterwards, he'll give the Bros. an idea of where to go next in Wakeport.

Kylie Koopa's photo puzzles

During Mario and Luigi's travels in Wakeport, they come across Kylie Koopa upon entering a house, and discover she's the guidebook writer for the island. She offers some work for them, involving them finding camera blocks around the island, bringing them back here and deciphering them. Each shot can be taken back and played as three of the same photo puzzles of differing levels, with each higher level, the photo covers more of the scene, and the games give the player more time to do the puzzle. The Level 1 reward is 100 coins with a time limit of 3 minutes, the Level 2 reward is 300 coins with a time limit of 4 minutes. The level 3 reward is a DX Bean of varying stat with a time limit of 6 minutes.

Image Area Shot Location Level 1 Prize Level 2 Prize Level 3 Prize
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Pi'illo Blimport. Pi'illo Blimport In the area where Mario and Luigi take the Welcome Quiz, this shot is found in the north-east. 100 coins 300 coins Heart Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Pi'illo Castle. Pi'illo Castle In the room outside the collection room, this shot is found at the highest point in this room in the north-west. A Zeekeeper mascot idles beneath the block for a period of the game, making it inaccessible until he moves. 100 coins 300 coins Bros. Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Mushrise Park. Mushrise Park In the area with the broken main fountain, this shot is found in a camera block in the west, accessed by spin-jumping or side-drilling towards its secluded heights from one of the nearby flowers. (Spin Jump required.) 100 coins 300 coins Power Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Dozing Sands. Dozing Sands In the area to the east of the area with the Dreampoint, this shot is found in a block in the north of the area, floating above some tall pillars. (Ball Hop required.) 100 coins 300 coins Defense Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Wakeport. Wakeport Upon Mario and Luigi agreeing to help, Kylie places this block in the room of her house in plain sight. 100 coins 300 coins Speed Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Mount Pajamaja. Mount Pajamaja In the area where Mario and Luigi can jump off the edge to land near the oxygen valve, in the northwest. 100 coins 300 coins Stache Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Driftwood Shore. Driftwood Shore In the beach area with the Warp Pipe, this camera block is found in the north, accessed by smashing a rock blocking a hole Mini Mario can go through to find the block at the end. 100 coins 300 coins Heart Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Somnom Woods. Somnom Woods In the third area with the deadly liquid, this camera block is found in the south, to the south of the bramble tunnel, and to the east of a rock. 100 coins 300 coins Bros. Bean DX
Image of Level 3 puzzle of Neo Bowser Castle. Neo Bowser Castle In the first area where Kamek flees into the Dream World, this camera block is found in the south-west on its own metal platform in the middle of the lava. 100 coins 300 coins Power Bean DX

Mad Skillathon

Upon Mario and Luigi's first visit to Wakeport, they may come across a Shelltop on a stand, apparently hosting an event known as the Mad Skillathon, a contest for those with skills, with rewards included. Mario and Luigi, after a short conversation, decide to take part using their Bros. Attacks, as the Shelltop counted those as skills. The Mad Skillathon is much like in Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story in the sense that it's a Bros. Attack endurance game. After getting S rank in all seven challenges, the player is awarded with the Pro Wear.

These are the list of rewards gained from hitting the B, A or S rank scores, them respectively being 200 for B, 500 for A and 800 for S.

Bros. Attack Challenge Description B-Rank Prize (200) A-Rank Prize (500) S-Rank Prize (800)
3D Green Shell Kick the shell as many times as you can! Drop the boss for 20 points! 100 coins 300 coins Rally Belt
Fire Flower A big flame is worth 3 points! Small flames will net you nothing! 100 coins 300 coins Flame Hammer
Bye-Bye Cannon Jump on monsters to increase your score with each bounce! 1->2->3! 100 coins 300 coins Strike Gloves
Dropchopper Grab timers to increase the time. Then drop on monsters' heads! 100 coins 300 coins Action Boots
Bomb Derby Smack the bombs into the monsters! Watch for different kinds of bombs. 100 coins 300 coins Bare Boots DX
Slingsniper Shoot monsters with the B Button! Try to hit multiple monsters at once. 100 coins 300 coins EXP Bro Gloves DX
Star Rocket Tilt the Star Rocket to collect stars, but avoid damage balloons! 100 coins 300 coins Perfect Bro Gloves

Battle Broque Madame

Upon Mario and Luigi's first visit to Driftwood Shore, they meet Broque Madame on a stand, who suggests the idea of the Bros. entering her dreams due to her boredom at her shop and her crave for excitement. This is much like the Mad Skillathon, however is the Luiginary Attack version for it.

These are the list of rewards gained from hitting the B, A or S rank scores, them respectively being 200 for B, 500 for A and 800 for S. After getting S rank in all four challenges, the player is awarded with the Supreme Boots.

Luiginary Attack Challenge Description B-Rank Prize (200) A-Rank Prize (500) S-Rank Prize (800)
Luiginary Ball Bowl over the small Madames, and then crash into the big Madame! 100 coins 300 coins Coin Boots DX
Luiginary Stack Stack the Luiginoids, and jump on the Broque Madame. Avoid the hazards! 100 coins 300 coins Sap Hammer DX
Luiginary Flame Bounce the flames back, and then use your hammer to hit the last one! 100 coins 300 coins Blunt Hammer DX
Luiginary Wall Hit all of the small Madames back! Hitting items will affect play. 100 coins 300 coins Lucky Gloves DX

Mole Hunt

In Driftwood Shore, Mario and Luigi come across a Shelltop during their treks in the area. Upon beating his game the second and final mandatory time, the Shelltop allows Mario and Luigi to play upon returning to him at will for the usual price of 10 coins, with the inclusion of prizes if Mario and Luigi are good enough.

  • 300 points for 200 coins.
  • 400 points for 300 coins.
  • 500 points for Bare Hammer DX.

Additional information

For listings of clothing, badges, level ranks, enemy statistics, level-up progressions and shops in the game, see the respective pages.

For listings of all the Expert Challenges and rewards gained from them, see the respective page.

For listings of all the Pi'illo locations and Bean locations in the game, see the respective pages.

Differences from other Mario & Luigi games

  • Unlike the other Mario & Luigi games, Mario and Luigi do not let out their battle cries of "Let's-a-go!" and "Okey-dokey!" respectively when starting a battle.
  • This is the first time in the series that Peach's Castle is not the tutorial level.
  • This is the first time in the series that the tutorial battle does not feature Bowser.
  • This is the first game in the series that has Bowser as a main antagonist.
  • Unlike the first three installments, Lakitu does not appear in the Level Up system.
  • The art style in this game changed. This is the first game in the Mario & Luigi series to depict the letters on Mario and Luigi's caps as red and green, respectively, instead of black, and to have Luigi's pants reach his shoes, hiding his socks.
  • This is the first time in the series Bowser kidnaps Peach as the final boss.
  • This is the first time in the series that Bowser is consciously the final boss.
  • This is the first Mario & Luigi game that Fawful does not make an appearance, although there is an NPC that says one of his main quotes if talked to.
  • The Stache point system was dropped in this game; the stat is now used solely for Lucky hits.
  • This is the first Mario & Luigi game that Bowser Jr. actually makes an appearance. He has nothing to do with the story, however.
  • This is the first Mario & Luigi game where bosses always drop their exclusive items/gear upon defeat (with the exception of Mammoshka).
  • This is the first Mario & Luigi game that the player does not lose coins when running away from battles.
  • This is the first Mario & Luigi game in which the player does not have to collect at least one star shaped object to reach the final boss (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga has the Beanstar, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time has the Cobalt Star, and Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story has the Star Cures).
  • This is the only Mario & Luigi game in which Bowser is not fighting against the new villains in some way, and he actually teams up with the new antagonist.


On the day of the game's release in North America, a demo of the game was also released on the Nintendo eShop, making this the first strictly Mario game to have a publicly released demo for download. It uses 1,010 blocks when downloaded, and offers twelve uses. The demo is identical to the E3 demo, having the same options for gameplay minus the giant battle:

  • The Real World - the player can explore a segment of Mushrise Park.
  • The Dream World - the player can explore a combination of Dreamy Pi'illo Castle and Dreamy Dozing Sands.
  • Boss Battle - the player is given the option of either facing Grobot in the real world or Bowser and Antasma in the Dream World.

In Mushrise Park, the objective is to destroy all the rocks, much like how Mario and Luigi must break all the rocks in certain areas upon their return to Mushrise Park. The area has also been changed to prevent the player from exploring other areas. In the Dream World, some areas have been combined to showcase the Luiginary Works. Additionally, in the battles, the available Bros. and Luiginary Attacks use half as many BP as they do in the actual game.

References to other games


The game received aggregately positive reviews. Both Gamespot and IGN gave the game an 8 which is the lowest review in the series by both of them. The reasons for this were that IGN believed that the overworld was less appealing than the Dream World and that the game's intro was sluggish and saturated with tutorials[1]. GameXplain on the other hand believes that the game is fun, despite its minor flaws, and that it lives up to the other installments in the series; the game was given 4 1/2 stars out of 5.

As of March 31, 2014, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is the 13th best selling game for the Nintendo 3DS, having sold about 2.08 million copies worldwide.


Main article: List of glitches in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

One of the most common glitches in the game is that, at some points, any actions that require the 3DS's gyroscope to preform may result in the game not registering any movement from the system. One of the most likely points where this occurs is during the Zeekeeper battle and the "Repel the Shell" portion of the Giant Bowser battle. It is unknown what causes this to happen.

There are also some points in the game in which the game can freeze; this mostly occurs at Neo-Bowser Castle. However, the patch released on September 5, 2013, fixes instances in which this can occur.


Main article: List of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team staff

The game's executive producers were Tetsuo Mizuno and Satoru Iwata. The other producers were Akira Otani, Yoshihiko Maekawa and Toshiharu Izuno, with Shinya Takahashi serving as the general producer.


Main article: List of quotes in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team


  • "SCREEEK! I vanted to steal Peach's power...But I changed my mind! You are much stronger...and evil! SCREEEONK! Vork vith me! SCREEEP!"
  • "I vish... TO CONQUER THE VORLD!"
  • "SCREEK! I haff heard those vords before, a long time ago... But this time vill be different...I haff Bowser on my si-"
  • "SCREEYEE! I can open dream portals venever I vant now...For that is vut I vished the Dream Stone...In the dream vorld, I vill be at full strength...I haff changed, Dreambert. You haff been varned..."


  • "Give it to me straight. Princess Peach is gone? Hello? That is MY thing! Only I get to kidnap her! TREASON!"
  • "But I don't have time to deal with you now. See, kidnapping Princess Peach is my calling in life! I don't care what you did; I'll find her and nab her!"
  • "Bad news, Super Loser Bros.! Big bad Bowser is about to be even big-badder!"
  • "Transforming into a giant? I invented that, bud!"
  • "Hear this! I will kidnap Peach OVER and OVER again until I pull it off! Failure isn't an option! And neither is giving up!"




Main article: List of media from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

Update history

Version 1.1

Date Released: 5 September, 2013

Description This patch fixes two bugs in the game that make it incompletable. The first one is on Mount Pajamaja, where the player would be unable to progress past the segment where Mario and Luigi must Spin Jump into the Massif Bros. to clear a field of icicles, should certain actions be taken, and another one that prevents Mario from defeating Antasma in Dreamy Neo Bowser Castle. The patch also fixes several bugs that cause the game to randomly freeze at inconvenient times.

Nintendo eShop Update Content Description:

  • Fixes a bug that occurs on Mount Pajamaja where the Massifs use a spin jump to break icicles. This bug makes it impossible to proceed past this point if the player takes certain actions.
  • Fixes a bug that prevents the player from finishing the final battle with Antasma.
  • Fixes other issues so that the game plays as intended.

Names in other languages



  • The name comes from the term "dream team", a team composed of the greatest performers of a certain talent.
  • Mario & Luigi Dream Team is the second Mario game to receive an E10 rating by the ESRB for Cartoon Violence, the first being Mario Strikers Charged. The ACB rated this as PG for the same reason.
  • This is the second 3DS game to receive a patch, the first being Mario Kart 7. The patch removes most freezing issues from the game and was released on September 5th.
  • This is the first Mario & Luigi game where the two don't travel inside another character's body. In Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, the two were sucked into Bowletta's body to battle Cackletta's Soul. In Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, they were eaten by Yoob. In Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, most of their adventures took place inside Bowser's body.

External links


  1. ^ [1]

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