List of glitches in New Super Mario Bros. 2

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These are the glitches found in New Super Mario Bros. 2.



In the final castle level in World 6, Mario and Luigi should both hit the coin block. Since there is only room for one, one of them will start bouncing on top of the other and then both will start making jumping sounds at faster speeds than normal.


This glitch can be done in World Star-1 and requires Super Mario. First, Mario should Ground Pound some Brick Blocks near a Brick Block with nothing below it to make it possible to hit. It has a P-Switch inside that Mario must press. Then Mario must run to the second platform after the ? Switch and wait for the P-Switch to wear off. Then, if done correctly, the Koopa will be stuck inside some Brick Blocks. After turning right, it will appear slightly to the right for only a split second and then return to its original position. It can still dance to the beat in the music.[1]

If done with a Goomba, the Goomba will walk back and forth, confined to a single Brick Block. Goombas hop to the music, so they will move up one block each time they hop.


In World 6-1, if the player stands still in an empty area and stone blocks fill it, Mario or Luigi will be in front of them. However, they can jump out easily.


After defeating Lemmy Koopa in World Flower, the player must fly up using a Super Leaf and hit the switch. The treadmill should change color and direction along with the switch, but instead only the switch will change.


A example of this glitch can be accomplished in World 2-1. If Mario jumps at the tilting block platform at a certain angle he can jump though the Block (this glitch was utilized in co-op mode). The player can also do this with a Mini Mushroom.


In Coin Rush mode, on the the first course in the Gold Rush Pack, the Gold Ring must be activated, and the player must be Gold Mario. They must be quick enough, and must have the first Goomba Tower with three Goombas on it be in midair from walking off of the pipe when the Gold Ring effect is done. When it finishes, the middle Goomba should looked like it's squashed, but when the player jumps on it, it will act like a normal Goomba.


If done fast enough, Mario or Luigi can grab onto a spider web and bounce off immediately without it disappearing.


On World 5-2, if the player completes the level with the third Star Coin on the first completion, the level will remain red even though World 5-3 is unlocked.


After Mario collects every Moon Coin in World Star, all Toad houses in the game return and can be used infinitely. This causes the markers of all their positions to turn blue; this happens even if the path to the Toad house has not been opened with a secret exit or Star Coin sign. Of course they cannot be accessed until the path is opened.


If two people are playing co-op mode, are in World 2 haven't gotten the secret exit on the Ghost house and haven't completed the Castle, then they should go to the Tower (but don't enter the level) and they attempt to spell out the word "HI" by walking on the path with a few errors in the way they're doing it, then Player 1's screen should freeze, and Player 2's screen should glitch with random elements from the game appearing on the screen, then both Player's screens should go back to the title screen before displaying the message that wireless play has been disconnected.


In the third level of the fifth coinrush pack there´s a brick with a ?-Switch in it near the flagpole. There are two strips with bricks. In the second brick of the bottom brickstrip there is a ?-Switch. There are falling lavaballs from the sky. Wait until a lavalball is short before the brick. Then hit the block. The ?-Switch pops out, but the brick block is smashed. Then it looks like the ?-Switch is flying because there´s no brick under the switch.


In the first coinrush pack in the first level there is a glitch whitch freezes a Goomba in a Goombastack. You can do this glitch at many places in the level. Go under a goldring (there mustn´t be another goldring effect while doing that) an wait for a Goombastack. If the Goombastack is in front of you, touch the gold ring. Then touch the first Goomba (really only the first one) of the Goombatower in the same jump. The uppermost Goomba will freeze and can´t move anymore. In addition, he trembles. When the goldring is over the Goombatower will be ordinary again. Attention: This gltich works not every time an you must do it with Goldmario.

