World 4 (Super Mario 3D Land)

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World 4 is the fourth world contained in Super Mario 3D Land. This world is a pale green meadow with small, medium and gigantic mushrooms. World 4 contains 6 levels and a Mystery Box. It is also the first encounter with Pom Pom, the boss of this World.


World 4-1


File:SM3DL 4-1b.jpg
Tanooki Mario jumping toward Para-Biddybuds.

Mario starts in an open area with Piranha Plants, Koopa Troopas , a tree, and a pair of Binoculars to find a Yellow Toad, that is on a tall stone pillar and rewards the hero with a 1-Up Mushroom. In an elevated area Mario will find a small pool with Goomba Towers and another Koopa. To the right side, the plumber will face Piranha Plants in rotating platforms, that are used to reach in a trampoline to get to the top of the mountain. There are bouncy platforms and a Template:Conjecturaltext above a gap. In the other side, Mario will find a Koopa Troopa and a bridge with Biddybuds that lead to a big tree. In this tree, he will find a Chain Chomp, a red ring and another orange platform, used to reach on the next story of the tree. In the next story, Mario will face two Piranha Plants, a Spiky Plant and two jump platforms, one leads to a small groove with a green Clock and the other to the next area. This area is a spiral path with many Para-Biddybuds, Spiky Plants and another groove, now with three blue Clocks. At the end, Mario can jump to the treetop area, that contains a way conducting to the right. There, the plumber will find a bouncy platform and Para-Biddybuds surrounding the Goal Pole.

Star Medals

  • Star Medal 1: At the beginning of level, the travel up left. Near the small pool with the Goombas smash the small brick open with Tanooki Mario's tail or Mario can just somersault. Then crouch and grab the medal.
  • Star Medal 2: Near the orange bouncy platforms is a Rainbow Block. Jump on it and retrieve the medal at the end of Coin Heaven.
  • Star Medal 3: Right next to the checkpoint there is a cannon. Flutter kick over and hop in it.

World 4-2


Mario near a ! Block and yellow blocks.

This is an underground level with colored walls and ground. There is a Warp Zone in this world, that leads Mario to World 5. Mario will start in an area with low and high platforms, yellow and blue colored. There are a Goomba Tower and Inky Piranha Plants. To the far left side, Mario will find a hole where he can enter. There are two ? Blocks (one contains a single coin and the other, a Fire Flower) and an ! Block to create yellow blocks to reach in two bouncy platforms, that lead to an small area with another ! Block to get to a smaller place, where Mario find another Inky Piranha Plant and a ! Block. The yellow blocks reach in a bigger room, with a ! Block, another Goomba Tower, a rectangular ? Block with two Coins and a Fire Flower. Mario can use another trampoline to go to a hole in the ceiling, where are another Goomba Tower, another Inky Piranha Plant and another ! Block. In a vertical room in the left, the plumber use Trampolines to collect coins and reach on a Warp Pipe that conducts he to the final part. In this outdoors area, Mario can use a last ! Block to create yellow blocks that go toward the Flagpole.

Star Medals

  • Star Medal 1: Above the first Inky Piranha Plant, a Star Medal is hidden by the ceiling above the it. Mario can collect it by jumping.
  • Star Medal 2: Next the third Goomba Tower, there is a small gap in the wall. Mario must crouch walk into it, dropping down to an area side which contains a Star Medal.
  • Star Medal 3: Mario must create yellow blocks with the second-to-last ! Block. Then, he can wall jump between them and the wall to reach on the Star Medal.

Warp Zone

Near the end of the level, Mario must bounce higher on the third bouncy platform, then wall jump to reach a higher area which leads to an orange pipe. Entering it transport Mario to World 5.

World 4-3


Mario near a ! Block.

This level costs 30 Star Medals. It takes place in the sky, with colored spinning blocks and checkered grass platforms. Mario starts in a grass platform and, near, two red cube-shaped blocks and a blue rectangular block in the center. These platforms lead to another grassy platform, where the Mario bros. will face a Paragoomba and a Fake Block. Two ? Blocks can be smashed, one of them with a Super Leaf. Ahead, a giant green spinning block is a little before a terrace with a Template:Conjecturaltext. After this place Mario will find another green block and another area, with a Coin Coffer and a ! Block to make yellow blocks to create a way to reach in an elevated area with a Midway Flag, two Brick Blocks and a pair of Binoculars, used to find Toad above a castle wall. Going to the right, Mario will see the start of a spinning blocks path, with eleven square shaped blocks and three rectangular-shaped. The last send Mario to the Goal Pole.

Star Medals

  • Star Medal 1: On the second rotating block after the start of the level.
  • Star Medal 2: Tanooki Mario must get on a large green square, and flutter jump to the Rainbow Block next to it. The Star Medal is located at the end of the Coin Heaven.
  • Star Medal 3: After the Checkpoint, look into the binoculars and trigger the blue Toad, who is located on top of the bridge structure. He'll throw the Star Medal on the nearest blue rotating block.

World 4-4


Tanooki Boos
Mario in the octagonal room.

This is the first Ghost House stage in the game and contains checkered invisible platforms that only appear when Mario is near them. Mario stands in a corridor, with a Boo, that conducts the player to a invisible platforms path with another Boo, and in the end, a P-Switch. The player will see a yellow moving platform in the right side, then he/she must jump in. It leads to a small invisible platform with a teleporting block. Entering in this block, Mario will be warped to another invisible platform path, now longer and with Peepas, two Boos and three blocks, including a ! Block that makes a four-block ground. In the end, Mario will find a octagonal room with the level's Checkpoint Flag and five blocks, one containing a Star. When Mario go toward the blocks, four Boos and a Tail Boo will attack him. In the right behind corner, the hero will discover more platforms with more ghosts and a Template:Conjecturaltext to warp him to another invisible way, more complicated and with a Big Boo. After, three moving platforms connects the lifts to a hall with two Brick Blocks (containing a coin and a Star) and a exit door. In the grassy area out of the house, Mario will find a Coin. Jumping towards it will make a platform (the same seen through the level) appear. More of them will able Mario to grab the Flagpole's top.

Star Medals

  • Star Medal 1: This Star Medal is floating between two Peepas from the only group in the level.
  • Star Medal 2: In the octagonal room, Mario must go to the first right corner. There are some invisible platforms and a wooden pipe. Destroying it will reveal a real Warp Pipe that warps Mario to an optical illusion room with the Star Medal.
  • Star Medal 3: In the invisible path after the second teleporting box, Mario will see the Star Medal near the landing area.

World 4-5


Mario and a Stingby.

This level is notable for having many green flipping panels. Mario is landing on a platform and must step on a green panel to create flipping pads to another, that is in midair. After Mario reach on a platform, he will see a reproducing coin and four green panels. Stepping on them, the plumber will get a way to go to the next platform, where are a Boomerang Bro., a Mystery Box and two reproducing panels, in order to be warped by a Template:Conjecturaltext above another platform. Being transported to another area, Mario will find a Midway Flag. Ahead there is a gap with two reproducing panels, four spiked cubes, two Stingbies, some Brick Blocks and two moving platforms, one of them to enter in a teleporting box. He will land in a big platform with a Boomerang Bro. and eight green panels. The three in the right corner lead to five blue Clocks. The two on the left takes Mario to a platform with a Star Medal and the three lefting go to two Brick Blocks and a warping block. Mario reaches on the last platform, where he can use two flipping planels to grab the top of the Flagpole.

Star Medals

  • Star Medal 1: In an area where the flipping pads form a small pyramid, the Star Medal is located to the right of it.
  • Star Medal 2: When Mario gets the the second Template:Conjecturaltext, he must jump over it to get the second Star Medal.
  • Star Medal 3: After getting to a platform with a Boomerang Bro., Mario must active the two green switches on the far left. These lead Mario to the last Star Medal.

World 4-Airship


Mario about to get the first Star Medal.

This is an auto-scrolling Airship level, a lot like World 2-Aiship. This level, however, takes place at sunset, and has two sections of Reversible Platforms. During the first section, there are two Rocky Wrenches that Mario has to avoid. After Mario gets back on the ship, there will be two ? Blocks which Mario can use to get on top of the Airship and skip part of the level. If the player is unable to do this, they will have to dodge two rolling Spike Pillars and then jump down into the ship's hull. The player can then choose to get the second Star Medal, or keep going to not risk being caught by the screen's scrolling. Mario will come out of the hull and then get to the second section of Reversible Platforms. This time the player will have to dodge a Boomerang Bro.. After this, the player will reach a pink Airship with a Warp Pipe in the top of it. If the player goes to the bottom of the Airship, they will find a set of Brick Blocks, one of which contains a 1-Up Mushroom. Going into the Pipe leads Mario to a fight with Pom Pom. After beating Pom Pom, a Warp Pipe will appear, taking the player to the Flagpole.

Star Medals

  • Star Medal 1: Above one of the blue platforms in the first section of Reversible Platforms.
  • Star Medal 2: After going downwards into the hull the Airship, the next Star Medal is found next to a Fake Block.
  • Star Medal 3: Above another blue platform in the second section of Reversible Platforms.

Enemies introduced