Bopping Toady

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Not to be confused with Toady.
Bopping Toady
Artwork of a Bopping Toady, from Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.
Artwork from Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
First appearance Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992)

Bopping Toadies,[1] also known as Bopping Frogs,[2] are enemies in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. They are encountered in Tree Zone's first stage. A Bopping Toady's attack pattern involves it lashing it lashing its tongue out and jumping up a short distance before lashing out their tongues again. Bopping Toadies stop moments before unleashing their attack. A Bopping Toady can be defeated either from being jumped on or being hit by a fireball. If a Bopping Toady is lured into a narrow tunnel, it can get stuck in the ceiling as it jumps.[3]


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

  • Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console manual description:
    • English:
      This is a hopping crazy toad. This bounder occasionally lashes out with its long tongue, so be careful!
    • Dutch:
      Deze pad is totaal de weg kwijt. Zo nu en dan schiet hij met zijn lange tong, dus wees voorzichting!
    • French (Europe):
      Ce crapaud déjanté saute dans tous les sens. Il projette aussi sa langue, attention !
    • German:
      Diese Kröte springt herum und greift mit ihrer langen Zunge an.
    • Italian:
      Una rana che saltella di qua e di là. Ogni tanto ti attacca con la sua lingua lunga.
    • Spanish (Latin America):
      Este sapo salta por doquier sin rumbo fijo. Cuídate de su lengua o podrías llevarte un buen susto...
    • Spanish (Europe):
      Este sapo salta por doquier sin rumbo fijo. Cuidado con su lengua, a ver si te vas a llevar un buen susto...

Perfect Ban Mario Character Daijiten

Template:PEGMCE profile


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese ピョンタ[4]
From「ピョンピョン」(pyonpyon, Japanese onomatopoeia for a bouncing sound) and「た」(-ta, masculine name ending), and/or possibly "tongue"
Dutch Bopping Toady[5] -
French Crapouillot-Sauteur[?] Compound term of crapouillot ("little toad") and sauteur ("bopping")
French (NOE) Bopping Toady[6] -
German Zauder-Kröte[7] Dither Toad
Italian Bopping Toady[8][9] -
Rospo Pazzo[10] Crazy Toad
Spanish (NOA) Bopping Toady (Sapo Loco)[11] Bopping Toady (Crazy Frog)
Spanish (NOE) Bopping Toady[12] -


  1. ^ 1992. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins instruction booklet. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 14.
  2. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins entry on the official Mario Portal. (English). Retrieved August 13, 2022. (Archived August 13, 2022, 13:51:45 UTC via
  3. ^ A+Start (December 23, 2016). Super Mario Land 2 Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 69 (3:33). YouTube (English). Retrieved November 11, 2018.
  4. ^ Nintendo (1992). Super Mario Land 2: 6-tsu no Kinka instruction booklet. Nintendo (Japanese). Page 15.
  5. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console electronic manual (Dutch). Tab 13: "Personages".
  6. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console electronic manual (European French). Tab 13: «Personnages».
  7. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console electronic manual (German). Tab 13: „Figuren“.
  8. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Italian booklet. Page 14.
  9. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Virtual Console) Italian e-manual. Page 13.
  10. ^ November 15, 2018. Super Mario Bros. Enciclopedia. Magazzini Salani (Italian). ISBN 889367436X. Page 76.
  11. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console electronic manual (American Spanish). Tab 13: "Personajes".
  12. ^ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console electronic manual (European Spanish). Tab 13: «Personajes».