Dreadnought's Colossal Cannons
Template:Missionbox Dreadnought's Colossal Cannons is the second mission of the Dreadnought Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy.
The player starts on a platform next to a large bolt that will turn and move as the player stands on it. Afterward is a large hill with Flipswitches, and many Chibi Wanwans will be rolling down the hill. While avoiding the Chibi Wanwans, the player needs to activate all of the Flipwsitches to the green "on" position, and doing so will remove all the Electric Fences and defeat the Chibi Wanwans. Next, the player has to move between more large, rotating bolts and defeat two Octopodes to lower a bridge to a Launch Star, which will send the player to an area along the side of the Dreadnought.
In this area, many cannonballs are being fired from the Dreadnought, and stepping onto a platform will make it start moving. Avoiding the enemies and obstacles, the player has to move from platform to platform to reach the end, with some platforms changing the flow of gravity when the player jumps at them. Above one of the Sentry Beams at the end is the Power Star.