- Not to be confused with Goodie Bag.
Goodybag | |
![]() Artwork of Gumdrops from Fortune Street | |
Species | Goodybag |
First appearance | Dragon Quest III (1988, Dragon Quest series) Itadaki Street DS (2007, Super Mario-related media) |
Latest appearance | Fortune Street (2011, Super Mario-related media) |
- “OooOOH! GooDy GOODY! GumDrOps is heRE! SHop tiLL you GUMDrop, 'tIS whAT I SAy!”
- —Gumdrops, Fortune Street
Goodybags, also known as Dancing Jewels, are recurring enemies in the Dragon Quest series since Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation. A Goodybag appears as a support character in Itadaki Street DS and Fortune Street. It is summoned to the board once a player obtains its card, card #28 in both games. During its turn, it rolls the die and pays out the owner of any shop it lands on. After a few turns, the Goodybag leaves the board. In Fortune Street, the Goodybag is named "Gumdrops", a reference to the recruitable Goodybag from Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. Its dialogue erratically alternates between letter cases as well, matching the style in the source material.
- "OooOOH! GooDy GOODY! GumDrOps is heRE! SHop tiLL you GUMDrop, 'tIS whAT I SAy!"
- "TINg-a-LinG-A-LiiNG! HeLLOOoO! 'TIS I, GumdROps, JusT gUm-DroPING in TO bUY a few tHIngS!"
- "DiamONds, rUBies, eMERalds, peARLs... I LOve to THrOooOW my weaLTH abOUT! GOld for ALL tO sharE!"
- "JIngly-jANGle! WHo waNTS a GEM!? pUT yoUR HaNds in the Air!"
- "AaAaAHHHhH! WheN OH whEn wILL it BE mY turN AGain!? ...Hm!? NOW!? Ooh, GOODy! SpEND, speND, SPenD!"
- "GOld aND sILver, shiNY anD SPArkly! Ah-HAaah! 'TIS shopPPPping tIME agAIN!"
- "A wasTE Of CAsh, oh HAppy DAY! GoLD down thE DRain, jangLing aLL the waY! Don'T YOu feeL gooD NOw? I DO!"
- "I DAnCe and taP, I spiN, I cLap, anD All wHo watCH gET diZzy anD THAT is WhAt maKEs mE A goooOOOdyBAG!"
- "A spARkliNG arRay of SHops, a daZZliNG linE-up Of dEAlers... 'TiS a GOoodybaG thinG I CAme toDAY!"
- "YiPPeeEEe! 'Tis A NIce, niCE prICE! My BAG anD SouL fEeL LIGht aS goLD LEaf!"
- "WHat!? NO goLD!? BOOOooOring!"
- "FrivOLous waLLet, peaCEfUL hEArt! ...Hm? Of COURse we MOnsTERs haVe HearTs, yOU DUll stONE!"
- "I doN't waNT Shops, I WAnt ToooO SHOP! Shop TiLL I GumDroP anD WaSTE aLl my DoSh!"
- "Hm? So CHEap? THaT's No gOOD for ME! I waNT to SPLash OUT!"
- "HE he heee! A frivolOUS sPeNd! But I WaNt to SPEnd MORe morE MOoooORE!"
Goodybag on Yoshi's Island
Goodybags on the Ghost Ship
Goodybags on Alefgard
Goodybags on Bowser's Castle
Gumdrops on Delfino Plaza
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning | Notes |
Japanese | おどるほうせき[?] Odoru Hōseki |
Dancing Jewels | |
German | Klunkerbeutel[?] | Gems Bag | |
Italian | Sacco Ghiottone[?] | Glutton Bag | |
Spanish | Saco de joyas[?] | Bag of jewels |