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{{Rewrite-расширить}} {{отличить|персик дворец}} {{articleabout|место|других целей|[[персиковый замок (значения)|здесь]]}} {{расположение-infobox |изображение=Nsmbucastle.png |caption=принцесса персик в замок, как показано в "[[New Super Mario Bros U]]" и "[[New Super Luigi U]]". |width=270px |greaterloc=[[жаба город]] |правитель=[[принцесса персик]] |жителей=[[принцесса персик]], [[жаба]]s |first_appearance="[[Super Mario 64]]" ([[список игр по дате#1996/1996]]) |latest_appearance="[[Mario Golf: World Tour]]" ([[список игр по дате#2014/2014]]) }} {{Цитата|так что это персик Замок... прекраснее, чем я думал!|Penguru|Super Mario Galaxy}} "'принцесса персик замок"' (также известный как "гриб " замок" " или просто "'персик замок") - замок, расположенный в [[Грибное королевство]] и является наиболее выдающейся достопримечательностью района. [[Принцесса персик]] и [[жаба (видов)|жаб]], включая [[жаба (характер)|жаба]] и [[Toadsworth]] здесь жить. Комнаты внутри замка различаться от игры к игре, как может расположение замка. Она признана высокая башня, возвышающаяся в центре замка и поддерживается четырьмя башнями вдоль внешней стены в большинстве игр. В главной [[Марио (сериал)|"Марио" titles]], замок обычно видят на травянистых равнинах, вдали от цивилизации, в то время как [[Paper Mario (series)|"Paper Mario" серии]] иногда изображает его в оживленный город. "[[Super Mario Galaxy]]" и [[Super Mario Galaxy 2|преемник]] однако показывать его будут в том же городе, но в менее людном месте. Хотя это утверждение может варьироваться, замок всегда находится в [[жаба город]]. ==История== ==="Супер Марио" серии=== ===="Super Mario 64"==== [[Файл:CastleSM64.jpg|thumb|200px|замок в "Super Mario 64".]] В "[[Super Mario 64]]", персик замок должным образом внедрена и может быть тщательно изучен впервые. Замок используется как Центральный "хаб" для всей игры. [[Ре]] берет на замок и прячет [[Power Star]]ы (которые, казалось бы, замка и его обитателей, в том числе персик и жабы в различных картинах и стенах по всему замку. В конце концов [[Марио]] спасает принцессу и возвращает замку его былую славу. В конце игры Марио может использовать пушки, чтобы путешествовать на крыше замка, в котором находится квартира, и найти [[Йоши]], наряду с красным [[восклицательный знак Block|! Блок]]. <br clear=all> ===="Super Mario 64 DS"==== [[Файл:SM64DS-персик Castle.PNG|frame|left|замок, как показано в "[[Super Mario 64 DS]]".]] Персик замок вводится в качестве центрального узла для всей игры в "[[Super Mario 64 DS]]". В начале игры, персик отправляет письмо Марио. Видимо, Луиджи и Варио-то читаете письмо сами и догнать за Марио. После трех похитили Bowser, Йоши это видели спящим на крыше (возможно ссылка на "Super Mario 64"), только чтобы быть разбуженным один из Lakitu Bros, и несут его к передней части замка. В Lakitu Bros говорит Йоши, Марио не вернулся из замка, но и Йоши головами в замке, запуская приключение. {{br|left}} ===="New Super Mario Bros."==== [[Файл:NSMB-персик Castle.PNG|thumb|left|замок показан в игре вступление.]] В "[[New Super Mario Bros.]]", в замке видели в игре открытия, где это возможно, напали на [[Lakithunder]] незадолго до [[Боузер-младший]] похищает принцессу. Так как эта игра "New Super Mario Bros." серия была запущена тема, имеющих персик замок в [[1-1 (NSMB)|World 1-1]], ясно видны в начале этапа. Единственное исключение из этого управлением тему "New Super Mario Bros U" и "New Super Luigi U" (см. раздел). <br clear=all> ===="Super Mario Galaxy"==== [[Файл:SMG Prolog2.png|thumb|персик замок, как представляется, в ходе [[Star Festival]] в "Super Mario Galaxy".]] В "[[Super Mario Galaxy]]", " принцесса " персиковый Марио приглашает в свой замок во время [[Star Festival]], чтобы показать ему, [[Luma (характер)|Luma]] она нашла. Как он делает свой путь здесь, однако, появляется Боузер и поднимает весь замок в космическое пространство; несмотря на Марио усилия, чтобы повесить на, он направил полет в космос [[Kamek]], и проблемных персик отправляет Luma, чтобы помочь ему, как и ее замок привозят в центр Вселенной. Для того чтобы добраться до замка еще раз, Марио должен пройти через множество галактик, чтобы освободить [[Power Star]]ы, ответственные за поддержание [[комета обсерватории]], который Bowser было украдено для моды межгалактической империи; в возврат, [[Розалина]], хранитель обсерватории и мать Лум, мух сантехник к центру Вселенной когда-то он собрал их всех, где он использует варп-ворота в замок, чтобы добраться до баузера galaxy реактора и спасти персик. Следующие баузера поражение и окончательного спасения [[Grand Star]], звезда она используется для питания взрывается на себя, становясь массовым [[черная дыра]], который начнет потреблять персик замок вместе с обсерваторией и остатки, окружающие галактики; Лум приносят жертвы, бросая себя в центр черной дыры, чтобы стабилизировать его. Получающийся взрыв восстанавливает космос в прежнее состояние и возвращает замок вместе с Марио, персик, и Топливозаправщик, на свое законное место в Грибном царстве. Она напоминает Дизайн от [[Super Mario 64]]. <br clear=all> ===="New Super Mario Bros. Wii"==== [[Файл:Princess_Peach_Castle_Sprite.png|левой|рамка]] [[файл:персиковый замок NSMBW.png|200px|thumb|замок, как показано в "New Super Mario Bros. Wii".]] В "[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]", замок был показан во время игры отверстия, в котором персик держал ее день рождения. После персика получил похищен [[Koopalings]], Марио, Луиджи, и две жабы сразу же отправился по " горячим следам " после тех, кто несет ответственность за преступление. В то время как четыре героя поспешно, две другие жабы обратно в замок сгорел пингвин костюмы и пропеллер грибы, как их использовать. Замок-это также место, чтобы получить [[подсказка фильмы]]. Они могут быть получены путем предоставления star coins [[жаба]], который обитает в замке во время игры. Еще раз, это можно увидеть в фоновом режиме при запуске World 1-1. <br clear=all> ===="Super Mario Galaxy 2"==== [[Файл:CakeSMG2.png|thumb|200px|персик замок, как он появляется в финале кредиты в "Super Mario Galaxy 2".]] Замок выглядит очень кратко в открытии "[[Super Mario Galaxy 2]]". После пройденной 2-й уровень, Марио входит жаба город, нахождения его в руины. Затем он видит гигантский Bowser перед замком, кто злорадствует в Марио и улетает с принцессой персик. Марио встречает двух Лум на мосту через ров, один из которых превращается в запуск звезда и отправляет его в [[Sky Station Galaxy]]. В замке также появились в конце титры, где Марио и друзей устроить вечеринку для спасения галактики. ===="Super Mario 3D Land"==== {{multiple image |align=left |направление=vertical |footer=персиковый замок в "Super Mario 3D Land", изнутри и снаружи соответственно. |width=180 |image1=SM3DL_ss19.png |image2=SM3DL_Prolog2.png }} если игрок ждет, пока на титульном экране без нажатия {{button|3ds|A}}, они могут ввести персик замок. Есть много жаб здесь, и Марио могут практиковать свои ходы в замке. В замке есть 5 жаб. Место, где красная жаба стоит недоступен, как торчали, который можно увидеть шагая позади башни или при переключении на 3D. Это может также быть замечено в открытии и концовки игры. Как "New Super Mario Bros." серии, в замке также появляется в фоне [[мир 1 (Super Mario 3D Land)#World 1-1|World 1-1]], рядом с [[хвост Tree]]. ===="New Super Mario Bros. 2"==== Как и в "New Super Mario Bros.", персик замок делает камео в открытии и в фоне [[мир 1 (New Super Mario Bros. 2)#World 1-1|1-1 мира]]. Она имеет такой же вид как и в "New Super Mario Bros. Wii". Он также появляется в скрытой области курс 3 [Gold Classics Pack]]. {{br|left}} ===="New Super Mario Bros U / New Super Luigi U"==== [[Файл:Nsmbufinalworld2.png|thumb|[[персик s Castle (New Super Mario Bros U)|персик замок]], как показано в "[[New Super Mario Bros U]]" и "[[New Super Luigi U]]", после [[ре]]'s вторжения.]] {{main|персик s Castle (New Super Mario Bros U)}} [[персик s Castle (New Super Mario Bros U)|персик замок]] в "[[New Super Mario Bros U]]" и "[[New Super Luigi U]]", кажется, подобное место, как это было в "New Super Mario Bros. Wii". Однако, данный цикл имеет большой ров, окружающий замок, дополнительный этаж, а также башня справа от замка. В обе игры проемов, Bowser и Koopalings в очередной раз пытались похитить принцессу пич. Они берут в заложники над ней в ее собственный замок, который является окончательным область основной игре. Bowser и Боузер-младший ждут игрока на [[The Final Battle (New Super Mario Bros U)|Последняя битва]], которая имеет место на верхнем этаже замка. ===="Super Mario 3D World"==== В "[[Super Mario 3D World]]", замок кратко увидел в проеме катсцены, как и [[Марио|pro]][[Луиджи|тег]][[принцесса персик|oni]][[Blue Toad|СТС]] прогуляться на звездное ночное небо, полное фейерверки и метеоров. Замок, кажется, его дизайн-с "[[Super Mario 3D Land]]" в этот раз вокруг, но главные двери теперь имеют округлую форму, и голубые с трех пятен, напоминающее гриб, и окружающее блокируются травянистых холмов. ==="Супер Марио-кун"=== принцесса персик замок, появился несколько раз в "[[супер Марио-кун]]". Кроме того, она принимает в разных образах, согласно правилам игры, в том основан на. <center><gallery> файл:принцесса персик замок SuperMarioKun 6.jpg|том 6. Файл:PrincessPeach'sCastle SuperMarioKun.jpg|адаптация "Paper Mario". </gallery></center> ==="Mario Kart" серии=== {{multiple image |align=left |направление=vertical |image1=MushroomBridge-PeachCastle-MKDD.png |ширина1=150 |Заголовок 1=персиковый замок можно увидеть на гриб мост. |image2=MKDDTFP.png |ширина2=150 |caption2=персиковый замок можно увидеть на Марио цепи в фоновом режиме. }} Персик замок также сделал несколько появлений в [[Mario Kart (сериал)|"Mario Kart" серии]]. Замок впервые появляется в "[[Mario Kart 64]]" в трек - [[королевский Raceway]]. Она имеет точно такой же дизайн, как в "Super Mario 64". У игроков есть выбор-изучить основания, если они того пожелают; однако они не могут войти в сам замок. В церемонии награждения также имеет место там, где трех лучших пилотов там будут ездить с конфетти и золотой трофей для победителя Кубка. В возрождение курс как ретро курс в "[[Mario Kart 8]]", внешности персик замок и территория вокруг него не такой, как в "Super Mario 64" больше. Кроме того, вход в него был заблокирован. Таким образом, гонщики могут больше не исследовать местность вокруг персика замок. В "[[Mario Kart: Super Circuit]]", персик замка можно было увидеть в фоне [[Rainbow Road]] поверх замок баузера, как и в "Paper Mario". Он также появляется в [[персик цепь]] в качестве объекта в фоновом режиме. Замок появляется в "[[Mario Kart: Double Dash!!]]" два раза. Когда-то на [[Марио цепи#Mario Kart: Double Dash!!|Марио Цепь]] и на фоне [[гриб мост]] в Гран-при режиме, незадолго до первого тоннеля. В Марио цепь, замок полностью отрезаны от дороги и отделены от трассы стенами. Этот замок очень " бодрый " и мультяшной, по сравнению с другими ее видимости. Марио в цепь, несколько Goombas на каменистой дороге, Piranha растений в трубах вдоль дорожки, цепь разжевывать большая очередь и хитрых изгибов ждать гонщика на GameCube и Wii. ("Mario Kart: Double Dash!!"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s Марио цепи, вновь появляется в "Mario Kart Wii", как в ретро курс в [[Leaf Cup]]). Кроме того, в [[гриб мост]] замок может быть замечена смутно скрыты туманом в фоновом режиме. Персик замка, также появляется в "[[Mario Kart Wii]]", однако курс по имени Марио цепи. Это, как в "Super Mario Galaxy", расположен в небольшой деревне под названием [[жаба город]]. [[Стеснительный парень]]ы и [[Hammer Bro.|молоток Bros.]] наблюдать за игроками, как они сидят на заборах, окружающих замок и домов. Всего пять [[Goomba]]ы патрулировать дороги и большой [[цепь Chomp]] расположен на крутом повороте или где-то в середине курса. Типичный Грибное королевство холмов можно увидеть в фоновом режиме вместе с радугой. Желтые подсолнухи аккуратно расставлены вдоль травы и следить воздушном шаре с надписью "Марио" плывет", и ездит на сад. Персик замок появляется в [[Марио цепи#Mario Kart 7|Mario цепь]] из игры "[[Mario Kart 7]]", и это первый раз, когда игроку разрешается ездить внутри замка. Замок снова отображается в виде [[Mario Kart Arcade GP DX#курсы|курс]] в "[[Mario Kart Arcade GP DX]]", известный как " " персик замок"". <br clear=all> ==="Paper Mario" серии=== ===="Paper Mario"==== [[Файл:персиковый замок PM.png|thumb|200px|персик замок перед корнем в "Paper Mario".]] [[Файл:замок баузера PM.png|thumb|200px|left|персик замок стоит на вершине замок баузера в ходе событий "Paper Mario".]] Замок был в очередной раз захвачен [[Купа]] во время событий "[[Paper Mario]]". В начале игры принцесса персик предлагает [[Марио]] и [[Луиджи]] участником на замок. Однако, в то время как Mario Bros. (и многочисленные другие гости веселятся, Bowser люки продуманный план, что вызывает [[замок баузера|его замок]], чтобы подняться в воздух "под" принцесса персик замок, принимая принцесса " замок. Многие из гостей вечеринки сажают в тюрьму и Баузер Марио бросает из окна, отправляя его спирали обратно к Грибное королевство. Персик, вновь вынужден быть узником в ее собственный замок. В конце концов, Марио, [[Goombario]], [[Kooper]], [[Bombette]], [[Parakarry]], [[леди лук]], [[ватт]], [[Sushie]] и [[Lakilester]] (с помощью [[Star духи]]) лететь в замок баузера и делают свой путь, чтобы принцесса персик в замок. Команда наконец противостоит Bowser и [[Камми Купа]] на крыше замка, и поражение обоих злодеев, отправив их в полет выключения замка и вернув ее на законное место в [[жаба город]]. <br clear=all> ==="Mario Party" серия=== ===="Mario Party 2"==== Принцесса персик замок делает камео в [[тайна земли]]. ===="Mario Party 3"==== Персик замок появится в интро и "hub", "[[Mario Party 3]]". Войдя в нее можно играть в любой разлоченный мини-игры и музыка. Игрок может также изменить параметры игры. <br clear=all> ===="Mario Party 4"==== [[Файл:тень над персик замок 4.png|thumb|персик замка покрыта тенью]] персик : замок видел на открытии последовательность "[[Mario Party 4]]". Кратко, сумка, которая охватывает плавающий кубик бросает тень на персик замок. В главном меню, персик замок видно на фоне. ===="Mario Party 5"==== В "[[Mario Party 5]]", персик замок на фоне мини-игры [[монета Cache]]. Игроки ходьбы из передней двери замок в интро мини-игры. ===="Mario Party 7"==== В конце партии, круиз-игра в "[[Mario Party 7]]", есть в конце игры, церемонии, которые проходят в отеле Peach замок в [[MSS Sea Star]]. Здесь, [[Toadsworth]] анонсирует игру текущие баллы и выдает три [[бонус звезда (Mario Party)|бонусные звезды]] для игроков, исходя из их производительности во время матча. Когда пришло время, чтобы раскрыть суперзвезда матча, все четыре (или восемь) участники конкурса смогут войти в замок, чтобы определить чемпиона. Как только они доберутся до замка, когда двери открываются, и победитель выявлен. Тот игрок (или команда), суперзвезда. ===="Mario Party 8"==== Персик замок появляется в "[[Mario Party 8]]" в фоне мини-игры [[Crank ранга]]. ===="Mario Party 9"==== В "[[Mario Party 9]]", интро и концовки для соло-режиме проходить вне персик замок. Обе части рассказа, характеристика героев, глядя через телескоп за пределами замка, чтобы просмотреть [[Mini Star]]ы. Кроме того, в замке можно увидеть в фоновом режиме на главном меню. ===="Mario Party: Island Tour"==== В "[[Mario Party: Island Tour]]" во время интро, персик замка можно увидеть в фоновом режиме несколько раз. ===="Mario Party 10"==== В "[[Mario Party 10]]", персик замок появится в стартовой зоне без имени Совета. Это будет его второе появление на борту, после того, как Mario Party 2. ==="Mario & Luigi" серии=== ===="Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga"==== В "[[Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]", замок играет очень незначительную роль. Замок основаниях могут быть изучены в начале игры, и замок можно рассматривать с [[Hoohoo горы]]. Марио битва с Bowser происходит внутри принцесса персик в тронный зал, но интерьер замка не могут быть изучены. <br clear=all> ===="Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time"==== {{PitMKmap}} [[файл:замок Invasion.png|200px|thumb|left|персик замок подвергается нападению [[Shroob]]s.]] В продолжение "Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga", "[[Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]]", замок основной путешествие точки в игре, почти идентичен тому, который использовался в "Super Mario 64". Музыка также remixs к вышеупомянутой игре. Замок проведены все [[Time отверстие|временные дыры]] ведущий в прошлое во всей игре. Есть много пунктов, и [[монета]]ы и замок находится единственный магазин в игре (за исключением [[Monty Mole]] - магазине и один в [[жаба город]]). Есть 2 боссов игрок сражается там, один - " против " [[Junior Shrooboid]], а другой-последний босс в игре; [[Shrowser]]. Клоуны тоже может осуществляться в подвал. Это единственная игра в "Mario & Luigi" серии, где игрок может слушать замка темой всякий раз, когда они хотят. =====Площадь карты===== <center><gallery perrow=5> файл:CastlePresentFloor1Map.png|<center>принцесса персик замок первом этаже файла:CastlePresentFloor2Map.png|<center>принцесса персик замок втором этаже файла:CastlePresentFloor2BridgeBrokenMap.png|<center>принцесса персик замок втором этаже (сломанный мост) файл:CastlePresentFloor3Map.png|<center>принцесса персик замок третьем этаже файла:CastlePresentSweersMap.png|<center>принцесса персик замок канализации </gallery></center> <br clear=all> ===="Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside Story"==== {{BisMKmap}} [[файл:Malbistitlescreen.PNG|thumb|left|замок, как оно отображается в заголовке экрана.]] Принцесса " замок вновь появится в сиквеле "Mario and Luigi: Partners In Time", "[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside Story]]". Игра начинается в замке, с [[Марио]] и [[Луиджи]] путешествуя по основной интерьер [[конференц-зал|конференц-зал]]. Собрания [[Blorbs]], которые заражаются гораздо грибного королевства. Собрание вскоре отменен, как Боузер приходит на собрание, возмущенный тем, что они не верят, что он здесь, чтобы решить неизвестной болезни. После того, как Марио побеждает его, персика и [[Starlow]] как отправить его на замок. Позже, мозги Bowser входит в конференц-зал, а все листья, вдыхая все в комнате. Bowser затем заканчивается выбиванием, и [[Fawful]] появляется, отправив его из замка еще раз. Видно, позже снова, пока заблокировала Fawful с помощью [[черная звезда]] силы. Он сейчас принимает на замок, обслуживающие его, как свою комнату, чтобы возродить темная звезда. Как только Марио и Луиджи объединить [[звезда Cure]]ов в [[Miracle Cure]], они способны обрушить барьеры и проникать в замок. Они должны путешествовать через [[персика Castle Garden]] и бой [[Юнкер]], прежде чем они найдут Bowser все болит. Есть труба, которая ведет к нему в сад. После того, как Mario Bros исцелить Bowser, великого зверя, вот-вот должен изучить глубоко в стены замка, используя свой новый рулон мяч. Он считает, что Fawful сделал пробный для Bowser, оставив трех ключей, трех его парит ботов, которые держат местонахождении либо сокровища или путь к выходу. После долгой погони и дробления ботов, Баузер делает его путь через соседнюю область, где Fawful имеет гигантские пираньи выращивания растений. После прополки в humongous растений, он переходит на обслуживание, что Fawful, Midbus, Dark Star, Princess Peach проживаете. [[Fawful]] позволяет Midbus бороться против Bowser, давая ему ледяной powerup, чтобы сделать его [[Blizzard Midbus]]. Еще Bowser доказывает себе, чем сильнее зверь, победить и замораживания Midbus на месте. Но это слишком поздно для главной цели-спасение принцессы, как темная звезда полностью возрожден. Fawful способен взять на себя часть энергии от темной звезды перед Bowser бьет его из комнаты. Темная звезда переходит в [[баузера тела]], входя из уст в то время как Боузер усмехнулся в удовольствие пробивая Fawful. После того, как Mario Bros поражение ослабленных темная звезда, она вырывается из баузера тела, в фантазм виде Топливозаправщик (в результате баузера ДНК). Bowser гонится Призрак в замковом дворе, где весь замок оживает. Массивная крепость преобразована в [[Super персик|замок, сражаясь машина]] по Fawful. Топливозаправщик должен стать гигант в последний раз, чтобы разгромить замок. После того, как смертельная битва, замок побежден, и Боузер сжимается до нормальных размеров. Направляясь обратно в зал заседаний, Bowser находит [[Dark Fawful]] в поисках темной звезде, и на него нападает. В очередной Баузер ущерб Fawful за пределы, темно-Fawful превращается в ошибку, как этап, выползая из комнаты. За пределами комнаты, темная звезда и темно-Fawful сливаются воедино, чтобы стать стабильным [[Dark Bowser]] дуэт. После Дарк Боузер убегает через скрытый проход за троном, он и Топливозаправщик участвовать в spike ball бой до центральной башни с Bowser, будучи Виктор. Следующие темно-Автотопливозаправщик, Топливозаправщик заканчивается на final battle arena. В арене, Дарк Боузер-релизы ураган темного дыма, который покрывает всю Грибное королевство. Он объясняет, как он собирается властвовать над жалким землю, и что ничего стоящего у него на пути. Bowser затем смеется над его словами, заявив, что это его земля, и что он не может победить. А затем они начинают финальной битве; Bowser против темных Заправщиков и Mario Bros против [[Dark Star Core]]. После продолжительного боя, Mario Bros победить темные Star Core, что позволяет Bowser, наконец, дать окончательный удар по сейчас нестабильная Дарк Боузер. Грибное королевство возвращается к норме, за исключением того, что Fawful все еще жив. После быстрой речи, Fawful взрывается, чтобы убить Mario Bros., но она оборачивается, а он посылает всех, что оказались в ловушке, в [[баузера тела]] в Грибное королевство. Каждый празднует в этом, за исключением путать Bowser, только сейчас обнаружив, что Марио и Луиджи были в его теле все время. Узнав, кто Чиппи был, он добрался до своей последней каплей, сделав финальный бой с Mario Bros, ведущей в темноте) и в конце титров. =====Врагов (включая боссов)===== *[[Ре]] (босс) *[[Naplock]] *[[Dark Trashure]] *[[Dark Mechawful]] *[[Dark Mechawful.5]] (питании до версии регулярные темно Mechawfuls) *[[Dark Fawful Bomb]] *[[Dark Fawful парня]] *[[Blizzard Midbus]] (босс) *[[Snawful]] (наряду с Blizzard Midbus) *[[Темно-Fawful]] (босс) *[[вакуум шлем]] (наряду с темно-Fawful) *[[Dark Bowser]] (босс) *[[Dark Star Core]] (наряду с Дарк Боузер) ===="Mario & Luigi: Dream Team"==== Замок делает краткую камею в "[[Mario & Luigi: Dream Team]]", как это место, где Марио и друзья получают приглашение на [[Pi'illo острова]]. ==="Mario vs. Donkey Kong" серии=== ===="Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis"==== [[Файл:Toadstoolcastle.png|thumb|"'мухомор замок"']] персик замка виднелись нарисованные на заднем плане на первом этаже, [[гриб Mayhem]], "[[Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis]]". Кроме того, "'мухомор замок"появился шестой этаж этой игры. Это пол уровня были первыми в игре есть движущиеся платформы, и коромысла, похожими на те, из "[[Super Mario Bros.]]" играла музыка в уровнях 'внутри замковых стен " из "[[Super Mario 64]]". <br clear=all> ==="Йоши" серии=== ===="Yoshi s Island DS"==== Персик замок выполнен в небольших камео в интро. Когда [[тех]] похищение младенцев, [[Baby Peach]] взято из ее замка, наряду с [[Baby Mario]] и [[ребенок DK]] из своих домов. Позднее его видели в титрах, когда аист берет ее обратно. ==="Super Princess Peach"=== [[файл:SuperPrincessPeachCastle.jpg|frame|left|персик замок в "[[Super Princess Peach]]".]] В "[[Super Princess Peach]]", замок был затронут Vibe скипетр и баузера миньоны захватили Марио, Луиджи и жаба, а принцесса персик, Toadsworth и еще жаба были наслаждаться прогулкой. Также, в этой игре замок медведи шесть или восемь башен, поддерживающих внешние стены. Если нет, то это можно объяснить тем, что сзади замка шире, чем передние, поэтому позволить четыре башни будут видны в открытии сцены. <br clear=all> ==="Itadaki Street DS"=== [[файл:PeachcastleDS.PNG|x100px|thumb|персик замок в "Itadaki Street DS".]] Персик замок является одним из монополии доски в "[[Itadaki Street DS]]", с участием замок персика и некоторых травянистых холмов в фоновом режиме. Это тоже, только не игра Марио, в котором есть замок. {{Sectionstub|22}} ==="Fortune Street"=== персиковый замок возвращает в качестве одного из Марио платах серии в сиквеле "Itadaki Street", "[[Fortune Street]]" для [[Nintendo Wii]]. Правление несколько изменились в плане структуры, от ее первоначального вида в приквеле. В "легкой" vesrion игры, доска выглядит как буква П И с дополнительной линией в середине цикла р с дополнительной линии возле стебля, который связан пространство снизу и сверху. В "стандартной" версии игры, доска выглядит как короткий, широкий прямоугольник с высотой площади в середине прямоугольника. В "Экскурсионном" режиме игрок имеет возможность играть против персик, Wario, Bowser, приходя в первый или второй бить правления. Избиение этой доске разблокирует персик, как играбельный персонаж. Стандартный режим-версию правление было на самом деле в прежние релизы Itadaki Street series. <br clear=all> ==="Mario Sports Mix"=== в "[[Mario Sports Mix]]", " принцесса " персиковый замок возвращает в качестве [[персиковый замок (Mario Sports Mix)|суд]] и фоновый элемент для [[Mushroom Cup]] турниры. Главный трюк этого суда является пульверизатор, что включать и выключать. В вышибалы, вода выступает в качестве разделительной линии между двумя сторонами суд. Когда вода идет вниз, игроки могут двигаться в любом месте на суд, даже другие команды сторону. В баскетбол, он действует как препятствие, чтобы остановить игроков от попадания в обруч. В хоккей, он блокирует шайбу в цель сразу. В волейбол, то это вызовет мяч отскочит назад. <br clear=all> ==макета, как показано в "[[Super Mario 64]]" и "[[Super Mario 64 DS]]"== ===Замок основаниях=== [[файл:SM64DS-града Map.PNG|frame|left|карта замка.]] [[Файл:SM64DS-града Map2.PNG|frame|территории замка со рвом слить.]] Территория замка, где игрок начинает игру. Запечатанный [[пушка]] находится рядом с озером справа. После получения всех 120 [[Power Star]]ы (150 в римейке), пушка будет открыт, а игрок сможет запускать себя на вершине замка крыши, где игрок найдет [[Йоши]], который даст Марио 100 [[Extra Life|дополнительные жизни]]и расширенный [[Triple Jump]]. Также там есть [[восклицательный блок|! Box]] держит [[крыло Cap]]. В версии для DS, это был удален (как Йоши играбельный персонаж), но Луиджи final [[кролик]] могут быть найдены на замок крыши, а также [[Question|заблокировать? блок]], держащая власть цветок (или крыло крышка если игрок использует Марио). Крыша в "Super Mario 64 DS" есть небольшой забор вокруг области, где три гриба нашли. Можно добраться до вершины замка, спустившись с дерева, когда ров не слить, или по специальной методике все символы должны добраться до крыши даже без использования пушки. Топнув по две колонки в подвале будет дренажный ров, которые позволяют игроку введите [[Vanish колпачок под ров]] (или секрет под рвом в римейке). Также есть водопад, который выступает в качестве выхода из [[пещера Metal Cap]] (или за водопадом в римейке). Ров с водой, окружающий замок, который может разрядиться во время игры. {{br|left}} ===первый этаж=== [[файл:SM64DS-первый этаж Map.PNG|frame|left|первом этаже замка.]] [[Файл:SM64DS двор-Map.PNG|frame|right|бу двор.]] После ввода замок, игрок найдет [[жаба]], которые будут говорить, чтобы перейти к [[Bob-omb битвы]] портрет, единственный курс, который не был запечатан [[ре]]. Также есть запертая дверь, которая ведет на второй этаж, который требуется ключ, чтобы отпереть ее. Есть также 2 деревянные двери, которые оба ведут в коридор, к [[бу]]тараканами коридоре, двор и по лестнице в подвал. Дверь справа от главного помещения приведет к принцессе' номер, который скрывает [[принцесса секрет, слайд]]. Поблизости дверь ведет к замку [[Rec Room (Super Mario 64 DS)|Rec Room]] (только на версии для DS). [[Star двери]] слева от главной комнате, где ре находится на уровне [[Баузер в темный мир]]. Портрет принцессы персик находится в конце коридора. Однако, обманывая портрет превратится в образ Bowser как игрок ходит по коридору. В середине главной комнаты, солнечная в виде половика будет отправить игрока к [[башня крыла Cap]] (или ? Переключатель в римейке), когда они смотрят на солнце, которое светит с потолка. ===Второй этаж=== [[файл:SM64DS-второй этаж Map.PNG|frame|left|на втором этаже замка.]] После отпирания двери на первом этаже, по возрастанию набор винтовая лестница приведет игрока на второй этаж замка. Это круглая комната с портретами всех сферах, украшающих стены. Набор лестницы приведет к еще одну звезду дверь, и, в конечном счете, на третьем этаже. Есть две двери напротив друг друга на наружной стене. Первый ведет в комнату, которая содержит несколько портретов ведущих к [[Tiny-огромный остров]]. Другой содержит зеркало, которое проходит через центр комнаты. Игрок может стать [[Vanish Марио]] (или исчезают Луиджи в римейке), чтобы пройти сквозь зеркало. {{br|left}} ===третий этаж=== [[файл:SM64DS-Third_Floor_Map.PNG|frame|третьем этаже замка.]] Третий этаж состоит из небольшой круглый зал с [[Tick Tock Clock|Clock]] видно прямо напротив двери. Есть две небольшие ниши в обе стороны стены, каждая из которых ведет к другой курс; один слева будет телепортирован игрок [[крыло Mario Over the Rainbow]] (с именем над радугой в римейке), и справа будет телепортирован игрок [[Rainbow Ride]]. Над дверью на третьем этаже находится еще одну звезду дверь, где лестница приведет к финальной битве ([[Баузер в небо]]). Однако, 70 сила звезд (80 в римейке) необходимы, чтобы разорвать заклинание, бесконечной лестнице. ===Подвал=== [[файл:SM64DS-Castle_Basement_Map.PNG|frame|left|замок подвала.]] Подвал-это наименьший принцесса персик в замок, так как он находится чуть ниже уровня земли. Он может быть введен через лестницы, которые спускаются вниз, рядом с первым пол. Она состоит из множества зон и связаны друг с другом двери. Один из нижних районов подвал состоит из мелкой воде. Площади расположены на фронтальной панели-большая часть замка подвал изначально полностью затапливается водой из замка ров с водой. Однако, ров может быть дренированы, [[землю]]ing два [[столб]]ы. Сделав так, вода будет стекать, и дверь, которая ранее была недоступной, ведет к замку сад. {{br|left}} ==описание и расположение== [[файл:Castlepeachsprite.jpg|200px|thumb|замок в "Mario Golf: Advance Tour".]] В большинстве игр, замка, как правило, серый мрамор, но иногда было отмечено, белый и даже легкий крем ("[[Super Princess Peach]]"). С 1996 г. она сохранила свой первоначальный высокая башня, возникающие на основе широкой круглой башне снизу - как всегда в центре замка. Как правило, главной особенностью замка является прямоугольной или квадратной формы, с почти всегда четыре башни, поддерживающие эту часть. Крыша почти всегда оттенок красного, но в "[[Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]" было желтого оттенка. Окна, как правило, присутствует в передней части дворца. Есть изображение [[принцесса персик]] embedded, расписные или резные на окна. В "[[Super Mario 64]]", в этой части замка принцессы пич было закрытым, и только силы звезды, Bowser захватил для себя в конце могли освободить ее. [[Файл:накладные выстрел из града SMG.png|200px|left|thumb|территории замка, в "Super Mario Galaxy".]] В "Super Mario 64" и "[[Super Mario 64 DS]]", замок-это огромный дворец с множеством комнат и секретов. Несмотря на наличие большого количества номеров, не было постоянных "живых" комнат, таких как спальня или кухня. Большинство номеров просто имел большую картину. Замок также был подвал, пол которого был странно покрыта водой. Однако, это, вероятно, может быть все из-за баузера царствовать на замок. На территории замка находится также были довольно просторные, в этой игре. Много деревьев могут быть просмотрены и полез вверх, а земля сама по себе достаточно большие. Водоем окружает замок, который в конечном счете ведет в небольшой пруд. В этой игре, замок достигается с помощью [[Warp Pipe]]. В "[[Paper Mario]]", замок в корне отличается от своих 64 коллегой. Дворец по-прежнему велик и имеет большое количество номеров, но каждый номер имеет какую-то цель (есть библиотека, спальня, и многие складские помещения), и лобби подключен к Банкетный зал. На территории замка находится также гораздо меньшего размера, с простой фонтан и одного или двух деревьев за пределами замка. Большая часть замка, прилегающие земли был поднят в воздух с баузера замок, который может объяснить, казалось бы, севшей земли; однако, даже когда Марио наконец, достигает замка, чтобы противостоять Bowser, не рву можно увидеть. Замок имеет деформацию трубы, ведущие к нему, так как он легко добраться от [[жаба город]]. [[Файл:unknownfloatingobject.png|200px|thumb|left|замок, поскольку она поднимается в космос в "Super Mario Galaxy".]] В "[[Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]]", дворец был снова, как "Paper Mario" большая и имела реальных, "живых" номеров. Этот замок, однако отличается от Марио 64 и Марио бумаги версий и сад выглядели совсем по-другому (нет деревьев). В "[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside Story]]", замок в конференц-зале был замечен в интро. Это в конечном счете захвачен [[Fawful]] и служил последней в игре. В "[[Super Mario 64]]", там находился двор, расположенный позади замка, но ее не было видно с лицевой или крыше замка в главном сады. Однако основная часть замка было видно со двора. Двор ввели магию и тайну персик замок, что сила звезды, казалось, контролировали. Двор как в оригинальной Super Mario 64 и в [[Nintendo DS]] ремейк был заражен Боос. Большой бу преследовать и еще одну тайну уровне были спрятаны здесь. Отличаясь от замка в "Super Mario 64"в "[[Super Mario Galaxy]]", замок в настоящее время имеет балкон и несколько окон. Замок по-прежнему имеет тело из воды, что с ней связано, но сейчас прямо жаба город. Также отличается от старой версии, этот замок снаружи более подробная. Также в "[[Super Mario Galaxy]]", кат-сцен посмотреть более детальную верхнюю башню, чем во время игры, как Марио в Звездном фестивале. В "[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside Story]]" замок был под управлением [[Fawful]] и было запланировано, чтобы использовать его против Bowser, когда он приедет, Bowser затем разбил замок в ужасной битвы. В "[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]", замок имеет меньше windows, ни рвом, имеет больше деталей, чем его предшественника DS, и выглядит более удаленной, чем "Super Mario 64/DS" и "Super Mario Galaxy". В "[[Super Mario Galaxy 2]]", замок похож на замок из "Super Mario Galaxy". Балкон из "галактики", кажется, отсутствует, однако и сейчас есть несколько вазы, полные цветов в саду. Во время нашествия Bowser, несколько метеоров ударил в сад, блокируя Восточной половине основания. <br clear=all> ==больше замков== персика, кажется, есть больше чем один замок. Совершенно разные в один видел в "[[Mario Hoops 3-на-3]]". Он стоит на гигантской и плохо структурированный скалы в море. Этот замок также видна из Купа пляжа. Замки "[[Super Mario Bros.]]" и его сиквел, "[[Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels]]", также сказал, что в царство грибов и вторглись Баузер. Принцессу домой в "[[Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars]]" известен как "гриб " замок", а не принцесса персик в замок, и имеет совершенно другой дизайн. <br clear=all> =="Paper Mario" информация== ===Врагов найти ("Paper Mario")=== *[[ре]] (финальный босс "Paper Mario") *[[Камми Купа]] ====Врагов, которые появляются во время пауз персик==== Персик не бороться с этими врагами. Они патрулируют в ее замок, и, когда они spot персик, она будет отправлена обратно к ней в комнату. *[[Clubba]] *[[Hammer Bro.]] *[[Koopatrol]] ==="Paper Mario" уголок Tattles=== *это персик замок. Но мы только что вышли из баузера замок! У меня странное чувство об этом... интересно, где принцесса персик захвачен в плен. Я думаю, что мы должны brace себя, Марио. *Это первый этаж зал принцесса персик в замок. Есть так много дверей, хотя. Где на земле принцесса персик может быть? * Мальчик, что же здесь произошло? Это даже грязнее, чем моя комната дома! Похоже, никто никогда не ставит что-нибудь здесь. *Это довольно огромный ящик там. Могу поспорить, человек мог поместиться внутри! Если они хотят, то есть... Эй, есть кровать, слишком! Это должна быть комната для гостей. *Это кухня. Я просто угадал, но я уверен, что это где делают блюда. Замка шеф-повар, наверное, повара все блюда, вам не кажется? Мне интересно, какие пикантные блюда, он знает, как сделать. Эй, Марио, ты когда-нибудь ел здесь? *Это второй этаж зал принцесса персик в замок. Есть так много дверей, хотя. Где на земле принцесса персик может быть? *Это всего лишь обычный номер. Вы почувствовали что-то, правда? Какой-то странный запах... *Вау! Так много книг. Если бы мы не были в середине такого приключения, я хотел бы зачитать некоторые из них. *Это столовая. Похоже, кто-то ел здесь недавно. Наверное, не принцесса ... они, наверное, голодать ей! Люди всегда говорят, что блюда, которые подаются здесь восхитительные. Я бы хотел, чтобы поесть здесь, когда-нибудь. *Это выглядит как склад. ...! Эй! Проверьте, что в поле! Давайте посмотрим что в нем. *Wow! Эта принцесса персик в номер, не так ли? Пахнет изумительно! Это такой веселый номер, как принцесса персик. Я не могу поверить, она была заперта здесь так долго, все сама. Она, должно быть, так одиноко... мы должны спасти ее, прямо сейчас!! *Этот балкон имеет прекрасный вид. Я держу пари, что это один из принцессы любимых мест. *Крытая прихожей в персик замок, Марио. Давайте найдем Bowser и сохранить принцесса персик! *Мы должны помочь принцессе персик!! Марио! Спешите! Давайте двигаться! *Боузер ушел наверх. Давай, мы должны следовать за ним! Марио, давай-н-ролл! *Мы должны спасти принцессу! Спешите! Марио! Там нет времени, чтобы тратить! *Башни замка. Эти длинной винтовой лестнице поднимаешься вверх и вокруг и вокруг. Oog...я чувствую головокружение. *Да? Где в мире не Bowser просто исчезают? ==Информация о призах от "Super Smash Bros Melee"== {|border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width=100% |- !width=100px|имя!!width=100px|Image!!Ширина=150px|Game!!|описание |- !Принцесса Персик s Castle |[[файл:Trophy162.PNG|100px]] |align=center | Super Mario 64<br>9/96 |"Princess Peach, великолепный королевский замок, кажется, населен исключительно принцессы и мик замков]] [[Категория:Super Smash Bros. Трофеи]] [[Категория:дома]] [[Категория:Mario Party 7]] [[Категория:концентраторы]] [[Категория:Mario Kart 64]] [[Категория:спортивные курсы]] [[Категория:Mario Kart DS]] [[Категория:здания]] [[Категория:Mario Sports Mix]] [[Категория:Super Mario 64]] [[Категория:Mario Golf 64]] [[Категория:Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]] [[Категория:Mario Kart 7]] [[Категория:Mario Golf GBC]] [[Категория:Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour]] [[Категория:Mario Golf: Advance Tour]] [[Категория:Mario Tennis 64]] [[Категория:Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis]]
{{distinguish|Peach's Palace}}
{{articleabout|the place|other uses|[[Peach's Castle (disambiguation)|here]]}}
|caption=Princess Peach's Castle as seen in ''[[New Super Mario Bros. U]]'' and ''[[New Super Luigi U]]''.
|greaterloc=[[Toad Town]]
|ruler=[[Princess Peach]]
|inhabitants=[[Princess Peach]], [[Toad]]s
|first_appearance=''[[Super Mario 64]]'' ([[List of games by date#1996|1996]])
|latest_appearance=''[[Mario Golf: World Tour]]'' ([[List of games by date#2014|2014]])
{{quote|So this is Peach's's more beautiful than I imagined!|Penguru|Super Mario Galaxy}}
'''Princess Peach's Castle''' (also known as '''Mushroom Castle''' or simply '''Peach's Castle''') is the castle situated within the [[Mushroom Kingdom]] and is the most prominent landmark of the area. [[Princess Peach]] and many [[Toad (species)|Toads]], including [[Toad (character)|Toad]] and [[Toadsworth]] live here. The rooms inside the castle vary from game to game, as can the castle's location. It is recognized by a tall tower standing in the center of the castle and is supported by four towers along the outside walls in most games.  
In main [[Mario (series)|''Mario'' titles]], the castle is normally seen on grassy plains away from civilization while the [[Paper Mario (series)|''Paper Mario'' series]] sometimes depicts it in a busy town. ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]'' and its [[Super Mario Galaxy 2|successor]] however show it to be in the same town but in a less crowded area. Although this general statement can vary, the castle is always found in [[Toad Town]].
===''Super Mario'' series===
====''Super Mario 64''====
[[File:CastleSM64.jpg|thumb|200px|The castle in ''Super Mario 64''.]]
In ''[[Super Mario 64]]'', Peach's Castle is properly introduced and can be explored thoroughly for the first time. The castle serves as the central "hub" for the entire adventure. [[Bowser]] takes over the castle and hides the [[Power Star]]s (which seem to be of the castle) and its inhabitants, including Peach and Toads in various paintings and walls throughout the castle. Eventually [[Mario]] saves the Princess and returns the castle to its former glory. At the end of the game, Mario can use a cannon to travel to the roof of the castle, which is flat, and find [[Yoshi]], along with a red [[Exclamation Mark Block|! Block]].
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====''Super Mario 64 DS''====
[[File:SM64DS-Peach's Castle.PNG|frame|left|The castle as seen in ''[[Super Mario 64 DS]]''.]]
Peach's Castle is introduced as the central hub for the entire adventure in ''[[Super Mario 64 DS]]'' as well. At the start of the game, Peach sends a letter to Mario. Apparently, Luigi and Wario somehow read the letter themselves and catch up behind Mario. After the three are kidnapped by Bowser, Yoshi is seen sleeping on the roof (a possible reference to ''Super Mario 64''), only to be awakened by one of the Lakitu Bros, and carried by him to the front of the castle. The Lakitu Bros tells Yoshi that Mario didn't return from the castle yet, and Yoshi heads to the castle, starting the adventure.  
====''New Super Mario Bros.''====
[[File:NSMB-Peach Castle.PNG|thumb|left|The castle shown in the game's intro.]]
In ''[[New Super Mario Bros.]]'', the castle is seen in the game's opening, where it is possibly attacked by [[Lakithunder]] shortly before [[Bowser Jr.]] kidnaps the princess. Since this game, the ''New Super Mario Bros.'' series has had a running theme of having Peach's Castle in  [[1-1 (NSMB)|World 1-1]], plainly visible at the start of the stages. The only exceptions to this running theme are ''New Super Mario Bros. U'' and ''New Super Luigi U'' (see section for details).
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====''Super Mario Galaxy''====
[[File:SMG Prolog2.png|thumb|Peach's Castle as it appears during the [[Star Festival]] in ''Super Mario Galaxy''.]]
In ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]'', Princess Peach invites Mario to her castle during the [[Star Festival]], in order to show him the [[Luma (character)|Luma]] she has found. As he makes his way there, however, Bowser appears and lifts the entire castle into outer space; despite Mario's efforts to hang on, he is sent flying into the cosmos by [[Kamek]], and a distressed Peach sends Luma to help him as her castle is brought to the center of the universe.
In order to reach the castle again, Mario must travel through numerous galaxies in order to reclaim the [[Power Star]]s responsible for sustaining the [[Comet Observatory]], which Bowser had stolen and used to fashion an intergalactic empire; in return, [[Rosalina]], the keeper of the observatory and mother of the Lumas, flies the plumber to the center of the universe once he has collected them all, where he uses a warp gate within the castle to reach Bowser's galaxy reactor and rescue Peach.
Following Bowser's defeat and the rescue of the final [[Grand Star]], the star it was being used to power implodes on itself, becoming a massive [[Black Hole]], which begins to consume Peach's castle along with the observatory and the remnants of the surrounding galaxy; the Lumas perform a sacrifice by flinging themselves into the center of the black hole in order to stabilize it. The resulting explosion restores the cosmos to their former state and returns the castle, along with Mario, Peach, and Bowser, to its rightful place in the Mushroom Kingdom. It resembles the design from [[Super Mario 64]].
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====''New Super Mario Bros. Wii''====
[[File:Peach's Castle NSMBW.png|200px|thumb|The castle as seen in ''New Super Mario Bros. Wii''.]]
In ''[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]'', the castle was featured during the game's opening in which Peach was holding her birthday party. After Peach got kidnapped by the [[Koopalings]], Mario, Luigi, and two Toads immediately went in hot pursuit after those responsible for the crime. While the four heroes made haste, two other Toads back at the castle fired Penguin Suits and Propeller Mushrooms their way for them to use.
The castle is also the location to get [[Hint Movies]]. They can be obtained by giving star coins to [[Toad]] who resides in the castle during the game. Once again, it can be seen in the background at the start of World 1-1.
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====''Super Mario Galaxy 2''====
[[File:CakeSMG2.png|thumb|200px|Peach's Castle as it appears in the ending credits in ''Super Mario Galaxy 2''.]]
The castle appears very briefly in the opening of ''[[Super Mario Galaxy 2]]''. After traversing a 2-D level, Mario enters Toad Town, finding it in ruins. He then sees a giant Bowser in front of the castle, who gloats at Mario and flies away with Princess Peach. Mario then meets two Lumas on the bridge over the moat, one of which turns into a Launch Star and sends him to [[Sky Station Galaxy]]. The castle also appeared at the end of the credits where Mario and friends have a party for saving the galaxy.
====''Super Mario 3D Land''====
{{multiple image
|footer=Peach's castle in ''Super Mario 3D Land'', from the inside and outside respectively.
If the player waits for a while on the title screen without pressing {{button|3ds|A}}, they can enter Peach's Castle. There are many Toads here, and Mario can practice his moves in the castle. In the castle, there are 5 toads. The place where the red toad stands is inaccessible, as it is sticking up, which can be seen while stepping behind the tower or by switching to 3D. It can also be seen in the opening and ending cutscenes of the game. Like the ''New Super Mario Bros.'' series, the castle also appears in the background of [[World 1 (Super Mario 3D Land)#World 1-1|World 1-1]], alongside the [[Tail Tree]].
====''New Super Mario Bros. 2''====
Like in ''New Super Mario Bros.'', Peach's Castle makes a cameo in the opening and in the background of [[World 1 (New Super Mario Bros. 2)#World 1-1|World 1-1]]. It has the same appearance as in ''New Super Mario Bros. Wii''. It also appears in the hidden area of Course 3 of the [[Gold Classics Pack]].
====''New Super Mario Bros. U / New Super Luigi U''====
[[File:Nsmbufinalworld2.png|thumb|[[Peach's Castle (New Super Mario Bros. U)|Peach's Castle]] as seen in ''[[New Super Mario Bros. U]]'' and ''[[New Super Luigi U]]'', after [[Bowser]]'s invasion.]]
{{main|Peach's Castle (New Super Mario Bros. U)}}
[[Peach's Castle (New Super Mario Bros. U)|Peach's Castle]] in ''[[New Super Mario Bros. U]]'' and ''[[New Super Luigi U]]'' seems to be a similar place as it were in ''New Super Mario Bros. Wii''. However, this iteration has a large moat surrounding the castle, an extra floor, as well as a tower on the right of the castle. In both of the game's openings, Bowser and the Koopalings once again attempt to kidnap Princess Peach. They take hostage over her at her own castle, which is the final area of the main game. Bowser and Bowser Jr. await the player at [[The Final Battle (New Super Mario Bros. U)|The Final Battle]], which takes place at the top floor of the castle.
====''Super Mario 3D World''====
In ''[[Super Mario 3D World]]'', the castle is briefly seen in the opening cutscene as the [[Mario|pro]][[Luigi|tag]][[Princess Peach|oni]][[Blue Toad|sts]] take a walk on a starry night full of fireworks and meteors. The castle appears to have its design from ''[[Super Mario 3D Land]]'' this time around, but the main doors now have a rounded shape, and are blue with three spots, resembling a mushroom, and the grounds surrounding it are blocked by grassy hills.
===''Super Mario-Kun''===
Princess Peach's Castle has appeared a few times in ''[[Super Mario-Kun]]''. It also takes in different appearances according to the game the volume is based on.
File:Princess Peach's Castle SuperMarioKun 6.jpg|Volume 6.
File:PrincessPeach'sCastle SuperMarioKun.jpg|Adaption of ''Paper Mario''.
===''Mario Kart'' series===
{{multiple image
|caption1=Peach's Castle can be seen at Mushroom Bridge.
|caption2=Peach's Castle can be seen at Mario Circuit in the background.
Peach's Castle also made some appearances in the [[Mario Kart (series)|''Mario Kart'' series]]. The castle first appears in ''[[Mario Kart 64]]'' in the track [[Royal Raceway]]. It has the exact same design as the one in ''Super Mario 64''. Players have a choice to explore the grounds if they wish; however they may not enter the castle itself. The Award Ceremony also takes place where the top three drivers will drive there with confetti and a golden trophy for the winner of the cup. In the reappearance of the course as a retro course in ''[[Mario Kart 8]]'', the physical appearance of Peach's Castle and the area around it are not the same as ''Super Mario 64'' anymore. Furthermore, the entrance to it has been blocked. Thus, racers can no longer explore the area around Peach's Castle.
In ''[[Mario Kart: Super Circuit]]'', Peach's Castle can been seen in the background of [[Rainbow Road]] atop of Bowser's Castle, just like in ''Paper Mario''. It also appears in [[Peach Circuit]] as an object in the background.
The castle appears in ''[[Mario Kart: Double Dash!!]]'' twice. Once on [[Mario Circuit#Mario Kart: Double Dash!!|Mario Circuit]] and in the background on [[Mushroom Bridge]] in Grand Prix mode, just before the first tunnel. In Mario Circuit, the castle is completely cut off from the road and separated from the track by walls. This castle is very 'cheerful' and cartoon-like, compared to its other appearances. In Mario Circuit, several Goombas on a rocky road, Piranha Plants in pipes along the track, a Chain Chomp on a large turn and tricky bends await a racer on both GameCube and Wii. (''Mario Kart: Double Dash!!''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s Mario Circuit reappears in ''Mario Kart Wii'' as a retro course in the [[Leaf Cup]]). Also, in [[Mushroom Bridge]] the castle can be spotted vaguely obscured by fog in the background.
Peach's Castle also appears in ''[[Mario Kart Wii]]'', yet the course is named Mario Circuit. It, like in ''Super Mario Galaxy'', is located in a small village called [[Toad Town]]. [[Shy Guy]]s and [[Hammer Bro.|Hammer Bros.]] observe players as they sit on the fences surrounding the castle and houses. A total of five [[Goomba]]s patrol the roads and a large [[Chain Chomp]] is situated on a sharp turn in or around the middle of the course. The typical Mushroom Kingdom hills can be seen in the background along with a rainbow. Yellow sunflowers are neatly placed along the grasses of the track and a hot-air balloon labeled "MARIO" floats and travels over the grounds.
Peach's Castle appears in [[Mario Circuit#Mario Kart 7|Mario Circuit]] from the game, ''[[Mario Kart 7]]'', and it is the first time the player is allowed to drive inside the castle. The castle reappears as a [[Mario Kart Arcade GP DX#Courses|course]] in ''[[Mario Kart Arcade GP DX]]'' known as '''Peach Castle'''.
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===''Paper Mario'' series===
====''Paper Mario''====
[[File:Peach's Castle PM.png|thumb|200px|Peach's Castle before being uprooted in ''Paper Mario''.]]
[[File:Bowser's Castle PM.png|thumb|200px|left|Peach's Castle stands atop Bowser's Castle during the events of ''Paper Mario''.]]
The castle was once again taken over by the [[Koopa Troop]] during the events of ''[[Paper Mario]]''. In the beginning of the game, Princess Peach invites [[Mario]] and [[Luigi]] to a party at the castle. However, while the Mario Bros. (and numerous other guests) are having fun, Bowser hatches an elaborate plan that causes [[Bowser's Castle|his castle]] to rise into the air ''under'' Princess Peach's Castle, taking the Princess' castle with it. Many of the party guests are imprisoned and Bowser throws Mario out of a window, sending him spiraling back toward Mushroom Kingdom. Peach is once again forced to be a prisoner in her own castle.  
In the end, Mario, [[Goombario]], [[Kooper]], [[Bombette]], [[Parakarry]], [[Lady Bow]], [[Watt]], [[Sushie]] and [[Lakilester]] (with the help of the [[Star Spirits]]) fly to Bowser's Castle and make their way up to Princess Peach's Castle. The team finally confronts Bowser and [[Kammy Koopa]] on the roof of the castle, and defeat both of the villains, sending them flying off the castle and returning it to its rightful place in [[Toad Town]].
<br clear=all>
===''Mario Party'' series===
====''Mario Party 2''====
Princess Peach's Castle makes a cameo in [[Mystery Land]].
====''Mario Party 3''====
Peach's Castle appears in the intro and "hub" of ''[[Mario Party 3]]''. Entering it lets one play any unlocked minigames and music. The player can also change the options of the game there.
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====''Mario Party 4''====
[[File:Shadow Over Peach Castle 4.png|thumb|Peach's Castle being covered by a shadow]]
Peach's Castle is seen at the opening sequence of ''[[Mario Party 4]]''. Briefly, the bag that covers the floating cube casts a shadow on Peach's castle. At the main menu, Peach's Castle is seen at the background.
====''Mario Party 5''====
In ''[[Mario Party 5]]'', Peach's Castle is the background of the minigame [[Coin Cache]]. The players walk out the front door of the castle in the intro of the minigame.
====''Mario Party 7''====
At the end of a Party Cruise game in ''[[Mario Party 7]]'', there is an end-of-game ceremony that takes place at Peach's Castle in the [[MSS Sea Star]]. Here, [[Toadsworth]] announces the game's current scores and gives out the three [[Bonus Star (Mario Party)|Bonus Stars]] to the players based on their performance during the match. When it's time to reveal the Superstar of the match, all four (or eight) contestants will enter the castle to determine the champion. Once they get to the top of the castle, the doors will open and the winner is revealed. That player (or team) is the superstar.
====''Mario Party 8''====
Peach's Castle appears in ''[[Mario Party 8]]'' in the background of the minigame [[Crank to Rank]].
====''Mario Party 9''====
In ''[[Mario Party 9]]'', the intro and ending for Solo Mode take place outside Peach's Castle. Both parts of the story feature the characters looking through a telescope outside the castle to view the [[Mini Star]]s. Additionally, the castle can be seen in the background on the main menu.
====''Mario Party: Island Tour''====
In ''[[Mario Party: Island Tour]]'' during the intro, Peach's Castle can be seen in the background several times.
====''Mario Party 10''====
In ''[[Mario Party 10]]'', Peach's Castle will appear at the starting area of an unnamed board. This will be its second appearance on a board, after Mario Party 2.
===''Mario & Luigi'' series===
====''Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga''====
In ''[[Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]'', the castle plays a very minor role. The castle grounds can be explored at the start of the game, and the castle can be viewed from [[Hoohoo Mountain]]. Mario's battle with Bowser takes place inside Princess Peach's throne room, but the castle interior cannot be explored.
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====''Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time''====
[[File:Castle Invasion.png|200px|thumb|left|Peach's castle being attacked by the [[Shroob]]s.]]
In the sequel to ''Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga'', ''[[Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]]'', the castle is the main traveling point of the game, almost identical to how it was used in ''Super Mario 64''. The music is also a remixs to the aforementioned game. The castle held all of the [[Time Hole|Time Holes]] leading into the past in the entire game.  
There are many items and [[coin]]s and the castle is home to the only shop in the game (except for the [[Monty Mole]] store and the one in [[Toad Town]]). There are 2 bosses the player fights in there, one against [[Junior Shrooboid]] and the other the last boss in the game; [[Shrowser]]. Goombas can also be fought in the basement area.  
This is the only game in the ''Mario & Luigi'' series where the player can listen to the Castle theme whenever they want.  
=====Area maps=====
<center><gallery perrow=5>
File:CastlePresentFloor1Map.png|<center>Princess Peach's Castle First floor
File:CastlePresentFloor2Map.png|<center>Princess Peach's Castle Second floor
File:CastlePresentFloor2BridgeBrokenMap.png|<center>Princess Peach's Castle Second floor (Bridge broken)
File:CastlePresentFloor3Map.png|<center>Princess Peach's Castle Third floor
File:CastlePresentSweersMap.png|<center>Princess Peach's Castle Sewers
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====''Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story''====
[[File:Malbistitlescreen.PNG|thumb|left|The castle as it appears in the title screen.]]
The princess' castle reappears in the sequel to ''Mario and Luigi: Partners In Time'', ''[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]]''.  
The game begins at the castle, with [[Mario]] and [[Luigi]] traveling through the main interior to the [[Conference Hall|meeting room]]. The meeting is about the [[Blorbs]] that have infected much of the Mushroom Kindgom. The meeting is soon cancelled as Bowser comes into the meeting, angered by the fact that they don't believe he is there to solve the unknown disease. After Mario defeats him, Peach and [[Starlow]] send him out of the castle. Later on, Brainwashed Bowser enters the meeting room as everyone leaves, inhaling everyone in the room. Bowser then ends up knocking out, and [[Fawful]] appears, sending him out of the castle yet again.
It is seen later again, yet blocked off by Fawful using the [[Dark Star]] power. He has now taken over the castle, serving it as his chamber to reviving the Dark Star. Once Mario and Luigi combine the [[Star Cure]]s into the [[Miracle Cure]], they are able to bring down the barriers and enter the castle. They have to travel through [[Peach's Castle Garden]] and fight [[Junker]] before they find Bowser all sore. There is a pipe that leads to him in the gardens.
Once the Mario Bros heal Bowser, the great beast is now about to explore deep into the castle walls using his new ball roll. He finds that Fawful has made a trial for Bowser, leaving three keys to three of his hovering bots that hold the whereabouts of either treasures or the way out. After a long chase and crushing the bots, Bowser makes his way through the next area where Fawful has giant Piranha Plants growing. Once weeding the humongous plants, he moves on to the room that Fawful, Midbus, the Dark Star, and Princess Peach reside in.  
[[Fawful]] allows Midbus to fight against Bowser, giving him an icy powerup to make him [[Blizzard Midbus]]. Yet Bowser proves himself the stronger beast, defeating and freezing Midbus in place. But it is too late for the main goal of rescuing the princess as the Dark Star is fully revived. Fawful is able to take some of the energy from the Dark Star before Bowser punches him out of the room. The Dark Star enters [[Bowser's Body]], entering from the mouth while Bowser chuckled at the pleasure of punching Fawful.
Once the Mario Bros defeat the weakened Dark Star, it escapes out of Bowser's Body, in a phantasm form of Bowser (as a result of Bowser's DNA). Bowser chases the ghost out into the Castle Courtyard, where the entire castle comes to life. The massive fortress transformed into a [[Super Peach's Castle|battling machine]] by Fawful. Bowser must become giant for the last time in order to defeat the castle. After a deadly battle, the Castle is defeated, and Bowser shrinks back to normal size.
Heading back into the meeting room, Bowser finds [[Dark Fawful]] searching for the Dark Star, and attacks him. Once Bowser damages Fawful beyond limits, Dark Fawful transforms into a bug-like stage, crawling out of the room. Outside the room, The Dark Star and Dark Fawful merge together to become the stable [[Dark Bowser]] duo. After Dark Bowser escapes through a hidden passage behind the throne, he and Bowser engage in a spike ball battle up the central tower with Bowser being the victor. Following Dark Bowser, Bowser ends up on the final battle arena.  
In the arena, Dark Bowser releases a hurricane of Dark smoke that covers the entire Mushroom Kingdom. He explains how he is going to rule over the pathetic land, and that there is nothing standing in his way. Bowser then laughs at his words, stating that this is HIS land, and that he can't win. They then begin the final Battle; Bowser versus Dark Bowser and Mario Bros versus [[Dark Star Core]]. After a long battle, the Mario Bros defeat the Dark Star Core, allowing Bowser to finally give the final blow to the now unstable Dark Bowser.
The Mushroom Kingdom returns to normal, except the fact that Fawful is still alive. After a quick speech, Fawful explodes in order to kill the Mario Bros. Yet it backfires as it sends all that were trapped in [[Bowser's Body]] out into the Mushroom Kingdom. Everyone celebrates at making it out, except for the confused Bowser, just now finding out that Mario and Luigi were in his body the entire time. After learning who Chippy was, he reached his last straw, making a final battle with the Mario Bros leading into the cutscenes in the end credits.  
=====Enemies (including bosses)=====
*[[Bowser]] (boss)
*[[Dark Trashure]]
*[[Dark Mechawful]]
*[[Dark Mechawful.5]] (a powered-up version of regular Dark Mechawfuls)
*[[Dark Fawful Bomb]]
*[[Dark Fawful Guy]]
*[[Blizzard Midbus]] (boss)
*[[Snawful]] (along with Blizzard Midbus)
*[[Dark Fawful]] (boss)
*[[Vacuum Helmet]] (along with Dark Fawful)
*[[Dark Bowser]] (boss)
*[[Dark Star Core]] (along with Dark Bowser)
====''Mario & Luigi: Dream Team''====
The castle makes a brief cameo in ''[[Mario & Luigi: Dream Team]]'', as this is the place where Mario and friends receive the invitation to [[Pi'illo Island]].
===''Mario vs. Donkey Kong'' series===
====''Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis''====
[[File:Toadstoolcastle.png|thumb|'''Toadstool Castle''']]
Peach's Castle could be seen drawn in the background of the first floor, [[Mushroom Mayhem]], of ''[[Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis]]''. Also, '''Toadstool Castle''' appeared  as the sixth floor of this game. This floor's levels were the first in the game to feature moving platforms, and balance beams similar to the ones from ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' The music played in the levels is 'Inside The Castle Walls' from ''[[Super Mario 64]]''.
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===''Yoshi'' series===
====''Yoshi's Island DS''====
Peach's Castle made a small cameo in the intro. When the [[Toadies]] are kidnapping babies, [[Baby Peach]] is taken from her castle, along with [[Baby Mario]] and [[Baby DK]] from their respective houses. It is later seen in the credits when the stork takes her back.
===''Super Princess Peach''===
[[File:SuperPrincessPeachCastle.jpg|frame|left|Peach's castle in ''[[Super Princess Peach]]''.]]
In ''[[Super Princess Peach]]'', the castle was affected by the Vibe Scepter and Bowser's minions captured Mario, Luigi and Toad while Princess Peach, Toadsworth and another Toad were enjoying a walk. Also, in this game the castle bears six or eight towers supporting the outside walls. If not, it can be explained that the rear of the castle is wider than the front, therefore letting four towers be seen in the opening scenes.
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===''Itadaki Street DS''===
[[File:PeachcastleDS.PNG|x100px|thumb|Peach's Castle in ''Itadaki Street DS''.]]
Peach's Castle is one of the Monopoly boards in ''[[Itadaki Street DS]]'', featuring Peach's Castle and some grassy hills in the background. This is also the only non-Mario game which features the castle.
===''Fortune Street''===
Peach's Castle returns as one of the Mario series boards in the sequel to ''Itadaki Street'', ''[[Fortune Street]]'' for the [[Nintendo Wii]]. The board is slightly changed in terms of structure from its original appearance in the prequel. In the ''Easy'' vesrion of the game, the board looks like a the letter P with and extra line in the  middle of the loop of the P with an extra line next to the stem which is connected by a space at the bottom and the top. In the ''Standard'' version of the game, the board looks like a short, wide rectangle with a tall square in the middle of the rectangle. In ''Tour'' mode, the player has to play against Peach, Wario, and Bowser while coming in first or second to beat the board. Beating this board unlocks Peach as a playable character. The Standard mode version of the board was actually in former releases of the Itadaki Street series.
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===''Mario Sports Mix''===
In ''[[Mario Sports Mix]]'', Princess Peach's Castle returns as a [[Peach's Castle (Mario Sports Mix)|court]] and background element for [[Mushroom Cup]] tournaments.
The main gimmick of this court is sprinklers that turn on and off. In dodgeball, the water acts as the dividing line between the two sides of the court. When the water goes down, players can move anywhere on the court, even the other team's side. In basketball, it acts as an obstacle to stop players from getting to the hoop. In hockey, it blocks the puck from going into the goal immediately. In volleyball, it will cause the ball to bounce back.
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==Layout as seen in ''[[Super Mario 64]]'' and ''[[Super Mario 64 DS]]''==
===Castle grounds===
[[File:SM64DS-Castle Grounds Map.PNG|frame|left|Map of the castle grounds.]]
[[File:SM64DS-Castle Grounds Map2.PNG|frame|The castle grounds with the moat drained.]]
The Castle Grounds is where the player begins the game. A sealed [[cannon]] is found near the lake to the right. After obtaining all 120 [[Power Star]]s (150 in the remake), the cannon will open and the player will be able to launch themselves to the top of the castle Roof, where the player will find [[Yoshi]], who will give Mario 100 [[Extra Life|extra lives]], and an enhanced [[Triple Jump]]. Also up there is a  [[Exclamation Block|! Box]] holding a [[Wing Cap]]. In the DS version, this was removed (as Yoshi is a playable character), but Luigi's final [[rabbit]] can be found on the castle roof, as well as a [[Question Block|? block]] holding a Power Flower (or a Wing Cap if the player uses Mario). The roof in ''Super Mario 64 DS'' features a small fence around the area where the three mushrooms are found. It is possible to get to the top of the castle by climbing down the tree when the moat is not drained, or by a special technique all of the characters have to get to the roof without even using the cannon. Stomping on the two columns in the basement will drain the moat, which allow the player to enter the [[Vanish Cap Under the Moat]] (or The Secret Under the Moat in the remake). There is also a waterfall which acts as the exit of [[Cavern of the Metal Cap]] (or Behind the Waterfall in the remake). A moat surrounds the castle, which is able to be drained during gameplay.
===First floor===
[[File:SM64DS-First Floor Map.PNG|frame|left|The first floor of the castle.]]
[[File:SM64DS-Courtyard Map.PNG|frame|right|Boo courtyard.]]
After entering the castle, the player will find [[Toad]], who will say to go to the [[Bob-omb Battlefield]] portrait, the only course that has not been sealed by [[Bowser]] at the time. There is also a locked door which leads to the second floor, which requires a key to unlock it. There is also 2 wooden doors, which both lead to the hallway to the [[Boo]]-infested hallway, Courtyard and the stairs to the Basement. A door to the right of the main room will lead to the princess' room which hides [[The Princess's Secret Slide]]. A door nearby leads to the castle's [[Rec Room (Super Mario 64 DS)|Rec Room]] (only on the DS version). The [[Star Door]] to the left of the main room is where Bowser resides in the level [[Bowser in the Dark World]]. A portrait of Princess Peach is found at the end of the corridor. However, the deceiving portrait will turn into an image of Bowser as the player walks down the corridor. In the middle of the main room, a sun in the form of a rug will send the player to the [[Tower of the Wing Cap]] (or ? Switch in the remake) when they look into the sun shining from the ceiling.
===Second floor===
[[File:SM64DS-Second Floor Map.PNG|frame|left|The second floor of the castle.]]
After unlocking the door on the first floor, ascending a set of spiral stairs will lead the player to the second floor of the castle. It is a round shaped room with portraits adorning all areas of the wall. A set of stairs will lead to yet another Star Door, and ultimately the third floor. There are two doors found opposite each other on the outside wall. The first leads to a room which contains several portraits leading to [[Tiny-Huge Island]]. The other contains a mirror which runs through the center of the room. The player can become [[Vanish Mario]] (or Vanish Luigi in the remake) to pass through the mirror.
===Third floor===
[[File:SM64DS-Third_Floor_Map.PNG|frame|The third floor of the castle.]]
The third floor consists of a small, round room with a [[Tick Tock Clock|Clock]] seen directly opposite the door. There are two small niches in both sides of the wall, each leading to a different course; the one to the left will warp the player to [[Wing Mario Over the Rainbow]] (named Over the Rainbows in the remake), and the one on the right will warp the player to [[Rainbow Ride]]. Above the door of the third floor is yet another Star Door, where a staircase will lead to the final battle ([[Bowser in the Sky]]). However, 70 Power Stars (80 in the remake) are needed to break the spell of the endless stairs.
[[File:SM64DS-Castle_Basement_Map.PNG|frame|left|The castle basement.]]
The basement is the lowest area of Princess Peach's Castle, as it is just below ground level. It can be entered through the set of stairs which descend down near the first floor. It consists of many areas all linked together by doors. One of the lower areas of the basement is made up of shallow water. An area found at the front-most of the castle basement is initially completely flooded with water from the castle moat. However, the moat is able to be drained by [[Ground Pound]]ing two [[Pillar]]s. Having done so, the water will drain and a door which was previously inaccessible leads to the castle grounds.
==Description and Location==
[[File:Castlepeachsprite.jpg|200px|thumb|The castle in ''Mario Golf: Advance Tour''.]]
In the majority of games, the castle is normally grey marble, but sometimes it was noted white and even a light cream (''[[Super Princess Peach]]''). Since 1996 it has kept its original highest tower emerging from a wider circular tower underneath - both always in the center of the castle. Normally the main feature of the castle is a rectangular or square shape, with nearly always four towers supporting this part. The roof is nearly always a shade of red, but in ''[[Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]'' it was a shade of yellow.
A window is usually present at the front of the palace. There is an image of [[Princess Peach]] embedded, painted or carved onto the window. In ''[[Super Mario 64]]'', this was the part of the castle Princess Peach was concealed and only the power of the star Bowser had captured for himself at the end could release her.
[[File:Overhead shot of castle grounds SMG.png|200px|left|thumb|The castle grounds in ''Super Mario Galaxy''.]]
In ''Super Mario 64'' and ''[[Super Mario 64 DS]]'', the castle is a huge palace with many rooms and secrets. Despite having a high amount of rooms, there were no regular "living" rooms, such as a bedroom or kitchen. Most of the rooms simply had a large painting in it. The castle also had a basement, the floor of which was oddly coated with water. However, this could likely be all due to Bowser's reign on the castle. The castle grounds were also quite spacious in this game. Plenty of trees can be viewed and climbed up, and the land itself is quite large. A body of water surrounds the castle, which eventually leads into a small pond. In this game, the castle is reached via [[Warp Pipe]].
In ''[[Paper Mario]]'', the castle differs radically from its 64 counterpart. The palace is still large and has a great number of rooms, but each room has some kind of purpose (there is a library, a bedroom, and many storage rooms), and the lobby is connected to the ballroom. The castle grounds are also much smaller, with a simple fountain and one or two trees outside the castle. Much of the castle's surrounding land was lifted into the air with Bowser's castle, which may explain the seemingly shrunken land; however, even when Mario finally reaches the castle to confront Bowser, no moat can be seen. The castle has no warp pipe leading to it, as it can easily be reached from [[Toad Town]].
[[File:unknownfloatingobject.png|200px|thumb|left|The castle as it is lifted into space in ''Super Mario Galaxy''.]]
In ''[[Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]]'', the palace was again, like ''Paper Mario'' big and had actual "living" rooms. This castle however was different from the Mario 64 and Paper Mario versions and the garden looked very different (there were no trees either).
In ''[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]]'', the castle's conference room was seen in the intro. It is eventually taken over by [[Fawful]] and served as the final area in the game.
In ''[[Super Mario 64]]'', there was a courtyard located behind the castle but it was not visible from the front or roof of the castle in the main gardens. However, the main part of the castle could be seen from the courtyard. The courtyard introduced the magic and mystery of Peach's Castle that the Power Stars seemed to have control over. The courtyard in both the original Super Mario 64 and in the [[Nintendo DS]] remake was infested with Boos. Big Boo's Haunt and another secret level were hidden in here.
Differing from the castle in ''Super Mario 64'', in ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]'', the castle now has a balcony and several windows. The castle still has the body of water connected to it, but is now right outside Toad Town. Also different from the older version, this castle's outside is more detailed.
Also in ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]'', the cut-scenes show a more detailed top tower than when playing as Mario in the Star Festival.
In ''[[Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]]'' the castle was controlled by [[Fawful]] and was planned to use it against Bowser when he would arrive, Bowser then defeated the castle in the devastating battle.
In ''[[New Super Mario Bros. Wii]]'', the castle has less windows, no moat, has more detail than its DS predecessor, and looks more remote than ''Super Mario 64/DS'' and ''Super Mario Galaxy''.
In ''[[Super Mario Galaxy 2]]'', the castle looks like the castle from ''Super Mario Galaxy''. The balcony from ''Galaxy'' seems to be missing, however and there are now several vases full of flowers on the grounds. During the invasion of Bowser, several meteors hit the grounds, blocking off the east half of the grounds.
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==More Castles==
Peach appears to have more than one castle. A completely different one in seen in ''[[Mario Hoops 3-on-3]]''. It stands on a gigantic and poorly structured rock out in the sea. This castle is also visible from Koopa Beach. The castles of ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' and its sequel, ''[[Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels]]'', are also said to be in the Mushroom Kingdom and invaded by Bowser. The Princess' home in ''[[Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars]]'' is known as the ''Mushroom Castle'' rather than Princess Peach's Castle, and has a radically different design.
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==''Paper Mario'' Information==
===Enemies Found (''Paper Mario'')===
*[[Bowser]] (Final boss of ''Paper Mario'')
*[[Kammy Koopa]]
====Enemies that appear during the Peach Intermissions====
Peach doesn't fight these enemies. They patrol her castle and when they spot Peach, she'll be sent back to her room.
*[[Hammer Bro.]]
===''Paper Mario'' Area Tattles===
*This is Peach's Castle. But we just came out of Bowser's Castle! I've got a funny feeling about this... I wonder where Princess Peach is being held captive. I think we should brace ourselves, Mario.
*This is the first floor hall of Princess Peach's Castle. There are so many doors, though. Where on earth can Princess Peach be?
* Boy, what happened here? This is even messier than my room back home! It looks like nobody ever puts anything away in here.
*That's a pretty huge drawer over there. I bet a person could fit inside! If they wanted to, that is... Hey, there's a bed, too! This must be a guest room.
*It's a kitchen. I'm just guessing, but I bet this is where they make the meals. The castle's head chef probably cooks all the meals, don't you think? I wonder what kinds of savory dishes he knows how to make. Hey, Mario, have you ever eaten here?
*This is the second floor hall of Princess Peach's Castle. There are so many doors, though. Where on earth can Princess Peach be?
*This is just an ordinary room. Do you smell something, though? What a strange odor...
*Wow! So many books. If we weren't in the middle of such an adventure, I'd love to read some of these.
*It's a dining room. It looks like somebody has eaten here recently. Probably not the Princess-- they're probably starving her! People always say that the meals served here are delectable. I'd love to eat here sometime.
*This looks like a storeroom. ...! Hey! Check out that box! Let's see what's in it.
*Wow! This is Princess Peach's room, isn't it? It smells great in here! It's such a cheerful room, just like Princess Peach. I can't believe she was locked up in here for so long, all by herself. She must've been so lonely... We've got to rescue her, right now!!
*This balcony has a great view. I'm betting that this is one of the princess's favorite places.
*It's a covered hallway in Peach's Castle, Mario. Let's find Bowser and save Princess Peach!
*We have to help Princess Peach!! Mario! Hurry up! Let's move!
*Bowser's gone upstairs. C'mon, we have to follow him! Mario, let's roll!
*We have to save the princess! Hurry up! Mario! There's no time to waste!
*It's a castle tower. These long spiral stairs go up and up and around and around. Oog...I feel dizzy.
*Huh? Where in the world did Bowser just disappear to?
==Trophy Information from ''Super Smash Bros. Melee''==
{|border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width=100%
!Princess Peach's Castle
|align=center | Super Mario 64<br>9/96
|''Princess Peach's magnificent royal castle appears to be inhabited solely by the princess and a multitude of Toads. Bowser tried to steal the castle's Power Stars in Super Mario 64, and in Paper Mario, the surly archfiend actually lifted the castle into the stratosphere with his own filthy fortress.''
|name1=SM64- Inside the Castle Walls
|pipe1=''[[Super Mario 64]]''
|description1=Inside the Castle walls
==Names in Other Languages==
|Jap=<span style="white-space:nowrap;">キノコ城<br>''Kinoko Jō'' (''Super Mario RPG'', ''Paper Mario'')<br>ピーチキャッスル<br>''Pīchi Kyassuru''<br>ピーチ城<br>''Pīchi Jō'' (''New Super Mario Bros. Wii'')
|JapM=Mushroom Castle (''Kinoko'' 「キノコ」 meaning "mushroom", ''Jō'' 「城」 meaning "castle"), Peach Castle (''Pīchi'' 「ピーチ」 being Peach's name in Japanese, with both ''Jō'' and the English "castle" used, the latter being transcribed into Japanese as ''Kyassuru'' 「キャッスル」).
|Ger=Peachs Schloss<br>Pilz-Palast (occasionally)
|GerM=Peach's Castle<br>Mushroom Palace
|Spa=Castillo de Peach
|SpaM=Peach's Castle
|Fra=Château Champignon (''Paper Mario'')<br>Château de Peach
|FraM=Mushroom Castle<br>Peach's Castle
|Ita=Castello di Peach
|ItaM=Princess Peach's Castle
|Kor=버섯 성
|KorR=Beoseot Seong
|KorM=Mushroom Castle}}
*[[Princess Peach]]'s castle is the only structure that is not damaged when it is sucked into the [[Black Hole|black hole]] at the conclusion of ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]''.
*''[[Super Mario Sunshine]]'',  ''[[Luigi's Mansion]]'' and ''[[Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon]]'' are the only 3D adventure games that the castle did not appear in since the games take place in different locations.
*The moat around the castle appears in ''[[Super Mario 64]]'' (and the [[Super Mario 64 DS|remake]]), ''[[New Super Mario Bros. U]]'', ''[[Mario Kart 64]]'' and ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]''. It is unknown why it was removed for the other games.
{{The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3}}
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[[Category:Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis]]

Revision as of 12:31, June 23, 2014

It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information.

Not to be confused with Peach's Palace.

Template:Articleabout Template:Location-infobox

“So this is Peach's's more beautiful than I imagined!”
Penguru, Super Mario Galaxy

Princess Peach's Castle (also known as Mushroom Castle or simply Peach's Castle) is the castle situated within the Mushroom Kingdom and is the most prominent landmark of the area. Princess Peach and many Toads, including Toad and Toadsworth live here. The rooms inside the castle vary from game to game, as can the castle's location. It is recognized by a tall tower standing in the center of the castle and is supported by four towers along the outside walls in most games.

In main Mario titles, the castle is normally seen on grassy plains away from civilization while the Paper Mario series sometimes depicts it in a busy town. Super Mario Galaxy and its successor however show it to be in the same town but in a less crowded area. Although this general statement can vary, the castle is always found in Toad Town.


Super Mario series

Super Mario 64

The castle in Super Mario 64.

In Super Mario 64, Peach's Castle is properly introduced and can be explored thoroughly for the first time. The castle serves as the central "hub" for the entire adventure. Bowser takes over the castle and hides the Power Stars (which seem to be of the castle) and its inhabitants, including Peach and Toads in various paintings and walls throughout the castle. Eventually Mario saves the Princess and returns the castle to its former glory. At the end of the game, Mario can use a cannon to travel to the roof of the castle, which is flat, and find Yoshi, along with a red ! Block.

Super Mario 64 DS

Peach's Castle is introduced as the central hub for the entire adventure in Super Mario 64 DS as well. At the start of the game, Peach sends a letter to Mario. Apparently, Luigi and Wario somehow read the letter themselves and catch up behind Mario. After the three are kidnapped by Bowser, Yoshi is seen sleeping on the roof (a possible reference to Super Mario 64), only to be awakened by one of the Lakitu Bros, and carried by him to the front of the castle. The Lakitu Bros tells Yoshi that Mario didn't return from the castle yet, and Yoshi heads to the castle, starting the adventure.

New Super Mario Bros.

File:NSMB-Peach Castle.PNG
The castle shown in the game's intro.

In New Super Mario Bros., the castle is seen in the game's opening, where it is possibly attacked by Lakithunder shortly before Bowser Jr. kidnaps the princess. Since this game, the New Super Mario Bros. series has had a running theme of having Peach's Castle in World 1-1, plainly visible at the start of the stages. The only exceptions to this running theme are New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U (see section for details).

Super Mario Galaxy

Peach's Castle as it appears during the Star Festival in Super Mario Galaxy.

In Super Mario Galaxy, Princess Peach invites Mario to her castle during the Star Festival, in order to show him the Luma she has found. As he makes his way there, however, Bowser appears and lifts the entire castle into outer space; despite Mario's efforts to hang on, he is sent flying into the cosmos by Kamek, and a distressed Peach sends Luma to help him as her castle is brought to the center of the universe.

In order to reach the castle again, Mario must travel through numerous galaxies in order to reclaim the Power Stars responsible for sustaining the Comet Observatory, which Bowser had stolen and used to fashion an intergalactic empire; in return, Rosalina, the keeper of the observatory and mother of the Lumas, flies the plumber to the center of the universe once he has collected them all, where he uses a warp gate within the castle to reach Bowser's galaxy reactor and rescue Peach.

Following Bowser's defeat and the rescue of the final Grand Star, the star it was being used to power implodes on itself, becoming a massive Black Hole, which begins to consume Peach's castle along with the observatory and the remnants of the surrounding galaxy; the Lumas perform a sacrifice by flinging themselves into the center of the black hole in order to stabilize it. The resulting explosion restores the cosmos to their former state and returns the castle, along with Mario, Peach, and Bowser, to its rightful place in the Mushroom Kingdom. It resembles the design from Super Mario 64.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

The Icon of Princess Peach's Castle from New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
The castle as seen in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the castle was featured during the game's opening in which Peach was holding her birthday party. After Peach got kidnapped by the Koopalings, Mario, Luigi, and two Toads immediately went in hot pursuit after those responsible for the crime. While the four heroes made haste, two other Toads back at the castle fired Penguin Suits and Propeller Mushrooms their way for them to use.

The castle is also the location to get Hint Movies. They can be obtained by giving star coins to Toad who resides in the castle during the game. Once again, it can be seen in the background at the start of World 1-1.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Peach's Castle as it appears in the ending credits in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

The castle appears very briefly in the opening of Super Mario Galaxy 2. After traversing a 2-D level, Mario enters Toad Town, finding it in ruins. He then sees a giant Bowser in front of the castle, who gloats at Mario and flies away with Princess Peach. Mario then meets two Lumas on the bridge over the moat, one of which turns into a Launch Star and sends him to Sky Station Galaxy. The castle also appeared at the end of the credits where Mario and friends have a party for saving the galaxy.

Super Mario 3D Land

Peach's castle in Super Mario 3D Land, from the inside and outside respectively.
Peach's castle in Super Mario 3D Land, from the inside and outside respectively.
Peach's castle in Super Mario 3D Land, from the inside and outside respectively.

If the player waits for a while on the title screen without pressing A Button, they can enter Peach's Castle. There are many Toads here, and Mario can practice his moves in the castle. In the castle, there are 5 toads. The place where the red toad stands is inaccessible, as it is sticking up, which can be seen while stepping behind the tower or by switching to 3D. It can also be seen in the opening and ending cutscenes of the game. Like the New Super Mario Bros. series, the castle also appears in the background of World 1-1, alongside the Tail Tree.

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Like in New Super Mario Bros., Peach's Castle makes a cameo in the opening and in the background of World 1-1. It has the same appearance as in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. It also appears in the hidden area of Course 3 of the Gold Classics Pack.

New Super Mario Bros. U / New Super Luigi U

Main article: Peach's Castle (New Super Mario Bros. U)

Peach's Castle in New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U seems to be a similar place as it were in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. However, this iteration has a large moat surrounding the castle, an extra floor, as well as a tower on the right of the castle. In both of the game's openings, Bowser and the Koopalings once again attempt to kidnap Princess Peach. They take hostage over her at her own castle, which is the final area of the main game. Bowser and Bowser Jr. await the player at The Final Battle, which takes place at the top floor of the castle.

Super Mario 3D World

In Super Mario 3D World, the castle is briefly seen in the opening cutscene as the protagonists take a walk on a starry night full of fireworks and meteors. The castle appears to have its design from Super Mario 3D Land this time around, but the main doors now have a rounded shape, and are blue with three spots, resembling a mushroom, and the grounds surrounding it are blocked by grassy hills.

Super Mario-Kun

Princess Peach's Castle has appeared a few times in Super Mario-Kun. It also takes in different appearances according to the game the volume is based on.

Mario Kart series

Peach's Castle can be seen at Mushroom Bridge.
Peach's Castle can be seen at Mushroom Bridge.
Peach's Castle can be seen at Mario Circuit in the background.

Peach's Castle also made some appearances in the Mario Kart series. The castle first appears in Mario Kart 64 in the track Royal Raceway. It has the exact same design as the one in Super Mario 64. Players have a choice to explore the grounds if they wish; however they may not enter the castle itself. The Award Ceremony also takes place where the top three drivers will drive there with confetti and a golden trophy for the winner of the cup. In the reappearance of the course as a retro course in Mario Kart 8, the physical appearance of Peach's Castle and the area around it are not the same as Super Mario 64 anymore. Furthermore, the entrance to it has been blocked. Thus, racers can no longer explore the area around Peach's Castle.

In Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Peach's Castle can been seen in the background of Rainbow Road atop of Bowser's Castle, just like in Paper Mario. It also appears in Peach Circuit as an object in the background.

The castle appears in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! twice. Once on Mario Circuit and in the background on Mushroom Bridge in Grand Prix mode, just before the first tunnel. In Mario Circuit, the castle is completely cut off from the road and separated from the track by walls. This castle is very 'cheerful' and cartoon-like, compared to its other appearances. In Mario Circuit, several Goombas on a rocky road, Piranha Plants in pipes along the track, a Chain Chomp on a large turn and tricky bends await a racer on both GameCube and Wii. (Mario Kart: Double Dash!!'s Mario Circuit reappears in Mario Kart Wii as a retro course in the Leaf Cup). Also, in Mushroom Bridge the castle can be spotted vaguely obscured by fog in the background.

Peach's Castle also appears in Mario Kart Wii, yet the course is named Mario Circuit. It, like in Super Mario Galaxy, is located in a small village called Toad Town. Shy Guys and Hammer Bros. observe players as they sit on the fences surrounding the castle and houses. A total of five Goombas patrol the roads and a large Chain Chomp is situated on a sharp turn in or around the middle of the course. The typical Mushroom Kingdom hills can be seen in the background along with a rainbow. Yellow sunflowers are neatly placed along the grasses of the track and a hot-air balloon labeled "MARIO" floats and travels over the grounds.

Peach's Castle appears in Mario Circuit from the game, Mario Kart 7, and it is the first time the player is allowed to drive inside the castle. The castle reappears as a course in Mario Kart Arcade GP DX known as Peach Castle.

Paper Mario series

Paper Mario

Peach's Castle before being uprooted in Paper Mario.
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Peach's Castle stands atop Bowser's Castle during the events of Paper Mario.

The castle was once again taken over by the Koopa Troop during the events of Paper Mario. In the beginning of the game, Princess Peach invites Mario and Luigi to a party at the castle. However, while the Mario Bros. (and numerous other guests) are having fun, Bowser hatches an elaborate plan that causes his castle to rise into the air under Princess Peach's Castle, taking the Princess' castle with it. Many of the party guests are imprisoned and Bowser throws Mario out of a window, sending him spiraling back toward Mushroom Kingdom. Peach is once again forced to be a prisoner in her own castle.

In the end, Mario, Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Parakarry, Lady Bow, Watt, Sushie and Lakilester (with the help of the Star Spirits) fly to Bowser's Castle and make their way up to Princess Peach's Castle. The team finally confronts Bowser and Kammy Koopa on the roof of the castle, and defeat both of the villains, sending them flying off the castle and returning it to its rightful place in Toad Town.

Mario Party series

Mario Party 2

Princess Peach's Castle makes a cameo in Mystery Land.

Mario Party 3

Peach's Castle appears in the intro and "hub" of Mario Party 3. Entering it lets one play any unlocked minigames and music. The player can also change the options of the game there.

Mario Party 4

The bag casting a shadow over Peach's Castle in the opening of Mario Party 4
Peach's Castle being covered by a shadow

Peach's Castle is seen at the opening sequence of Mario Party 4. Briefly, the bag that covers the floating cube casts a shadow on Peach's castle. At the main menu, Peach's Castle is seen at the background.

Mario Party 5

In Mario Party 5, Peach's Castle is the background of the minigame Coin Cache. The players walk out the front door of the castle in the intro of the minigame.

Mario Party 7

At the end of a Party Cruise game in Mario Party 7, there is an end-of-game ceremony that takes place at Peach's Castle in the MSS Sea Star. Here, Toadsworth announces the game's current scores and gives out the three Bonus Stars to the players based on their performance during the match. When it's time to reveal the Superstar of the match, all four (or eight) contestants will enter the castle to determine the champion. Once they get to the top of the castle, the doors will open and the winner is revealed. That player (or team) is the superstar.

Mario Party 8

Peach's Castle appears in Mario Party 8 in the background of the minigame Crank to Rank.

Mario Party 9

In Mario Party 9, the intro and ending for Solo Mode take place outside Peach's Castle. Both parts of the story feature the characters looking through a telescope outside the castle to view the Mini Stars. Additionally, the castle can be seen in the background on the main menu.

Mario Party: Island Tour

In Mario Party: Island Tour during the intro, Peach's Castle can be seen in the background several times.

Mario Party 10

In Mario Party 10, Peach's Castle will appear at the starting area of an unnamed board. This will be its second appearance on a board, after Mario Party 2.

Mario & Luigi series

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

In Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, the castle plays a very minor role. The castle grounds can be explored at the start of the game, and the castle can be viewed from Hoohoo Mountain. Mario's battle with Bowser takes place inside Princess Peach's throne room, but the castle interior cannot be explored.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time


Peach's castle being attacked by the Shroobs.

In the sequel to Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, the castle is the main traveling point of the game, almost identical to how it was used in Super Mario 64. The music is also a remixs to the aforementioned game. The castle held all of the Time Holes leading into the past in the entire game.

There are many items and coins and the castle is home to the only shop in the game (except for the Monty Mole store and the one in Toad Town). There are 2 bosses the player fights in there, one against Junior Shrooboid and the other the last boss in the game; Shrowser. Goombas can also be fought in the basement area.

This is the only game in the Mario & Luigi series where the player can listen to the Castle theme whenever they want.

Area maps

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story


The castle as it appears in the title screen.

The princess' castle reappears in the sequel to Mario and Luigi: Partners In Time, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.

The game begins at the castle, with Mario and Luigi traveling through the main interior to the meeting room. The meeting is about the Blorbs that have infected much of the Mushroom Kindgom. The meeting is soon cancelled as Bowser comes into the meeting, angered by the fact that they don't believe he is there to solve the unknown disease. After Mario defeats him, Peach and Starlow send him out of the castle. Later on, Brainwashed Bowser enters the meeting room as everyone leaves, inhaling everyone in the room. Bowser then ends up knocking out, and Fawful appears, sending him out of the castle yet again.

It is seen later again, yet blocked off by Fawful using the Dark Star power. He has now taken over the castle, serving it as his chamber to reviving the Dark Star. Once Mario and Luigi combine the Star Cures into the Miracle Cure, they are able to bring down the barriers and enter the castle. They have to travel through Peach's Castle Garden and fight Junker before they find Bowser all sore. There is a pipe that leads to him in the gardens.

Once the Mario Bros heal Bowser, the great beast is now about to explore deep into the castle walls using his new ball roll. He finds that Fawful has made a trial for Bowser, leaving three keys to three of his hovering bots that hold the whereabouts of either treasures or the way out. After a long chase and crushing the bots, Bowser makes his way through the next area where Fawful has giant Piranha Plants growing. Once weeding the humongous plants, he moves on to the room that Fawful, Midbus, the Dark Star, and Princess Peach reside in.

Fawful allows Midbus to fight against Bowser, giving him an icy powerup to make him Blizzard Midbus. Yet Bowser proves himself the stronger beast, defeating and freezing Midbus in place. But it is too late for the main goal of rescuing the princess as the Dark Star is fully revived. Fawful is able to take some of the energy from the Dark Star before Bowser punches him out of the room. The Dark Star enters Bowser's Body, entering from the mouth while Bowser chuckled at the pleasure of punching Fawful.

Once the Mario Bros defeat the weakened Dark Star, it escapes out of Bowser's Body, in a phantasm form of Bowser (as a result of Bowser's DNA). Bowser chases the ghost out into the Castle Courtyard, where the entire castle comes to life. The massive fortress transformed into a battling machine by Fawful. Bowser must become giant for the last time in order to defeat the castle. After a deadly battle, the Castle is defeated, and Bowser shrinks back to normal size.

Heading back into the meeting room, Bowser finds Dark Fawful searching for the Dark Star, and attacks him. Once Bowser damages Fawful beyond limits, Dark Fawful transforms into a bug-like stage, crawling out of the room. Outside the room, The Dark Star and Dark Fawful merge together to become the stable Dark Bowser duo. After Dark Bowser escapes through a hidden passage behind the throne, he and Bowser engage in a spike ball battle up the central tower with Bowser being the victor. Following Dark Bowser, Bowser ends up on the final battle arena.

In the arena, Dark Bowser releases a hurricane of Dark smoke that covers the entire Mushroom Kingdom. He explains how he is going to rule over the pathetic land, and that there is nothing standing in his way. Bowser then laughs at his words, stating that this is HIS land, and that he can't win. They then begin the final Battle; Bowser versus Dark Bowser and Mario Bros versus Dark Star Core. After a long battle, the Mario Bros defeat the Dark Star Core, allowing Bowser to finally give the final blow to the now unstable Dark Bowser.

The Mushroom Kingdom returns to normal, except the fact that Fawful is still alive. After a quick speech, Fawful explodes in order to kill the Mario Bros. Yet it backfires as it sends all that were trapped in Bowser's Body out into the Mushroom Kingdom. Everyone celebrates at making it out, except for the confused Bowser, just now finding out that Mario and Luigi were in his body the entire time. After learning who Chippy was, he reached his last straw, making a final battle with the Mario Bros leading into the cutscenes in the end credits.

Enemies (including bosses)

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

The castle makes a brief cameo in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, as this is the place where Mario and friends receive the invitation to Pi'illo Island.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong series

Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis

Toadstool Castle

Peach's Castle could be seen drawn in the background of the first floor, Mushroom Mayhem, of Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis. Also, Toadstool Castle appeared as the sixth floor of this game. This floor's levels were the first in the game to feature moving platforms, and balance beams similar to the ones from Super Mario Bros. The music played in the levels is 'Inside The Castle Walls' from Super Mario 64.

Yoshi series

Yoshi's Island DS

Peach's Castle made a small cameo in the intro. When the Toadies are kidnapping babies, Baby Peach is taken from her castle, along with Baby Mario and Baby DK from their respective houses. It is later seen in the credits when the stork takes her back.

Super Princess Peach

In Super Princess Peach, the castle was affected by the Vibe Scepter and Bowser's minions captured Mario, Luigi and Toad while Princess Peach, Toadsworth and another Toad were enjoying a walk. Also, in this game the castle bears six or eight towers supporting the outside walls. If not, it can be explained that the rear of the castle is wider than the front, therefore letting four towers be seen in the opening scenes.

Itadaki Street DS

Peach's Castle in Itadaki Street DS.

Peach's Castle is one of the Monopoly boards in Itadaki Street DS, featuring Peach's Castle and some grassy hills in the background. This is also the only non-Mario game which features the castle. Template:Sectionstub

Fortune Street

Peach's Castle returns as one of the Mario series boards in the sequel to Itadaki Street, Fortune Street for the Nintendo Wii. The board is slightly changed in terms of structure from its original appearance in the prequel. In the Easy vesrion of the game, the board looks like a the letter P with and extra line in the middle of the loop of the P with an extra line next to the stem which is connected by a space at the bottom and the top. In the Standard version of the game, the board looks like a short, wide rectangle with a tall square in the middle of the rectangle. In Tour mode, the player has to play against Peach, Wario, and Bowser while coming in first or second to beat the board. Beating this board unlocks Peach as a playable character. The Standard mode version of the board was actually in former releases of the Itadaki Street series.

Mario Sports Mix

In Mario Sports Mix, Princess Peach's Castle returns as a court and background element for Mushroom Cup tournaments.

The main gimmick of this court is sprinklers that turn on and off. In dodgeball, the water acts as the dividing line between the two sides of the court. When the water goes down, players can move anywhere on the court, even the other team's side. In basketball, it acts as an obstacle to stop players from getting to the hoop. In hockey, it blocks the puck from going into the goal immediately. In volleyball, it will cause the ball to bounce back.

Layout as seen in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS

Castle grounds

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Map of the castle grounds.
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The castle grounds with the moat drained.

The Castle Grounds is where the player begins the game. A sealed cannon is found near the lake to the right. After obtaining all 120 Power Stars (150 in the remake), the cannon will open and the player will be able to launch themselves to the top of the castle Roof, where the player will find Yoshi, who will give Mario 100 extra lives, and an enhanced Triple Jump. Also up there is a ! Box holding a Wing Cap. In the DS version, this was removed (as Yoshi is a playable character), but Luigi's final rabbit can be found on the castle roof, as well as a ? block holding a Power Flower (or a Wing Cap if the player uses Mario). The roof in Super Mario 64 DS features a small fence around the area where the three mushrooms are found. It is possible to get to the top of the castle by climbing down the tree when the moat is not drained, or by a special technique all of the characters have to get to the roof without even using the cannon. Stomping on the two columns in the basement will drain the moat, which allow the player to enter the Vanish Cap Under the Moat (or The Secret Under the Moat in the remake). There is also a waterfall which acts as the exit of Cavern of the Metal Cap (or Behind the Waterfall in the remake). A moat surrounds the castle, which is able to be drained during gameplay.

First floor

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The first floor of the castle.

After entering the castle, the player will find Toad, who will say to go to the Bob-omb Battlefield portrait, the only course that has not been sealed by Bowser at the time. There is also a locked door which leads to the second floor, which requires a key to unlock it. There is also 2 wooden doors, which both lead to the hallway to the Boo-infested hallway, Courtyard and the stairs to the Basement. A door to the right of the main room will lead to the princess' room which hides The Princess's Secret Slide. A door nearby leads to the castle's Rec Room (only on the DS version). The Star Door to the left of the main room is where Bowser resides in the level Bowser in the Dark World. A portrait of Princess Peach is found at the end of the corridor. However, the deceiving portrait will turn into an image of Bowser as the player walks down the corridor. In the middle of the main room, a sun in the form of a rug will send the player to the Tower of the Wing Cap (or ? Switch in the remake) when they look into the sun shining from the ceiling.

Second floor

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The second floor of the castle.

After unlocking the door on the first floor, ascending a set of spiral stairs will lead the player to the second floor of the castle. It is a round shaped room with portraits adorning all areas of the wall. A set of stairs will lead to yet another Star Door, and ultimately the third floor. There are two doors found opposite each other on the outside wall. The first leads to a room which contains several portraits leading to Tiny-Huge Island. The other contains a mirror which runs through the center of the room. The player can become Vanish Mario (or Vanish Luigi in the remake) to pass through the mirror.

Third floor

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The third floor of the castle.

The third floor consists of a small, round room with a Clock seen directly opposite the door. There are two small niches in both sides of the wall, each leading to a different course; the one to the left will warp the player to Wing Mario Over the Rainbow (named Over the Rainbows in the remake), and the one on the right will warp the player to Rainbow Ride. Above the door of the third floor is yet another Star Door, where a staircase will lead to the final battle (Bowser in the Sky). However, 70 Power Stars (80 in the remake) are needed to break the spell of the endless stairs.


The basement is the lowest area of Princess Peach's Castle, as it is just below ground level. It can be entered through the set of stairs which descend down near the first floor. It consists of many areas all linked together by doors. One of the lower areas of the basement is made up of shallow water. An area found at the front-most of the castle basement is initially completely flooded with water from the castle moat. However, the moat is able to be drained by Ground Pounding two Pillars. Having done so, the water will drain and a door which was previously inaccessible leads to the castle grounds.

Description and Location

The castle in Mario Golf: Advance Tour.

In the majority of games, the castle is normally grey marble, but sometimes it was noted white and even a light cream (Super Princess Peach). Since 1996 it has kept its original highest tower emerging from a wider circular tower underneath - both always in the center of the castle. Normally the main feature of the castle is a rectangular or square shape, with nearly always four towers supporting this part. The roof is nearly always a shade of red, but in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga it was a shade of yellow.

A window is usually present at the front of the palace. There is an image of Princess Peach embedded, painted or carved onto the window. In Super Mario 64, this was the part of the castle Princess Peach was concealed and only the power of the star Bowser had captured for himself at the end could release her.

The castle grounds in Super Mario Galaxy.

In Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS, the castle is a huge palace with many rooms and secrets. Despite having a high amount of rooms, there were no regular "living" rooms, such as a bedroom or kitchen. Most of the rooms simply had a large painting in it. The castle also had a basement, the floor of which was oddly coated with water. However, this could likely be all due to Bowser's reign on the castle. The castle grounds were also quite spacious in this game. Plenty of trees can be viewed and climbed up, and the land itself is quite large. A body of water surrounds the castle, which eventually leads into a small pond. In this game, the castle is reached via Warp Pipe.

In Paper Mario, the castle differs radically from its 64 counterpart. The palace is still large and has a great number of rooms, but each room has some kind of purpose (there is a library, a bedroom, and many storage rooms), and the lobby is connected to the ballroom. The castle grounds are also much smaller, with a simple fountain and one or two trees outside the castle. Much of the castle's surrounding land was lifted into the air with Bowser's castle, which may explain the seemingly shrunken land; however, even when Mario finally reaches the castle to confront Bowser, no moat can be seen. The castle has no warp pipe leading to it, as it can easily be reached from Toad Town.

The castle as it is lifted into space in Super Mario Galaxy.

In Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, the palace was again, like Paper Mario big and had actual "living" rooms. This castle however was different from the Mario 64 and Paper Mario versions and the garden looked very different (there were no trees either).

In Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, the castle's conference room was seen in the intro. It is eventually taken over by Fawful and served as the final area in the game.

In Super Mario 64, there was a courtyard located behind the castle but it was not visible from the front or roof of the castle in the main gardens. However, the main part of the castle could be seen from the courtyard. The courtyard introduced the magic and mystery of Peach's Castle that the Power Stars seemed to have control over. The courtyard in both the original Super Mario 64 and in the Nintendo DS remake was infested with Boos. Big Boo's Haunt and another secret level were hidden in here.

Differing from the castle in Super Mario 64, in Super Mario Galaxy, the castle now has a balcony and several windows. The castle still has the body of water connected to it, but is now right outside Toad Town. Also different from the older version, this castle's outside is more detailed.

Also in Super Mario Galaxy, the cut-scenes show a more detailed top tower than when playing as Mario in the Star Festival.

In Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story the castle was controlled by Fawful and was planned to use it against Bowser when he would arrive, Bowser then defeated the castle in the devastating battle.

In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the castle has less windows, no moat, has more detail than its DS predecessor, and looks more remote than Super Mario 64/DS and Super Mario Galaxy.

In Super Mario Galaxy 2, the castle looks like the castle from Super Mario Galaxy. The balcony from Galaxy seems to be missing, however and there are now several vases full of flowers on the grounds. During the invasion of Bowser, several meteors hit the grounds, blocking off the east half of the grounds.

More Castles

Peach appears to have more than one castle. A completely different one in seen in Mario Hoops 3-on-3. It stands on a gigantic and poorly structured rock out in the sea. This castle is also visible from Koopa Beach. The castles of Super Mario Bros. and its sequel, Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, are also said to be in the Mushroom Kingdom and invaded by Bowser. The Princess' home in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is known as the Mushroom Castle rather than Princess Peach's Castle, and has a radically different design.

Paper Mario Information

Enemies Found (Paper Mario)

Enemies that appear during the Peach Intermissions

Peach doesn't fight these enemies. They patrol her castle and when they spot Peach, she'll be sent back to her room.

Paper Mario Area Tattles

  • This is Peach's Castle. But we just came out of Bowser's Castle! I've got a funny feeling about this... I wonder where Princess Peach is being held captive. I think we should brace ourselves, Mario.
  • This is the first floor hall of Princess Peach's Castle. There are so many doors, though. Where on earth can Princess Peach be?
  • Boy, what happened here? This is even messier than my room back home! It looks like nobody ever puts anything away in here.
  • That's a pretty huge drawer over there. I bet a person could fit inside! If they wanted to, that is... Hey, there's a bed, too! This must be a guest room.
  • It's a kitchen. I'm just guessing, but I bet this is where they make the meals. The castle's head chef probably cooks all the meals, don't you think? I wonder what kinds of savory dishes he knows how to make. Hey, Mario, have you ever eaten here?
  • This is the second floor hall of Princess Peach's Castle. There are so many doors, though. Where on earth can Princess Peach be?
  • This is just an ordinary room. Do you smell something, though? What a strange odor...
  • Wow! So many books. If we weren't in the middle of such an adventure, I'd love to read some of these.
  • It's a dining room. It looks like somebody has eaten here recently. Probably not the Princess-- they're probably starving her! People always say that the meals served here are delectable. I'd love to eat here sometime.
  • This looks like a storeroom. ...! Hey! Check out that box! Let's see what's in it.
  • Wow! This is Princess Peach's room, isn't it? It smells great in here! It's such a cheerful room, just like Princess Peach. I can't believe she was locked up in here for so long, all by herself. She must've been so lonely... We've got to rescue her, right now!!
  • This balcony has a great view. I'm betting that this is one of the princess's favorite places.
  • It's a covered hallway in Peach's Castle, Mario. Let's find Bowser and save Princess Peach!
  • We have to help Princess Peach!! Mario! Hurry up! Let's move!
  • Bowser's gone upstairs. C'mon, we have to follow him! Mario, let's roll!
  • We have to save the princess! Hurry up! Mario! There's no time to waste!
  • It's a castle tower. These long spiral stairs go up and up and around and around. Oog...I feel dizzy.
  • Huh? Where in the world did Bowser just disappear to?

Trophy Information from Super Smash Bros. Melee

Name Image Game Description
Princess Peach's Castle File:Trophy162.PNG Super Mario 64
Princess Peach's magnificent royal castle appears to be inhabited solely by the princess and a multitude of Toads. Bowser tried to steal the castle's Power Stars in Super Mario 64, and in Paper Mario, the surly archfiend actually lifted the castle into the stratosphere with his own filthy fortress.


Names in Other Languages



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