Mario Kart Tour in-game statistics: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Mario Kart Tour|*]]

Revision as of 06:58, December 8, 2019

The following are the statistics used in version 1.2.1 of Mario Kart Tour.

Statistics in in-game format

The only statistics whose level has been found set in the game code so far are Accel and Weight. The assignment of the level is based on body frame size, which depends on the driver chosen.

Statistic Value
cParamLevel_Weight_DriverScale_Small 6
cParamLevel_Weight_DriverScale_Medium 10
cParamLevel_Weight_DriverScale_Large 14
cParamLevel_Accel_DriverScale_Small 17
cParamLevel_Accel_DriverScale_Medium 10
cParamLevel_Accel_DriverScale_Large 3

Statistics Translation Tables

The following tables are used by the game to convert the Level into the actual statistics. Unlike in the other games based on Mario Kart 7, only the values for the maximum and minimum Level are coded.

Since many statistics are nontheless borrowed from that game, the headers for the individual statistics found in Mario Kart 7 will be used here as well, denoted in italics.

Acceleration (mParamAccel)

Acceleration is still determined by two factors, named Drive_AccLmtFwd and Drive_SpdKfFwd in Mario Kart 7. Drive_AccLmtFwd determines the maximum speed increase per time unit, whereas Drive_SpdKfFwd determines the overall strength of the acceleration, when not limited by Drive_AccLmtFwd.

Level Drive_AccLmtFwd Drive_SpdKfFwd
Minimum level 0.00549999997 0.00350000011
Maximum level 0.0160000008 0.0130000003

Handling (mParamHandling)

Handling is determined by four factors, since drifting and autodrifting-related paramters are set separately, these statistics are presumably the ones known as Drive_DirRotH, Float_Drive_DirRotH, Wing_StickLR_Roll and Wing_StickLR_Move in Mario Kart 7. The first two affect how fast the kart turns while steering on land and in water, while the last two determine how much the kart rolls and actually changes direction when trying to steer during a glide.

Level Drive_DirRotH Float_Drive_DirRotH Wing_StickLR_Roll Wing_StickLR_Move
Minimum level 0.800000012 0.800000012 0.150000006 0.699999988
Maximum level 1.20000005 1.20000005 0.25 1.5

Weight (mParamWeight)

Weight is again determined by three parameters known as KartBound_MassL, KartBound_MassH and KartBound_MassD in Mario Kart 7. The first two represent the minimum and maximum weight value of the kart to be used in various collisions with objects and karts, while the purpose of the third paramter is unknown.

Level KartBound_MassL KartBound_MassH KartBound_MassD
Minimum level 5 5 20
Maximum level 50 100 100

Mini-Turbo (mParamMiniTurbo)

These parameters are borrowed from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, with the paramters for the Ultra Mini-Turbo now being fully specified. The paramters for the jump boosts are apparently specified as well, even though the actual values used in the game are then set separately. In each Mini-Turbo stage, the first paramter determines how much the boost lasts in seconds, the second paramter determines the boost strength, i.e. the max speed while boosting speed relative to max speed while going straight on a standard road, the third paramter has an unknwon purpose. The thresholds are the units of the boost counter needed to charge the respective Mini-Turbo stage.

Level Mini-Turbo Super Mini-Turbo Ultra Mini-Turbo Jump boost Thresholds
Duration Strength Unknown Duration Strength Unknown Duration Strength Unknown Duration Strength Unknown Mini-Turbo Super Mini-Turbo Ultra Mini-Turbo
Minimum level 0.333000004 1.04999995 0.0140000004 1.16600001 1.04999995 0.0130000003 2 1.04999995 0.0130000003 0.232999995 1.29999995 0.0199999996 200 500 700
Maximum level 0.666000009 1.14999998 0.0130000003 1.83299994 1.14999998 0.0120000001 3 1.14999998 0.0120000001 0.565999985 1.39999998 0.0219999999 120 300 500

Off-Road (mParamOffroadSand and mParamOffroadIce)

Only two offroad paramters are defined, presumably the ones known as SlipRt_SAND and SlipRt_ICE in Mario Kart 7. They affect the slippersiness of the offroad sections.

Level SlipRt_SAND SlipRt_ICE
Minimum level 0.5 1
Maximum level 0.0500000007 0.100000001

State ability (mParamStateAbility)

The purpose of this paramter is currently unknown.

Level Unknown
Minimum level -0.100000001
Maximum level 0.100000001

Preset parameters

These paramters are preset, some of them are possibly altered by the choice of the kart.

Parameters related to the kart (KartParamVehicle)

These parameters are miscellaneous parameters related to the kart, including paramters related to slipstreaming.

Paramter Value
cPressCountByKart 3
cFrozenSlipCount 3
cSlipStreamAsHitCount 0.25
cSlipStreamChargeCount 1.5

Parameters related to moving forward (KartParamVehicleMove)

Besides defining the Level of two statistics that were shown above, these parameters set various statistics related to moving forward and colliding with other karts.

Paramter Value
cSpeedRatio_Star 1.05999994
cSpeedRatio_Fever 1
cSpeedRatio_Giant 1.10000002
cSidePowerRatioMin 0.899999976
cWeightPowerMax 0.600000024
cLowFpsPenalty 1

Parameters related to boosts (KartParamVehicleDash)

These paramters define the duration in seconds (Counter) and the maximum speed relative to normal maximum speed while going straight on a standard road (Speed) of various boosts.

Paramter Value
cDashCounterCoin 0.166666672
cDashCounterJumpAction 0.400000006
cDashCounterKinoko 2
cDashCounterKinokoShare 0.75
cDashCounterPanel 1
cDashCounterStarRing 1
cDashCounterSlipStream 2.25
cDashCounterJugem 0.5
cDashCounterMiniTurboLv1Fever 1
cDashCounterMiniTurboLv2Fever 1
cDashCounterMiniTurboLv3Fever 1
cDashSpeedCoin 1.05999994
cDashSpeedNormal 1.10000002
cDashSpeedJumpAction 1.29999995
cDashSpeedJumpAction_FeverTouch 1.05999994
cDashSpeedKinoko 1.20000005
cDashSpeedSlipStream 1.20000005
cDashSpeedPanel 1.29999995

Paramters related to drifting (KartParamVehicleDrift)

These paramters are related to drifting, and include paramters related to autodrifting.

Paramter Value
cDriftSteerInRatio 0.550000012
cDriftSteerInRatio_200CC 0.699999988
cDriftSteerOutRatio 0.400000006
cDriftSteerOutRatio_200CC 0.600000024
cAutoDriftCharge_AutoDriftStart 20
cCurveAngle_AutoDriftAutoStart 20
cCurveAngle_AutoDriftStart 10
cAutoChargeMax 40