Krack Shot Kroc

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Template:Level Krack Shot Kroc is the twenty-fourth level in the third addition to the Donkey Kong Country series, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. It is also the fourth area of K3.

For most of this factory level, the Kongs play as Squitter. The problem here is that this level is guarded by Krosshair, who tries to shoot Squitter for most of their visit to this level. The only option Squitter has here is to avoid Krosshair's attacks. In one of the Bonus Levels, the tides turn, and the Kongs get to control Krosshair to shoot the enemies in a Destroy Them All challenge. Squitter turns into the Steel Keg needed to defeat Koin near the end, so the Kongs only have one chance to beat him. Besides the Krosshair, Bristles, Re-Koils and Buzzes can be found here.

Level Layout


Bonus Levels

  • To get to the first Bonus Barrel, the Kongs have to move all the way to the right after meeting Krosshair. While going up, there is a fork. If Squitter chooses to jump up to the left, he should enter a Bonus Area. In this bonus room, Squitter must grab 15 Green Bananas. The bananas continuously appear over a large pit that can only be crossed with Squitter's web platforms. After grabbing 15, a Bonus Coin appears.
  • The Kongs can find a red Buzz circling the area a little after the Star Barrel. If they go upwards past this Buzz, they should find a Bonus Barrel. In this Bonus Area, the monkeys get to control Krosshair. The apes must kill all six Re-Koils and the four Buzzes found in the room. If they succeed, they receive a Bonus Coin.

DK Coin

  • At the end of the level, Squitter should turn into a Steel Keg when passing the No Animal Sign. The Kongs should pick up this barrel, jump on top of the nearby Koin, and throw the barrel at a nearby wall. The Kremling should too distracted to see the incoming barrel, thus defeating him, granting the apes with the DK Coin.


  • Oddly, there is a "No Krosshair Sign" at the end of the level.