Super Mario-kun Volume 12

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Super Mario-kun Volume 12
Super Mario-kun #12
Publisher Shogakukan
Label Coro Coro Comics
Artist(s) Yukio Sawada
Release date Japan March 28, 1995
France March 22, 2017
Spain March 20, 2018
<< List of volumes >>

Super Mario-kun Volume 12 is the twelfth volume of the manga series. It contains the third part of the Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 arc and the second part of the Wario's Woods arc. There is additionally a preview for the Donkey Kong Country arc and a bonus chapter based on Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. The volume's extras include spot the difference puzzles and a maze.


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Stage 1

Start of chapter 1

たいねつせん!! ようがんりゆうにはようかんなわん!? (A fierce battle!! Can't go in the lava flow!?)

After their quest in Sherbet Land, Mario, Yoshi, and Wario have returned to the mainland and are lost in the steaming hot caves of Mt. Teapot. Their torture was not over when they found the exit, ending in the hotter magma region of the Stove Canyon. The rain appeared to be pleading to their requests for something fresh, only to discover that it was the sweat of the area boss: Devil's Head. Disgusted by the "rain" they tasted, the trio punched the boss and fled. However, the Devil's Head started the lava flow as his trap; the trio ran back (causing the lava flow to hit the Devil's Head). Mario pressed on Wario's nose, turning him into a 10 Gold Coin to use as an obstruction to the lava, but he did not last long before turning into Tiny Wario. Yoshi then proposed solidifying the lava with an electric cooler but had nowhere to plug it.

Mario and Yoshi peed on it with no other choice, but this angered the enemy, manipulating the lava, a , that explained that without water, they could not stop the flow. Desperate, Wario punched the ground, hoping to find underground water, but found more lava, which caused the flow to take the shape of a dragon. As Wario tried (and failed) his usual strategy of passing to the enemy side, Mario and Yoshi found a water gate and opened it just in time for the dragon to coil the three, who then solidified. The Bō then carve the solidified dragon into a tombstone for the heroes, but from the sculpture, a Mega Face Block emerges, with the three heroes inside. As the Bō recovered the shock, Mario pulled out a treasure they found in the block: the Caribbean Sea Pearl that can summon a water stream.

They defeat Bō. While Devil's Head watched from a camera, he prepared himself for the incoming battle. Meanwhile, after the three heroes got their well-deserved cool, the pearl released more water, changing the Stove Canyon into a lake.

Stage 2

Start of chapter 2

だいさくせん!! がんめんようさいかいれい!? (Great strategy!! Destroy the head-fortress?!)

Devil's Head is patiently waiting for Mario, Yoshi and Wario, but even his patience is put to the test when the heroes spend too much time on the minecart section to the point that, when they finally reach the boss stage, Devil's Head has grown a beard so much that his entire face is covered in hairs. Mario helps him shave, peeling off his eyes and nose too, that Yoshi then badly replace. Angry, Devil's Head attempts to stab them with his long tongue, but Mario squirts some mustard paste on it, spicing him. Rocks then start to rain, but Mario catches them with the intention of returning to the sender, only to be disgusted in discovering that those are Devil's Head's boogers.

With Mario's guard down when he washes his hands, Demons's head coils the heroes with his tongue. Yoshi manages to free them by letting a fart out, knocking the face down, but when Devil's Head gets up, a barrage of strange attacks are launched: lightning from the eyes, ear-missiles and a forehead cuckoo clock alarm. It is revealed that Devil's Head is a war robot guided by some Black Sugar Gang pirates (Bō on the tongue, Wanderin' Gooms at the forehead, Guragura at the eyes and nose and Konotako at the ears, plus Pirate Gooms and Watches).

Scared by the machine, Wario attempts to join the pirates, but Mario squashes him with a giant fly swatter, making him drop all of his items. Mario grabs a Jet Pot and turns into Jet Mario but not been able to balance the jet power, slams onto a wall. Wario tries but is stunned by the Devil's Head spinning eyes. To beat Yoshi, the Devil's Head opens up and releases the pirates to beat him up. With the heroes defeated, Devil's Head laughs, not realizing that a bomb fuse is dangling from his nostril after a Guragura passed through it. Yoshi points this to Mario and his tosses a fireball at it, exploding him and defeating him.

Mario then interrogates the Devil's Head, asking him where the Pirates are keeping the statue, to which he reveals it is hidden in Captain Syrup's castle, but they will not stand a chance against the rest of the crew and even less against their captain. Wario is not fazed by this threat and even kicks him, causing the robot to fall onto Mario and Yoshi, angering them.

Stage 3

Start of chapter 3

だいそうだつせん!! たからばこのカギします!? (Great battle!! Would you lend me the key to the treasure chest!?)

Finally out of the caves and back to the sunny beaches, Mario, Yoshi and Wario are taking a break, during which Wario reveals to have found a key. Not trusting him at all, Mario demands Wario to give him the key, but he refuses and even gulps it to spite him. As Mario is about to accept defeat and wait until it comes out from the "backside", Tiny Wario is kidnapped by a pair of Pirate Gooms, owners of the key, and then takes him on their ship, the SS Tea Cup, with a Chicken Duck. Mario dives to rescue the key (and Wario), but the water is occupied by a very voracious Ukiwani. Using Yoshi to block his jaw, Mario uses the enemy as a boat to reach the ship and boards it, followed by a very unhappy Yoshi.

In the cargo hold of the ship, Mario and Yoshi find Wario trapped in a web created by a Paidan that, under the order of the Pirate Goom, attacks Mario with its webs. Mario is entangled, but Yoshi eats the web, which (as he states) is good as cotton candy. So, the Paidan entangles Yoshi, but Mario frees him with his fireballs. Angry, the Paidan tries to entangle both at the same time, but Mario molds Yoshi into a fan and sends the webs back, entangling the spider. The Gooms surrenders, Wario is freed and, with a strong kick to his butt, he spits out the key. Mario asks the Gooms what the key is for and they say it is for their treasure chest full of food. Angry, Wario and Yoshi opens the chest, but as the Goom reveals, they lost the key a year ago: the food store is now rotten.

Stage 4

Start of chapter 4

だいこんせん!! あいゆうじょうのキャッチボール!? (Big battle!! A game of catch between love and friendship!?)

Still on the SS Tea Pot, the trio splits up to find another treasure, the "Ball of Friendship". While Mario and Yoshi are left fending against the Piranha Plants, Wario has found the treasure, alongside other kind of balls and, not being able to understand which is which, returns to Mario with all of them. Some Pirate Gooms attacks them and, with the intention of finding the right ball, Mario tosses a volleyball at them. The Gooms abandon any idea of harm them, and instead starts kissing Mario, who realizes to have used the "Ball of Love".

The test continues: Wario tosses a basketball, but the Gooms starts crying ("Ball of Sadness"), then a soccerball, but it is a "Ball of Anger" and the Gooms reprise to attack them. Fleeing on the mast, the trio is attacked by the area boss: Bobo and his Watches. Mario tries to attack them by tossing fireballs and other junk, but Bobo's wing flaps create a wind so strong that all the projectiles comes back to hurt them. As thing could not get any worse, the Gooms are making their way to them, so Wario lends Mario a football to try on the boss, but the wing flaps deviate the shot, so Mario ends up hitting the Gooms. Luckily for him, that was the Ball of Friendship, so the Gooms pass on Mario's side and, using their bodies as a wall, Mario is able to get near the boss and hit him with another ball, only to realize to have shot the volleyball of love, earning Bobo's unwanted affection and kisses.

Stage 5

Start of chapter 5

3だいマリオ!? じょうさいだいけっせん!! (3 Marios!? The biggest battle in history!!)

Next stop is Parsley Woods and Wario got himself ahead of Mario and Yoshi and is about to enjoy the lake, preparing a picnic spot with his stuff, when someone surprises him from behind.

Later, Mario and Yoshi have finally reached the Woods, when suddenly an invisible force is robbing Mario of all his coins, claiming it as a tax toll for traversing the forest. The force is revealed to be a ghost with a coin purse. Mario demands that, with all that he paid, the least the ghost can do is telling him how to access Syrup Castle: the ghost explains that the castle gates are sealed and only three numbered crystal balls can open them and, luckily for him, the first one is on a land patch in the middle of a pond. Unfortunately for him, the pond is infested with Helmuts and the land patch is Donkey Kong's head.

The ghost then orders Donkey Kong to fight Mario, but this time the plumber has the upper hand, kicking back the barrels tossed at him and burning his fur with a fireball. The battle seems to be already over, but after the fur gets burned, Donkey Kong is revealed to be a robot: Meka Donkey Kong. Mario now is succumbing to the robot's strenght in tossing the barrels, sharp horns, fire breath from the nose and jetpacks, when Yoshi returns with Wario's picnic items. Mario shows interest in three of them: the bag, the umbrella, and the bag. Those are the same lost items he needs to collect in Donkey Kong to play at the Slot Machine minigame and earn some extra lives.

Mario plays the slot and gets a jackpot of 3UPs, and with that 3 extra Marios that helps him defeat the robot by pounding it with their hammers. The robot is destroyed, but Jet Wario is revealed to be behind the control panel, only then Mario realizes that the robot used the abilities of Wario's power-ups. Wario explains he was forced to do this by the ghost and, while Mario and his three copies quarrels on who should keep the #1 crystal ball, Jet Wario swoops in and steals it and flies away, chased by everyone. Meanwhile, the ghost punishes the robot for the money he wasted on it, by compacting it into a cube.

Stage 6

Start of chapter 6

だいぎゃくてん!! DXデラックスがったいサンマリオしんとうじょう!? (Big turnabound!! The new special fusion of the Marios!?)

The Marios are still upset at Wario, while Yoshi, to distinguish them, draws numbers on the three clones' hat emblem. The ghost reappears and seize a spiked ball on them that even manages to crush them, but luckily they all dodged the spikes and are just flattened by the smooth part. Angry, the ghost calls a Pikkarikun to evolve the spiked ball with its lightning: doing so, the spiked ball becomes a Pouncer. Mario leads his clone towards it to reduce it in pieces, but the Pouncer grows limbs and the heroes flees in terror. Following Yoshi's suggestion, they all jumps on a moving train passing nearby.

On their carriage, the heroes find Wario again and, about to punish him, the train is stopped by the Pouncer. The three Marios try to fight it by fusing together into a giant, but seeing they control one body section each, they are not coordinated and are easily defeated. Desperate, Mario takes Wario's bag, where he stored treasures he found, and starts tossing them at the Pouncer. One of them, a mask, attaches on the enemy's face, and the Pouncer starts to dance uncontrollably.

Wario then passes a giant glove to Mario, the "Powerful Glove". Wearing it, Mario throws a punch so powerful that destroys the Pouncer, revealing the second crystal ball inside of it. Wario, understanding his mistakes (and knowing that he is much safer with Mario) joins the group back. While picking the tossed treasures, Mario wears the mask and starts dancing uncontrollably, while Yoshi reads the treasure list: it is the "Dancing Mask" and the wearer can only remove it once it is exhausted from dancing.

Stage 7

Start of chapter 7

だいけっせん!! マリオせんたいしゅつげきせよ!? (A Great Battle!! The Mario Squadron's sortie!?)

Only one more crystal ball to find before accessing to Syrup Castle. Wario, who is holding the other two balls, is dragged by them towards the third one, to which they are attracted to, but the ball leads them to a giant cat. While the Marios are confused by it (and blaming Wario for it), the cat is revealed to be the ghost, showing off his shapeshifting skills, and flaunting the third crystal ball inside his coin purse, in which the two other balls and Wario are vacuumed into. The Marios and Yoshi jump onto the boss, but he makes use of his other powers and disappears, causing Yoshi to be hit instead by their punches and one of the Marios to slam onto a wall. Mario then uses some coin to lure him out in the open and make him lower his guard while he collects them, finally landing some punches on him.

The ghost then shape-shifts into a coin-shooting tank and a giant fist, but the coins do not hurt Mario and even the punches he throws at him hurts the ghost more when he lands on Mario's hard skull. Seemingly giving up, the ghost surrenders his purse, but unbeknownst to the heroes, the ghost munches on some coins and zaps Yoshi and the Marios, turning them into coins with faces. About to collect them, a 10 Gold Coin drops from out of nowhere and ghost goes to collect it, getting trapped under a basket. The trapper is revealed to be Luigi, who came back under the requests of the fans. Unfortunately, the trap does not do anything, as the ghost can warp out of the basket.

But Luigi came prepared and tosses a bunch of power-ups at Mario, but Yoshi ends up eating them out of hunger. Without hesitation, Mario and his clones jumps in Yoshi's mouth and collects the power-up, respectively turning into Cape Mario, Raccoon Mario, Frog Mario and Bunny Mario, and burst out from Yoshi. The ghost's powers are no match for the four Marios, and he is defeated, but his spirit transfers to his coin collection and, when the Marios get near to hit him, the coin mass gulps them. Inside the coin mass, Mario fuses together with his clones, becoming Super Power-Up Mario and bursts out of the coin mass, destroying it and the ghost. As the effect of the transformation wears off, Mario says goodbye to his clones, that have fused with him. Using the combined strength of his clones, Mario opens the coin purse, freeing Wario and obtaining the third and last crystal ball.

Stage 8

Start of chapter 8

だいしんげき!! ヤブリキかぶれのじょうないせん!? (The great advance!! A war inside the castle with the fierce Knight!?)

Syrup Castle, the last stop in defeating the Brown Sugar Gang pirates. A Paidan is already hindering the heroes' path with its web on the castle gates, hoping that they will put the crystal balls with difficulty, but Mario glues the balls on Yoshi's face and kicks it into the web, putting all three crystal spheres on the door, opening it. Meanwhile, on top of the tower, Captain Syrup and her Pirate Goom assistant are preparing to set up the traps to stop them.

Inside the castle halls, the group proceeds with cautions, but Mario is bugged by someone who keep pulling pranks from behind and he keeps blaming Yoshi, until Luigi states it was one of the hall armors. Now busted, the armor presents itself as the Knight. The Knight then starts to hit Mario with his spear, but Luigi kicks it away from him and Mario grabs it, but like a snake, the spear slithers back to its owner. The Knight then activates a button, causing a giant pendulum blade to swing at Wario, shaving off all of his facial hairs. Luigi tries to fight fire with fire by activating another button, but Mario gets stabbed by a skewer. Then Luigi tries another button, but Mario is stomped by a giant foot coming from the wall. Yoshi then tries a dangling chain, but activates a toilet flush that wets Mario and Wario.

One last button remains and Luigi, not wanting to worsen the situation, decides to not press it, but is shoved by Yoshi and accidentally presses it. Two treasure chests falls onto Mario, containing the last treasures to find, but they are just the "Hand-held Whale" and the "Luxurious Ring". With all the button pressed, the Knight continues to stab Mario repeatedly with his spear and then summons a bunch of Batto Shuruken to finish him, but they are smitten by the Luxurious Ring, whose ability is to make people like the wearer. Hypnotized by the ring, the Batto Shuruken attach to Mario, creating an armor for him, nullifying the spear damage, Mario finally has the upper hand and pulls out the Hand-held Whale and squirts water onto the Knight, quickly rusting the armor and paralyzing it. The Knight is defeated, but Syrup is waiting for them, armed with a magic lamp.

Stage 9

Start of chapter 9

だいピンチ!! シロップとほうのデンプー!? (Big crisis!! Syrup and her magic Genie!?)

Luigi is excited: the final battle is approaching, but when he turns around to see his companions, he sees them partying with booze and confetti. Wario and Yoshi explains that is their strategy to lower the enemy's guard down, but Mario had bought too much into their plan and is drunk for real, continuously arguing with a white puff that he mistook for his pillow. Captain Syrup appears in front of them, laughing at how the "great hero" is, while the others are surprised to discover that the pirate captain is a woman, already assuming it will be an easy battle for that. Amused by their thought process, Syrup pulls out her magic lamp and summons the Genie inside it, who is summoned while still on the toilet bowl. After making him put on some pants, Syrup orders him to beat her enemies, but the Genie refuses to follow her commands until she pays him first.

Luigi suggest using the Genie's greedy to their advantage, but Wario reveals that the ghost already deprived them of all their coins. Syrup returns with a bunch of coins, and the Genie abides to her demand by zapping the heroes with magic. While Luigi, Yoshi and Wario are getting zapped, Mario is still wandering around the room drunk, so Luigi grabs it and uses him as a human shield. The magic zap Mario received sobered him up and is now back in action, pointing out that, on their party table, there are some Power Up Pots. Jet Mario, Bull Wario and Dragon Luigi are now ready to rumble (and Yoshi is given the only hat that remained: a bucket). With Mario distracting him while he zooms all over the room, Bull Wario manages to tackle him in his belly, Dragon Luigi to burn him up, and Yoshi even manages to hit him with the bucket.

Angry, the Genie summons from the lamp a bunch of tiny clones of himself that overwhelm the heroes and, once Mario and his friends are stuck under the tiny clones, the Genie farts on them. Seeing as he held that for centuries, due to be stuck inside the lamp, the gas is so nasty to power the heroes down and knocking them unconscious. As a final blow, the Genie traps Mario inside his lamp. As the Genie asks Syrup for an extra payment, Yoshi leaves the reader with a cliffhanger, promising the special appearance of the "Masked Gorilla" in the next episode.

Stage 10

Start of chapter 10

だいしょう!? ゴリラめんはだれでしょう!? (A Big Victory!? Who is the Masked Gorilla!?)

Mario is still trapped in the magic lamp and his friends cannot just rub it to free him (and Wario is already at it with his tactic of joining the pirates to be on the winning team). What is worse, Genie reveals that Mario is not alone in the lamp: the spirit of the island bosses are there to make him pay for defeating them, despite actually being chill and friendly with Mario and only attacking him when ordered by Genie. Just then, the self-proclaimed "Masked Gorilla" burst into the castle, with the intention of helping the heroes. Luigi offers him a banana, and the Masked Gorilla hits the lamp with a barrel, causing it to release a puff of smoke (the bosses' spirits) and a bruised Mario.

Not being done, Genie calls the spirits to him to lend him their strength, but all it seems to do is electrocute him. The Masked Gorilla, with the help of Mario, executes a Roll Attack to finish the Genie, but the effects of his magic are finally showing off, when he sends the ape flying using the spiked gloves of Penguin. Mario jumps in to replace his ally, but is overwhelmed by another of Penguin's punch, then Devil's Head's long tongue, and lastly the wing flaps of Bobo. When the heroes try to jump together at him, Genie uses Spiked Koopa's shell to protect himself and sting them. Genie has now become a monstrous fusion of all the bosses, but Mario notices that Genie's hat has not changed, and therefor it must be his weak point.

The Masked Gorilla then shoves Mario inside a Blast Barrel and Mario is shot around the room, filled with other Blast Barrels that the ape placed beforehand. Genie cannot keep track of Mario's constantly-changing position and he finally lands a hit on his head so powerful that the spirits are spit out of Genie's mouth. Yoshi proceeds to eat the spirits, while Wario returns to the heroes (still angry at him). Genie gets back up, fuming in anger. Yoshi is scared, but Mario reassures him that they got a powerful ally on their side, pointing at the Masked Gorilla, but he explains he was just as a guest star and flies away on a Jumbo Barrel, much to Mario's shock. While exiting the scene, the Masked Gorilla removes his mask, reveling himself as the new Donkey Kong.

Stage 11

Start of chapter 11

だいせん!! おいしいみずはなぜおいしい!? (Massive Pollution!! Why is the water so delicious!?)

Next stop in Wario's Woods is the "Lake of Beautiful Beauty", ruled by the water fairy Mad, that could help Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Birdo, Toad, and Wanda in their quest to free the forest from Wario, but the lake is now a muddy dump: Wario has polluted the lake with murky muddy water containing his evil toxins, that turned Mad into a follower of Wario. Wario flies away, while ordering Mad to take care of Mario. An irate mermaid jumps out of the water and Wanda explains to Mario that is not Mad's original form, usually she has the appearance of a lovely princess. At this, Mario decides to help her, but Mad jumps back into the water and Mario's confidence disappears when looking at the very dirty water. Toad suggests using the bombs to force Mad to resurface, but the plan backfires: the explosion not only have blasted away most of the lake, leaving it almost dry, but Mad has assumed her the liquid form: the Water Witch.

Mad first causes a tsunami and a whirlpool, but Mario grabs a Frog Suit and fights the current and reaches Mad's face, and with a few well-placed webbed kicks and punches. Mad stops, only to reach a boiling temperature and hurts Mario out of the Frog Suit, then changes her water body in a solid state to squash the heroes and then in a gassy state to suffocate Mario, but Luigi rescues him. Mad reprises with her whirlpool. Birdo and Wanda, out of reach, bombards her with bombs, only managing to stop her, but not defeating her.

As Mad prepares to drown Mario, he pleads with her and asks her to grant his last wish: to die in a clean and pure water, like Mount Rokkō's. Mad accepts the condition, but when she transforms, Mario orders Yoshi to drink her up, and he follows through, slurping her up. Mad is defeated and, as Yoshi goes to urinate her out, free of Wario's toxins, her true form is revealed: a lovely anthropomorphic fish lady in a dress. While Yoshi is now attacking Mario with his fire breath, since the toxins are now inside him, Wario watches in distraught how the lake has returned to its original immaculate state.

Stage 12

Start of chapter 12

だいへんしん!? ゆうしゃキノピオのぼうけん!! (A Big Transformation!? The Adventures of the Brave Toad!!)

The heroes are now exploring the mountain region of Wario's Woods, right after a snowy night. Due to the cold, Yoshi is about to sneeze, but Mario shuts his mouth off, afraid that it will cause an avalanche, but he ends up being the cause by letting a fart out. The avalanche separates the group, and Toad wakes up alone and scared, jolting at any noise he hears. His fear does not decrease when he trips on a veiled skull that is soon revealed to be a living skeleton. He presents himself as Seizer, Wario's herbalist, came to the mountain to find some ingredients for his ill master, only to find death, even his monster minions have become skeletons. Seizer is only missing one more ingredient before returning to the base: mushroom powder. Toad soon realizes that means he is going to be harvested and attempts to run, but Seizer tosses his skeleton body at him, trapping him under his bones.

As Seizer's skull and the skeletal monsters approach to him, something emerges from the ground beneath Toad, munching on the bones: it is Yoshi, alive and hungry. About to have himself an ice-cream of Beakers, Yoshi gets frozen by Seizer's magic. Toad tries, once again, to flee, but this time Seizer curses him by making him see things scarier than normal: a demon instead of a snowman, bombs instead of snowballs, and so on. Meanwhile, Mario, Luigi, Birdo, and Wanda arrive, but the brothers are weakened by a cold to help their friend. Tired of the scene, Seizer tries to zap Toad, but the still frozen Yoshi, manages to move enough to shove Toad away, getting himself zapped instead.

At the sight of Yoshi hurt because of his cowardice, Toad cease to fear everything, turns against Seizer and, while charging at him, his newfound courage makes an sword powered by a Super Star appear in his hand, which he uses to kill Seizer once and for all. Yoshi and the others congratulate with Toad and, once healed back, Yoshi sends a medicine to Wario under the pretense of being from Seizer. Wario takes it, and immediately rushes to a toilet: the medicine he swallowed was a powerful laxative.

Bonus Stage 1

Start of bonus chapter 1

だいついせき!! マリオとコングのたんていものがたり!? (The Great Chase!! Mario and Kong's Detective Story!?)

Bonus Stage 2

Start of bonus chapter 2

かいりきワリオくん (Wario-kun the superhuman)


マリオスーパーめい・パズル (Super Mario's puzzles and mazes)

  1. まちがいさがし① (Spot the differences 1): There are five differences between the two pictures on the left. Can you spot them?
  2. まちがいさがし② (Spot the differences 2): There are five differences between the two pictures on the left. Can you spot them?
  3. まちがいさがし③ (Spot the differences 3): There are five differences between the two pictures on the left. Can you spot them?
  4. まちがいさがし④ (Spot the differences 4): There are five differences between the two pictures on the left. Can you spot them?
  5. シュートめい (Kick maze): Mario is about to shoot. Which of the following three paths will be the goal?
  6. パネルクイズ (Panel quiz): Where do each of the boards that Mario and his friends are holding fit into the numbered spaces above? Look carefully at the position of the holes and think about it.
