Trading Cards

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Trading Cards
Trading Cards
Appears in Super Mario Party Jamboree
Type Kaboom-Squad minigame
Time limit 20 seconds per round
Music track Line 'em Up!

Trading Cards is a Kaboom-Squad minigame in Super Mario Party Jamboree. Its name comes from the name of the collectible cards of the same name.


The objective of the minigame is to arrange all the picture pieces in numbered order before the time runs out. Each player gets one point for correct picture placement, with two extra points for a perfect picture. After every round, the players switch positions randomly. The first round features numbers from one to eight, the second round features coins of varying quantities (from one to eight), the third round features the process of drawing a Mushroom, and the final round is an underwater scene featuring a Dragoneel, a Sushi, a Blooper Nanny and Blooper Babies, and two Cheep Cheeps. A maximum of 40 points can be obtained, with the ranking as follows:

  • S: 31+ points
  • A: 21–30 points
  • B: 11–20 points
  • C: 0–10 points


  • Control Stick Left/Right – Swap card

In-game text[edit]

Work together to put the cards in the correct order. Tilt Control Stick to exchange cards with the player to your left or right.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese ならべかえカード[1]
Narabekae Kādo
Sorting Cards
Chinese 依序排列卡片[2]
Yīxù páiliè kǎpiàn
Sort cards in order
Dutch Doorgeefkaarten[3] Card Relay
French Dans le bon ordre[4] In the correct order
German Tafeltauscherei[5] Board Swapping
Italian Passaggio di carte[6] Card passing
Korean 카드 순서 바꾸기[7]
Kadeu sunseo bakkugi
Reorder the cards
Portuguese Na ordem certa[8] In the correct order
Russian Обмен картами[9]
Obmen kartami
Exchange of cards
Spanish Intercambio de cartas[10] Card Trading


  1. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~jaJP.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~jaJP.nx.bea/mess/bin/jaJP, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  2. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~zhTW.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~zhTW.nx.bea/mess/bin/zhTW, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Simplified Chinese, found in message~zhCN.nx.bea, is the same. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  3. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~nlEU.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~nlEU.nx.bea/mess/bin/nlEU, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  4. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~frEU.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~frEU.nx.bea/mess/bin/frEU, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Canadian French, found in message~frCA.nx.bea, is the same. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  5. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~deEU.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~deEU.nx.bea/mess/bin/deEU, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  6. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~itEU.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~itEU.nx.bea/mess/bin/itEU, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  7. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~koKR.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~koKR.nx.bea/mess/bin/koKR, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  8. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~ptBR.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~ptBR.nx.bea/mess/bin/ptBR, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  9. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~ruEU.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~ruEU.nx.bea/mess/bin/ruEU, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Accessed October 17, 2024.
  10. ^ Datamine of Super Mario Party Jamboree archive found in Archive/message~esEU.nx.bea. File within the archive is in folder message~esEU.nx.bea/mess/bin/esEU, im_mg.msbt, field im_mg1406_name. Latin American Spanish, found in message~esUS.nx.bea, is the same. Accessed October 17, 2024.