Magnificent Seven-Year Olds

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Saturday Supercade episode
"Magnificent Seven-Year Olds"
An image from "Magnificent Seven-Year Olds"
Segment Donkey Kong Jr.
Season 1
Episode 4
Writer(s) Scott Ben-Yashar
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"Magnificent Seven-Year Olds" is the fourth episode of Saturday Supercade's Donkey Kong Jr. segment.

Plot synopsis[edit]

An image from "Magnificent Seven-Year Olds"
Alan confronting the thieves who stole his bike

Donkey Kong Jr. and Bones are taking a motorcycle ride through the city. Bones comments that everyone they asked knows about Donkey Kong, and jokes that he might have joined the circus again. They stop in front of a restaurant named Big Gorilla Burgers, with a giant statue of monkey heavily resembling Donkey Kong out front. Before continuing their search, they stop in to get some food. As Bones is walking out, a group of kids on bikes rushes by. The last kid, named Alan, hits Bones, making him crash and spill the food. Meanwhile, two other greasers, Mickey and Stretch, are watching. Bones tells Alan that he might have time to catch up with his friends, only for Mickey to steal Alan's bike. Alan stands up to Mickey, who asks who is going to stop him, and Alan points to Bones. Bones is intimidated and Mickey shoves him in a trash can, then kicks him away. The two greasers get away, and Jr. comes out of the restaurant. He eats the burgers and declares that he can stop the bullies and get Alan's bike back.

Jr. scopes out the city by jumping off a mattress and onto a billboard, where he sees the greasers' van driving away. He tears off the billboard poster, folds it up like a paper airplane, and rides it to the van. Jr. tears off the back door and gets in to steal the bike, but the greasers drive uphill and he falls out. Jr. does a jump to avoid hitting pedestrians, then brings the bike back to Alan and Bones, continuing to pursue the greasers. Alan stops by his friends, who are sitting at a curbside, and learns that the greasers stole their bikes as well. Jr. decides to train the kids in "jungle acrobatics" so they can defeat the greasers. They complete Jr.'s obstacle course relatively easy, but Bones, who went to give the kids confidence, struggles with all of it. When one of Alan's friends, Jill, gets nervous when performing a tire swing between trees, Jr. encourages him. Bones, who was unable to climb the tree and made a stack of ladders, loses his balance. He grabs onto the branch, sinking it and making Jill swing, although she makes it to the other end. Bones falls in the mud, but Jr. thinks it was intentional and remarks that Donkey Kong would be proud of him. Jr. is impressed by everyone for completing the course and comes up with a plan to deal with the greasers.

An image from "Magnificent Seven-Year Olds"
Jr. gets the kids ready to ambush Mickey and Stretch.

Jr. has Bones dress as an old lady and bike around, when Mickey and Stretch try to go after him. Bones gets distracted and crashes into a fountain, allowing the two to capture him, when Jr. brings Alan and his friends to the rescue. Mickey traps Bones in a tire and throws him outside, onto a skateboard. Jr. stops him by throwing a lamppost in his way, making him fall into a sewer. With Bones rescued, Jr. and Alan's friends head to the warehouse, where Mickey and Stretch are loading the bikes into a van. Jr., then Alan and his group, then Bones come in to stop them. Bones slips and falls onto a sliding chair, sending him bouncing around the warehouse. Mickey and Stretch try to jump onto the kids, but they run out of the way and leave a mattress behind, making the greasers bounce off the springs. Jr. traps them on a stack of furniture he is holding. Bones crashes into the stack, leaving the greasers to escape on bikes. Jr. and the kids chase them on their own bikes, while Bones pedals on the sliding chair. He hits a rock and falls face-first into a cement mixer. This gives Jr. an idea: he lassos the cement mixer and makes it spill cement on the greasers, defeating them.

With everyone's bikes recovered, Jr. and the kids hang out outside Big Gorilla Burgers. Bones brings them some food, only to get nearly run over by an old lady who looks identical to the one he disguised as. He gets the food spilled over him, making Jr. and the kids laugh.