Target Terror (Donkey Kong Country 2)

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Template:LevelboxDKL2 Target Terror is the eighteenth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and seventeenth level of Donkey Kong Land 2. It is also the second area of Krazy Kremland.

This level is a roller coaster level where the Kongs ride in a Skull Cart, but seeing as how it's located in a Kremling amusement park, it is far from safe. Check and X Barrels, which open and close gates that block the Kongs' path respectively, make their only appearance in this level. As such, the heroes should hit every Check Barrel they come across and avoid all X Barrels, for if an X Barrel is hit, a gate closes and block the Kongs' path. Klanks make their first of two appearances here, in addition to the regular Zingers and Flitters.

The music this level, along with other amusement park-themed levels, is called "Disco Train."

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

Diddy Kong rides up a large hill.

At the start of the level, the heroes can find a pathway over a wooden tunnel that they must travel across to reach an Auto Fire Barrel. The barrel can shoot them into a Skull Cart. The cart begins to move as soon as they land on it, and then travels a short distance east, where there are some enemies. Shortly after riding down a large hill, the heroes drive towards a Zinger above a lower track. The track curves into a small hill ahead of here and leads the hero towards a tunnel. A Flitter is above the track near here that can bounce the primates to the letter K. A barrel with a check mark on it is immediately after tunnel, opening the gate that follows. Once they get through this gate, they travel over a large hill and reach over a gap. They must hop out of their cart at the gap so they can access a second Skull Cart waiting at the other end of the abyss. This cart leads them to a second gate. A check marked barrel is right before it that can open it, but the primates must bounce on a Flitter to hit it.

After this gate, the Kongs ride up and down some hills and soon meet a Klank riding ahead. The Klank drops off the track shortly after they find it, but it manages to hurl a barrel at them before falling. A check marked barrel is above the gap that it falls in, opening the next gate, which they must go through. This is shortly after followed by the fourth gate. This door is already open, and they need to avoid hitting the X Barrel immediately before it to continue safely. A large hill is after the gate, followed by some more small hills. A gap also follows with another Skull Cart at the other side of it. The cart leads them to the letter O, as well as towards a pair of Flitters that can be bounced on to reach another check marked barrel. A gate ahead is opened when it is hit. On the other side of the gate, the heroes ride towards another gap, which has a Flitter in it. There is an additional Skull Cart waiting at the other side of the gap. The Star Barrel floats above it.

Two open gates with a DK Barrel between them follow the Star Barrel. Two small gaps are ahead, and a Skull Cart sits at the other side of each abyss to drive the Kong forward. After the second abyss, they land in a cart that rides them towards an X barrel that they must jump over to ride under another open gate. This gate is followed by two more gates, which have check marked barrels to open them. The first barrel is surrounded by a Zinger, while the second one is after a gap following it. They pass the letter N on the way between these gates. After this, the group travels up and down a large hill and ride through a small tunnel. Upon exiting, a Klank appears, who throws barrels at them. The Klank soon falls into a small gap, which has a check marked barrel near it. The barrel must be hit to open a nearby gate. There is an additional gate right ahead, but it is already open. While trying not to jump into a Zinger, they must jump over an X marked barrel to keep it open so they can drive through safely.

The Kong rides towards a closed gate.

After another gap ahead of this, the Kongs ride down a large hill and, on the way, find a check marked barrel near a Zinger. The heroes approach a large gap once they pass this gate. They must bounce on Flitters to cross it and reach the next cart. This cart leads them towards a gate, which must be opened with a check marked barrel found in the air between two Zingers. Another check marked barrel ist ahead in an abyss. The primates must drop into the abyss and jump out of their cart to grab it safely. Once they hit the barrel, they can land back in a Skull Cart waiting on the track and ride through the now-opened gate. Finally, the heroes approach another X marked barrel as they ride ahead. They must jump over it to keep the gate following it open to pass through. A tunnel is after the gate that leads the Kongs into a small area, where they find themselves on foot again. The End of Level Target is just ahead of here, and once it is hit the level is completed. A prize can be won from landing on the target if the heroes shoot to it from a nearby Barrel Cannon.

Donkey Kong Land 2

Dixie Kong rides towards the end of a track.

The level begins on a wooden platform near a roller coaster track with a Skull Cart on it. The cart leads them to a check marked barrel that opens a gate just ahead. After a small hill that follows this gate, they ride towards an X marked barrel found in the air. They should avoid hitting it to keep the nearby gate open to pass through. A third barrel is immediately after this gate with a check mark on it. When hit it opens a gate just ahead. A small hill and a gap follow this gate. The letter K floats above the gap. After racing down a large hill, the heroes come up to an X marked barrel with the letter O next to it. They must avoid the barrel to travel through the open gate ahead. The Skull Cart then rides up a large hill subsequent to the gate. A drop is at the end of the hill. Once they heroes drop off of the edge of the track here, they land on another track with a check marked barrel above it that can be used to open a nearby gate. After they are through this gate, they come up to a few gaps, including a large one that they can only cross by bouncing off of Flitters in it. Another gate is after the foes, and the Star Barrel follows it.

After winding up and down a few hills and passing the letter N on the way, the Kongs approach an X marked barrel that they must avoid to cross through another gate. The Skull Cart leads them up a big hill after this gate. A gap is at the end of the hill. If the primates drop off of the edge of the track here, they can land on a Flitter and hit into a check marked barrel found near it. The Flitter can bounce them back onto a track, which has a gate on it. This gate is opened by the previous check marked barrel. A second Flitter can be bounced on just ahead of the gate to hit another check marked barrel. It opens a nearby gate. An X marked barrel follows this gate that must be avoided to keep another gate ahead opened. Once the heroes past this gate, they approach a fork-in-the-road, where there are two separate tracks for them to travel on. Both tracks lead to the same area, but the top track has bananas on it. A check marked barrel can be spotted immediately after the two tracks, opening a gate close by. A sign is ahead on a wooden platform after the letter G. When they pass this, the Skull Cart disappears, leaving them on foot again. A spring is near here that can bounce them out of the level.


Donkey Kong Country 2

K-O-N-G Letters

  • K: After passing the first Zinger, the heroes ride up a hill towards a Flitter that they can bounce on to reach the letter K.
  • O: Shortly before the Star Barrel, the Kongs must bounce on a pair of Flitters to reach a check marked barrel. The letter O is right before these Flitters in the air.
  • N: After the primates ride past the first X marked barrel after the Star Barrel, their cart should ride them towards another gate that can be opened with a check marked barrel. The letter N is before a gap in the air soon after this gate.
  • G: The letter G is before an Auto Fire Barrel at the exit of the second Bonus Level.

Bonus Level(s)

The primates in the second Bonus Level.
  • Right after the first Klank, the primates should see a Bonus Barrel floating in plain sight. When they come near it, they must jump in the air and enter it. It takes them to a Bonus Level, where the heroes must get on Squawks the parrot. With him, they need to defeat all the Zingers flying around. The Kremkoin appears when they are all defeated. Strangely, this Bonus Level takes place in a bramble level, even though the main level is a roller coaster level.
  • Near the end of the level, the Kongs meet the second Klank. This villain eventually falls through a gap. The heroes should still follow it into the gap, where they can land on a hidden track, taking them to the Bonus Level. Here, they have to jump over several gaps and get on many new Skull Carts. Soon, they can get to the Kremkoin at the end of the stage.

DK Coin

  • Before the heroes make it to the second Klank, they travel through a tunnel. Here, they should jump up into the air. The Kongs should grab the DK Coin in the tunnel, if they jumped at the correct time.

Golden Feather (Game Boy Advance version only)

  • At the beginning of the level, the Kongs go through the first tunnel. When they are here, they should jump in the air. It they jumped at the right time, they can grab the Golden Feather, similarly to how the DK Coin is obtained.

Donkey Kong Land 2

K-O-N-G Letters

  • K: The letter K is above the first gap in the level.
  • O: The primates come up to the letter O just before the second X marked barrel.
  • N: Shortly after the Star Barrel, the Kongs come by the letter N, found next to the first X marked barrel from the halfway point.
  • G: The heroes pass the letter G in the air shortly after the last gate.

Bonus Level(s)

Dixie Kong rides in a Bonus Level.
  • Before the Star Barrel, the Kongs should have to bounce across a few Flitters. However, instead of jumping on them, they need to drop down into the gap. After they ride along the track, they gain access to a hidden Bonus Barrel, leading to the first Bonus Level. Here, the heroes have to ride their Skull Cart over a separate track, hopping over gaps and other obstacles. Soon, they should get to the Kremkoin.
  • At some point near the end of the level, the group makes their way up to a fork-in-the-road, with a bottom and top route. They should take the bottom way, and later land in a hidden Bonus Barrel. When it takes them to the second Bonus Level, the primates appear on another track. They must ride along it, dodging all the Zingers and obstacles on the way, until they get to the Kremkoin.

DK Coin

  • On the gate before the fork-in-the-road, there is a Flitter floating above the track. When they come by, the Kongs must jump up and bounce off this foe to reach the hidden DK Coin.


Names in Other Languages
