Kannon's Klaim (Donkey Kong Country 2)

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Template:Level Kannon's Klaim is the seventh level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2. It is the second area of Crocodile Cauldron.

This is the first level to take place inside a mine shaft. The featured enemies here are none other than Kannons, who are a persistent threat throughout the level. Mini-Neckies also mark their return from the original Donkey Kong Country. The mine is also populated by several Neeks, Krunchas, Flitters, Klomps and Zingers. This level is unique, as it's the only one outside the Lost World to have it's DK Coin hidden within a bonus area (the actual prize of the bonus area is still a Kremkoin).

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

In this level, the Kongs must begin by going east and jumping into the barrel, which will shoot them to the platform above. There, they should defeat the Kannon and jump into another barrel. It will shoot them up to another barrel, which will shoot them to a higher platform. Once up, the monkeys must pass the two Neeks to the left and move forward. They need to hop into yet another barrel, which will, again, shoot them to a second barrel, and then finally back on a platform. Then, the heroes must be shoot up to a higher platform in a lone barrel, and fight the Kannon there. There is another barrel behind the enemy that the monkeys should jump into. When they are shoot through the following barrels after this, they must go west through the air and land to a higher platform. From here, they must jump up all the other platforms, some having enemies such as Klomps or Kannons, and then hop into the barrel nearby, which will shoot them to a higher part of the level. There is a Star Barrel above the monkeys here, which they should break.

Halfway through the barrel-infested level, the Kongs must get into another barrel to the left and shoot along each of the barrels. watching out for Zingers. Eventually, they will get back to a platform, where they will be shot up through yet another barrel. The group needs to continue their way up, and, at some point, be shot through several barrels around Zingers. They should finally reach a platform with a TNT Barrel on it. From here, they must jump on the next platform and get into another barrel. It will shoot them to many more barrels. Once they are finally back on a high platform, the Kongs must travel west and shot through three barrels, one with a Zinger over it, and get to the next platform, followed by another one. When they are both up, the animals need to jump up a few more platforms and watch out for Mini Neckys. Finally, they will see the end of the level.

Donkey Kong Land 2

From the start of the level, the Kongs must jump into the barrel right in front of them. It will shoot them out and if the player holds left on the control pad, they will land near another barrel. When they go in that, the must be shot to the barrel to the right. When the monkeys fall in that, they should again move left and get into another barrel, which will shoot them back on ground, where there is a Neek. If the group hops back into that last barrel, they can go to the right and fall into more barrels, which will shoot them to a higher part of the level. Then, the animals need to go east and hop into the nearby barrel. This will, like the other barrels, shoot them into the air, where the Kongs should go west and land into more barrels, watching out for the Zinger by the last barrel. When they are back on the ground, the monkeys need to travel east and jump into the next barrel. This will shoot them to more barrels. The group must hop barrel-to-barrel until they get to the higher section of the ground. A Star Barrel is nearby here to break.

Halfway through the level, the Kongs must move on the hooks and get into another barrel. They must get through all the barrels it shoots them too, watching out for a Zinger on the way. Soon, the Kongs will reach the ground and get shot through more barrels, going east and avoiding enemies. When on that part of the ground, quite far up, the heroes must climb up to the next barrel and shoot up even higher. There is a Kannon located right next to where they land. The monkeys must watch out for this hazard, and jump into the next barrel. It will shoot them right next to a spring, leading out of the level.


Donkey Kong Country 2

Bonus Level(s)

To find the first Bonus Level, Dixie Kong must travel east from the start of the level. Instead of jumping in the barrel above, she should flutter off the platform to the right. There are bananas in the form of an arrow pointing to the Bonus Barrel, which she can get into. In the Bonus Level, the monkeys must climb up to the top platform by hopping into barrels with pictures of their faces on them. Dixie can only go in barrels with her face on it, and Diddy Kong can only go through barrels with his face on it. Once they both alternate sides and get to the top of the Bonus Level, they can get the Kremkoin.

To find the second Bonus Level, the Kongs must get onto a platform with a TNT Barrel on it. From there, they must drop down. The monkeys should land in the Bonus Barrel, leading to the Bonus Level. Here, they must jump barrel-to-barrel, until they get to the top, where a Kremkoin waits to be grabbed.

Starting from the letter N, the Kongs must travel east and shoot through three barrels near a Zinger. When they land on the platform above, Dixie Kong must flutter to the right. There will be a platform with a Kannon on it over here, as well as the Bonus Barrel, leading to the third Bonus Level. Here, the group will hop across several Flitters over an abyss, until they get to the Kremkoin on a platform at the end.

DK Coin

In the first Bonus Level, the monkeys must travel east and use Dixie Kong to flutter across a large abyss, instead of going through the barrel above. When Dixie flutters all the way over, she will see the DK Coin on a platform.

Golden Feather (GBA Only)

At the end of the level, the group should see the Golden Feather above the ending pad. They can either jump on a Mini Necky and bounce high enough to grab it, or use a Team-up move (both Kongs are needed) to throw a monkey up to grab it. They should be able to get the feather after doing one of those moves.

Donkey Kong Land 2

Bonus Level(s)

To find this Bonus Level, the Kongs must get to the Star Barrel, where they will see a hook. They can use it to get to a platform, where there is a barrel nearby. Instead of using this barrel, Dixie Kong must use her special flutter ability to glide to the left-hand side. There should be a hidden platform there, and if the monkeys jump around, they can land in an invisible Bonus Barrel and be taken to the Bonus Level. Here, the heroes must get in a barrel, which will shoot them up to another barrel, and so on. When they reach the top platform, the Kremkoin will be nearby for grabs.

DK Coin

Not long after where the Bonus Levels is found, Diddy and Dixie will get into a barrel which they can activate them selves. They must get in this barrel and shoot to other barrels (watching out for a Zinger on the way). When they get to the platform, they need to find the hook above the last barrel that they shot out of and jump on it. If they Kongs hop to the right and follow the trail of bananas, they should land on a platform with the DK Coin on it.