List of Play Nintendo secret messages

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The Play Nintendo website contains multiple secret message posts in the News section in which the reader must decode a cryptogram to finish a sentence by using a key of different items, blocks and enemies that correlate to letters of the alphabet.

The following are Super Mario–related secret message posts.

Alphabet key[edit]

Use the alphabet key below to match the items to their corresponding letter and try to spell out the secret message!

The same alphabet key is used in every post. Each letter is represented by an item, block, or enemy.

Mario Secret Message Fun Decoding[edit]

Thumbnail of an activity
The Mario Secret Message Fun Decoding post thumbnail

Mario Secret Message Fun Decoding, also referred to as Homework cat-astrophe! by its card and description, is a secret message post about Super Mario Maker 2 in the News section released on Play Nintendo's website.


The solution is marked with a green border.


Mario Secret Message Fun Decoding image 1.jpg

Oh no! Undodog undid Cat Mario’s homework! What will Cat Mario do now?

_____ ____ _______.

Start from scratch


Cat Mario worked hard on his first homework of the school year, but his friend Undodog accidentally made it disappear—woof! Can you decode the message below to find out what Cat Mario will do? Undodog and Cat Mario appear in the Super Mario Maker 2 game, available now for the Nintendo Switch system.

Wario Secret Message Game[edit]

Thumbnail of a cryptogram featuring Wario
The Wario Secret Message Game post thumbnail. The cryptogram spells "wow".

Wario Secret Message Game, also referred to as Can you decode a secret back-to-school message? by its card and description, is a secret message post in the News section released on Play Nintendo's website.


The solution is marked with a green border.


Wario Secret Message Game image 1.jpg

What was Wario’s excuse when he was sent to the principal’s office for nose picking?

He wasn’t picking his nose, he was _______ ___ ____.

Digging for gold


Wario was sent to the principal’s office—again! Can you guess why? You can try to decode the secret message below to get the answer!

Missing Word Game Bowser for Prez[edit]

The Missing Word Game Bowser for Prez post thumbnail. The cryptogram spells "vote".

Missing Word Game Bowser for Prez, also referred to as Bowser for prez by its card and description, is a secret message post in the News section released on Play Nintendo's website.


The solution is marked with a green border.


Missing Word Game Bowser for Prez image 1.jpg

Why does Bowser want to be class president?

So he can ____________ ____________!

Cancel recess


Bowser’s running for class president, but it’s not because he wants to help anyone…except for himself! Can you solve the riddle below by using the answer key to find the right letters?

Mario Secret Message Game[edit]

The Mario Secret Message Game post thumbnail. The cryptogram spells "yay".

Mario Secret Message Game, also referred to as Get the message? by its card and description, was a secret message post in the News section released on Play Nintendo's website.


The solution is marked with a green border.

Secret message

Mario Secret Message Game image 1.jpg

Happy Mario Day!


In honor of National Mario Day, we’ve written a super-duper secret message in a Mushroom Kingdom-inspired picture alphabet. Can you decode the message using the key below?


External links[edit]