Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

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Template:Infobox First unveiled at E3 2005, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time was a critical success from the start. Scoring highly on its reviews, the game was loved primarily for its creative, innovative gameplay carried over and revamped from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, and for its great use of the "dual- screened" aspect of the Nintendo DS. Many feel that it is a worthy successor to Superstar Saga. Several issues people took with the game were its repetitive and seemingly level-based gameplay. One of the most liked aspects of Superstar Saga was its free-roaming overworld, something limited to Princess Peach's Castle in this game.

Part turn-based RPG, part action RPG, and part platformer, Partners in Time took the formula from Superstar Saga and revamped it to take advantage of the Nintendo DS's new features. While it made almost no attempt to utilize the touch screen (Mario must rub the dirt off of an object at one point), the game used the addition of the X and Y buttons, the extra screen, and greater graphical capabilities to pull off the sequel. Mario and Luigi find themselves forced to work together with their younger selves, referred to as Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, as they save the Mushroom Kingdom of the past from the evil Shroobs.


Template:Expand Template:Spoiler While Mario and Luigi were still toddlers, the Mushroom Kingdom was faced with one of its greatest trials: the Shroob invasion. On a distant planet shaped and colored like a Poison Mushroom without eyes, there lived a vile and evil race of aliens known as the Shroobs. Living and dying on a planet as rotten as theirs was not agreeable to them, so they began to search for a planet worthy of invasion. They found Mushroom World, specifically the Mushroom Kingdom.

Baby Bowser had picked the same day to kidnap Baby Peach. Attacking the main castle, named after the royal family's beloved princess, Peach, Baby Bowser battled Baby Mario (who had come with his little brother Baby Luigi to play with Baby Peach) for the first time, and was quickly defeated. However, this allowed the Shroobs to catch the distracted Toad guards unaware. Everyone was forced to flee. Young Toadsworth, Baby Bowser, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, and Baby Peach (in her carriage) followed Baby Bowser's assistant, Kamek, to the Koopa Cruiser that the Koopas had used to travel there. They escaped from the castle as quickly as possible.

Many years later, an adult Mario and Luigi watched with rapt attention as Professor E. Gadd revealed his latest invention, his time machine. It was such an important occasion that a Lakitu was on hand broadcasting it onto live television. E. Gadd revealed that his machine ran on the power of the mysterious Cobalt Star. The adult Princess Peach is so overjoyed by the invention that she asked to take it for a spin. Toadiko and Toadbert accompanied the princess on her journey. Despite Toadsworth's pleas, the three traveled back in time to a younger Mushroom Kingdom, when the princess and the Mario Bros. were mere youngsters.

Toadsworth promptly fainted, and a Toad asked Mario to get the Refreshroom that Toadsworth kept in his room, for it may help revive him. Finding it inside a block above Toadsworth's garden, Mario brought back the item just as a Toad doctor was diagnosing it to be the only way to bring Toadsworth back. Mario used it on the old man, who came to in time to see the return of the time machine from his hospital bed. It looked worse for wear. When it was approached, a big alien creature (a Junior Shrooboid) came out! Mario took it down, and everyone gathered around. E. Gadd was at a loss as to what had happened. After all, he had been more than 99% sure that Princess Peach would return all right... It was not long before someone discovered a mysterious new hole out in the courtyard.

E. Gadd revealed that it was a Time Hole, or a rip in the time-space continuum. It was caused by the use of the time machine. Luigi went closer to investigate, standing on the raised edge of the hole. Suddenly, Toadsworth lost his cool. Rocketing into the courtyard, still on his hospital bed, he crashed into the hole while demanding answers. However, this caused Luigi to lose his balance and fall into the hole. Mario jumped in after his brother.

When Mario popped out of the time hole, he found himself in a strange land (standing on top of Luigi). Suddenly, after Mario jumped off Luigi, a suitcase popped out of the hole and also landed on Luigi. Stuffwell, E. Gadd's sentient suitcase invention designed to assist time travelers, informed Mario that he was there to help out.

The Shroob Invasion of the Past

Shortly after, a time machine appeared in the castle throne room. Out stepped a fully grown Princess Peach and her loyal assistants Toadiko and Toadbert. The Shroobs suddenly stopped their invasion and let their leaders, the Elder Princess Shroob and Princess Shroob confront Peach. Thinking fast, Princess Peach grabbed a blue star from its place in the time machine. Holding it above her head, she forced the star to consume the Elder Princess Shroob inside of the star, and then let the star break into six pieces as the Shroobs shuffled forward to kidnap her. Toadiko and Toadbert ran away.

The Shroobs began their conquest of the entire Mushroom Kingdom. Toad Town fell as the Shroobs swarmed outward from Princess Peach's Castle. In a short period of time, the Mushroom Kingdom fell under complete Shroob control. It is unknown what other kingdoms, such as the Beanbean Kingdom, Sarasaland, or the Koopa Kingdom were doing at this time. Presumably, they fortified themselves or were unaware, as there is no indication that the Mushroom Kingdom received any assistance in its dark hour.

Meanwhile, time holes began appearing all over the Mushroom Kingdom. One such hole appeared just outside of Hollijolli Village. Shortly afterwards, a grown up Mario and Luigi popped out of it. A talking suitcase named Stuffwell followed, after which the time hole disappeared. Arriving in the village, they find it devastated from the Shroob attack. After finding the mayor, the Shroobs arrive, abduct the mayor, and proceed to battle Mario and Luigi. The Shroobs proved to be too powerful than Mario and Luigi and the bros. were defeated. However, in the Koopa Cruiser, Baby Peach is crying her eyes out because Baby Bowser did not want to stop to help the poor people being attacked. Baby Bowser, in an effort of save his ears, destroys the Shroob UFOs around HolliJolli Village, then the baby bros. proceeded to fight the Shroobs battling the adult bros. and defeated them. Afterwards, Mario and Luigi are brought aboard, where Toadsworth disregards their story as a result of the Shroob attack. The heroes, both past and present, then witness what has happened to Peach's Castle. It has been turned into Shroob Castle, with a giant statue of Princess Shroob in the center.

Later, a group of Shroobs began to attack the Koopa Cruiser. Baby bowser informed his pilots to launch "the Koopa Cannon" to shoot them out of the sky. Suddenly a figure appeared on the screen. Princess Shroob had launched a missile them, which took down their engine and crash-landed them into Bowser's Castle. Mario, Luigi, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, and young Toadsworth were all able to travel through a time hole in Baby Bowser's room that connected back to the present-day Princess Peach's Castle.

Through the Forest

Once back at the present castle, Stuffwell, had shown Professor E. Gadd the mysterious Shard. The Cobalt Star then flew over to the defeated Junior Shrooboid, who had then reacted to the shard. The shard had then created another Time Hole, & E. Gadd sent Mario, Luigi, Baby Mario, & Baby Luigi to investigate. As they entered the time hole, older Toadsworth had been chasing the younger Toadsworth, who had Baby Peach in his arms.

As the heroes entered the time hole, they had found themselves at Toadwood Forest. After finding their way through, rapped up in branches on a tree, was Toadiko. She had then told them their was a Cobalt Star Shard at the Vim Factory, where the vim is being sucked out of victims stuck in the tree. Shroob UFOS then attacked, Mario & the gang ran, & Toadiko was turned into a mushroom.

After reaching the Vim Factory, they were attacked by the L33t Hamm3r Broz. Then a suction-type tree had captured Mario & Luigi, leaving the babies behind. The Hamm3r Broz. attacked. And a boss battle started.

After the babies had won, the helmets on the Hammer Bros. broke, and both were free. They had then gave the babies hammers & taught them how to use them. After finally rescuing Mario & Luigi, they set out towards the rest of the Vim Factory.

In the last room, they had found a huge shroobified Wiggler named Swiggler. Mario & Luigi had been watching this wiggler give the Shroob UFOS energy, but the vim holder was knocked over by a babies hammer. This had then enraged the wiggler, & it attacked.

When the boss was defeated, another Cobalt Star Shard was found. But, Baby Bowser came in & stole both of the shards! Baby Bowser & Kamek had then escaped, & the heroes went back to the present-day Princess Peach's Castle; both successful & unsuccessful. Template:Endspoiler


Playable Characters:





Early Japanese Boxart


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