Squirt (boss)

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Official Artwork of Squirt.
“What was that? I don't think I want to know...”
Cranky Kong, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

Squirt is a large rock-dwelling slug. This creature is located in the Cotton-Top Cove region of the Northern Kremisphere, and is also the boss of this region during the events of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. The Kongs battle Squirt as Ellie the Elephant in its domain behind the waterfall named Squirt's Showdown. Squirt shoots a continuous stream of water out of its mouth in an attempt to knock the animal off the cliffs where the battle takes place. Ellie attack by sucking in water from the waterfall and shooting it at Squirt's eyes.

When Squirt is defeated, it will drop a Ski. Once the Kongs collect both Skis (the other one is held by KAOS), Funky Kong will be able to use them to build the Turbo Ski.

Squirt emerges from behind the waterfall.

In the Game Boy Advance remake, Squirt gained a new attack: when shooting two streams of water, one circles the arena fast while the other moves slow. When defeated, its face falls off and the waterfall no longer has water.

Squirt is one of only two bosses from Donkey Kong Country 3 not to reappear in Donkey Kong Land III, the other being Belcha. Additionally, none of Squirt's attacks can hurt the Kongs, but they can still send the Kongs falling into an abyss.

Names in other languages



Squirt's Showdown



  • Squirt has been reported as the cause of many children's nightmares, much like Belcha from earlier in the game.