Rattle Battle (Donkey Kong Country 2): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 16:25, June 8, 2013

Template:Level Rattle Battle is the fourteenth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2. It is also the fourth area of Krem Quay in Diddy's Kong Quest, as well as the ninth area of Krem Cauldron in Donkey Kong Land 2.

The level takes place on the deck of Glimmer's Galleon. The Kongs discover an Animal Barrel here containing Rattly the Rattlesnake, who must be played as throughout almost the whole level. Rattly's jumping skills prove useful here, as they are required to cross large pits and to reach highly-placed items. Kannons, Zingers and Flitters can be found here, as well as Kaboings, who populate much of the stage. As with most ship levels, there are several large barrels across the level that the heroes can climb on top of.

Level Layout

Donkey Kong Country 2

File:Rattly's adventure 65.jpg
Rattly makes his way to the ship deck.

The level begins on a ship deck under a hidden Auto Fire Barrel that can shoot the heroes into the air and onto a high section of the ship that contains a Banana Coin, a Banana Bunch, and a Bonus Barrel. Across from the level's start, there is an entryway that leads into part of the ship. Here, the Kongs can find an Animal Barrel with a trio of bananas under it. If they enter the barrel, they turn into Rattly, who must proceed by heading through the nearby entryway on the end of the room. After traveling through the opening, the rattlesnake finds himself outside on the ship deck again. Above him, there is a DK Barrel with a few bananas around it. A pile of two large barrels is also ahead, but a Kaboing bounces in front of it. If Rattly reaches the top of these barrels, he can collect the letter K that is placed on top of them. After passing some bananas that float in the air, Rattly makes his way up a small stairway and to a pair of Kaboings that jump in front of a large barrel. He can use this barrel to help him cross a small pit nearby. On the other side of this pit, there is another Kaboing and a lone Banana Bunch. A pit is also ahead of here with a Flitter flying above it. The enemy can be bounced on to help the rattlesnake cross the pit, even though Rattly's jumping abilities can also allow him to cross the pit with a single jump.

A trio of Kaboings bounce in the area ahead of here, and they are followed by a Zinger above a large barrel. The Zinger flies in front of a Banana Coin, so Rattly must defeat the foe in order to grab the item safely. The rattlesnake can find another DK Barrel ahead of here, along with some more Kaboings and some large barrels that he can use to help him cross an additional pit. Although he can cross this pit with his jumping ability alone, a Zinger is also above the abyss, and it can be bounced on to help him cross. Once the pit is crossed, Rattly approaches some Kaboings, two of which that bounce on the edges of a small gap. The Animal Buddy is able to jump into this gap without falling in the water, as ground is at bottom of the gap. From the inside of this gap, he can head to the left to find a Bonus Barrel, or he can travel right to discover an Auto Fire Barrel that immediately shoots him back onto the top of the ship deck when entered. A pit is farther ahead of here, and it is noticeably wider than the previous ones in the level. Two Zingers float in the pit, and one of them circles the letter O. Once Rattly crosses the pit, either by bouncing over it or by bouncing on the Zingers to cross, he approaches a Kaboing and a small stairway leading downwards. Some more Kaboings are after here, and they bounce on top of a large pile of barrels with a Zinger flying in front of it. The level's DK Coin hides in an area inside the ship, which is placed to the right of the Zinger. The large barrel pile is followed by a small pit, and once the pit it crossed, Rattly can find the level's Star Barrel.

Rattly crosses the pit with the letter N above it.

The Star Barrel is followed by two small ledges with a DK Barrel and some bananas around them. A pile of six large barrels is after the ledges, and a Kannon with a Banana Coin behind it stands on it. Once the rattlesnake passes a few bananas located after this foe, he reaches a small pit with a Zinger above it. If he manages to cross this pit, he can find some more bananas and a Kaboing that bounces in front of a few large barrels. A Golden Feather, found only in the Game Boy Advance version of the game, is placed on top of these barrels. The letter N and some bananas float above a pit placed nearby. A Kannon shoots barrels over this pit, which must be crossed to progress to an additional pit with a Zinger above it. On the other side of this abyss, Rattly can find a large barrel with an arrow, formed by bananas, above it. The arrow points upwards, where a Bonus Barrel is hidden. A DK Barrel is ahead of here, being followed by some larger barrels that Kaboings bounce on. Once these foes and the barrels are passed, the rattlesnake makes his way down a small stairway and towards a pit with a Zinger above it.

The only way to cross this pit is by first bouncing off of the Zinger and then landing on the other side of the pit, where a kannonball-shooting Kannon stands. Another Kannon is located on top of some large barrels piled nearby, and it shoots kannonballs downwards. There is a small abyss farther ahead of this foe, and a Zinger flies above it. If this pit is successfully crossed, Rattly makes his way towards a large pile of barrels with many Kaboings on them. In the Game Boy Advance version of the game, one of these Kaboings sports a camera icon above its head, indicating that it is in possession of a photograph. The letter G is also on the barrel pile, which is followed by a pit that can only be crossed by bouncing off of the barrels shot by a Kannon on the other side of it. Once this pit is crossed, the rattlesnake makes his way down a small stairway with a Kaboing near it. On the bottom of the stairs, there is a Kannon, who stands on top of a pile of barrels and shoots kannonballs on the ground below it. After Rattly passes another pile of two barrels and heads up a small stairway, he comes up to a No Animal Sign. When this is passed, he turns back into the Kongs, who are given a Banana Bunch as a prize. An End of Level Target is located just ahead of here, and if it is jumped on, the level is completed. A Dixie Barrel is positioned above this target, and if the heroes shoot to the target with this barrel, they win a prize from the target, such as a red Extra Life Balloon. A DK Barrel is also hidden to the right of the target, and it is able to give the player Dixie Kong if they need her to enter the Dixie Barrel.

Donkey Kong Land 2

Rattly crosses a pit near the beginning of the level.

The Kongs begin the level under an Animal Barrel, which, if entered, turns them into Rattly the Rattlesnake. A large barrel with a few bananas above it is located to the left of the Animal Barrel. Ahead of here, Rattly can find a small stairway leading up to a Kaboing and a large pile of barrels with the letter K above it. A Neek crawls past these barrels, which are followed by another stairway with a DK Barrel at the top of it. There is a pit immediately after this barrel, and a Zinger flies over it. Once the pit is crossed, a Kaboing and another pit with a Flitter and a Banana Bunch above it are reached. As with most pits in this level, Rattly can cross with either his normal jump, or by bouncing on the Flitter. On the other side of the abyss, there is another Kaboing and a large barrel with a ledge after it. After the rattlesnake drops down this ledge, he comes up to a Kaboing and another pit with a Zinger above it. The snake can cross this pit with the assistance of the Zinger, or simply by jumping over the gap. If he manages to cross safely, he encounters another Kaboing and a stack of two barrels with a Banana Coin high above them. A ledge is near here, and a small trial of bananas with a Banana Bunch at the end of it is high above it.

After dropping to the bottom of the ledge, Rattly meets an additional Kaboing and a large stack of barrels with a pair of Zingers above them. The Zinger to the top-left of the pile can be bounced on to reach a Bonus Barrel, while the other, located to the right of the barrels, can be hopped on to cross a small pit, which is followed by a DK Barrel. A pit is near here, and a Zinger, some bananas, and the letter O are above it. A small ledge and a stack of barrels follow this pit, and a Kaboing also jumps near these barrels. Another Kaboing can be found ahead, jumping in front of a large barrel with an arrow (formed by bananas) above it. The arrow points upwards towards a hidden DK Coin. Ahead of here, Rattly can find a group of two barrels next to a small ledge, which a pair of Kaboings stand around. There is a wide pit near here with some bananas and a pair of Zingers above it. Rattly can use his special jumping ability to cross the pit, or he can also bounce on the Zingers to cross. The level's Star Barrel is immediately after this abyss.

Rattly approaches the Kannon with the letter N above its head.

An Animal Barrel and a DK Barrel float at the bottom of a ledge near here. If the level is begun from the Star Barrel, the Kongs take their normal form, having to enter the Animal Barrel to turn back into the reptile. After dropping down a few ledges, Rattly reaches a large pile of barrels that support a kannonball-shooting Kannon with the letter N above it. A pair of Kaboings follow the barrels, but they are separated by a small stairway with a Banana Bunch above it. If Rattly continues, he comes up to a small pit with a Zinger flying above it. On the other side of the pit, there is a barrel-shooting Kannon, who stands in front of a pair of large barrels. A wide pit that is completely void of enemies is ahead of here, and the only way to cross it is with Rattly's high-jumping move.

A smaller abyss with two Zingers above it can be found ahead of here after the rattlesnake climbs a small stairway. It is followed by an additional gap with a Flitter above it. Once on the other side of this pit, Rattly approaches a DK Barrel and a ledge with a Kaboing at the bottom of it. In order to progress farther, the rattlesnake must cross another pit with a Zinger above it. The letter G and a small stairway with a Kaboing at the top of it are ahead of this abyss. One final abyss is after here, and two more Zingers fly in it. After the Animal Buddy reaches the other side of it, he comes up to a spring, which he must bounce on to complete the level. A Kaboing and a ledge with a Banana Coin and a Banana Bunch above it follow this spring.


Donkey Kong Country 2

K-O-N-G Letters

  • K: The letter K is above a pile of two barrels found immediately after the first DK Barrel.
  • O: In an area located not to far from the Star Barrel, Rattly can find a pit with a pair of Zingers above it. The letter O is above these foes.
  • N: Shortly after Rattly passes the Star Barrel, he reaches a pit with the letter N above it and a Kannon next to it. He can bounce on the barrels shot by this enemy to reach the letter safely.
  • G: The letter G is on the highest point of a large pile of barrels found shortly before the end of the level.

Bonus Levels

Dixie Kong runs through the first Bonus Level.
  • At the start of the level, the Kongs must jump straight upwards to land in a hidden Auto Fire Barrel that shoots them onto a higher part of the ship, where there is a Banana Coin, a Banana Bunch, and a Bonus Barrel. To reach the Bonus Barrel, they must use their Team-up move to throw one another into it. The barrel leads them to a Bonus Level, where they must use many large barrels as platforms in order to reach a Kremkoin that is placed at the top of that area. They have 25 seconds to collect the coin.
  • Almost immediately before the letter O, the Rattly discovers a pair of Kaboings bouncing around a small gap in the ship. He needs to drop down into the gap, as directed by a small trail of bananas, and then travel west into the ship lower part of the ship. A Bonus Barrel is hidden here, and it leads to a Bonus Level, where Rattly has 10 seconds to find and collect a Kremkoin. To reach the coin, he must first cross a wide gap in a rigging-themed area. He can cross this gap by bouncing on the many Zingers that fly above it.
  • Immediately before reaching the final DK Barrel in the level, Rattly finds a barrel with an arrow (formed by bananas) pointing up above it. The rattlesnake needs to get on this barrel and use his special jumping ability to leap high into the air, where he can land in a hidden Bonus Barrel that leads to a Bonus Level. In this special stage, the snake must bounce on piles of barrels to collect 75 stars scattered throughout the air. If he grabs all of the stars within 40 seconds, a Kremkoin appears on top of one of the barrels.

DK Coin

  • Immediately before reaching the Star Barrel, the rattlesnake should notice several barrels piled up on each other, which are bounced on by Kaboings. If he approaches the small pit following these barrels and then jumps into the side of the ship, he can reach a hidden DK Coin and then land in an Auto Fire Barrel that can shoot him back onto the top of the ship. In the Super Nintendo Entertainment System version of the game, a banana is next to the coin to give the player a hint of the coin's location, but in the Game Boy Advance version, there is no banana.

Golden Feather (Game Boy Advance version only)

  • After Rattly passes the Star Barrel, he discovers the first Kannon in the level. He must pass the foe and jump across a large abyss nearby, which he can spot a group of two large barrels on the other side of. He can jump to the top of these barrels to find a Golden Feather.

Photograph (Game Boy Advance version only)

  • Immediately before the second-to-last Kannon in the level and the letter G, Rattly makes his way to a large pile of barrels that many Kaboings bounce on. One of these Kaboings is in possession of a photograph, as shown by the camera icon above its head. If Rattly or the Kongs defeat this enemy, they the photograph and earn a picture of a Kaboing for the second page of their scrapbook.

Donkey Kong Land 2

K-O-N-G Letters

  • K: The letter K is above a pile of barrels found near the beginning of the level.
  • O: Immediately after passing the second DK Barrel in the level, Rattly reaches a pit with the letter O above it.
  • N: The letter N floats above a Kannon found immediately after the level's Star Barrel.
  • G: Rattly can find the letter G in mid-air as he approaches the final pit in the level.

Bonus Level

Rattly bounces on Zingers in order to reach a Kremkoin in a Bonus Level.
  • Immediately before reaching the second DK Barrel, Rattly should find an arrangement of barrels, with three barrels on the bottom row, and two on the top. If the rattlesnake jumps to the left from the top of these barrels, he discovers a hidden Zinger, who he must bounce on to reach a nearby Bonus Barrel, which leads to a Bonus Level. He can also reach this Bonus Barrel with his high-jump move. In the Bonus Level, the Animal Buddy has 20 seconds to reach a Kremkoin at the end of the ship area. The coin is on a high platform on the other side of a large pit; in order to advance to this platform, the rattlesnake must bounce on the many Zingers that fly in the pit. Once he reaches the area with the Kremkoin, he must grab it within the remaining time to add it to the Kongs' collection.

DK Coin

  • Shortly after passing the letter O, Rattly makes his way to a large barrel with an arrow formed by bananas above it. The arrow points upwards, meaning that the hero should use his high-jump in order to reach the area directly above the arrow, where a DK Coin is hidden.


Names in Other Languages

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