The 'Shroom:Issue 208/Paper 'Shroom: Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/Excess Express

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Paper 'Shroom: Excess Express

Excess Luxury

It took some work to secure yourself a ticket on this train, but wowie zowie is it magnificent! When you board, the conductor, a blue-spotted Toad, ushers you to your cabin pretty quickly, but en route you do get to appreciate the fancy lighting and stylish wallpaper of the Excess Express.

Shown to your cabin, you step inside and set your things down by your plush in-room seats. There's a nice nightstand where you can unpack some of your luggage, a large window offering a gorgeous view of the rolling scenery, and even a spacious bed!

Deciding that you worked hard enough to get on this train and realizing you have a whole three day journey ahead of you, you hop into bed, intent on getting a little R&R. You can explore more of the train tomorrow! For now, you're going to get the greatest sleep you've had in ages!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Sleep away the first day.

Good Morning, Passengers!

Well, you do sleep through most of the first day and night, but you can't exactly say it's a restful sleep. The bed does offer plenty of space, and your cabin is nice and cool, but… it's too soft! There's no support in this bed! Who wants their mattresses this soft? Do the rich and famous really enjoy sinking into their beds this much?

Your sleep quality aside, you glance at the clock. Light is starting to trickle into your room, a brightening sky visible through your window. It's a little early, but you could get up now and make the most of your second day on the train…

…or, and this is just a thought, you could sleep in longer. This is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience… Maybe you need to treat it like a vacation, forgetting about any work for The 'Shroom and enjoying yourself, instead.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Turn off your alarm and sleep in longer
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Get up and head to the dining car to see what's for breakfast

You Snooze, You Lose

Yeah, who cares about work!? This is a vacation, and you're going to give yourself time to rest! Those thoughts pop into your head as you get up, draw shut the curtains over the window, turn off your alarm, and crawl back into bed for a little more rest. You let the motions of the train lull you to sleep, sinking deeper into your far-too-soft bed…



"Excuse me. Excuse me, valued passenger?"

Your eyes flutter open as you stretch out and let out a big old yawn, rolling over to see the conductor looming over you. "We've reached our destination. Unfortunately, we're going to have to ask you to rise and disembark," he explains. You blink in confusion, mentally asking yourself what day it is. Did you really sleep through a three-day train ride?!

You soon find out that the answer is yes. The conductor helps you carry your things out of your cabin, technically assisting you but clearly trying to rush you off with a veneer of politeness. Looking around when you step off the train and onto the platform, you do see you've arrived in Poshley Heights. Unfortunately, you don't have much money and this is a town for the wealthy, so you probably won't be doing much! Even worse, you wasted your once-in-a-lifetime luxury train ride and didn't even get to experience anything cool on the Excess Express! This was a bust, huh?

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again.

Breakfast Bound

Shooting for a productive day, you get up out of bed and head to the dining car, your nostrils getting blasted by a powerful mushroom-y odor when you step through the door to the car. While you take a look around, noticing the various tables set up on the other side of the car and the kitchen station, someone shouts out of the blue.

"Hold it!" You look for the source of the voice, seeing a penguin with a deerstalker cap and a bowtie approaching you, his flipper pointed at you. "Do not move," he instructs you, adding on, "I must speak with you!"


He comes in close, holds a magnifying glass up to your face and peers at you through the lens, and drops his voice to a whisper. "Just as I thought. Deducing your identity was only a matter of making rudimentary observations. You are the passenger that the conductor reported as sleeping through the entirety of the first day of this locomotive's journey. It's only natural to infer you must be too lazy to have been the culprit."

A little bit of indignation wells up inside you, and your expression turns into a scowl. Who is this penguin to catch you by surprise like this and then call you lazy?

He must notice the change in your expression, because he goes on unprompted. "Yes… I conclude that, under these circumstances, I can trust you and only you as a confidant and assistant on this case. I, Pennington, the penguin with the improbably large brain, as I am known in some circles, have been asked by the conductor to investigate…" He pauses for seemingly no other reason than dramatic effect. "...a disappearance!"

"Overnight, celebrity passenger Zip Toad disappeared, and the conductor has asked me to deduce the identity of the culprit. Now, my assistant, here are the known facts of the case. Zip Toad was last seen entering the dining car at 23:00 overnight. At 00:00, the conductor completed a full safety sweep of the train. Thus, I have deduced that there is a one-hour window overnight in which the culprit could have struck!"

"I have already sought out clues and alibis. At this point, I have no doubt that our pool is narrowed to five suspects. The wealthy Toodles, the business executive Goldbob, the train-employed Chef Shimi, the train-employed waitress, and the passenger Heff T. must be investigated. My assistant, I leave to you the task of collecting their alibis and deducing which of these five is the culprit. Of course, my mastery of logic would make it too simple a task for me, so… I will leave you to analyze their alibis and determine the culprit on your own. Ha ha! Don't look so flustered! I have already determined you are an assistant with great cognitive power. Simply report back to me and inform me of the culprit's identity when you have made your deduction."

Thrust into the role of a mystery-solving detective…'s assistant, you decide you might as well investigate this disappearance! If nothing else, it will make for a great 'Shroom article! Maybe you can turn it into a dramatic story and publish it in Palette Swap! First, though, you need to solve it, sooooo…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Investigate the dining car further
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go to the west passenger car
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go to the east passenger car

A Scene To Dine For

With this big mystery on your mind, you take a long, hard look around the dining car. Of course, Pennington is on one side of the car, waiting for you to bring forward an accusation. In the kitchen, you see a stressed-out looking Cheep Cheep brewing up some tea from a Golden Leaf and frying a Mystic Egg in a pan.

Over at the tables, you notice one table, larger than the others, is currently occupied by some familiar faces. Anton, Critic Corner Director and stylish Magikoopa renowned for his detailed food reviews, and 2257, former Programming Manager and current Staff Consultant, sit next to each other at the table, a collection of dishes in front of them.

A waitress Toad with a heart on her cap and purple hair hovers near their table, keeping an eye out for anything they might need.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go to Pennington and tell him you're ready to make an accusation
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Approach Anton and ask him about the food of the Excess Express
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go to the Chef Shimi and ask what he was doing last night
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go to the waitress and ask her about her night
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Actually… Head to the west passenger cabin
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Hmm… Head for the east passenger cabin


You know what? You have all the information you need now, you're sure of it. You did all the investigating you needed to do. You know exactly who did it, and you're ready to make an accusation. You march up to Pennington, signaling for his attention.

"Ah, my assistant. Have you deduced the identity of the culprit? Are you prepared to tell me who caused Zip Toad's disappearance? Think carefully, now. Once you make an accusation, you cannot retract it."

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Yes, you're ready to make an accusation.
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png On second thought… Maybe you'll investigate more, first.

Choose From The Lineup

You assure Pennington that you've thought this through carefully and that you're prepared to make a well-reasoned accusation supported by evidence.

"Very well, then," he responds. "Which suspect is the culprit? Who is responsible for Zip Toad's disappearance?"

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Toodles
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Goldbob
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Chef Shimi
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png The waitress
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Heff T.

A Food Review

Now, you weren't raised to go and interrupt someone in the middle of a meal! You know etiquette, courtesy, and all of that! You approach Anton's table slowly, letting him finish the dish currently set before him and making sure not to approach while he's conversing with 2257. Eventually, he spots you lingering around and holds up two claws to tacitly ask you to wait just a moment. You nod and say thank you, and, when he gestures for you to come over, you approach.

"What can I help you with?" He asks, claws folded together as he looks at you.

You explain that, well, while you're here and he's here, you'd really like to hear his review of the Excess Express's food offerings.

He explains to you that he can't give you a full review right this moment, because he needs time to write it and at this stage he's still sampling the dishes and taking detailed notes, but that he can give you his preliminary thoughts.

"The Mushroom Full Course was more flavorful than any similar mushroom-based dishes offered in Rogueport," he begins. "I didn't get to see it prepared, but if I had to guess, the sautéed mushrooms are made with a more respectable amount of olive oil. In Rogueport, the mushrooms I had were soggy, flavorless scraps that had been sautéed more in their own water content than any appreciable amount of olive oil, the restaurants trying and failing to disguise their cost-effective approach with an overpowering amount of thyme. The Mushroom Full Course didn't cut those same corners, allowing the mushrooms to maintain their texture and soak in flavors other than water and disappointment."

He continues. "I just started on today's food, but the Snow Bunnies are the best I've had since I stayed at the Dark Bloo Inn. The perfect crispness, the perfect delightfully cooling effect that brings back memories of eating a popsicle on a hot summer's day as a child, and none of the mushiness that comes with an improperly-prepared Snow Bunny. Snow Bunnies need to be kept in cold storage until just the right moment. Take them out too early, and they turn mushy and drip all over the table when you go to eat them. Too late and you might as well eat a solid block of ice instead, and you might wish you had, because at least a block of ice won't leave your tongue numb for hours. Given how well-made these Snow Bunnies were, I'd say they were taken out of the refrigerated car late last night, giving them exactly the time they needed to defrost without melting into something better described as snow roadkill than a Snow Bunny."

Impressed by his descriptiveness and the knowledge he has imparted on you, you thank him for his review and wish him a nice time on the Excess Express, leaving him to continue his meal and to continue chatting with 2257.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Investigate other parts of the Dining Car

What's Cooking?

You know, that Cheep Cheep chef guy - what was his name? Chef Shimi - looks awfully stressed about something. That's awfully… fishy, don't you think? You walk up to the kitchen station, explaining to Chef Shimi that you'd like to hear a little bit about his night, particularly what he was doing between 23:00 and 00:00 last night.

"My activity last plight? Ah, curse my tongue! I mean last night? Last night, I was resting and preparing for another day of cooking delicious meals for our passengers. I've been very, very busy with my work, because we have a demanding Toad and two celery passengers on board. Ah! No, no, stupid Shimi! Not celery, but celebrity! Preparing my very best dishes for the critic Anton and the famous Zip Toad is time-consuming work."

"In fact," he continues, "thinking about Zip Toad, I remember seeing him last night. It must have been right around 23:00. The waitress and I were in the dining car, resting after cleaning up. He went off to the west, and she went to the east, leaving me a bone --- ALONE! At around 23:15, I went west to speak with Heff T. in cabin 06. That passenger had made a mess of my kitchen and was extremely demanding, so I had to lecture him on showing proper respect to culinary professionals!"

"We must have argued until around 23:30. Then, I had to hurry back. Oh, yes, I had to hurry to the dining car! The engineer needed his nightly meal, and I had to prepare it. I prepared his meal completely alone in the dining car, then went east to deliver it to the engineer. By 23:45, I had made the delivery and returned to the dining car. The waitress came back in five minutes later, at 23:50, and we slept in the dining car to prepare for today."

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Thank Chef Shimi for his explanation and investigate another part of the dining car
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Accuse Chef Shimi of lying

Fishy Accusations

Mhm-Mhm. Uh-huh. Suuuure, you think to yourself as the chef tells his story. Anxious, making slips of the tongue all over the place… One thing is clear to you. This chef can't take the heat. You're onto him, and with a little pressure, you'll crack him like an egg.

"Well, chef, that's all well and good, but I know what you told me isn't true! Why'd you do it!? Why'd you take Zip Toad away?"

Chef Shimi's tired expression quickly becomes an indignant, even wrathful one. "You say I tell lies? What am I frying - I mean lying! - about?"

"Uh… Uh… Something," you stammer out, not actually sure what you think he's lying about. Unable to even give him an answer, you watch him tremble with anger and grab a frying pan, whipping you around and smacking you with it!

It hits you square in the head and the world goes dark as you collapse. Unfortunately, you're out cold for the rest of the train ride, and you miss out on basically everything in Poshley Heights because you're checked into a hospital, staying there until Shoey comes to get you. Hopefully you've learned a lesson from this. Never make unfounded accusations directly to the face of a fish with a frying pan!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again

A Tale For A Tip?

Now, what's the big idea with this waitress hovering around Anton's table? Okay, sure, she does need to be close to bring the food when Anton is ready, but look at her! She's barely working! Maybe she has too much time on her hands… Time enough, even, to make someone disappear…

You approach her and ask her to tell you what all she did last night.

"Me? You want to know what I did?" She seems a little put-off by the sudden questioning, and takes a moment to even think if she should answer. "Well, like, I was tooooooootally starstruck around 23:00 last night! I was cleaning up in here with Chef Shimi when a toooooootal dreeeeeeeamy hunk walked in. It was the Zip Toad! Can you believe it? He, like, came in after the kitchen was closed. I don't know what he had come for, but, maybe… do you think it could have been to talk to me~?"

"Well, like, I wanted to stop and talk to him, but work, y'know? I had to go west and take inventory in the refrigerated car. We were, like, totally gonna give everyone Snow Bunnies on the third day as a frozen treat, so I was checking that we'd have enough. But maybe Chef Shimi changed his mind, I guess, 'cause we're having them today."

"I worked, like, almost all night. I don't get much time to rest, especially when we have so many important passengers aboard. It was probably… a half hour later that I came out. I made it back into the dining car at… probably 23:50, but… Zip Toad was gone! The only one in the dining car when I came back was Chef Shimi!"

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Take her account and be on your way to investigate something else
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Accuse the waitress of lying

Plate Tectonics

Right, sure, she was conveniently way in the back taking inventory for most of the critical period of time. Riiiiiight, you think to yourself. No, as flighty as she's acting, and as light on details as her alibi is, she's hiding something, and you know it!

"You say you were in the refrigerated car for half an hour last night," you begin, dramatically pausing, "but I say your alibi is a lie!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaat!?" She freaks out, flailing her arms wildly! "MEEEEE!? How can you accuse me of lying? That is totally ruuuuuuude!" Her shock turning into anger, she grabs a plate off a nearby table and slams it down on top of your head. It actually slams down with enough force to shatter the plate, which, uh, should mean it's not surprising that it knocks you out cold. Yeah, unfortunately you miss the whole rest of the train ride, and you don't even get to explore Poshley Heights at all because Shoey is waiting for you to pick you up when the train arrives. Maybe try to accuse someone with fewer makeshift weapons around, next time!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again

Rise In The East

Thinking about some of those passengers Pennington mentioned, you make your way to the eastern passenger car. It sure is a passenger car! …what, you want more? Your narrators aren't getting paid by the word here! Look, it's a passenger car. There's a cabin 04 and a cabin 03. If you don't like those choices, you can either go to the front of the train to talk to the engineer or you can go back to the dining car, simple as.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Enter cabin 03
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go into cabin 04
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go to the front of the train
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Head back to the dining car

Lucky Number Three

You enter cabin 03… and are immediately taken aback by the overpowering scent of perfume. On the nightstand, you see rose petals, and draped on the bed you can see a fur coat. Looking at you from her cushioned seat is Toodles.

"My, do you always barge into rooms unannounced and uninvited?"

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Ask Toodles about her night
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Leave her cabin

Oodles of Toodles

You're not interested in explaining yourself! You don't need to explain a thing, because, uh, actually barging in here would be kind of hard to explain… Well, nevermind all that! You have a disappearance to investigate! Cutting right to the chase, you ask Toodles to recount where she was last night.

"My, you out-of-towners are brutish and curt, aren't you? Do take it from me; you won't win over many friends with your manners. All the same, if it satisfies you, I suppose I can tell you where I was," she responds.

"I was relaxing here in my cabin at 23:00 last night, enjoying a fine Chuckola Cola bottle I had purchased in Rogueport. At around 23:15, I began hearing giggling from the cabin next door, cabin 04. The giggling subsided and gave way to snoring. It was a rather chilling experience. Uproarious neighbors would grate enough, but I'm told that cabin isn't even occupied. How possibly can I explain what I heard, then, hm? Perhaps you should be investigating that matter rather than my whereabouts."

"I was unnerved, so I thought I would spend some time in the company of the engineer. Gathering food I had brought aboard and my Chuckola, I departed and spent a stretch of time with the engineer at the front of the train. I was there, I would estimate, from 23:30 to 23:40. I then returned to my cabin without seeing another soul, my nerves calmed."

"I thought I would sleep, but that cabin next door had other plans in mind. Just when I thought I had calmed my nerves, I hear a shriek through the wall at 23:45! Oh, how unnerving! It was all I could do to calm down after that! I was in my room from then until I drifted to sleep, as I was too frightened to go elsewhere."

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Thank Toodles for the account and leave her cabin.
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Accuse Toodles of lying

Ta-Ta, Toodles

Yep, yep, likely story, whatever, you think to yourself. Pfffft, these are some classic mindgames. You've seen this before on TV! Quizmelon has directed you to enough mystery shows for you to know what this is! A rich woman pretending to be scared so she has an excuse to get close to someone and charm them, that's clearly what this is! Why she would have any reason to go through all that trouble when she's rich is not a question that crosses your mind, even though it really should!

"Alright, Toodles. The jig is up! I know you're hiding something! Where were you really last night, huh?" You demand answers!

"Well, I never!" Toodles gets right up to her feet, shocked and outraged by your accusation. Which, to be honest, she's probably right to be outraged! "You will get out of my cabin this instant, you rapscallion!"

Next thing you know, she's shaking her head, launching a stream of spores at you!

…what do you mean "can Toads do that?" They can in Super Smash Bros., can't they?

Those fungal spores knock you into a deep sleep, so deep, in fact, that even the conductor can't manage to wake you. You don't awaken until you're treated at the Poshley Heights hospital, and, whew, let me tell you, the medical bill is outrageous! The 'Shroom probably won't cover a bill that high, especially since you weren't, uh, exactly doing 'Shroom work trying to solve this random penguin's train mystery. So you missed half the train ride, didn't get to see any of Poshley Heights except the hospital interior, and went broke! But hey, barging in on someone and accusing them of lying sure worked great, didn't it?

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again

Four Pennington!

You head inside cabin 04, finding… nobody. Huh. That's strange. You were pretty sure you heard that this was a full train… The longer you look around the room, the more oppressive the air grows, and the more you notice that something simply feels… off. Even though there isn't any sign of anyone staying in here, the bed is a mess, and there appears to be a diary on the nightstand. You gulp, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.

…A-Are… Are you being watched?

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Get out of here!
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Stay and wait
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png A diary, eh? Maybe you can take a peek at what's written…

Dear Diary

Despite your unease, your curiosity gets the better of you. Drawing near it slowly, you approach the nightstand and the diary upon it. A diary… Someone's deepest, most personal feelings could be on these pages. There could be reputation-destroying revelations. There could be tear-jerking memories recorded within. There could be horrible, terrible secrets. Someone, somewhere in the world has put faith in the common decency of people, put trust in everyone else to not read this book. Your hand trembles as you reach for the diary's cover. Are you truly going to violate that trust just to satisfy your curiosity?

Of course you are! Sparing a quick couple glances over your shoulders, you grasp the cover, breathing a sigh of relief. You weren't being watched! It was just your imagination! If anyone were watching you, surely they would have jumped out to confront you by now!

Relaxing as you realize how silly your earlier worries were, you crack open that bad boy and begin reading…

Dear diary,

Today, I boarded a train. The famous Excess Express is carrying me to Poshley Heights. I believe I've managed to board unnoticed, but I know I cannot underestimate them. If I don't make it to my destination, you can be sure that they-"

"YOU'RE READING MY DIARY?" Just as you get to the juicy details, a great quivering shout causes you to jump back, an angry spirit materializing in front of you! Some ghostly Toad, his eyes burning yellow with fury, floats between you and the open diary. He points at you, his ghostly form trembling with rage. "You've made a mistake, mortal. Now I have no other choice but to… TAKE! YOUR! SOOOOOOOUL!"

Oof, that's quite the pickle you're in, huh? Well, the narrators union won us contracts last year exempting us from working in dangerous situations involving undead spirits, so I'm out of here. Good luck with your predicament, though! Although I guess there won't be a "you" to be in a predicament for much longer…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again

A Haunting Encounter

Now, you're no Luigi! You aren't about to let some ominous feeling send you scurrying for the hills! Deciding to wait this out and see if you can figure out what's inspiring such a disconcerting feeling in you, you take a seat in the cabin and pull out a book you had totally been meaning to read, for real.

As you flip through the pages, moaning fills the room, prompting you to look up from your book…

"Oooo hooo hooo hooo! Company, hm? Will you be more conversational than last night's company…?" Floating there before you is a genuine, stars-smite-you-if-you're-lying Toad ghost! The ethereal Toad chills the air around him, but he actually seems pretty friendly besides the whole being a spirit thing. You introduce yourself and ask him his name, and he tells you that his name is Ghost T.

The two of you have a pleasant little talk as he asks you about current events and the latest news, questions which you're well-prepared to answer! After conversing a bit, you remember two things. First, he made a vague mention of some company last night. Second, you're supposed to be solving a mystery! Realizing that Ghost T. could have useful information, you ask him about what he saw last night.

"Oooo… Last night, that waitress from the dining car entered around 23:15. She came in giggling, amused that she had found an empty cabin where she could hide and take a nap while shirking her work. She fell asleep on the bed after just a few minutes and just kept sleeping. It was amusing at first, but when I realized she was going to stay sleeping in here for hours, I decided to wake her up. It's so boring in here. I need to get amusements wherever I can, oooh hooo hooo hooo… At around 23:45, I appeared to her, and she shrieked, running out of the room and back to the dining car."

You know? That all sounds really useful to solving this mystery. Obviously it's 100% true, too. What reason would a ghost have to lie? Your new pal Ghost T. would never lie to you! Thanking Ghost T. for the information, you decided to leave the room, someone around here finally impressing you!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Head out of the cabin


So this is the train engine, eh? You look around the main locomotive, seeing all kinds of gauges and dials and switches that are completely meaningless to you! You aren't trained to work with any of this stuff! You're just a journalist, after all. Well, anyway, beside that, the train engineer is also here driving the train, as you would expect.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Flip some switches and turn some dials
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Ask the train engineer about his night
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go back to the east passenger cabin

Off The Rails

Don't you dare. Don't you even think about-. What!? What are you doing!? Have you not learned by now that doing things like this leads to humiliating, painful, and sometimes entertaining ends for you? We just went over this! You don't even have any training! No, no, that's not supposed to be a pun! I'm saying you don't even know what you're-...

sigh. You know-? You know what? You don't deserve a humorous description of exactly how this goes wrong. That's what you want, isn't it? Well, I'm not rewarding this kind of behavior! You press down random switches, turn knobs and dials, and, in a monumental display of bad decision-making, manage to force the train into a sudden screeching stop that ends up flinging you and the engineer out of the locomotive! Great going!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png You've disappointed your narrator. Go find yourself a new narrator and try again.


Now, Pennington said that the engineer isn't a suspect, but, well, Pennington doesn't really seem to be all there to you. He's maybe not the greatest detective in the world, is he? Maybe you should talk to the engineer anyway. Maybe Pennington just didn't apply enough pressure to this guy.

"ALRIGHT BUDDY," you scream to get his attention, putting as much aggression behind your voice as you can summon. "You tell me right now where you were last night and who you saw!"

"Golly? Someone wants to know about my night? Nobody has ever come to ask me about that before!" Unfortunately, your aggressive interrogation tactics are met with earnest excitement, the engineer turning around to you and beaming.

"I don't get to leave the engine unattended outside of stops, so I was here all night last night. Honestly… it gets lonely up here. The conductor comes around, but I rarely get to see any passengers… Oh, but last night was different! At around 23:30, Ms. Toodles brought me food and we talked over a small meal. She left at around 23:40, but it's the most conversation I've had with a passenger in a long time. She seemed shaken up when she came in. Gee, I hope nothing on the train is bothering her…"

Hmm… Well, feeling a little bad about being so aggressive towards this cheerful, lonely engineer, you decide you can't bring yourself to accuse him of lying or to question him further. Instead, you make small talk with him for a few minutes before deciding it's time to depart.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Head back to the east passenger cabin

Go West, Young Man

Welp, you may as well check out the west passenger car, you decide. Maybe it'll turn up some useful information for this investigation. You step into the west passenger car, the description of which your narrator is electing to gloss over (because, really, what is there to describe?). It looks like from here you can either head into a cabin 05, a cabin 06, or make your way back to the luggage cars and the refrigerated cars.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go into cabin 05
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Step inside cabin 06
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Pass through to the luggage and refrigerated cars
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Return to the dining car

A Golden Opportunity

Within cabin 05, you find yourself immediately shielding your eyes, the passenger within possessing an overwhelming golden luster.

"Hmm? And who might you be?" As your eyes adjust, you recognize the golden, mustachioed Bob-omb standing before you. He's Goldbob, world's richest Bob-omb! He doesn't seem too pleased by your intrusion, you notice, so you quickly explain that you're a journalist for The 'Shroom and ask if he could maybe tell you a little bit about what he did last night.

"Hmph. I do not appreciate you journalistic types disturbing me in private accommodations," he says, clearly annoyed. "I cannot think something so trivial would go to print, however. I suppose I can indulge your curiosity so long as you agree to forego any further requests for interview or comment."

You nod your head in agreement.

"Very well. Last evening was dreadful, the worst I've experienced on this train in all my time riding it. I was kept up late into the night by a detestable racket. I retired to my accommodations early in the evening, well before 23:00, intending upon staying within and sleeping early. I might have, too, had my neighbor not had alternative plans. From 23:15 to approximately 23:30, sounds of an argument from cabin 06 pierced my walls! A fierce one, from the sound of it. I shudder to think how displeased my dear Sylvia would be were she to have been aboard and trying to sleep while it ensued. At 23:30, it ended with the slamming of a door, and I thought over the next few minutes I might finally have a spot of peace and quiet, but shortly after, blubbering began emanating from the cabin! It ceased only when it was nearly midnight!"

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Thank Goldbob for the information and leave his cabin
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Accuse Goldbob of lying and press him for more information

You're Not The Bomb

Oh, sure, this rich guy just stayed in his room all night and heard some kind of argument and then some crying. The only thing richer than this guy is his joke of an alibi, you think to yourself, narrowing your eyes and glaring at Goldbob.

"You know what, bub?" You start to question Goldbob, only vaguely taking note of a muffled hissing sound as his eyes lock into an intense glaring matching your own. "I don't buy your story for a second. I know what you're up to - rich people stuff! I may not know how my health insurance works, but I've listened to old radio dramas, I know you rich people love to commit insurance fraud! That's why you kidnapped Zip Toad, isn't it, you gold-plated cretin?"

"GO-GOLD-PLATED!?" Indignant, Goldbob leaps up, his top hat coming off of his head and revealing his lit, sizzling fuse. "Why, I will not take slander from a journalistic nobody! Have at you!" Now, at this point, you realize you've made a mistake, but there's no time for you to defuse the situation before Goldbob charges right at you, his fuse burning down!

You're thrown into the wall of the cabin by the ensuing explosion, spending the rest of the trip knocked out! When you finally come to in the hospital in Poshley Heights, Shoey is waiting by your bedside and announces that you've managed to get yourself and The 'Shroom both sued by the world's richest Bob-omb! He fires you in no time flat and leaves you to sort out the legal fees and your medical fees for yourself, something that your lack of healthcare insurance knowledge does not help you with!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again

Feeding Frenzy

Entering cabin 06, you find yourself coming face-to-face with a disgruntled-looking, hefty Toad. Quickly, you realize that this Toad must be the Heff T. character that Pennington identified as a suspect.

"What, do you need something?" Heff T. asks, looking tired and irritable. The room smells pretty nice, filled with rich aromas of luxurious meals, but it doesn't look like times have been great for this guy…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Leave Heff T. be and exit the cabin
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Ask Heff T. about his night

A Food Critic Critic

Deciding that you really do need to investigate Heff T. regardless of his mood, you ask him to describe his night to you.

"Huh, my night?" He pauses for a moment, a deep frown on his face. "It was pretty terrible, honestly. I was in my room before 23:00, and I was planning on just hanging out here all night, planning what I'd order tomorrow. I was nice and stuffed after sampling everything the dining car was serving yesterday, and all ready to relax… and I did relax, until 23:15, that is. That's when Chef Shimi barged in here and started yelling at me… He accused me of not savoring his food and being demanding when the dining car was already overwhelmed with other passengers. We argued and argued, and I didn't even get to tell him his food is actually excellent…"

"Well," Heff T. continues, eventually, maybe at around 23:30, he slammed the door and left. The conductor came in just a few minutes after that, and when he asked how my night was going, I… I… I broke down. It was going horribly! I couldn't keep myself from venting. I think we talked until it was nearly midnight…"

Well, honestly, that just seems kind of sad. Poor guy had a rough night… or so he claims. Do you believe it?

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Accuse Heff T. of lying
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Give Heff T. your sympathies and leave the cabin

Now Serving Pancakes

A real wise guy, eh? This guy is throwing out a sob story to throw us off the trail, you think to yourself. Well, you aren't about to be fooled!

"Listen up, Heff T. - if that's even your real name - I know you just told me a whopper of a lie! Why'd you do it? Why'd you kidnap Zip Toad!?"

"What!?" Heff T., as you might expect from someone you just accused of a crime, reacts with indignation, his frown morphing into a scowl as he holds his hands up defensively. "I don't even know what you're talking about. Something happens and you just come in and blame me? Not nice! What evidence do you have?"

"Uh, well, uh…" You stammer out, realizing that, uh, you don't have any, actually.

"That tears it!" Heff T. makes his declaration while charging at you! "No more Mr. Nice Heff!"

He leaps at you as he charges, and ends up landing on you, crushing you down into a pancaked form like you're in a cartoon! Squashed nearly flat, you find when he gets up off of you that all you can do is scuttle around sideways like a crab. This is definitely going to put a damper on your 'Shroom career, but, hey, maybe you can get a job doing treasure-hunting with Wario!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try again

Bureaucratic Baggage

Eh, you know, there could be something of interest in those luggage cars or the refrigerated cars. There probably isn't. It's probably all clothes and frozen foods and boring miscellany like that, but you can at least check it out, you figure, making for the door leading back to those cars.

As it turns out, though, you can't go check it out!

"Oh, wait, please wait, valued passenger!" As you touch the door handle, the conductor comes rushing over from his post nearby, calling out for you to stop. He looks at you apologetically. "Unfortunately, I cannot allow you into the luggage cars. Only staff members are permitted back there, to ensure passenger safety and the proper handling of luggage. It's a matter of policy. I apologize," he explains.

Well, that's a shame, but it's not like you'd find any suspects back there anyway, so it's not all bad. Before you can turn to leave, the conductor takes a good look at you, his eyes flashing with recognition. "Ah, I apologize for not realizing who you were earlier! You're the journalist who agreed to assist us with the Zip Toad case!"

Huh, did Pennington get a chance to talk to this guy?

"I can't believe our luck," the conductor continues. "We're so fortunate to have a real investigative journalist assisting us, and one with such a high-profile publication, no less! I'm a fan of your column, you know, so this is almost like a dream." His enthusiasm and praise almost makes you blush. You haven't been recognized like this in many other places on this excursion! "Is there any way in which I can assist you?"

Not wanting to let your fan down, you ask him if he can tell you what he did last night. You don't really know if it will help or not, but at least it can make him feel like you're actively working on the case and he is contributing!

"Certainly! Well, I started here at my post," he explains. "I was here at 23:00, and for a good quite some time after that as I prepared to make my nightly rounds. Just a few minutes before 23:30, I left my post to make my rounds. Unfortunately, one of the first rooms I stopped in was cabin 06, where one of our passengers was having a very difficult night. From about 23:35 until nearly midnight, I was listening to him cry and vent his emotions. I was unable to proceed with my nightly rounds until around midnight, at which point I became aware Zip Toad was nowhere to be found."

"I hope that helps you," he adds, quite chipper. You assure him it does, and heartened by a rare positive interaction, decide to pursue this mystery with renewed vigor!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Continue exploring the west passenger car

Pennington Takes Over (T)

With dramatic flair, you tell Pennington that the information you've gathered leads only to one conclusion… The perpetrator behind the disappearance of Zip Toad is none other than… Toodles!

"Hmm, yes," he responds, closing his eyes and nodding. "Toodles, a woman who I have long suspected. Only she would have the knowledge of the rich and famous needed to predict Zip Toad's movements."

He continues enthusiastically. "My dear assistant, I will apprehend the culprit. Do not trouble yourself with accompanying me. It will be a dangerous affair. When we disembark at the Riverside Station, I shall turn her over to the custody of the police. At our final destination, please reconvene with me in front of the Poshley Sanctum when you are able."

You nod to signal you've understood his instructions, then watch as he walks off. You take a glance out the window, noticing the setting sun and realizing that it won't be too long before it's time to turn in. There'll be a stop at Riverside Station soon and you'll be able to get out and stretch. After that, maybe you can properly enjoy the third day on the train…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Enjoy the rest of the trip and disembark at Poshley Heights

Pennington Takes Over (G)

With dramatic flair, you tell Pennington that the information you've gathered leads only to one conclusion… The perpetrator behind the disappearance of Zip Toad is none other than… Goldbob!

"Hmm, yes," he responds, closing his eyes and nodding. "Goldbob, a man who I have long suspected. Only he would have the cutthroat acumen to enact a scheme to make Zip Toad disappear."

He continues enthusiastically. "My dear assistant, I will apprehend the culprit. Do not trouble yourself with accompanying me. It will be a dangerous affair. When we disembark at the Riverside Station, I shall turn her over to the custody of the police. At our final destination, please reconvene with me in front of the Poshley Sanctum when you are able."

You nod to signal you've understood his instructions, then watch as he walks off. You take a glance out the window, noticing the setting sun and realizing that it won't be too long before it's time to turn in. There'll be a stop at Riverside Station soon and you'll be able to get out and stretch. After that, maybe you can properly enjoy the third day on the train…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Enjoy the rest of the trip and disembark at Poshley Heights

Pennington Takes Over (S)

With dramatic flair, you tell Pennington that the information you've gathered leads only to one conclusion… The perpetrator behind the disappearance of Zip Toad is none other than… Chef Shimi!

"Hmm, yes," he responds, closing his eyes and nodding. "Chef Shimi, a fish who I have long suspected. Only he would have the freedom of movement on the train to carry out this heinous act."

He continues enthusiastically. "My dear assistant, I will apprehend the culprit. Do not trouble yourself with accompanying me. It will be a dangerous affair. When we disembark at the Riverside Station, I shall turn her over to the custody of the police. At our final destination, please reconvene with me in front of the Poshley Sanctum when you are able."

You nod to signal you've understood his instructions, then watch as he walks off. You take a glance out the window, noticing the setting sun and realizing that it won't be too long before it's time to turn in. There'll be a stop at Riverside Station soon and you'll be able to get out and stretch. After that, maybe you can properly enjoy the third day on the train…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Enjoy the rest of the trip and disembark at Poshley Heights

Pennington Takes Over (H)

With dramatic flair, you tell Pennington that the information you've gathered leads only to one conclusion… The perpetrator behind the disappearance of Zip Toad is none other than… Heff T.!

"Hmm, yes," he responds, closing his eyes and nodding. "Heff T., a man who I have long suspected. A crime of passion, it must have been! Enraged by his experiences last night, he took out his frustrations on the first unfortunate soul he was able to find!"

He continues enthusiastically. "My dear assistant, I will apprehend the culprit. Do not trouble yourself with accompanying me. It will be a dangerous affair. When we disembark at the Riverside Station, I shall turn her over to the custody of the police. At our final destination, please reconvene with me in front of the Poshley Sanctum when you are able."

You nod to signal you've understood his instructions, then watch as he walks off. You take a glance out the window, noticing the setting sun and realizing that it won't be too long before it's time to turn in. There'll be a stop at Riverside Station soon and you'll be able to get out and stretch. After that, maybe you can properly enjoy the third day on the train…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Enjoy the rest of the trip and disembark at Poshley Heights

Pennington Takes Over (W)

With dramatic flair, you tell Pennington that the information you've gathered leads only to one conclusion… The perpetrator behind the disappearance of Zip Toad is none other than… the waitress!

"Hmm, yes," he responds, closing his eyes and nodding. "The classic culprit, someone of low station working in service of the rich and powerful. A waitress is not too dissimilar from a butler…"

He continues enthusiastically. "My dear assistant, I will apprehend the culprit. Do not trouble yourself with accompanying me. It will be a dangerous affair. When we disembark at the Riverside Station, I shall turn her over to the custody of the police. At our final destination, please reconvene with me in front of the Poshley Sanctum when you are able."

You nod to signal you've understood his instructions, then watch as he walks off. You take a glance out the window, noticing the setting sun and realizing that it won't be too long before it's time to turn in. There'll be a stop at Riverside Station soon and you'll be able to get out and stretch. After that, maybe you can properly enjoy the third day on the train…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Enjoy the rest of the trip and disembark at Poshley Heights

The Height of Luxury (T)

All things considered? Your second night and third day on the train go well! You sleep in a little longer on the third morning, but you still get a good start that allows you to have a nice breakfast, to window shop at the sales stall, to read a book in your room, to chat with the conductor, and to generally soak in the luxuriousness of the Excess Express. All good things must come to an end, however, and so it is with your time on the train.

Eventually, the Excess Express pulls into Poshley Heights, and you disembark with the other passengers. This place is something special, that's for sure! Well-maintained hedges and arches of roses, grandiose swimming pools and luxurious vacation homes, shining fountains and pleasant outdoor dining spaces, there's so much to enjoy! You're not the only one soaking in the atmosphere, either. As you wander around, you notice Anton at a table, 2257 and Yap embracing nearby. Isn't that sweet? Anton brought 22 along all this way so he and Yap could see each other!

Between that heartwarming scene and the opulence of the city, you feel rejuvenated after just a few hours in Poshley Heights. As the afternoon goes on, you decide it's high time to figure out your plans for the evening. Pennington did mention meeting at the Poshley Sanctum, and it would be nice to see the place, but, then again, the Royal Poshley Park Tower looks inviting, too…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go check in to the Royal Poshley Park Tower hotel
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go meet with Pennington

The Height of Luxury (G)

All things considered? Your second night and third day on the train go well! You sleep in a little longer on the third morning, but you still get a good start that allows you to have a nice breakfast, to window shop at the sales stall, to read a book in your room, to chat with the conductor, and to generally soak in the luxuriousness of the Excess Express. All good things must come to an end, however, and so it is with your time on the train.

Eventually, the Excess Express pulls into Poshley Heights, and you disembark with the other passengers. This place is something special, that's for sure! Well-maintained hedges and arches of roses, grandiose swimming pools and luxurious vacation homes, shining fountains and pleasant outdoor dining spaces, there's so much to enjoy! You're not the only one soaking in the atmosphere, either. As you wander around, you notice Anton at a table, 2257 and Yap embracing nearby. Isn't that sweet? Anton brought 22 along all this way so he and Yap could see each other!

Between that heartwarming scene and the opulence of the city, you feel rejuvenated after just a few hours in Poshley Heights. As the afternoon goes on, you decide it's high time to figure out your plans for the evening. Pennington did mention meeting at the Poshley Sanctum, and it would be nice to see the place, but, then again, the Royal Poshley Park Tower looks inviting, too…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go check in to the Royal Poshley Park Tower hotel
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go meet with Pennington

The Height of Luxury (S)

All things considered? Your second night and third day on the train go well! You sleep in a little longer on the third morning and no breakfast is served since you accused the chef of a criminal act, but you still get a good start that allows you to window shop at the sales stall, to read a book in your room, to chat with the conductor, and to generally soak in the luxuriousness of the Excess Express. All good things must come to an end, however, and so it is with your time on the train.

Eventually, the Excess Express pulls into Poshley Heights, and you disembark with the other passengers. This place is something special, that's for sure! Well-maintained hedges and arches of roses, grandiose swimming pools and luxurious vacation homes, shining fountains and pleasant outdoor dining spaces, there's so much to enjoy! You're not the only one soaking in the atmosphere, either. As you wander around, you notice Anton at a table, 2257 and Yap embracing nearby. Isn't that sweet? Anton brought 22 along all this way so he and Yap could see each other!

Between that heartwarming scene and the opulence of the city, you feel rejuvenated after just a few hours in Poshley Heights. As the afternoon goes on, you decide it's high time to figure out your plans for the evening. Pennington did mention meeting at the Poshley Sanctum, and it would be nice to see the place, but, then again, the Royal Poshley Park Tower looks inviting, too…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go check in to the Royal Poshley Park Tower hotel
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go meet with Pennington

The Height of Luxury (H)

All things considered? Your second night and third day on the train go well! You sleep in a little longer on the third morning, but you still get a good start that allows you to have a nice breakfast, to window shop at the sales stall, to read a book in your room, to chat with the conductor, and to generally soak in the luxuriousness of the Excess Express. All good things must come to an end, however, and so it is with your time on the train.

Eventually, the Excess Express pulls into Poshley Heights, and you disembark with the other passengers. This place is something special, that's for sure! Well-maintained hedges and arches of roses, grandiose swimming pools and luxurious vacation homes, shining fountains and pleasant outdoor dining spaces, there's so much to enjoy! You're not the only one soaking in the atmosphere, either. As you wander around, you notice Anton at a table, 2257 and Yap embracing nearby. Isn't that sweet? Anton brought 22 along all this way so he and Yap could see each other!

Between that heartwarming scene and the opulence of the city, you feel rejuvenated after just a few hours in Poshley Heights. As the afternoon goes on, you decide it's high time to figure out your plans for the evening. Pennington did mention meeting at the Poshley Sanctum, and it would be nice to see the place, but, then again, the Royal Poshley Park Tower looks inviting, too…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go check in to the Royal Poshley Park Tower hotel
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go meet with Pennington

The Height of Luxury (W)

All things considered? Your second night and third day on the train go well! You sleep in a little longer on the third morning, but you still get a good start that allows you to have a nice breakfast, to window shop at the sales stall, to read a book in your room, to chat with the conductor, and to generally soak in the luxuriousness of the Excess Express. All good things must come to an end, however, and so it is with your time on the train.

Eventually, the Excess Express pulls into Poshley Heights, and you disembark with the other passengers. This place is something special, that's for sure! Well-maintained hedges and arches of roses, grandiose swimming pools and luxurious vacation homes, shining fountains and pleasant outdoor dining spaces, there's so much to enjoy! You're not the only one soaking in the atmosphere, either. As you wander around, you notice Anton at a table, 2257 and Yap embracing nearby. Isn't that sweet? Anton brought 22 along all this way so he and Yap could see each other!

Between that heartwarming scene and the opulence of the city, you feel rejuvenated after just a few hours in Poshley Heights. As the afternoon goes on, you decide it's high time to figure out your plans for the evening. Pennington did mention meeting at the Poshley Sanctum, and it would be nice to see the place, but, then again, the Royal Poshley Park Tower looks inviting, too…

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go check in to the Royal Poshley Park Tower hotel
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Go meet with Pennington

Inn For A Penny… (T)

Deciding that you can't possibly miss your one shot at sleeping in a hotel taller than The 'Shroom HQ, you head into the Royal Poshley Park Tower and inquire about a room. A friendly front desk worker tells you all about the luxury suites offered by the hotel. As you hear about the plush bed, the heated bath with jets, the massive flatscreen television, and the complimentary breakfast that comes with the room, you make up your mind and book a luxury suite for a one-night stay.

Once you're all checked in, you take the elevator up and have the most relaxing night you've ever had. All the tension in your muscles melts away. Your worries float off like they're filled with helium. You fall into a sleep so deep you haven't matched it since you were a baby! To top it all off, you head down to the lobby and have a scrumptious Omelette Meal so good it fills your soul as much as your belly!

Deciding that you really should go talk to Pennington, you go to check out.

"I hope your stay was entirely to your liking," says the Toad at the front desk. "Now, let's see here… For one night in our luxury suite, your bill comes to… 1,000 coins," she says.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" One… thousand? Surely you misheard her. Surely she means one hundred coins. One thousand… You don't even make that in a year!

"1,000 coins," she repeats. "Now, will you be paying with gold coins or blue coins?"

Realizing you're absolutely sunk, you try to explain what happened, that there's been a misunderstanding and you didn't realize that the luxury suite cost so much. She frowns, clearly concerned for you, but politely explains that the hotel's rates are posted right in the lobby and that there are no exceptions to the charges. You try to plead with her, explaining that you can't possibly pay that much, and she calls her manager over.

Well, to make a long story short, you don't get to go meet Pennington - or meet anyone for that matter! The on-duty manager tells you that you'll have to work off your debts, and you end up serving as a bellboy, janitor, room service waiter, and dishwasher for months! You do lose your job with The 'Shroom, but, hey, on the bright side, now you have extremely strong opinions on the scents of various dish soaps!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try Again

Inn For A Penny… (G)

Deciding that you can't possibly miss your one shot at sleeping in a hotel taller than The 'Shroom HQ, you head into the Royal Poshley Park Tower and inquire about a room. A friendly front desk worker tells you all about the luxury suites offered by the hotel. As you hear about the plush bed, the heated bath with jets, the massive flatscreen television, and the complimentary breakfast that comes with the room, you make up your mind and book a luxury suite for a one-night stay.

Once you're all checked in, you take the elevator up and have the most relaxing night you've ever had. All the tension in your muscles melts away. Your worries float off like they're filled with helium. You fall into a sleep so deep you haven't matched it since you were a baby! To top it all off, you head down to the lobby and have a scrumptious Omelette Meal so good it fills your soul as much as your belly!

Deciding that you really should go talk to Pennington, you go to check out.

"I hope your stay was entirely to your liking," says the Toad at the front desk. "Now, let's see here… For one night in our luxury suite, your bill comes to… 1,000 coins," she says.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" One… thousand? Surely you misheard her. Surely she means one hundred coins. One thousand… You don't even make that in a year!

"1,000 coins," she repeats. "Now, will you be paying with gold coins or blue coins?"

Realizing you're absolutely sunk, you try to explain what happened, that there's been a misunderstanding and you didn't realize that the luxury suite cost so much. She frowns, clearly concerned for you, but politely explains that the hotel's rates are posted right in the lobby and that there are no exceptions to the charges. You try to plead with her, explaining that you can't possibly pay that much, and she calls her manager over.

Well, to make a long story short, you don't get to go meet Pennington - or meet anyone for that matter! The on-duty manager tells you that you'll have to work off your debts, and you end up serving as a bellboy, janitor, room service waiter, and dishwasher for months! You do lose your job with The 'Shroom, but, hey, on the bright side, now you have extremely strong opinions on the scents of various dish soaps!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try Again

Inn For A Penny… (S)

Deciding that you can't possibly miss your one shot at sleeping in a hotel taller than The 'Shroom HQ, you head into the Royal Poshley Park Tower and inquire about a room. A friendly front desk worker tells you all about the luxury suites offered by the hotel. As you hear about the plush bed, the heated bath with jets, the massive flatscreen television, and the complimentary breakfast that comes with the room, you make up your mind and book a luxury suite for a one-night stay.

Once you're all checked in, you take the elevator up and have the most relaxing night you've ever had. All the tension in your muscles melts away. Your worries float off like they're filled with helium. You fall into a sleep so deep you haven't matched it since you were a baby! To top it all off, you head down to the lobby and have a scrumptious Omelette Meal so good it fills your soul as much as your belly!

Deciding that you really should go talk to Pennington, you go to check out.

"I hope your stay was entirely to your liking," says the Toad at the front desk. "Now, let's see here… For one night in our luxury suite, your bill comes to… 1,000 coins," she says.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" One… thousand? Surely you misheard her. Surely she means one hundred coins. One thousand… You don't even make that in a year!

"1,000 coins," she repeats. "Now, will you be paying with gold coins or blue coins?"

Realizing you're absolutely sunk, you try to explain what happened, that there's been a misunderstanding and you didn't realize that the luxury suite cost so much. She frowns, clearly concerned for you, but politely explains that the hotel's rates are posted right in the lobby and that there are no exceptions to the charges. You try to plead with her, explaining that you can't possibly pay that much, and she calls her manager over.

Well, to make a long story short, you don't get to go meet Pennington - or meet anyone for that matter! The on-duty manager tells you that you'll have to work off your debts, and you end up serving as a bellboy, janitor, room service waiter, and dishwasher for months! You do lose your job with The 'Shroom, but, hey, on the bright side, now you have extremely strong opinions on the scents of various dish soaps!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try Again

Inn For A Penny… (H)

Deciding that you can't possibly miss your one shot at sleeping in a hotel taller than The 'Shroom HQ, you head into the Royal Poshley Park Tower and inquire about a room. A friendly front desk worker tells you all about the luxury suites offered by the hotel. As you hear about the plush bed, the heated bath with jets, the massive flatscreen television, and the complimentary breakfast that comes with the room, you make up your mind and book a luxury suite for a one-night stay.

Once you're all checked in, you take the elevator up and have the most relaxing night you've ever had. All the tension in your muscles melts away. Your worries float off like they're filled with helium. You fall into a sleep so deep you haven't matched it since you were a baby! To top it all off, you head down to the lobby and have a scrumptious Omelette Meal so good it fills your soul as much as your belly!

Deciding that you really should go talk to Pennington, you go to check out.

"I hope your stay was entirely to your liking," says the Toad at the front desk. "Now, let's see here… For one night in our luxury suite, your bill comes to… 1,000 coins," she says.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" One… thousand? Surely you misheard her. Surely she means one hundred coins. One thousand… You don't even make that in a year!

"1,000 coins," she repeats. "Now, will you be paying with gold coins or blue coins?"

Realizing you're absolutely sunk, you try to explain what happened, that there's been a misunderstanding and you didn't realize that the luxury suite cost so much. She frowns, clearly concerned for you, but politely explains that the hotel's rates are posted right in the lobby and that there are no exceptions to the charges. You try to plead with her, explaining that you can't possibly pay that much, and she calls her manager over.

Well, to make a long story short, you don't get to go meet Pennington - or meet anyone for that matter! The on-duty manager tells you that you'll have to work off your debts, and you end up serving as a bellboy, janitor, room service waiter, and dishwasher for months! You do lose your job with The 'Shroom, but, hey, on the bright side, now you have extremely strong opinions on the scents of various dish soaps!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try Again

Inn For A Penny… (W)

Deciding that you can't possibly miss your one shot at sleeping in a hotel taller than The 'Shroom HQ, you head into the Royal Poshley Park Tower and inquire about a room. A friendly front desk worker tells you all about the luxury suites offered by the hotel. As you hear about the plush bed, the heated bath with jets, the massive flatscreen television, and the complimentary breakfast that comes with the room, you make up your mind and book a luxury suite for a one-night stay.

Once you're all checked in, you take the elevator up and have the most relaxing night you've ever had. All the tension in your muscles melts away. Your worries float off like they're filled with helium. You fall into a sleep so deep you haven't matched it since you were a baby! To top it all off, you head down to the lobby and have a scrumptious Omelette Meal so good it fills your soul as much as your belly!

Deciding that you really should go talk to Pennington, you go to check out.

"I hope your stay was entirely to your liking," says the Toad at the front desk. "Now, let's see here… For one night in our luxury suite, your bill comes to… 1,000 coins," she says.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" One… thousand? Surely you misheard her. Surely she means one hundred coins. One thousand… You don't even make that in a year!

"1,000 coins," she repeats. "Now, will you be paying with gold coins or blue coins?"

Realizing you're absolutely sunk, you try to explain what happened, that there's been a misunderstanding and you didn't realize that the luxury suite cost so much. She frowns, clearly concerned for you, but politely explains that the hotel's rates are posted right in the lobby and that there are no exceptions to the charges. You try to plead with her, explaining that you can't possibly pay that much, and she calls her manager over.

Well, to make a long story short, you don't get to go meet Pennington - or meet anyone for that matter! The on-duty manager tells you that you'll have to work off your debts, and you end up serving as a bellboy, janitor, room service waiter, and dishwasher for months! You do lose your job with The 'Shroom, but, hey, on the bright side, now you have extremely strong opinions on the scents of various dish soaps!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Try Again

A Major Reveal! (T)

Interested in hearing how everything went with Toodles, you make your way to the Poshley Sanctum, finding Pennington standing outside…

…stripped of his cap, bowtie, and magnifying glass, looking forlorn as he stands next to a grey Ratooey with a briefcase. Concerned, you walk up to him and ask him what happened.

"Ah, my dear assistant," he says, utterly devoid of energy, "well, I transferred Toodles to police custody at Riverside Station, as we discussed. She did not go quietly. The entire time, she swore she would have her lawyers bring suit against us for what she claimed were our false claims."

"After arriving here," he continues, "I was contacted by the police. It seems they conducted their own investigation and determined that Toodles had a solid alibi. They say that the disappearance must have happened late into the hour, and that Toodles was verifiably with the engineer at that time. I'm afraid-"

The grey Ratooey cuts him off. "You two owe my client a sum of approximately 2,000 coins apiece in damages for putting her through this experience and dinging her reputation with your patently false charges."

Welp, there's no way you can pay that without breaking the bank! You can rest assured that Toodles is going to have her lawyers drag you through the mud and wring you out to dry! Your finances and professional life alike are about to be brought to ruin, but, hey, at least the same is true of Pennington.

Misery loves company, as they say!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Rewind to when you were on the train and try again
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Return to Rogueport and try again from there

A Major Reveal! (G)

Interested in hearing how everything went with Goldbob, you make your way to the Poshley Sanctum, finding Pennington standing outside…

…in handcuffs and, looking forlorn as he stands next to a Pianta clad in a police uniform. Concerned, you walk up to him and ask him what happened.

"Ah, my dear assistant," he says, utterly devoid of energy, "well, I transferred Goldbob to police custody at Riverside Station, as we discussed. He claimed he would have us punished for detaining him without cause, but, of course, I paid the words of a criminal suspect no mind."

"After arriving here," he continues, "I was contacted by the police. It seems they conducted their own investigation and determined that Goldbob had a solid alibi. They say that the disappearance must have happened late into the hour, and Goldbob's whereabouts are entirely accounted for at that time. They say he overhead the crying of a passenger in the cabin next door, indicating he was in his own cabin when the crime occurred. I'm afraid-"

"You're coming with me, bub," interrupts the uniform-clad Pianta, grabbing you by the arm and slapping a pair of handcuffs on you. He drags you off. The trial you and Pennington get isn't exactly a fair one, which might have something to do with Goldbob taking the judge out for fancy dinners… Y'know, just a hunch…

You set out to find a criminal, but, ultimately, it seems you've become one!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Rewind to when you were on the train and try again
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Return to Rogueport and try again from there

A Major Reveal! (S)

Interested in hearing how everything went with Chef Shimi, you make your way to the Poshley Sanctum, finding Pennington standing outside…

…looking quite pleased, actually, as he adjusts his bowtie.

"Ah, my dear assistant," he says, exuberant, " I transferred Chef Shimi to police custody at Riverside Station, as we discussed."

"After arriving here," he continues, "I was contacted by the police. It seems they were able to obtain a confession after interrogating Chef Shimi. With the information he provided, they were able to locate Zip Toad in the refrigerated car, hidden in the emptied Snow Bunny crate! He was chilled but otherwise alive and well. Apparently Zip Toad was a rather demanding customer and the chef moved to eliminate one great source of stress for himself."

He gestures towards the door of the Sanctum. "To thank you for your assistance, I have a gift for you." He unlocks the door, you follow him in, and within the massive, silent sanctum, you spot it on a pedestal. There, right before you… it's a Crystal Star, shining in brilliant garnet!

Before you can run towards it, Pennington sticks a flipper out in front of you to hold you back. "Not so quickly, my dear assistant. The star upon that pedestal is a red herring. Wait here one moment and I will bring you a gift worthy of your intellectual prowess," he says, wandering over to a curtain and slipping behind it. A few moments later out he comes, holding a truly radiant Garnet Star. He hands it to you.

As you touch the star, your eyes roll back into your head as you see a vision of… a strange place. Splendorous treasures and strange artifacts surround you, yet most of them are… off-putting, your gut giving you a primal sense of fear upon looking at them.

…Except for one. A statue in the corner, derelict and unmaintained, offers you a cup of… something. A swirling, rainbow concoction. You feel a sense of trust and consume the drink, no matter the consequences.

As you consume it, the ground begins to sink beneath you, until you hear a click. Upon the sound, a great shadow descends from above - but you feel… powerful. Perhaps the chalice held something of value after all. You confront the shadow, knocking it away as you stand tall, the strength of a warrior coursing through your veins.

The room falls away, darkness overtaking you. Your body is wracked with pain, visions of a sarcophagus overtaking you. An unspeakable dread, a fear thought to be long forgotten. You scream and scream, your throat growing raw and bloody - until four shining lights dispel the darkness, joined by three more as a brilliant light shines through the gloom and lifts you to salvation.

Pennington looks at you with some concern, inquiring as to if you're alright. You assure him that you are, thank him for the gift, and take a moment to take in the atmosphere of this peaceful, majestic sanctum.

In time, you exit, taking pride in having solved a mystery and obtained the Garnet Star, refreshed and ready to return to Rogueport.

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Return to Rogueport triumphantly!

A Major Reveal! (H)

Interested in hearing how everything went with Goldbob, you make your way to the Poshley Sanctum, finding Pennington standing outside…

…in a chef's hat and apron, looking forlorn as he stands next to Heff T. Concerned, you walk up to him and ask him what happened.

"Ah, my dear assistant," he says, utterly devoid of energy, "well, I transferred Heff T. to police custody at Riverside Station, as we discussed. He claimed innocence, but I did not allow his pleas to deceive me.."

"After arriving here," he continues, "I was contacted by the police. It seems they conducted their own investigation and determined that Heff T. had a solid alibi. They say that the disappearance must have happened late into the hour, at that time, Heff. T was in his room, speaking with the conductor and, as verified by another passenger, crying late into the night. Seeing no way in which he could have committed the crime, the police released him, and asked if he was interested in pressing charges against us for unlawfully detaining him."

"I declined," interrupts Heff T., "but I do need some compensation. That's why I'm officially making you two my personal chefs for the month. It's only fair, isn't it?"

You can't really dispute that you probably owe the guy something after accusing him when he was completely innocent… A month does seem like a long time for that, but you accept your fate with quiet dignity. For the next month, you labor over a stove in a hot kitchen, making all kinds of dishes that you hadn't even heard of before! You do kind of miss out on the rest of the trip and end up too busy to keep writing for The 'Shroom, but, hey, maybe you have a promising culinary career ahead of you!

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Rewind to when you were on the train and try again
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Return to Rogueport and try again from there

A Major Reveal! (W)

Interested in hearing how everything went with the waitress, you make your way to the Poshley Sanctum, finding Pennington standing outside, waiting for you.

"Ah, my dear assistant," he says, "I transferred the waitress to police custody at Riverside Station, as we discussed."

"After arriving here," he continues, "I was contacted by the police. It seems they conducted their own investigation and were unable to find any alibi which would exonerate the waitress. Unable to find any evidence contrary to your deduction, they accepted that she is the culprit. Unfortunately, they were unable to locate the missing Zip Toad… I cannot help but think we have somehow missed a clue…"

He gestures towards the door of the Sanctum. "However, we did identify the culprit, so to thank you for your assistance, I would like you to have something." He unlocks the door, you follow him in, and within the massive, silent sanctum, you spot it on a pedestal. There, right before you… it's a Crystal Star, shining in brilliant garnet!

You glance at Pennington, who offers you his tacit permission with a nod, and you run to the pedestal, grabbing the star in your hands!

You hold up the star, feeling quite proud of yourself… only to realize it's made of glass! It's no real Crystal Star! Still, you suppose it's nice. It's a kind gesture from Pennington, and not many other people can say they have a souvenir like this. Having at least had a good experience on the train and coming home with a pretty cool souvenir and a good story for Palette Swap, you decide it's time to head back to Rogueport. Though… deep down, a part of you wonders if you could have found something… more… If you had made a few different decisions on the train, if you had investigated more thoroughly… Could you have found the real Garnet Star?

ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Rewind to when you were on the train and try again
ShroomTTYD-Hand.png Return to Rogueport and try again from there

The 'Shroom: Issue 208
Staff sections Staff NotesThe 'Shroom SpotlightPoochy's PicksCredits
Features Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing
Specials Cosmo In RogueportDe Millenniumpoort, or a Girl Talking about a LocalizationPM:TTYD Casual Badge Tier ListPaper 'Shroom: Choose-Your-Own-Adventure