List of Mario's FUNdamentals pre-release and unused content
This is a list of pre-release and unused content for the game Mario's FUNdamentals.
Early builds[edit]
A collection of artwork made by Greg Winters, who illustrated the game's box art, was sold on Heritage Auctions in 2023. Also include in this lot were various reference photos, both physical photographs of a build of the Macintosh version of the game and various clippings from print ads available at the time. Notably, the Mario sprites used in this build are very off-model, and would be redrawn later to be more accurate. The artwork used on the Bowser card in the Go-Fish game is also slightly different.
The Checkers and Backgammon games appear to be very early in development, as what appears to be a very primitive Checkers board can be seen in the photographs, and a photo of concept art of the Backgammon game is used instead of an in-game one. The title and game selection screen, while still keeping the same general layout of the final game, also uses more off-model sprites for Mario, as well as having him in a gray jacket, gray pants and black shoes. The graphic used for the title is completely different, having the title in a (presumably animated) marquee instead of the more basic text used in the final. What appears to be an early version of the graphic used in the frame before a game can be selected can also be seen among the photographs, but is too blurry and small to make out completely.
A later build can be seen in a video included with a CD included with the Nautilus CD Magazine Sept 1995 issue, still featuring the more off-model Mario sprites, but including the final title screen, implying that this was a late change.[1] This is presumably also the build used in the screenshots on the back of the box of the Macintosh release.[2]