BS Super Mario USA
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BS Super Mario USA is a remake(/psuedo-sequel) of Super Mario Bros. 2 for the Satellaview, an add-on for the SNES. The Satellaview was only released in Japan, so this is a Japan-only game.
General Info
The gameplay is essentially the same as the SNES version of Super Mario Bros. 2.
The game was released in four installments. In each one, the play was sent to a different SMB2 "World". The goal was seemingly to collect the Gold Mario Statues located in each level, defeat the boss, and then find and beat Wart, who was now hidden in areas where Warp Zones were previously. The player could select the levels in any order and return to the levels as often as desired until the "episode" ended at around :50 minutes on the clock.
As the gameplay episode progressed, an audio drama would stream via St. Giga's Satellite radio, which would tell the narrative of the story.
Plot outline
(STUB AREA: A translator should take a look at the broadcast videos to see if that can help with the plot summary.) The plotline seems to take place after the original Super Mario USA. The King of Subcon placed Gold Statues of Mario around his kingdom as thanks for the previous time he defeated Wart. However, the Birdo trio, Mouser, Tryclyde, Fryguy and Clawgrip are apparently stealing them.
- The game has a built-in clock (meant to be in sync with real-time) that has the game start at around :05 minutes in and end at around :50 minutes in.
- The player starts the game off as Mario. Character changing is forcibly done in timed events.
- An interesting new feature is the addition Mario Statues. Picking up one of these gives Mario an extra life and fills his life meter. There are three of these in each level, plus one obtainable from the end-of-the-world boss. They are usually out in the open, but sometimes are hidden in Subspace. Levels can be played over again in order to obtain all of the statues. It is unknown whether there is a reward for collecting them all.
- Coins were added to levels.
- The "Today's Results Screen" temporarily records the Mushrooms, Cherries, Coins, Mario Statues, defeated bosses, and current level.
- A points system was added. Points can be gained, among other things, by defeating enemies in various ways.
- Key sequences in the narrative are accompanied by events that occur in-game. The most common of these are the character portraits at the top of the screen which show which character is talking. Other events may include powerups, power-downs, obstacle-spawnings, or the revealing of secrets.
Release info
Being episodic, BS Super Mario USA was released on a weekly basis. The four episodes were premiered during these weeks; [1]
1996/03/31~1996/04/05 BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ 第1回「あたしたち、スーパーキャサリンズ」の巻
BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge Episode 1
1996/04/07~1996/04/12 BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ 第2回 「ガブチョもびっくり流砂の秘密」の巻
BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge Episode 2
1996/04/14~1996/04/19 BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ 第3回 「氷の海でヒーボーボー」の巻
BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge Episode 3
1996/04/21~1996/04/26 BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ 第4回 「マムーの罠,危うしマリオブラザーズ」の巻
BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge Episode 4
The timeframe in which these episodes were featured was likely 7PM. They were rebroadcast mulitple times, but as a full schedule of releases for the Satellaview is not available it is uncertain exactly how many.
Relevant links
Footage of game recordings from actual broadcasts. These show how the game plays and the audio drama that accompanies it.