Capsule Machine (WarioWare series)
The Capsule Machine is one of the options in the Arcade in WarioWare Gold. It is red with a grey crank. By spending coins, the player is allowed to turn the machine's crank to dispense souvenirs, which are added to the Toy Room in the Arcade. There are missions for collecting all the souvenirs of each type, as well as collecting all the souvenirs overall.
To use the Capsule Machine, the player can either spend 100 coins to get one souvenir or 1000 coins to get 10 souvenirs; these are separate buttons. After spending the money, the player gets to turn the crank. This can be done either by twirling around the crank clockwise with Touch inputs, tilting the system to the right with Twist inputs, or repeatedly pressing
in that order with Mash inputs. Note that the last method is very slow. The crank can only move clockwise, so using the same inputs in reverse has no effect on the crank. After one full turn, the Capsule Machine gives the player the souvenir(s).
After collecting every souvenir in the game, the Capsule Machine is removed from the game. It drops down a hole that appears in the floor and closes up after it. It is replaced by the Shufflers, two machines that dispense Character Cards in the same manner for the game Wario Kard. Their mechanics are identical, with the normal Shuffler using the same costs as the Capsule Machine.