It’s Peach time!
Single player
Pointing device
It’s Peach time! is a skill quiz released on the Play Nintendo website to promote Princess Peach: Showtime![1] The quiz tests the player's knowledge on Princess Peach's transformations in this game.
The player is given a total of ten questions to answer. Each question provides four answers to choose from, with only one of them being the correct answer. The player has to press "Check answer" to see if the answer they selected is correct. If they selected the correct answer, their answer will be highlighted green. If the player answered incorrectly, the answer that they chose will be highlighted red, and the correct answer will be highlighted green. When an answer is chosen for a question, a gameplay clip of Princess Peach: Showtime! appears, showcasing the transformation relevant to the correct answer.
At the end of the quiz, a message pops up saying how many questions the player got out of ten. The player then can choose to retake the quiz or to take a different quiz on the website.
Correct answers are marked with a green border. Messages displayed for correct and incorrect answers are also shown here.
1 of 10

With this ability, you can fend off the Sour Bunch with graceful slashes, dodges, and counterattacks. What ability is this?
You got it! En garde! Swordfighter Peach takes on foes with sensational swordplay.
2 of 10

This transformation lets you bake and decorate sweets with a dollop of cream and charm. What ability is this?
You got it! Bon appetite! Patissiere Peach whips up all kinds of showstopping sweets.
3 of 10

With this power, you can send foes flying with artful jabs, kicks, and jumps. What ability is this?
You got it! Hiyah! Kung Fu Peach uses strength and discipline to save the day.
4 of 10

When using this ability, you can question locals, uncover clues, and try to solve a classic “whodunnit” mystery. What ability is this?
You got it! Case closed! Detective Peach uses keen investigation skills to uncover the truth.
5 of 10

With this transformation, you can hide in the scenery using props, jump wall to wall, and fight foes with kunai. What ability is this?
Kung Fu Peach
Ninja Peach
Swordfighter Peach
Cowgirl Peach
You got it! Wow! Ninja Peach moves swiftly and strikes from the shadows.
6 of 10

When using this transformation, you can toss enemies and grab items with a lasso and saddle up your trusty horse. What ability is this?
Patissiere Peach
Swordfighter Peach
Cowgirl Peach
Detective Peach
You got it! Yee-haw! Cowgirl Peach sends foes and barrels flying with her handy lasso.
7 of 10

With this ability, you can play like a superhero and defend the locals with superhuman strength. What ability is this?
Swordfighter Peach
Kung Fu Peach
Figure Skater Peach
Mighty Peach
You got it! Super! It’s Mighty Peach! She uses powerful punches to save the day.
Not quite! The correct answer is Mighty Peach.
8 of 10

When using this transformation, you can put on a performance filled with quick-timed spins and jumps. What ability is this?
You got it! Time to shine! Figure Skater Peach joins the actors on stage to pull off a dazzling display.
Not quite! The correct answer is Figure Skater Peach.
9 of 10

This ability gives you the power of song, allowing you to reveal hidden pathways with an artful aria. What ability is this?
Mermaid Peach
Figure Skater Peach
Patissiere Peach
Dashing Thief Peach
You got it! Enchanting! Mermaid Peach harmonizes with an aquatic orchestra using her melodic voice.
Not quite! The correct answer is Mermaid Peach.
10 of 10

This transformation gives you the power to sneak and hack into the Sour Bunch’s defenses. What ability is this?
You got it! Got it! Dashing Thief Peach uses her skills in espionage to save the day as stylishly as possible!
Not quite! The correct answer is Dashing Thief Peach.
No. of questions answered correctly out of 10
You got EXTRA So close! You can learn even more about Peach’s transformations by playing the Princess Peach: Showtime! game, available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch family of systems. You can save the play with dazzling abilities granted by each transformation!
You got LEADING ACTOR Good show! You can learn even more about Peach’s transformations by playing the Princess Peach: Showtime! game, available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch family of systems. You can save the play with dazzling abilities granted by each transformation!
You got SHOWSTOPPER! Shine on! You can learn even more about Peach’s transformations by playing the Princess Peach: Showtime! game, available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch family of systems. You can save the play with dazzling abilities granted by each transformation!
Website description
It’s Peach time!
You can play as Peach as she powers up with transformations and uses showstopping abilities to call curtains on foes in the upcoming Princess Peach: Showtime! game, which will be available starting March 22 for the Nintendo Switch family of systems. In this Play Nintendo trivia quiz, you can test your knowledge of Peach and all of her different roles in the game!
It’s Peach time! You can play as Peach as she powers up with transformations and uses showstopping abilities to call curtains on this tragedy.