Apprentice (Torte)

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The Apprentice and his master defending their cake.

Chef Torte's Apprentice is the student of one of the greatest chefs in the world, Torte. Like Chef Torte, the Apprentice is a Terrapin. The two work together in the Marrymore wedding chapel, baking great wedding cakes. Although Torte constantly bosses around (and insults) his young Apprentice, the chef-in-training doesn't seem to mind the abuse.

During the events of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Chef Torte and his Apprentice were charged with creating the world's greatest wedding cake for Booster and Peach's wedding. The two worked day and night creating a masterpiece of confectionery perfection. When all was said and done, Torte and his Apprentice created the massive Bundt wedding cake. The two rushed the cake over to the ceremony, but found it interrupted by Mario, who had rescued Peach and ended the wedding. Of course, with no wedding, no one would be able to taste the perfect Bundt cake. Enraged, both Chef Torte and his Apprentice attacked Mario and his allies.

In battle, Chef Torte's Apprentice attacked by furiously slapping his opponents. Although his attacks were weak, the Apprentice (and Torte) were invulnerable (as they were merely needed for story purposes). Instead of attacking the chefs, Mario and his team concentrated their attacks on the Bundt wedding cake.

After taking enough damage, Bundt began to move. Shocked, the Apprentice tapped his master on the shoulder (and inadvertently hurts Torte in the process). The Apprentice told Torte that the cake moved. Torte looked behind himself, saw a still cake, and insulted his Apprentice, telling him to get back to work. Although the Apprentice swears he saw the cake move, he nonetheless obeyed his master. However, when the cake moved a second time, the Apprentice knew his eyes were not playing tricks on him. He tapped his master again and Torte turned around a second time. This time, however, Bundt continued to move and actually came alive. As it turns out, Bundt was so perfect, the cake became a living monster. Frightened to death, the Apprentice and his master ran for their lives, leaving Mario and his allies to fight the monstrous wedding cake.

Later in the game, Torte and his Apprentice will begin working on another wedding cake. Hopefully, this one won't come alive.