Paper Mario: The Origami King

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"The Origami King" redirects here. For the eponymous villain, see King Olly.


Paper Mario: The Origami King is the sixth installment in the Paper Mario series, released on the Nintendo Switch worldwide on July 17, 2020. The game follows the aesthetic style of its predecessor; Paper Mario: Color Splash, and follows Mario opposing an evil army of origami characters known as Folded Soldiers, ruled by the Origami King, King Olly; which have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom.


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Peach's Castle being taken over by King Olly in Paper Mario: The Origami King
King Olly wrapping Peach's castle in streamers

Mario and Luigi drive into Toad Town, looking forward to the Origami Festival that Princess Peach has invited them to. Upon arrival, the brothers notice that the town and Peach's Castle are deserted, and the doors of the castle lock behind them. While Luigi runs off to search for a key, Mario heads into the foyer, where he meets Peach, who has been folded into origami. Peach drops him into a hidden dungeon, where several of Bowser's minions are being held. Mario discovers a Magic Circle and initiates the 1,000-Fold Arms for the first time, using them to free a trapped origami girl called Olivia. After escaping the holding cell, Mario and Olivia free a square-folded Bowser.

Escaping the dungeon to the upper terrace of Peach's Castle, Mario is attacked by a group of origami Goombas and Shy Guys. After defeating them, it is shown they are led by Olivia's older brother, King Olly. He initiates the takeover of Peach's Castle by summoning five streamers from all around the Mushroom Kingdom, which wrap around the castle and lift it from the ground. Mario, Olivia, and Bowser successfully escape in the Koopa Clown Car, but Luigi goes missing as they collide with the red streamer and are sent flying apart. As Bowser and heads off elsewhere, Olly sets Peach's Castle down atop the peak of a far-off volcano.

Red streamer

A Paper Macho Goomba in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Mario and Olivia watch a Paper Macho Goomba eat a house

Mario frees himself from a tree in a forest near Toad Town, and after rescuing Olivia, quickly notices Peach's Castle. Both of them set out to destroy the five streamers, find Luigi, and defeat Olly. Their search begins in the Whispering Woods, where they are trapped by Ol' Grandsappy who wants to be restored to his former glory. Mario manages to find the Soul Seed to do so and is allowed to leave. They later arrive in the ravaged and deserted Toad Town, where they encounter Paper Macho Goombas. Upon defeating them, they decide to search the remains of the castle for clues, traveling through the Graffiti Underground. The duo manages to find Luigi, who quickly sets out to assist Mario by hunting down the key to Peach's Castle.

Deciding to follow the red streamer first, they travel to Picnic Road, where they find the door to the Earth Vellumental Temple locked, and four of the five Shell Stones required to open it all stolen by Folded Soldiers. Mario explores Overlook Mountain to find them. Inside, Mario comes across the turtle-like god, who has been folded into origami and has no choice but to fight and defeat it. Afterwards, Olivia gains the ability to transform into the Vellumental and uses her new power to access Overlook Tower. At the top, the duo confronts the Colored Pencils and they manage to thwart it by using its missiles against it. Following this, the red streamer is finally destroyed.

Blue streamer

Rubber Band in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Rubber Band, the second member of the Legion of Stationery

Mario and Olivia visit a tram station that takes them to Autumn Mountain, where the blue streamer leads. On the way, they meet Bob-omb, a happy-go-lucky amnesiac, whom Olivia nicknames Bobby. They decide to let him tag along, and after getting sidetracked in Chestnut Valley, they find and unseal the Water Vellumental Shrine. After defeating the Water Vellumental, who has also been folded into origami, Olivia can refill a dry lake and overflow the Eddy River. Finding a gondola's oarsman, they are finally able to boat over the rocky obstacles and arrive at Shogun Studios, a popular theme park.

The trio enters the park to find it all but deserted, where they are tasked with rescuing the park's staff, who are trapped in the high castle tower. Mario sets out to look for the park's master key, eventually leading him to the Ninja Attraction. Inside, he finds and rescues Luigi, who presents the key, having mistaken it for the key to Peach's Castle. Undeterred, Luigi leaves to continue his search, as Mario reopens the park and eventually unlocks the tower's gate and enters Big Sho' Theater. After watching and starring in three different performances, Mario and the gang are confronted by the Rubber Band, whom they defeat. With the theme park saved, the gang celebrates their victory with some fireworks, which jog Bob-omb's memories, and sets off to continue their quest.

Yellow streamer

Destroying the blue streamer allows the trio to continue downriver to Sweetpaper Valley, where King Olly ambushes them, crushing Olivia beneath a giant boulder and blocking the way forward. Remembering a way to save Olivia, Bob-omb insists that he and Mario hurry to the Great Sea near the purple streamer with Sea Captain Toad, whom they rescued back on Autumn Mountain. They stumble across a cruise ship called the Princess Peach, which Bob-omb recalls. After restoring the ship's power and rescuing the crew, they manage to find the suite Bob-omb stayed in, where the very item he's looking for is stored within a lockbox. Before they can open it, the Paper Macho Gooper Blooper arrives and snatches it, forcing Mario to fight him. Heading back to the valley, Bob-omb discloses his tragic backstory. He then reveals that the object he wanted to find was his friend's fuse, which he ignites to destroy the boulder, saving Olivia and sacrificing himself in the process. Olivia is disheartened by this and runs off into Breezy Tunnel. Mario manages to cheer her up by donning a Goomba Mask after Bob-omb's ghost suggests he try to make Olivia laugh again.

Faceless Toads in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Mario dancing with the faceless Toads

Mario and Olivia press on, heading out into the Scorching Sandpaper Desert, which is shrouded in darkness with a black hole where the sun should be. They continue to Snif City to find answers. At the hotel, they learn of a guest named Professor Toad who is pursuing the legend of Khap'taan Teeowed. They find him back out in the desert, freeing him from the inside of a Mega Paper Macho Pokey. After the professor is convinced to join the party, they head back to the hotel, using the second floor's murals as clues to solve the ruins' puzzle. After performing an ancient ritual, the trio awakens the Fire Vellumental Cave and defeats its folded Fire Vellumental. Olivia can use this new transformation to light fires in three Toad monoliths and unearth the Temple of Shrooms.

Inside, the gang discovers many zombie-like faceless Toads and a DJ who is being held hostage. Mario and Professor Toad track down the "Thrills at Night" disc and round up all forty faceless Toads within the temple. The unknown assailant is introduced as Hole Punch, who Mario fights and defeats. His defeat results in the return of the Toads' faces. The desert's sun is freed from within the disco ball, returning to the sky and opening the Sun Altar, where Mario and his companions find Captain T. Ode preserved in a block of ice. Olivia frees him, prompting him to scurry off in search of his old submarine, the Super Marino. Once Mario and Olivia decide to resume their quest, Professor Toad decides to stay behind.

Purple streamer

Returning to Toad Town, the two find Captain T. Ode at the Musée Champignon, where his old submarine is being kept as an exhibit. After the museum owner reluctantly returns it, it is attached to the back of Sea Captain Toad's ship. Navigating through the thick fog over the Great Sea, the gang comes across Bonehead Island where they clear the fog. The gang soon discover the Sea Tower, where the purple streamer seems to end, but find that they cannot access it without finding three orbs located in Diamond Island.

The Sea Tower.
Mario arrives at the Sea Tower

While searching for the island, nearly finds the key on Full Moon Island, only to find a note from Luigi instead who has claimed it. Meeting up on Mushroom Island, Luigi once again presents Mario with the wrong key. Nonetheless, he sticks around to help his brother find the island's main resident, freeing the Origami Craftsman from the wall of his workshop. He explains that he created King Olly as part of a display for the Origami Festival, but did so with the forbidden Fold of Life. Olly turned on his creator and set out to fold the world in his image, using the Origami Craftsman's notes to fold Olivia to life, intending to share the kingdom with her. Determined anew to stop Olly and rescue Peach, Luigi sets off to find the key to Peach's Castle, and Mario and Olivia depart for Diamond Island, though not before the Origami Craftsman shares another set of notes with Olivia.

Mario and Olivia use the key to access Diamond Island, which is completely submerged. Mario and Olivia discover several temples leading to the Trials of Power, Wisdom, and Courage, though the latter two cannot be accessed without the Ice Vellumental's powers, which they gain by traversing the nearby Ice Vellumental Mountain and defeating its namesake. The duo then completes the trials, gaining an orb from each one and using them to unlock the Sea Tower. After a long climb, the duo confronts the Tape at the top, whom they defeat. They then proceed to destroy the purple streamer.

Green streamer

Bowser Jr., Kamek, Mario, and Olivia in a hot spring in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Bowser Jr., Kamek, Mario and Olivia rest in the hot spring

Mario and Olivia notice the green streamer and see that it is heading into the clouds. A mysterious light appears on top of the Sea Tower, and stepping into it transports them to Shangri-Spa, where it is revealed that Bowser's Castle had crash-landed. Here, the duo meets Kamek, who is attempting to take back the castle but cannot due to Boss Sumo Bro guarding its entrance. The only way to reach him is via Bowser Jr.'s Junior Clown Car, which is shredded along with its owner by a pair of Scissors. Kamek reluctantly joins the gang and follows them to four of the spa's springs to revive his young ward. Though they ultimately succeed, Jr. ends up completely colorless after soaking for too long in the Spring of Jungle Mist.

Mario then accesses the Spring of Rainbows, which he can only reach after sidling along blustery cliffsides and winning a game show, Shy Guys Finish Last. Bowser Jr. restores his color in the spring and can fly the gang up to Boss Sumo Bro, who is promptly defeated. With the castle unguarded, the gang enter and search it, finding the throne room's entrance locked. Mario and Olivia follow Kamek to his quarters to seek the key. Kamek disappears before he reaches his room, but Mario advances to find Luigi in there instead, having found the very key they are looking for, once again mistaking it for the key to Peach's Castle. Shortly after, Olivia is snatched up by a shadowy hand. Mario travels through the now-empty castle alone, battling Big and Li'l Cutout Soldiers along the way, before finally confronting his partner's captor, the Handaconda, whom he defeats in a game of Rock Paper Scissors with the 1,000-Fold Arms.

Following this, the duo notices the cut-up remains of Bowser's minions on the floor before the Scissors arrive. Beforehand, though, it sends out the Paper Mistake Buzzy Beetle, who is quickly dispatched, freeing the minions' faces. Mario manages to defeat the Scissors and completely restores its cut-up victims, and Mario and Olivia finally destroy the green streamer.

Origami Castle

Peach's Castle folded into an Origami Castle in Paper Mario: The Origami King
King Olly transforms Peach's Castle into the Origami Castle

Following the restoration of his army, Bowser reveals that he has an idea on how to reach Peach's relocated castle. This idea is shown to be a new airship. However, they are attacked by the Paper Plane Squadron, and although Mario defeats nearly every plane, the largest jet crashes into and damages Bowser's airship, which plummets into Hotfoot Crater. Mario, Kamek and Bowser Jr. climb up to reach Bowser, pursued by a horde of Paper Macho Goombas. Kamek and Bowser Jr. are both separated in attempts to hold them back, leaving only Mario and Olivia to reach Bowser, who use the airship's cannon to launch to Peach's Castle.

They land outside of the Castle but cannot get inside as the door is locked as Luigi returns, dismayed to report he could not find the key to Peach's Castle. Luckily, the key is found lodged in his kart's tailpipe. Once they enter, they are greeted by origami Peach. King Olly then transforms Peach's Castle into Origami Castle. The gang manages to corner Olly, who instead retreats and summons the Stapler. Upon its defeat, Bowser finally manages to unfold himself, and he and Mario work together to lift Olivia's morale after she expresses concern over her brother. With her spirits lifted, the trio finally confronts King Olly.

They attempt to make him come to his senses one final time, simultaneously noticing that Peach has been folded into the rear wall of the throne room. Olly also reveals that the reason behind his consternation is because of a scribble left upon him by the Origami Craftsman, leading to genocidal bigotry against Toads. He reveals that he has folded 999 origami cranes, and intends to use Mario to create the final one, wishing to turn every Toad into blank scraps. Olly refuses to listen to his sister and attacks, using the abilities of all four Vellumentals but is ultimately beaten by Mario and Olivia. Not giving up, he then folds himself into a large sumo wrestler, which Olivia counteracts by giving Bowser a folded sumo form as well. The combined efforts of Bowser and Mario manage to knock King Olly off the arena, only for him to come back even stronger, complete with rising poisonous gas and long arms not dissimilar to Mario's 1,000-Fold Arms. Olivia summons a larger Magic Circle to fight him, transforming Olivia into the Origami Craftsman's giant-hammer design, defeating Olly for good.

In his dying moments, Olly learns that the scrawl on his body was actually a blessing written by the Origami Craftsman. Olly directs Olivia to fold his body into a crane, bringing the total to 1,000 and allowing her to grant any wish she desires. With the help of the Origami Craftsman, she manages to do this, wishing to undo all of the origami her brother folded, including herself. The 1,000 cranes grant her wish and carry Peach's Castle back to Toad Town. Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Kamek, the Origami Craftsman, and the restored Princess Peach land outside the castle, and realize that Olivia is absent.

The secret ending of Paper Mario: The Origami King when the game is completed 100%
Olivia and Olly sit on their thrones if the game is completed 100%

Later that night, the Mushroom Kingdom and Bowser's army continue their truce and celebrate the Origami Festival together, where the Origami Craftsman reveals his contribution - the original, scaled-down Origami Castle, complete with thrones for the two origami siblings. Mario expresses his sadness over Olivia's sacrifice, but Peach insists that she is still with them in spirit, before everyone releases paper lanterns into the starry sky.

Afterwards, the Mario Bros. drive home as the credits roll. Photographs shown during the credits depict the Toads and the Koopa Troop engaged in normal activities following the Origami Festival:

  • Sweet Sap Loggins being decorated with flower wreaths by Toads.
  • The Earth Vellumental Temple being visited by Koopa Troopas.
  • Goombas and Toads feasting at the Overlook Tower café.
  • Toads riding through the Eddy River rapids, with Cheep Cheeps swimming alongside.
  • Various characters spending time at Shogun Studios, with a firework launched in Bob-omb's honor.
  • The Boot Car salesman and a Snifit riding on respective Boot Cars in the desert.
  • DJ Toad and the DJ Snifit dancing with other Toads and a Snifit.
  • Bob-ombs, Toads, and a Big Blooper enjoying paradise on the Great Sea.
  • Bowser, Bowser Jr. and several minions refreshing in the Shangri-Spa hot spring, while repairs of Bowser's Castle are ongoing.
  • The static remains of the Legion of Stationery on the Origami Craftsman's workbench.

If the player manages to 100% the game before beating the final boss, the photos receive golden frames, and a post-credits scene plays in which the Origami Craftsman places miniatures of Olly and Olivia beside each other on his castle in the center of Toad Town.


Mario achieving an attack power-up in battle in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Mario fighting origami Goombas and origami Shy Guys in a ring
Mario in battle against the Earth Vellumental in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Mario navigates a puzzle-like ring in a battle against the Earth Vellumental

The overworld exploration is quite different from the series' standard; whereas the previous three games were either sorted into individual chapters or levels, The Origami King switches to a completely open-world style of progression, with Mario being able to travel to any of the game's locales completely on foot like the first two games. The game's combat system has also been overhauled: at the start of each turn, Mario can rotate and slide rings of a circular battle arena, lining up enemies for consecutive attacks, although the number of ring moves and allotted time are limited. Mario has permanent Boots and Hammer attacks and may equip stronger variants that break after a while. Attacking enemies on the overworld will grant Mario an extra attack in battle, and timed button presses can increase damage when attacking. Lining up the enemies successfully will increase Mario's attack power by a factor of 1.5. Coins can be spent to extend the time limit (at a rate of 10 coins per second), or call the Toads that have been saved to assist Mario in battle. Boss battles use a different system in which the player rotates and slides the rings to line up arrows, making a path for Mario to attack.

Olivia, a character new to the franchise, has a role similar to Kersti and Huey from Paper Mario: Sticker Star and Paper Mario: Color Splash respectively. Once a Vellumental is defeated, Olivia can transform into the Vellumental while standing on Magic Circles, an ability that carries over into battle. Additionally, partners return to ally with Mario and aid him in battles, including Bob-omb and Kamek. They will automatically attack enemies after Mario has used up all his given moves, although there is a chance their attacks will be unsuccessful. Various partners join and leave Mario's party at various points in the story.

Accessories grant Mario benefits both in battle and on the overworld. Toads can be found on the overworld, folded into various shapes. Hitting these Toads with the hammer will cause them to unfold and return to Toad Town, some of which open shops. The Toads that have been saved can even help in battle if the player spends coins using the Cheer command. These Toads will fight enemies, heal Mario, give items, and solve puzzles. Mario can gain confetti by using his Hammer on trees, grass, and enemies. This confetti can be used to fill Not-Bottomless Holes torn in the landscape, revealing Coins or a Toad.

In the settings menu, there is an option to control certain aspects of the game with motion controls or entirely with the controller buttons. This applies to the 1,000-Fold Arms, fishing, and the Super Marino. Three settings are locked with four question marks. They are unlocked by going to the Battle Lab. The first unlockable setting offers hints for battles with the Puzzle Solver, the second adds time to each battle's clock with the Timer Extender, and the third lets the player control the amount added.


Actions Controls
Check Notes
Open Sea Chart*

( R )

Toss Confetti ZR

( ZL )

Dive Underwater*
Ask Olivia X
Jump A
Hammer B
Items Y
* Can only be used in certain areas
Actions Controls
Switch Between Rotate and Slide
Switch Between Weapons and Items
L / R

( ZL / ZR )

Buy Time
Change Gear
Hints from Olivia X
Confirm Action Commands A
Flee B
Cheers from Toads Y





Icon Name Move Attack power (Normal/Ally Tambourine) Attack range Availability
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Bob-omb Bomb Bump 20/30 One enemy After boarding the cable car to Autumn Mountain until his sacrifice in Sweetpaper Valley. Unavailable in the Earth Vellumental Temple, Water Vellumental Shrine, Ninja Attraction, and Scuffle Island.
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Spike Up-Chuck 25 Line formation After being found in the grassy field in Autumn Mountain, until being brought to the canned-food party.
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Bone Goomba Skullbonk 20 One enemy After being found in the grassy field in Autumn Mountain, until being brought to the canned-food party.
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Professor Toad Dig This 24/36 Up to four enemies in any formation After defeating Mega Paper Macho Pokey, permanently available in all locations of the yellow streamer area excluding Sweetpaper Valley, Breezy Tunnel, and the Fire Vellumental Cave.
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Kamek Magic 38/57 Up to four enemies in any formation After meeting him in Shangri-Spa, until vanishing in Bowser's Castle. Cannot be taken outside of the green streamer area. Briefly available in Hotfoot Crater until he attempts to stop the Paper Macho Mini Goomba horde.
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Bowser Jr. Tantrum 50/75 Line formation After being restored in the Spring of Rainbows, until arriving in the great hall of Bowser's Castle. Cannot be taken outside of the green streamer area. Briefly available in Hotfoot Crater until he attempts to stop the Paper Macho Mini Goomba horde.
A character icon in Paper Mario: The Origami King Bowser Fire Breath 50/75
25/37 (Fire Bros)
75/112 (Ice Bros)
Line formation After being saved in Peach's Castle until escaping the castle, available again in Peach's Castle/Origami Castle after escaping from Hotfoot Crater. Only available in the last two rooms of the castle after being unfolded.


1 - Can be brought into battle, but does not attack enemies
2 - Not included in the party section of the pause menu


Image Name Description
Sprite of Princess Peach from Paper Mario: The Origami King Princess Peach Invites Mario to the Origami Festival but is later folded by King Olly. In origami form, Princess Peach asks Mario if he thinks Toads should be destroyed and wiped out, then banishes him to the castle's dungeon. She reappears to introduce Mario to Origami Castle and appears in regular paper form after Olly is defeated.
A Single Whispering Tree Whispering Trees Many sentient trees that inhabit the Whispering Woods. They comment on Mario's activities while he explores.
Ol' Grandsappy Ol' Grandsappy An old tree stump who lives in the Whispering Woods. He needs the Soul Seed to be revitalized, and after such, sings a song and grows into a taller, younger form known as Sweet Sap Loggins.
Ol' Grandsappy and the Sap Sisters in Paper Mario: The Origami King Sap Sisters Three female Whispering Trees who watch over Ol' Grandsappy. They serve as backup singers in his song.
A Chain Chomp in Paper Mario: The Origami King Princess A Chain Chomp who resides in the petting zoo at Shogun Studios. While Princess is initially vicious, she calms down once Mario gives her a Bone, and Olivia pets her.
Sprite of Birdo from Paper Mario: The Origami King Birdo An infrequently appearing character, Birdo is first seen being dropped into the spring in the Whispering Woods. She plays a major role in Big Sho' Theater, acting in a play involving two Paper Macho Koopa Troopa gangs fighting over her. Birdo also appears in the cafe at the Spring of Rainbows when Mario orders the "special."


Image Name Description
Kanchō Kinopio in Paper Mario: The Origami King Kanchō Kinopio A yellow Toad who wears glasses and is the curator of the Musée Champignon in Toad Town.
A Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Fun, Funky, and Functional vendors Snifits, Toads, and a Monty Mole that are found around the world and sell accessories. They are distinguished by the large backpacks they wear.
A Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Battle Lab Toad A Toad found on Picnic Road, initially folded into the shape of a dog. He operates the Battle Lab and allows Mario to use its services.
A Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami KingA Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami KingA Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami KingA Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami KingA Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Rescue Squad Five Toads who are matched up in place of enemies while using The Ringer in the Battle Lab.
Earth Vellumental Temple curator in Paper Mario: The Origami King Earth Vellumental Temple curator A Toad who runs the Earth Vellumental Temple and is found being attacked by Swoops.
Chef Kinopio in Paper Mario: The Origami King Chef Kinopio A Toad who runs the cafe on Overlook Tower. He cowers between boxes until Mario has defeated all the Micro Goombas, then rewards him with a bag of confetti.
Toad Researcher in Paper Mario: The Origami King Toad Researcher A yellow Toad holding a wrench. He is found in the Sensor Lab and gives Mario his new inventions, also offering to charge them for 500 coins.
Sea Captain Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Sea Captain Toad A blue Toad found on Autumn Mountain, folded as a fish. He allows Mario to use his boat to sail across the Great Sea.
Oarsman in Paper Mario: The Origami King Oarsman A Toad who ferries a boat between Autumn Mountain, Eddy River, Shogun Studios, and Sweetpaper Valley. He is folded as a monkey and must be attracted with an Opened Can of Tuna.
Love Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Love Toad A red Toad who is rescued at the Shogun Studios entrance. He stands next to a pole in Toad Town and hints Mario towards the locations of MAX UP Hearts he can collect.
A Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Shogun Studios staff Toads in blue outfits who work at Shogun Studios. They must be rescued before certain activities can be done in the park.
The Princess Peach's captain in Paper Mario: The Origami King Senchō Kinopio A purple Toad who is the captain of the Princess Peach.
Toad mechanic in Paper Mario: The Origami King Toad mechanic An engineer Toad who shows Mario the Boot Car in Breezy Tunnel. He reappears later to attach a new motor to Sea Captain Toad's boat.
DJ Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King DJ Toad A DJ for Hole Punch in the Temple of Shrooms. He plays various discs that Mario brings him, to see whether Hole Punch likes them. After Hole Punch's defeat, DJ Toad is found playing music in the Snif City Royal Hotel's lobby.
Sprite of Captain T. Ode from Paper Mario: The Origami King Captain T. Ode An ancient ship captain, rescued from under the Scorching Sandpaper Desert. Captain T. Ode then goes to the Musée Champignon to recover his Super Marino, attaching it to Sea Captain Toad's boat and giving Mario the ability to dive underwater.
The Toad's BBQ Foodeatery caretaker from Paper Mario: The Origami King Toad's BBQ Foodeatery caretaker A shirtless Toad found inside the Big Shell, which is recovered in the Great Sea and cooked in the Whispering Woods.
Origami Craftsman in Paper Mario: The Origami King Origami Craftsman The creator of Olly and Olivia, residing on Mushroom Island. He wished for Olly to be a fair and kind king and wrote this message on his body, only for Olly to view writing on his paper as disrespectful and trap him behind a wall. The Origami Craftsman returns near the very end of the game, where he teaches Olivia how to fold Olly's body into a crane and make a wish.
A Toad in Paper Mario: The Origami King Shangri-Spa Toad Toads resembling angels who are found in Shangri-Spa. When Bowser's Castle crashes into the spa and destroys their banquet hall, they put Bowser's minions to work to pay off the damages.

Koopa Troop


Main article: Paper Mario: The Origami King bestiary

Folded Soldiers

  • Origami Castle
    • Goomba
    • Koopa Troopa
    • Hammer Bro
    • Boomerang Bro
    • Fire Bro
    • Ice Bro
    • Sledge Bro
    • Sumo Bro

Paper Macho Soldiers



The Vellumentals are a group of four mid-bosses. After defeating one, it releases a Bibliofold that Olivia reads to learn how to fold herself into the Vellumental.

Image Name Description
An origami Earth Vellumental from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Earth Vellumental A giant quadrupedal turtle that can spew sand and manipulate earth, similar to the Black Tortoise. It is fought in the Earth Vellumental Temple. To defeat it, Mario must hammer each of its limbs, then its tail. It flips over and is vulnerable to 1,000-Fold Arms attacks.
An origami Water Vellumental from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Water Vellumental A water-spouting dragon similar to the Azure Dragon, found in the Water Vellumental Shrine. It absorbs more water each round and eventually charges up a big wave attack, which Mario can avoid by using Olivia's Earth Vellumental's ability. The Water Vellumental is weak to jump attacks, which cause it to collapse and make it vulnerable to hammers.
An origami Fire Vellumental from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Fire Vellumental A phoenix similar to the Vermilion Bird, located in the Fire Vellumental Cave. Each round, it sheds some of its burning feathers onto the arena, and Mario takes damage if he walks over them. The Water Vellumental's ability can extinguish the feathers and make the Fire Vellumental vulnerable to the 1,000-Fold Arms.
An origami Ice Vellumental from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Ice Vellumental A giant polar bear with large claws similar to the White Tiger. It resides in the Ice Vellumental Mountain on Diamond Island. It can freeze panels on the arena and make them unusable, only thawing with the Fire Vellumental's power or through sliding them. When it is low on health, the Ice Vellumental uses its Ice Maze ability, creating slush on the board and forcing Mario to navigate it to reach the 1,000-Fold Arms panel.

Legion of Stationery

The Legion of Stationery are sentient tools. They guard the ends of each streamer, besides Stapler. Notably, each member of the Legion of Stationery has a color representing the streamer they guard, such as Colored Pencils guarding the red streamer spool and having a red lid.

Image Name Description
Colored Pencils in Paper Mario: The Origami King Colored Pencils The guardian of the red streamer fought on Overlook Tower. Colored Pencils has crosshairs on its battle arena, firing pencil missiles at Mario if he crosses them. To defeat it, Mario has to navigate behind it and slam its lid shut with the 1,000-Fold Arms or a hammer attack. When it has taken enough damage, Colored Pencils charges a Rainbow Roll attack. Mario must grab the pencils and slam them into the case to defeat the boss.
Rubber Band from Paper Mario: The Origami King Rubber Band A yellow rubber band wrapped in many other rubber bands. It guards the blue streamer at Big Sho' Theater. Rubber Band shoots its rubber bands on the arena, pushing Mario if he walks over them. To defeat the boss, Mario must get close to it and use the 1,000-Fold Arms to pull bands off of its head; using regular attacks removes the rubber bands, but Rubber Band pulls them back onto its body to nullify the attack.
Hole Punch from Paper Mario: The Origami King Hole Punch The guardian of the yellow streamer in the Temple of Shrooms. Hole Punch can punch out panels on the board, trapping Mario if he falls in the holes. Additionally, it can remove parts of Mario's body, lowering his maximum HP. Hitting the backside of Hole Punch frees some of the holes it has removed. To defeat Hole Punch, Mario has to peel off its lid with the 1,000-Fold Arms.
Tape from Paper Mario: The Origami King Tape Tape is the boss of the purple streamer area, found on top of the Sea Tower. Mario must destroy its dispenser with hammer attacks, reducing the boss to just the roll of tape. It then rolls around the arena, taping together panels to prevent them from being slid, and taping certain rings so they are rotated together. The tape can be removed with the Fire Vellumental's ability. When using the 1,000-Fold Arms, Mario flips Tape upside down and pulls the tape away.
Scissors from Paper Mario: The Origami King Scissors Scissors is the last streamer boss, fought in Bowser's Castle at the green streamer. At first, Scissors has its blades covered and warns Mario not to break them. After taking enough damage, it unsheathes on its own, and Mario instantly gets a Game Over if he jumps on it. Scissors will also remove panels from the board by cutting them apart. To damage Scissors, Mario must freeze it with the Ice Vellumental power, then use the 1,000-Fold Arms to break the ice chunk.
Stapler from Paper Mario: The Origami King Stapler Unlike the other Legion of Stationary bosses, Stapler does not guard a streamer, instead being fought in Origami Castle before King Olly. Stapler attempts to staple Mario on the board, preventing him from moving and allowing it to deal more damage. When attacked, Stapler loses some of its staples. Eventually, it fires all of its staples in succession at Mario, being equipped with a stronger tier of staples afterwards. Stapler is weak to the 1,000-Fold Arms, which can remove over half of its staples.


Image Name Description
The battle against Boss Sumo Bro in Paper Mario: The Origami King Boss Sumo Bro Boss Sumo Bro guards Bowser's Castle and is fought in Shangri-Spa. It fights alongside six Sumo Bros.: four who have stolen panels on the arena and two who ride on thunderclouds. When Mario defeats the four Sumo Bros., the Boss Sumo Bro and the other two thundercloud Sumo Bros. drop down onto the arena and charge a thunder attack. They can be defeated with the Earth and Fire Vellumental powers.
Handaconda Handaconda Handaconda is a black, cutout hand that is fought in Bowser's Castle. It harms Mario when jumped on, and can only be attacked while in the second and third rows of rings. Mid-battle, Handaconda transforms panels into Rock-Paper-Scissors icons. When Mario wins the match, he uses a rush attack on Handaconda to damage it.
King Olly's titan form King Olly King Olly is the game's main antagonist and final boss, battled in Origami Castle. In his first phase, he transforms into the Vellumentals and must be countered with Olivia's Vellumental powers. In the second phase, he turns into origami sumo, and Olivia transforms Bowser to help fight him. Mario must run around the arena and use the 1,000-Fold Arms to pound the ground where Bowser is, allowing him to overpower Olly and push him off the edge. In the third phase, Olivia uses a special Magic Circle that Olly scrambles. Mario must arrange the circle while Olly attacks him every five seconds; Mario can dodge these attacks with proper timing. Finally, Olivia turns into the Olivia Hammer, and Mario must rush attack Olly to send him off the arena and defeat him.

Other species


Red streamer

Name Image Bosses Enemies # of Toads # of Not-Bottomless Holes # of Collectible Treasures # of ? Blocks
Whispering Woods

A lush, green forest in the mountains, which contains sentient trees.
Mario jumping near a lake in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Toad Town

The main hub of the game, which is ravaged and deserted in the aftermath of King Olly's attack. It contains several shops, which can be reopened as Mario rescues more Toads, Peach's Castle, the Battle Lab, and the Musée Champignon.
Entry of Toad Town in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Paper Macho Goombas
Graffiti Underground

An underground sewer that has graffiti and a valve that controls the drain. It is used to reach Peach's Castle from Toad Town.
Mario draining the pool in Graffiti Underground

Scaredy Rats
Picnic Road

A road that connects Toad Town, Overlook Mountain and the Earth Vellumental Temple.
Mario and Olivia in Picnic Road in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Shy Guys
Overlook Mountain

A mountain trail full of greenery.
Overlook Mountain

Shy Guys



Paper Macho Shy Guys
Earth Vellumental Temple

An underground temple that houses the Earth Vellumental.
Mario and Olivia inside the Earth Vellumental Temple in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Earth Vellumental
Koopa Troopas


Overlook Tower

A tall tower located on Overlook Mountain. Colored Pencils is battled here.
Overlook Tower in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Colored Pencils


Mini Goombas

Blue streamer

Name Image Bosses Enemies # of Toads # of Not-Bottomless Holes # of Collectible Treasures # of ? Blocks
Autumn Mountain

A mountain filled with autumn-colored trees and tall, grassy fields.
Mario, Olivia, and Bob-omb resting under some fall/autumn trees in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Cheep Cheeps



Shy Guys

Koopa Troopas

Paper Macho Goombas
Chestnut Valley

An area containing rolling chestnuts that damage Mario and Bob-omb.
PMTOK Chestnut Valley.png


Water Vellumental Shrine

A water shrine containing sliding puzzles and the Water Vellumental.
The interior of the Water Vellumental Shrine.
Water Vellumental

Koopa Troopas

Eddy River

Rapids where Mario, Olivia, and Bob-omb ride a canoe.
Mario riding down some rapids in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Shogun Studios

An Edo period Japan-inspired mountaintop theme park with a large castle as its main attraction.
Mario, Bob-omb, and Olivia on a bridge in Paper Mario: The Origami King


Shy Guys

Koopa Troopas



Paper Macho Koopa Troopas
Ninja Attraction

An area of Shogun Studios in which Mario has to find cutouts of ninja Toads.
A dojo in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Scaredy Rats
Big Sho' Theater

A four-story castle where stage productions are held. Rubber Band is battled here.
Mario in the lobby of Big Sho' Theater in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Rubber Band
Paper Macho Goomba Outlaws

Paper Macho Spike Outlaws

Paper Macho Snifit Outlaw

Paper Macho Koopa Troopas

Paper Macho Shy Guys

Yellow streamer

Name Image Bosses Enemies # of Toads # of Not-Bottomless Holes # of Collectible Treasures # of ? Blocks
Sweetpaper Valley

A small valley that connects to Eddy River and Breezy Tunnel.
Sweetpaper Valley after unblocking the entrance to Breezy Tunnel in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Breezy Tunnel

A mining tunnel that contains rocks and Monty Moles.
Mario inside Breezy Tunnel in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Buzzy Beetles

Shoe Goombas
Scorching Sandpaper Desert

A desert that has been shrouded in darkness. A large hole is visible in the sky where the sun used to be.
Mario traveling through Scorching Sandpaper Desert in a Boot Car in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Mega Paper Macho Pokey

Dry Bones

Paper Macho Boos


Bone Goombas

Paper Macho Paratroopas
Scorching Sandpaper Minor

A secondary area of Scorching Sandpaper Desert that connects the main desert area to Shroom City.
A view of Scorching Sandpaper Minor in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Scorching Sandpaper West
A view of Scorching Sandpaper West from Paper Mario: The Origami King


Dry Bones

Black Shy Guys
Scorching Sandpaper East
View of East Scorching Sandpaper ruins Paper Mario: The Origami King

Dry Bones

Paper Macho Boos
Shroom City/Snif City

A desert town occupied by Snifits with an oasis and a large hotel.
A Snifit desert town in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Scaredy Rats
Scorching Sandpaper Far West
A view of Scorching Sandpaper Far West in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Scorching Sandpaper Far East
A view of Scorching Sandpaper Far East from Paper Mario: The Origami King
Fire Vellumental Cave

A cave where the Fire Vellumental is found.
A room inside the Fire Vellumental Cave.
Fire Vellumental
Paper Macho Shy Guys

Koopa Paratroopas

Fire Bros

Buzzy Beetles
Temple of Shrooms

King Shroomses' temple, and where Hole Punch is fought.
The Temple of Shrooms in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Hole Punch


Shy Guys

Black Shy Guys

Dry Bones

Bone Goombas


Purple streamer

Name Image Bosses Enemies # of Toads # of Not-Bottomless Holes # of Collectible Treasures # of ? Blocks
The Great Sea

An open sea that Mario can explore by boat.
Mario on a boat in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Cheep Cheeps


Fly Guys
The Princess Peach

A cruise ship named after Princess Peach.
The Princess Peach cruise ship in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Paper Macho Gooper Blooper
Cheep Cheeps

Fire Bros


Bonehead Island

An island with a large, white skull cave.
Bonehead Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Bone Goombas
Mushroom Island

An island in the shape of a mushroom that contains a Toad house. The Origami Craftsman resides here.
Mushroom Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Heart Island

An island consisting of multiple shrubs with buttons on the back, with each causing a different occurence around the island.
Heart Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Nipper Plants

Cheep Cheeps
Spade Island

An island where Mario must find four Toads to rescue a shirtless Toad stuck in a barrel.
Spade Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Cheep Cheeps
Club Island

A grass field island where Mario must find the Feelin' Fungi.
Club Island amidst The Great Sea in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Koopa Paratroopas

Hammer Bros


Nipper Plants

Crescent Moon Island / Full Moon Island

A small island with a fishing spot.
Full Moon Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Cheep Cheeps
? Island

An island in the shape of a question mark that contains several ? Blocks.
? Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Stone Spikes


Paper Macho Stone Spike
Hammer Island

An island where the Legendary Hammer is found.
Hammer Island
Fire Bros
Scuffle Island

An island where Mario must battle seven Paper Macho soldiers.
Scuffle Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Paper Macho Goomba

Paper Macho Shy Guy

Paper Macho Koopa Troopa

Paper Macho Boo

Paper Macho Paratroopa

Paper Macho Stone Spike

Paper Macho Buzzy Beetle
Diamond Island

A secret underwater island with three trials.
Diamond Island in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Ice Vellumental Mountain

An icy mountain where the Ice Vellumental resides.
A view of Ice Vellumental Mountain.
Ice Vellumental
Ice Bros

Sledge Bro

Spike Tops

Snow Spikes

Sea Tower

A large tower at the northern end of the Great Sea honoring the four Vellumentals. The Tape is battled here.
The Sea Tower in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Koopa Troopas

Hammer Bros

Boomerang Bros

Fire Bros

Ice Bros

Sledge Bros


Green streamer

Name Image Bosses Enemies # of Toads # of Not-Bottomless Holes # of Collectible Treasures # of ? Blocks

A sky-spa area that contains several hot springs.
Shangri-Spa in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Boss Sumo Bro

Chargin' Chucks


Spike Tops

Hammer Bros
Spring of Jungle Mist

A large jungle area that contains a hot spring at the other end.
The official path of the Spring of Jungle Mist.
Paper Macho Chain Chomp

Paper Macho Piranha Plants

Piranha Plants

Jumping Piranha Plants

Nipper Plants



Spring of Rainbows

A hot spring that can only be accessed once the other four springs in Shangri-Spa have been visited. The Shy Guys Finish Last game show is played here, on the way to the hot spring.
Spring of Rainbows in Paper Mario: The Origami King.

Rocky Wrenches
Bowser's Castle

Bowser's castle that has crash-landed into the Shangri-Spa banquet hall. Handaconda, Paper Mistake Buzzy Beetle, and Scissors are battled here.
Interior of Bowser's Castle in Paper Mario: The Origami King

Paper Mistake Buzzy Beetle


Koopa Troopas

Shy Guys


Hammer Bro

Buzzy Beetles



Stone Spikes

Snow Spikes

Big Cutout Soldiers

Li'l Cutout Soldiers

Origami Castle

Name Image Bosses Enemies # of Toads # of Not-Bottomless Holes # of Collectible Treasures # of ? Blocks
Hotfoot Crater

A volcano found below Peach's Castle.
Paper Macho Goombas dropping into Hotfoot Crater in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Paper Macho Goombas

Paper Macho Bob-ombs

Paper Macho Lava Bubbles
Peach's Castle / Origami Castle

A corrupted version of Peach's Castle, created and ruled by King Olly.
Peach's Castle folded into an Origami Castle in Paper Mario: The Origami King

King Olly

Koopa Troopas

Hammer Bros

Boomerang Bros

Fire Bros

Ice Bros

Sledge Bros

Sumo Bros

Paper Macho Koopa Troopas

Weapons, items, and objects


Main article: List of Paper Mario: The Origami King weapons

Mario's attacks are now weapons that can be bought or found alongside items. The player can also find stronger variants of weapons.

Battle items

Shop items

Certain items can be bought in bundles in shops, for a cheaper price than buying them individually.

Image Name Description
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Mushroom 3-Pack Three Mushrooms. Available in the Toad Town shop, Overlook Tower, and Big Sho' Theater.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Mushroom 6-Pack Six Mushrooms. Available in the Toad Town shop.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Shiny Mushroom 3-Pack Three Shiny Mushrooms. Available in the Shroom City shop and from a Toad statue on Diamond Island.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Fire Flower Set Three Fire Flowers. Available in the Toad Town shop.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Ice Flower Set Three Ice Flowers. Available in the Toad Town shop.

Overworld equipment

Image Name Description
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Boot Whistle Calls out the Boot Car when used (only works in areas where the car can be driven).
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Toad Radar A battery-powered radar used to detect hidden Toads.
The Lamination Suit, a special item in Paper Mario: The Origami King. Lamination Suit A battery-powered suit that makes Mario invisible to enemies while standing still.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Hidden Block Unhider A battery-powered radar used to detect invisible ? Blocks.


Accessories are sold through the Fun, Funky, and Functional chain, found throughout the world in places such as Picnic Road and Bonehead Island. To activate their effect, Mario must equip them first. The Heart Plus, Guard Plus, and Time Plus have three variants of increasing effectiveness, but Mario can only equip one variant of each. The six other accessories have their own group, and Mario can only equip two from this group. After a certain point in the game, all accessories will be sold at an 80% discount.

Image Name Description
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Heart Plus Increases Mario's max HP in battles.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Guard Plus Mario takes less damage while blocking.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Time Plus Mario is given more time to arrange rings in battle.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Toad Alert Sounds a chime when Mario is near a Toad.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Treasure Alert Sounds a chime when Mario is near a Collectible Treasure.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Hidden Block Alert Sounds a chime when Mario is near a ? Block.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Membership Card When equipped, Mario gets discounted prices at stores.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Confetti Vacuum Confetti can be collected from further away.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Petal Bag Mario's confetti is changed to flower petals.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Ally Tambourine Increases the power of allies in battle.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Coin Step Counter Counts Mario's steps while equipped, giving him 10,000 coins when he reaches 10,000.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Retro Soundbox A purely cosmetic accessory that changes Mario's sound effects.

Overworld collectibles and objects

Image Name Description
Artwork of Mario using Confetti in Paper Mario: The Origami King Confetti A common object used to fill in Not-Bottomless Holes. It is obtained from defeating enemies, finding bags of confetti in the overworld, or hammering bushes and trees.
Coin in Paper Mario: The Origami King Coin Coins are found on the overworld, obtained from Not-Bottomless Holes, and located in ? Blocks.
10-Coin from Paper Mario: The Origami King. 10-Coin Larger coins that are worth 10 smaller coins.
A 100-Coin in Paper Mario: The Origami King. 100-Coin Giant coins that are equivalent to 100 coins.
A Brick Block in Paper Mario: The Origami King. Brick Block Common blocks that can be broke with either Mario hitting them with a hammer or jumping into them from below.
A ? Block in Paper Mario: The Origami King. ? Block Blocks containing helpful items, usually coins or Collectible Treasures.
Artwork of an origami Super Star from Paper Mario: The Origami King Super Star A rare item that makes Mario invincible, allowing him to safely walk through spikes and defeat enemies upon contact.
A small heart in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
A medium heart in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
A large heart in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Heart Small hearts that appear both on the overworld and in boss battles, restoring Mario's HP.
A green Warp Pipe in Paper Mario: The Origami King. Warp Pipe Pipes that are used to quickly traverse the world.
The Boot Car in Paper Mario: The Origami King Boot Car A car resembling a Goomba's Shoe that Mario can ride in the Scorching Sandpaper Desert.
Olly Tape from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Olly Tape Tape with Olly's insignia, often opening shortcuts after being removed.
A Save Block in Paper Mario: The Origami King Save Block Common, multicolored blocks with an "S" insignia. If Mario hits one, the game's progress is saved.
A Hint Envelope Hint Envelope Orange envelopes that appear during boss battles. Collecting one gives Mario a hint on how to defeat the boss.
A 1,000-Fold Arms Magic Circle in Paper Mario: The Origami King Magic Circle Magic Circles are semi-common spots. When Mario stands on one, depending on the type of Magic Circle, he can activate the 1,000-Fold Arms or have Olivia use a Vellumental ability. Magic Circles also appear during boss battles, where an "ON" switch must be pressed first to activate them.

Useful Items

Image Name Description
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Baseball A baseball signed by the owner of the Shuriken Dojo. It is given to two Dry Bones in Shogun Studios in exchange for the Bone.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Bibliofolds Books that Olivia reads to learn how to transform into a Vellumental and use their ability. There are four Bibliofolds in total, each one obtained after defeating its respective Vellumental.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Big Shell An item collected from the Great Sea. It is cooked on a campfire at Whispering Woods, revealing a shirtless Toad.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Bone A bone obtained from two Dry Bones at Shogun Studios. It is given to Princess to appease her.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Canned Heart An optional item found in the Great Sea. It can be brought to Autumn Mountain for the Bone Goomba to open it, releasing a MAX UP Heart.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Canned Tuna One of the many cans of tuna present on Autumn Mountain. When Mario collects it, he can give it to a Bone Goomba who will open it with his mouth.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Commoner Pass The cheaper, one-time pass to Shogun Studios.
A Confetti Bag in Paper Mario: The Origami King. Confetti Bag The bag that holds Mario's confetti. It gets upgraded to hold more confetti after the destruction of each streamer.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Courage Orb An orb obtained from beating the Trial of Courage, placed in the Sea Tower's door.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. "Deep, Deep Vibes" One of DJ Toad's sound discs in the Temple of Shrooms.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Diamond Jewel A green jewel found near a statue's feet in Scorching Sandpaper Desert.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Diamond Key The key to Diamond Island. Luigi obtains it from Full Moon Island and gives it to Mario while on Mushroom Island.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Faded Fire Flower An item found in Whispering Woods that can be thrown into the spring to restore it into a regular Fire Flower.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Goomba Mask A mask found in the Shogun Studios staff room. It is used to sneak into Big Sho' Theater and later to cheer up Olivia in Breezy Tunnel.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Groovy Panel A tile in the Water Vellumental Shrine, used to complete a 2x2 sliding puzzle.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Groovier Panel A tile in the Water Vellumental Shrine used to complete a 3x3 sliding puzzle.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. "Heartbeat Skipper" One of DJ Toad's sound discs in the Temple of Shrooms.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Heavy Bag An item belonging to a Shy Guy. It is found in the Great Sea, and returning it rewards Mario with 1000 coins.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Jungle King Mask A mask in the Shogun Studios staff room, shaped like Donkey Kong's head.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Key to Bowser's Castle The key to Bowser's throne room, found in Bowser's Castle by Luigi.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Key to Peach's Castle A key that Luigi seeks for the duration of the game. It is finally found stuck in his kart's tailpipe before entering Peach's Castle.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Lever A lever needed to turn on the electricity in the Princess Peach.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Manhole Hook An item found in Toad Town, obtained from a Shy Guy and used to access Graffiti Underground.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. "M-A-X Power!" One of DJ Toad's sound discs in the Temple of Shrooms.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Mushroom Handle A doorknob needed to access the Origami Craftsman's workshop on Mushroom Island. It is found on Full Moon Island.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Opened Can of Tuna The can of tuna, opened by the Bone Goomba. It can be fed to the Oarsman, who has been folded into a monkey.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Power Orb An orb obtained from beating the Trial of Power, placed in the Sea Tower's door.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Professor's Room Key The key to Professor Toad's bottom-floor room at the Snif City Royal Hotel.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Red Gem A gem used to access the second floor of the Sea Tower, obtained from a blue Sidestepper.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Round Jewel A jewel needed for the tower in Scorching Sandpaper Far West, found by digging near the lake in Snif City.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Royalty Pass An infinite-use pass to Shogun Studios, allowing for bigger bonuses from treasure chests and being able to play the minigames for free.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Shell Stones Objects needed to open the Earth Vellumental Temple. They are found at Picnic Road and Overlook Mountain, appearing in five colors: purple, green, yellow, blue, and red.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Shogun Studios Master Key A key used to open every door at Shogun Studios, given to Mario by Luigi in the Ninja Attraction.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Shriveled MAX UP Heart A dried-up MAX UP Heart dug up by Professor Toad in the Scorching Sandpaper Desert. It can be restored at the spring in Whispering Woods.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Shriveled Mushroom An item in Whispering Woods that can be thrown into the spring, restoring it into a regular Mushroom.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Shriveled Seed A dried seed that can be put in the spring to restore it into the Soul Seed.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Shuriken An item given to Mario by a Ninji in exchange for the Straw. It is used to open the Shuriken Dojo.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Soul Seed A seed used to revitalize Ol' Grandsappy.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Space Warrior Mask A mask in the Shogun Studios staff room, shaped like Samus Aran's helmet.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Spring of Rainbows - VIP The VIP pass to Shangri-Spa, granting access to the Spring of Rainbows.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Square Jewel A jewel needed for the Scorching Sandpaper Far East tower, dug up near a fireplace in Scorching Sandpaper East.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King.An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Stamp Card A stamp card for visiting the hot springs at Shangri-Spa.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Straw A straw given to Mario by a Shy Guy in the Tranquil Pipes Teahouse, traded to a Ninji for the Shuriken.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Suite Key The key to Professor Toad's updated suite, found by Luigi near a rigged carnival game.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. "Thrills at Night" One of DJ Toad's sound discs in the Temple of Shrooms. This is the only one needed to complete the area, as Hole Punch likes it and comes out to dance.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Triangle Jewel A jewel used for the tower in Scorching Sandpaper West, dug from between two cacti.
An item from Paper Mario: The Origami King. Wisdom Orb An orb obtained from beating the Trial of Wisdom, placed in the Sea Tower's door.

Nintendo eShop description

Switch Menu Icon for Paper Mario: The Origami King

The kingdom has been ravaged by an origami menace! Join Mario and his new partner, Olivia, as they battle evil Folded Soldiers, repair the damaged landscape, and try to free Princess Peach's castle from the clutches of King Olly in this comedy-filled adventure, only on the Nintendo Switch system.

Mario and Luigi receive an invitation from Princess Peach to attend an origami festival and excitedly hurry to Toad Town...but something's amiss. After investigating the eerily empty town, the duo finds a fearsome (and folded) Princess Peach-she's been turned into origami by King Olly, ruler of the Origami Kingdom! With five giant streamers under his control, King Olly binds Princess Peach's Castle and transports it to a distant mountain as part of his plan to re-fold the world.

On his journey to liberate Peach's Castle and repair the ravaged paper landscape, Mario meets Olivia, King Olly's sister, and the two join forces to put a stop to Olly's origami onslaught. Even Bowser falls victim to Olly's plot when his minions are turned into origami Folded Soldiers and betray their Koopa king, forcing him to ally with Mario and Olivia!

Battle the Folded Soldiers in ring-based battles the challenge you to strategically line up enemies to maximize damage! Out of battle, Mario can use the arm-extending 1,000-Fold Arms ability in specific spots to interact with the landscape to pull, peel, hit, and more! Join Mario, Olivia, and their companions on a journey of laughter and emotion, thrills, and a whole lot of folding.

Update history

Version 1.0.1

Release date: August 5, 2020

Patch notes
  • Fixed an issue in which you would be unable to enter the Spring of Rainbows in Shangri-Spa.
Note: If you have already encountered this issue, you will now be able to proceed normally.
  • Fixed an issue in which players were unable to hit the Toad on top of the fountain in Shroom City.
Note: If you have already encountered this issue, you will now be able to proceed normally.
  • Fixed an issue where Black Shy Guy would not be registered in the Gallery of the Musée Champignon—even if you have previously defeated one.
Note: If you have already encountered this issue, return to Scorching Sandpaper West after the sun has returned and defeat Black Shy Guy once more to add him to your Gallery.
  • Fixed an issue in the Ninja Attraction in which, depending on the state of the player, certain Ninji enemies were undefeatable and halted progression.
Note: If you have already encountered this issue, you will now be able to proceed normally.
  • Fixed an issue in which the game would occasionally hard lock in the Rubber Band boss battle.
  • Fixed an issue in the Battle Lab in which the score would not be properly registered after solving 33 or more lineups in Speed Rings in the Ring Trainer.
Note: Previously registered scores will not change. New scores will be registered correctly after downloading this update data.
  • Fixed an issue in which you could obtain an item from outside of a certain coffin in the Temple of Shrooms. This fix also corrects a related error involving hints from the Love Toad in Toad Town.
Note: If you've already obtained the item from outside of the coffin, the Love Toad's hint error will be resolved.
  • Fixed an issue in Overlook Mountain in which the event of looking up at Overlook Tower would occasionally occur from the bottom of the hill.

Pre-release and unused content

Main article: List of Paper Mario: The Origami King pre-release and unused content
The Hammer Sprite from Paper Mario: Color Splash in Paper Mario: The Origami King
Sprites of the hammer from Paper Mario: Color Splash

Before entering Peach's Castle for the first time, the player was originally going to have a 360-degree view of the castle as well as some models of Princess Peach, which appear unused in the game's files with different hair and jewels on her crown.[1] Some leftovers from Paper Mario: Color Splash in the game's code include Mario swinging his hammer, which is 2D, even though in the game it is 3D. The Monty Mole accessory vendor originally had walking animations.[2] Additionally, there are unused sprites for Captain T. Ode, as well as Bowser and Bowser Jr. inside the Koopa Clown Car.

References to other games

  • Donkey Kong: When Mario is equipped with the Retro Soundbox, he makes the walking sound effect from this game.
  • Super Mario Bros.: When Mario grabs the top of the Goal Pole and slides down it for the first time at Picnic Road, a firework shoots into the sky while an arrangement of the "course cleared" fanfare plays, similar to when the player clears a level with the timer's last digit at 1, 3, or 6 in this game. One of Colored Pencils' drawings is of Mario's death sprite from this game.
  • Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic: When trying to recall the term "amnesia", Bob-omb mentions "Thinky Thinky Panic", a reference to this game's title.
  • Super Mario Bros. 2: After Mario rescues Birdo in Big Sho' Theater, she says that she has "Mario madness." The English cover for Super Mario Bros. 2 features the subtitle "Mario Madness," and the game was Birdo's first appearance. Additionally, the Musée Champignon description for the Black Shy Guy states that it throws turnip-like objects, referencing the throwing mechanic from this game.
  • Super Mario Bros. 3: Olivia mentions the sun being angry in Scorching Sandpaper Desert. Portions of Chestnut Valley's music are based on this game's athletic theme.
  • Super Mario World: The fireball and spin jump sounds are reused from this game.
  • Super Mario 64: An arrangement of "Inside the Castle Walls" plays when Mario and Luigi arrive at Peach's Castle in the opening.
  • Paper Mario: Peach's castle's interior looks similar to the one used in this game, and Peach's design from this game appears as a photo. The move Headbonk is reused from this game.
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Peach's design from this game appears as a photo. Additionally, when Mario and Bob-omb interact with the steering wheel on the Princess Peach, the latter mentions that he dreams of being an admiral someday, in reference to Admiral Bobbery.
  • Super Paper Mario: Peach appears in a photo with her parasol and a background resembling Lineland. Some of the Sammer's Kingdom's OST is incorporated into the music for Shogun Studios.
  • Mario Kart Wii: A slow-paced arrangement of Maple Treeway's music plays in the Tranquil Pipes Teahouse at Shogun Studios.
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii: Some of Bowser Jr.'s voice clips are reused from this game.
  • Paper Mario: Sticker Star: Shiny and flashy attacks return from this game. In addition, Peach appears in a photo, surrounded by stickers. Additionally, the fan that blows the fog away in Bonehead Island, the Scissors boss and the basin used in the Trial of Courage resemble their respective Things in the game. The music of the main boss introductions is incorporated into the music of the Vellumental's introductions.
  • Super Mario 3D World: Some of the voice clips are recycled from this game. The Goomba Mask returns from this game. Luigi's running pose and Peach's floating pose in the ending are based on their respective animations from this game.
  • Mario Kart 8: Like in Paper Mario: Color Splash, Luigi drives a Standard Kart resembling the ones in this game.
  • Paper Mario: Color Splash: The Origami King runs on a very similar graphical engine to Color Splash. The paint-coated graphic effect is used when a Toad aboard the Princess Peach is covered in ink. Mario can again hammer characters to temporarily crumple them. Princess Peach's design from that game also appears as a photo in the game. The Rescue Squads return in the Battle Lab. The Emerald Circus and the Violet Passage captain's pirate ship appear in paintings in Overlook Tower. When Captain T. Ode introduces himself after being thawed out by Olivia in her Fire Vellumental form, the Fortune Island music is reused, lacking the intro and bell quips of the tune. Additionally, steaks identical to the one fought in Tangerino Grill are found when T. Ode is freed. Bonehead Island looks very similar to Fortune Island, and includes multiple design similarities. The music on Bonehead Island is very similar to the Violet Passage theme. When the player completes Bonehead Island, a realistic fan that has the same appearance as the Fan Thing from this game (which actually originated from Sticker Star) emerges from the sea and blows the mist away, similar to the scene when the Fan is being used in Violet Passage to get the ship to set sail. A Shy Guy with a straw similar to a Slurp Guy appears in the Tranquil Pipes Teahouse and gives Mario his straw. The Spring of Rainbows bears a resemblance to Prisma Fountain, although in a more papercraft-like appearance. The way Bowser Jr. restores his colors from it also resembles the paint mechanic in this game. One Toad in Toad Town mentions that he needs to find "an expert on bridge experts", referencing the bridge builder and the bridge builder expert that appear in Port Prisma. Two Whistle Snifits are found in the Spring of Rainbows' cafe. The way the basin crushes Mario in the Trial of Courage is similar to how the Basin Thing crushes him at Fort Cobalt. The faceless Toads resemble the faceless cardboard cutout of the Mountain Sage on the top of Daffodil Peak.

References in other games

  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: A Spirit Board event themed after Paper Mario: The Origami King ran from August 28, 2020 until September 2, 2020. Origami Peach, Olivia, and King Olly spirits appear at random during the event. The 3 spirits were later available on the Spirit Board as normal spirits.

Similarities to the other Paper Mario games

  • Like the original game and its sequel, Mario and Luigi receive an invitation from Princess Peach.
    • Although Peach gives Mario a letter in Color Splash, said letter is actually a color-drained Toad.
  • In combat, Mario's basic jump and hammer attacks are permanent, like in the first two games.
  • Partners return from the first three games.
  • Just like in the second and third games, Bowser is not the primary villain. Rather, Mario and Bowser team up, as they do in Super Paper Mario.
  • Just like in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Peach is turned evil by the main antagonist, similarly to the Shadow Queen.
  • Like in all of the previous games, there is a quiz show, in this case, Shy Guys Finish Last.
  • Mario can use confetti to fill in Non-Bottomless Holes, similarly to using paint to fill in colorless spots in Color Splash. Like paint, confetti is limited.
  • Like the previous two games, there is a performance starring Birdo.
  • Like the first game, Peach's Castle gets taken over by the main antagonist, is lifted to a higher location, leaves a hole in the ground from where it normally sits and requires finishing every chapter to return to it (as well as taking some kind of flying vehicle to get close to it).
  • Like in the first four games, Mario fights a Blooper as a boss.
  • Like in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, battles take place in front of an audience, and the audience can interact with Mario.
    • However, the audience only consists of Toads, the number of audience members depends on the rescued Toads, they need to be paid to influence the battle, and they do not attack Mario for a bad "performance".
  • Like in the previous three games, Mario has a permanent travelling companion who can float and sacrifices themselves in the end, in this case, Olivia.
  • Like in Super Paper Mario, the main antagonist has taken control of some of Bowser's minions.
  • Shiny and Flashy variants of attacks return from Paper Mario: Sticker Star.
  • Like the previous three games, in-game materials show the logos for Nintendo and Intelligent Systems.
  • Like Sticker Star, MAX UP Hearts are used as a level-up mechanic.
  • Bowser's Castle floats as it does in the original game and the previous two games.
  • Individual save files return from the first four games.
    • However, they cannot be copied or deleted, and are tied to each user profile of the Nintendo Switch. Since the Switch can have up to eight user profiles, this translates to eight save files, compared to four from the first three games and three from the fourth installment.
  • The Iron Boots, Hurlhammer, and Fire Hammer return from the previous two games.
    • The Ice Hammer returns from Sticker Star.
  • If Mario enters the area with Ol' Grandsappy for the first time and tries to leave the area, he ends up in the same place. This is similar to Forever Forest in Paper Mario and The Bafflewood in Paper Mario: Sticker Star, which in itself are references to the Lost Woods in The Legend of Zelda series.
  • Much like in Super Paper Mario, Mario can optionally change his sound effects to old-school ones; in this case, it can be done via the Retro Soundbox accessory.
  • In Big Sho' Theater, one of the red and green Paper Macho Koopa Troopas respectively wear sunglasses similar to the enemy Koopa Troopas from the first three games.
  • Like in Color Splash, Luigi has voice clips by Charles Martinet while Mario does not.

Differences from the other Paper Mario games

  • This is the first game in the series and in Mario role-playing games overall in which Bowser is not fought in any way, shape, or form.
  • This is the first game in the series where the overall objective does not involve finding any major collectibles (e.g. the Crystal Stars or Pure Hearts), rather to destroy giant streamers blocking Peach's Castle.
  • Save prompts now have a distinctive look, separate from normal text boxes.
  • When getting a Game Over, an option to restart from the last save (or in the case of minigames and the final boss, to try again) is now available.
  • When Mario gets hit by a First Strike, he can no longer block the attack.
    • A sound and impact effect do not play when this happens in the overworld.
  • The text "The End" does not show up at all in the credits.
  • Unlike most other installments, the game does not end with a parade, but rather a series of screenshots can be seen during the credits, like in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Super Paper Mario. Unlike in these games, though, these photos take place after the events of the story, rather than during them.
  • Mario's hammer is rendered as a three-dimensional object, rather than 2D.
  • The game saves automatically when moving between different locations, similar to the saving behavior in the world map from the previous two games.
  • The touchscreen is no longer used as an alternative input for Action Commands, due to the Switch powering only one video source, not two like the Wii U.
  • There are no defense items such as Spike Helmets.
  • This is the first game in the series that does not include an arrangement of the Super Mario Bros. Ground Theme in the main soundtrack. The only time this theme can be heard is when Mario buys the engine upgrade for Sea Captain Toad's boat; the sound effects of it being installed mimic the theme in question.
  • Unlike past Mario role-playing games, the entire game does not use the same regular battle theme for every location. A different arrangement of the battle theme is used for each streamer area.


Main article: List of Paper Mario: The Origami King staff

The game was directed by Masahiko Nagaya, who was the art director of the previous installment, the game's art was directed by Isamu Kamikokuryo, ex-Square art director of the Final Fantasy series, and produced by Kensuke Tanabe and Atsushi Ikuno.


Critical response

Paper Mario: The Origami King received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised the expansive overworld, graphics, writing, and plot, but criticized the battling system for being repetitive, frustrating, and unrewarding.

Release Reviewer, Publication Score Comment
Nintendo Switch Michael Goroff,
3/5 Despite everything, Paper Mario: The Origami King is a charming game. I wanted to fully explore every area of the Mushroom Kingdom. I wanted to find every Toad. I wanted to do everything except actually engage with the game's combat system. In trying to rewrite the basic rules with every outing, Intelligent Systems keeps fans of the franchise on its toes. But that can also start to distort the identity of the series itself. How can you perfect a formula if you’re constantly pouring it out and starting again?
Nintendo Switch Cam Shea,
7/10 The Origami King is a truly likeable game despite the shallowness of its new spin on gameplay. Its characters are winsome, its visual design is gorgeous, its world is fun to explore, and its storytelling is outside the box and playful. At the same time, however, it could be so much more. Combat is largely unfulfilling, and your journey as a whole lacks meaningful choices. For a series with RPG roots, that's a real shame.
Nintendo Switch Chris Carter,
8/10 There's room in my heart for both styles of Paper Mario. The old games still exist and this newer, sometimes thinner formula is fine too. That said, it's possible Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have folded this subseries every which way they can at this point. I hope the next one is a little more fresh.
Nintendo Switch Suriel Vazquez,
8/10 With a newfound combat system that steals the show and offers a novel take on turn-based combat, its winking, nodding, and adventuring shine all the brighter. Its world and characters might not be the series' best, but it's still able to consistently throw left turns, good gags, and smart surprises at you. Each piece of The Origami King elegantly fits into its whole, taking its irreverent flair to new heights. The Paper Mario series has recently shown that being clever and being smart are two different things, but thankfully, it's once again managed to be both.
Nintendo Switch Alex Donaldson,
4/5 That simplicity is overridden by originality and vigor, then – but I also know all too well that some fans of the older Paper Mario games will once again walk away a little disappointed. This is still undoubtedly no Thousand Year Door. Perhaps the next outing can bring back a little of that RPG depth – but regardless of that, this is still the best Paper Mario game in years.
Compiler Template:Nowrap
Metacritic 80


By March 31, 2021, the game had sold 3.12 million units worldwide.[3]


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Paper Mario: The Origami King.


Main article: List of Paper Mario: The Origami King glitches

Wave battle glitch

If a wave battle is supposed to start, but only one enemy is alive and another is in their death animation, it will still initiate a wave battle and consider both enemies alive.

Sumo Bro glitch

During the second phase of the Boss Sumo Bro rematch in the Battle Lab, defeating the Boss Sumo Bro with a POW Block without defeating the two Sumo Bros beforehand will cause the game to soft-lock.

VIP pass glitch

Before the version 1.0.1 update[4], in Shangri-Spa, after obtaining the VIP pass to access the Spring of Rainbows, if the player left the path to the Spring of Rainbows after entering, the VIP pass would disappear from the menu. If the player then spoke to the Toad at the reception, they would not have the stamp card and there would be no way to get another one. Saving after this point would permanently prevent the player from progressing.[5]


Main article: List of Paper Mario: The Origami King quotes


For a complete list of media for this subject, see Musée Champignon § Sound Gallery. For this subject's sound test, see Paper Mario: The Origami King sound test.
Audio.svg Paper Mario: The Origami King - Plays on the title screen.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Paper Mario The Origami King.oga
Audio.svg Red Streamer Battle - Plays during battles in red streamer locations.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Red Streamer Battle.oga
Audio.svg Overlook Mountain - Plays at Overlook Mountain.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Overlook Mountain.oga
Audio.svg Shogun Studios - Plays at Shogun Studios after destroying the blue streamer.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Shogun Studios.oga
Audio.svg Shroom City - Plays at Shroom City after destroying the yellow streamer.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Shroom City.oga
Audio.svg Exploring the Great Sea - Plays at the Great Sea before destroying the purple streamer.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Exploring the Great Sea.oga
Audio.svg Exploring Shangri-Spa - Plays at Shangri-Spa before destroying the green streamer.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Exploring Shangri-Spa.oga
Audio.svg Vellumental Battle - Plays while battling any of the four Vellumentals.
File infoMedia:PMTOK Vellumental Battle.oga
Help:MediaHaving trouble playing?

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese ペーパーマリオ オリガミキング[?]
Pēpā Mario Origami Kingu
Paper Mario: Origami King
Chinese (simplified) 纸片马力欧:折纸国王[?]
Zhǐpiàn Mǎlìōu: Zhézhǐ Guówáng
Paper Mario: Origami King
Chinese (traditional) 紙片瑪利歐:摺紙國王[?]
Zhǐpiàn Mǎlìōu: Zhézhǐ Guówáng
Paper Mario: Origami King
Korean 페이퍼 마리오 종이접기 킹[?]
Peipeo Mario Jong-ijeopgi King
Paper Mario: Origami King


External links

Template:MarioGames Template:NS