List of treasures in Wario Land: Shake It!

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This is a list of treasures in Wario Land: Shake It!
Please note that names and descriptions of treasures are taken from the NTSC-U version of the game. Names and descriptions may differ between the NTSC-U and PAL versions.

The Sweet Stuff

Treasure Image Level Description
Merfle Syrup A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Aboard the Sweet Stuff Thick, sweet syrup made by Merfles with love (and a zesty blend of eleven herbs).
Six-Week-Old Curry A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Aboard the Sweet Stuff The pirate galley cook recommends curry be aged properly before eating.
Fickle Compass A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Aboard the Sweet Stuff This compass points north. Or whatever other direction takes its fancy.

Ratl Ruins

Treasure Image Level Description
Stone Coin A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Stonecarving City A coin made of solid rock. Very heavy, but reputable misers report that it is hard to steal.
Full-Body Goggles A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Stonecarving City Ordinary goggles only protect the eyes. Ordinary goggles are for chumps.
Crystal Skull A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Stonecarving City ...From a
Cheese Pyramid A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Whoopsy Desert Supposedly, this is how the great mouse rulers of the past are entombed.
Liquid Giggles A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Whoopsy Desert It turns out you can bottle laughter. Who knew?
Ancient Digital Watch A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Whoopsy Desert Hard to read and too bulky to wear on your wrist, but at least its battery never runs out.
Recyclable Bottle A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Foulwater Falls This bottle can be returned to the store to get your deposit back.
Silver Armor A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Foulwater Falls Armor forged of pure silver. Stylish? You bet. Practical? Not in the slightest.
The Key to My Heart A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Foulwater Falls Opens the heart of that special someone. Be your own Cupid!
One Heavy Spear A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Run-Down Pyramid This would probably hurt a lot if you got hit with it. But you'll have to lift it first.
Moonstone A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Run-Down Pyramid This rock probably came from the moon. I mean...just look at it!
Manly Moai A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Run-Down Pyramid It's hard to compete with the manliness of a guy made completely of stone.
Instant Tutanramen A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Disturbing Tomb It's been 3,000 years since someone poured in the hot water. The noodles may be a bit soggy.
Golden Tissues A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Disturbing Tomb You don't know what luxury is until you blow your nose on a piece of 24K gold.
Oasis in a Teapot A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Disturbing Tomb This amazing teapot never runs out of water. You'll have to supply your own tea, though.
Imperial Boxers A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Gurgle Gulch Originally belonged to a gullible and naked emperor. Check out those regal polka dots!
Wario's Dustcloth A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Gurgle Gulch Wario's embroidered dustcloth. Who put this in a treasure chest?
Something Important A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Gurgle Gulch Somebody said that this is really important or something. What's the big deal?

Wiggly Wilds

Treasure Image Level Description
Baobab Wood Pacifier A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Just Plains Pacifier fashioned from the wood of a rare tree. Preferred by 9 out of 10 babies.
Empty Piggy Bank A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Just Plains Worthless now, but fill it with coins and BAM! Instant treasure!
Stuffed Wildebeest A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Just Plains How does it manage to look both cute AND threatening?
Peach Sandals A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Wavy Waters Sandals previously worn by a princess. They smell good. Suspiciously good.
Turtleskin Hat A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Wavy Waters This attractive and durable hat offers complete protection from falling acorns.
Mermaid Scale A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Wavy Waters A single scale from a mythical mermaid. One more and you can make some earrings!
Bangin'-Together Rocks A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Mt. Lava Lava Rocks that you can bang together for noisy fun. You might even make a spark!
Combustible Top A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Mt. Lava Lava Spins so fast that it sets itself on fire! Sadly, you can only play with it the one time.
Fantabulous Fan A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Mt. Lava Lava A single wave of this fan keeps Wario cool for hours, even on his sweatiest of days.
Hypno-Specs A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Savannah Valley Hypnotize your friends! Hypnotize your enemies! Basically, just hypnotize everybody!
Diamond Ski Mask A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Savannah Valley You know what the problem with ski masks is? Too many eye holes, not enough diamonds.
Solid-Gold Shuttlecock A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Savannah Valley Play badminton the way the wealthiest emperors play it. You're worth it.
Extra-Nutty Chestnut A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Sneak Peak Some chestnuts just come out a little nuttier than the others.
Stone Hockey Mask A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Sneak Peak A really heavy hockey mask. Let's see that puck get through this!
Saphfire A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Sneak Peak A rare gem enrobed in blue flame. Pretty, but uncomfortable to wear as jewelry.
Lion-Mane Wig A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Lowdown Depths Like everyone, you've always wanted to look more like a lion. Admit it. Go on.
Moon Light A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Lowdown Depths Illuminate your desk with light from a real chunk of moon! May smell of cheese, though.
B.C. Bongo A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Lowdown Depths The first bongo drums were made of rock. Lousy sound, but they sure were durable.

Rocking Range

Treasure Image Level Description
Perfect Disguise A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Wreck Train No one will ever know it's you!
Hotter Sauce A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Wreck Train Hotter than any normal hot sauce. No, hotter than that. Hotter. Keep going...
Diamond Lightbulb A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Wreck Train A lightbulb carved from a huge diamond. You'll be sad when it burns out, though.
Fossilized Drumstick A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Stonetooth Cave You know what was tasty? Dinosaur meat. It's really hard to find fresh these days.
Kissing Stapler A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Stonetooth Cave The first in a line of office supplies for lonely workers.
Gold-Handled Bucket A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Stonetooth Cave How can you improve on the utilitarian design of a bucket? With a big ol' hunk of gold!
Pterodactyl Stew A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Its-all Mine Make your dinosaur meat go farther with this rich and hearty stew.
Gold Press-on Nails A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Its-all Mine Solid-gold fake nails with an adorable kitty design. Rich people loooove kitties!
Really Tempting Apple A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Its-all Mine A really tasty-looking apple. One bite and you'll never want to eat anything else.
Ancient Duck Soup Mix A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Glittertown Ancient peoples had more primitive means of making instant soup.
Energy Drink A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Glittertown Looks like cough syrup. Tastes kind of like cough syrup, too. Wait a minute...
Pink Diamond A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Glittertown So shiny! So pink! Is there anything lovelier that you can pull from deep under the ground?
Play Money A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Neon City Experience the feeling of being a millionaire without any of the actual wealth!
Mirror Crystal Ball A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Neon City Finally, a way to simultaneously tell fortunes and host disco parties!
Spyfruit A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Neon City Extremely rare fruit trained in espionage and counterintelligence.
Train Timetable A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Derailed Express A schedule for the Derailed Express. Huh. It's scheduled to derail at 4:15. Weird.
24K Baseball Bat A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Derailed Express The few players that actually use these do surprisingly well. Maybe it distracts pitchers?
Overachieving Star A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Derailed Express This one shines brighter than any other star out there. Show-off.

Jiggle Jungle

Treasure Image Level Description
Piranha Dentures A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Ropey Jungle Sturdily made dentures that can bite through the hardest of peanut brittles.
Pied Piper's Pupil A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Ropey Jungle This rat learned from the best, and no one can resist his song.
Eye of the Storm A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Ropey Jungle Tired of the rain? Just poke this treasure right in the eye, and it's nothing but blue skies.
Lanternfish A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Windbreak Bay This poor fish. No one told it that paper lanterns don't work underwater.
Ammoniteless Shell A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Windbreak Bay There used to be a cool creature living in this thing, but it's gone now. Lame.
Swine Pearls A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Windbreak Bay Why put the one before the other?
Cupid's Bow A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Airytale Castle How's your aim?
Rainbow Toucan A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Airytale Castle Some birds fly so high that they become rainbows. This bird is just wearing makeup.
Flying Slipper A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Airytale Castle These slippers let you fly like a bird ...if you have more than one.
Bottle of Toad Oil A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Soggybog River Freshly pressed toad oil. Also available in a new bullfrog flavor. Yum!
Flowerworks A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Soggybog River Brilliant blossoms that bloom into fireworks and fade away seconds later. Oooooohhhhhh!
Amber Ring A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Soggybog River Mosquitoes are annoying, unless they've been trapped inside a rock for millions of years.
Pot Full o' Mystery A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Launchpad Labyrinth Come on, just look at the thing! That is one mysterious pot!
Dung Beetle Pendant A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Launchpad Labyrinth Jeweled pendant of a dung beetle. Why? Seriously, why?
Solid-Gold Flyer A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Launchpad Labyrinth An ancient flyer made of the finest gold. Advertising used to be classier.
Venus Guytrap Seed A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Riverbloat Rapids Grow your own Venus Guytrap! You case you need to trap some guys.
Muscleman Suit A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Riverbloat Rapids Rule the beach with these chiseled plastic pecs and a 100 percent natural fiber wig!
Emerald Melon A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Riverbloat Rapids A cruel hoax against melon enthusiasts. Don't try to eat it; it will only lead to heartbreak.
Air Guitar A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Prism Prison Rock out anywhere and anytime with this nonexistent axe. WHOOOOO!
Flying Floor Pillow A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Prism Prison Seats four and has the smoothest ride in town. Fuel economy, on the other hand...
Electric Ukulele A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Prism Prison No, not amplified by electricity. It actually just shocks anyone who plays it.

Quiver Cliffs

Treasure Image Level Description
Last Mahjong Tile A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Mount Bighill No, like the LAST one. Where did all the others go?
Nine Winks A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Mount Bighill Thirty-one more and you'll have a nap!
Dragon Whisker A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Mount Bighill Part of a dragon's mustache! How cool is that?
Pirate's Eye Patch A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Creep Blue Sea Is it possible to patch too many of your eyes? ...Nah.
Message in a Bottle A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Creep Blue Sea "Send help! I'm trapped in a bottle factory! Right next door to the fortune-cookie place!"
Blue Coral A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Creep Blue Sea A single branch of breathtakingly blue coral. Simply stunning. Also a good paperweight.
Hot Dog A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Slipshod Slopes This little fellow manages to be adorable and mouthwatering at the same time.
Crown of Ice A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Slipshod Slopes A regal crown made of arctic ice. Be careful; wearing it induces ice-cream headaches.
Aurora Robealis A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Slipshod Slopes A robe you can only see in the far north. You should probably wear something underneath it.
Vampire's Mirror A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Bad Manor Shows you yourself as a vampire. Vampires don't have reflections, so it's always blank.
Star Hammer A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Bad Manor Leave a star-shaped mark on anything (or anyone) you hit!
Pandora's Box A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Bad Manor Under no circumstances should you open this. But I'll bet there's neat stuff in there...
Collapsible Telescope A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Bamboozle Village Pirates never need binoculars.
Nice Cup of Green Tea A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Bamboozle Village For a quick pick-me-up, there's no better treasure. It also makes you look classy.
Tiger-Eye A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Bamboozle Village A rare jewel shaped like an eerie eyeball. All-seeing and all-creepy.
Santa's Sled A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Freezing Fields Not only the fastest sled around, the fastest vehicle of any kind, ever. Ever.
Frozen Mammoth A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Freezing Fields This mammoth looks cold. Maybe I'll knit him a sweater.
Ever-Ice A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Freezing Fields Ice that stays frozen forever! Try a bit in your favorite frosty beverage.
Ghost Potion A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Boogie Mansion One sip and you'll turn into a ghost... Wait, isn't that just poison?
Magic Lamp A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Boogie Mansion This lamp issues a thick smoke when rubbed. That's all it does. What were you expecting?
Therapeutic Music Box A treasure from Wario Land: Shake It! Boogie Mansion No one could remain stressed with this thing playing in the background. No one, I tell you!



  1. ^ TCRF. Wario Land: Shake It!/Unused Enemies#en_07a (Screen Chargin' Wildebeest). The Cutting Room Floor. Retrieved December 18, 2019.