Water Land

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Water Land, also known as the Sea Side is a mossy and watery kingdom, and the third world in Super Mario Bros. 3. Water Land has nine stages, two Hammer Bros., two fortresses, and five Toad Houses. It is inhabited by many Cheep-Cheeps and Bloopers.

The ruler of the swift tides of Water Land is Wendy O. Koopa.

The island chain with the castle is shapped like Japan and the castle is in the spot of Nintendo HQ, in Kyoto.

Also, the King of this land looks exactly like Mario...

Brief Level Info

  • 3-1: Exploring the bottom of the sea can be dangerous – especially with so many Bloopers roaming about.
  • 3-2: Leap quickly from platform to platform. Grab three Stars along the way and the Cheep-Cheeps will be no problem!
  • 3-3: Boss Bass is hungry. Try not to become his next meal.
  • Fortress: Doors, Thwomps, Boos, and a flooded basement all stand between Mario and Boom Boom.
  • 3-4: Even the clouds conspire against Mario on a steeply sloped stage.
  • 3-5: It's not easy being green, but this stage goes swimmingly for Frog Mario.
  • 3-6: High-altitude leaps from flipping platforms to falling blocks demand precision.
  • 3-7: Spike throws spiked balls in this land of square mountains. Grab onto a Magic Vine for safety and a cache of Coins.
  • Fortress: Dive into a submerged, haunted Fortress with claustrophobic corridors.
  • 3-8: Raging floods and fearsome fish force Mario to search for higher ground.
  • 3-9: Bullet Bills and Bob-ombs crowd a secretive stage full of tricks, traps, and treats.
  • Canoe: If Mario has a hammer, he can break the rock to take a canoe ride and it will allow him to access a few Toad Houses.
  • Airship: Wendy O. Koopa awaits in the fearsome Airship. Watch out for her bouncing candy rings!
File:Sea Side.PNG
World 3 map. The green bridges lower and raise after each level.

In Depth

It has been requested that this article be rewritten.


The first level is at the bottom of the sea! No secrets here, but when a Blooper Nanny is spotted, go down to the bottom part to find lots of ♪ Blocks, Coins, and a block with a 1-Up!


Dastardly Cheep-Cheeps have infested these waters and are leaping for Mario! Fortunately, there is a way he can turn the tables. After leaping onto the first moving platform, Mario must push against the wooden blocks he will soon see, as one holds a Starman! When Star-equipped, all the ? Blocks on the way will hold more Starmen, but if not flashing, simply coins. At the end, Mario must duck into the pipe with a Venus Fire Trap to reach the exit. To make it easier, a P-Switch is concealed in one of the blocks near the pipe, making a platform to reach it with. The ? Block nearby contains a power-up.


Yipe! The Cheep-Cheeps want revenge on Mario, so they've called in their secret weapon: Boss Bass! He'll lunge for Mario, wanting him for a snack, and if he's succesful, he'll swallow Mario whole, no matter how big he is! He's hard to dodge as the tide rises as falls, but a fireball can (temporarily) take care of him. When a Note Block and a huge formation of blocks is seen, stomp the Koopa to the left so it'll expose a P-Switch, allowing Coins to appear and the power-up in the Note Block to be grabbed easier. Soon, a swinging platform will be seen. This should only be leapt on when it's stationary, or it'll send the plumber flying! Afterwards, Mario should grab one of the Ice blocks and shoot it at the block to the left, containing a P-Switch that makes some handy platforms to the end pipe!


This castle is a huge maze, with doors all leading to different places. The first, second, third, and fourth doors all lead to the same place: a pool of water with a ? Block concealing a power-up at the end, and two pipes that lead to the beginning of the level. The fifth leads to a secret ledge with a 1-Up in a block, the sixth to a ledge with the door to the Boom Boom battle, the seventh and eighth to the pool, but the last has a cache of coins only Raccoon Mario can snag.


This level has many opportunities for avid 1-Up hunters! Although the level is situated in a sea-themed world, only two small bodies of water can be seen. The level starts out with two Goombas walking up a small slope. They can be easily dispatched by pressing and holding Down on the D-Pad while walking down the slope. Immediately afterward, a Piranha Plant inside a pipe needs to be dodged, and after a short jump over a tiny pool of water, a Venus Fire Trap must be dodged by ducking by his pipe home. A ? Block right by yields either a Super Mushroom or a Fire Flower, both very useful. A larger slope curves down nearby, with three Goombas waddling up it.

File:Smb3 3-4.PNG
Level 3-4 Map, shown without enemies (high resolution [3332X196])

Repeat the sliding procedure done before, but with a Jump at the end, to KO the hapless creatures and scale the hill ahead. But for those who fell short or didn't make the jump at the end of the slope, an invisible ? Block can be exposed at the end of a body of water right after the slope, providing assistance in scaling the large hill ahead. Three Koopas are located on this slope, but they should be saved, as they are a key part in the special procedure ahead. The same is not true for the high-flyin' Paragoomba after, who drops Microgoombas. Stomp him, and the two ? Blocks after have only Coins inside. An upside-down pipe is home to an upside-down Venus Fire Trap, two ? Blocks underneath. First, stomp the hopping Paragoomba, and immediatly after the pipe hit the Block, which gives a Mushroom for the Standard Marios, but a much-needed Fire Flower for Super plumbers. Hit the Venus Fire Trap with a fireball if a Flower was granted, the run, duck and slide underneath the low-down ? Blocks under the pipes. The one on the right holds a P-Switch], and when stomped, will make quite a few Silver Coins appear! Grab 'em, then race to the right.

(NOTE: Only if there is still a Koopa on the slope before the pipe should the following procedure be tried.) When a platform of ordinary Blocks is seen, walk to the end, then RACE to the left as a Lakitu chases Mario! His green Spiny eggs will home in on Mario if dropped. Race to where the Silver Coins were, stomp and grab a Koopa, hop onto the blocks under the pipe, and let the Koopa Shell go. It will rebound off the wooden block on either side, trapping it. The Lakitu will hover above, still trying to chuck eggs at Mario. But any thrown will bounce off the pipe above Mario, sending them flying into the Koopa Shell below! Stand under the pipe as the shell racks up 1-Up after 1-Up! But if the operation failed, race back to the brick overhang, ducking under it. Each one contains a Coin, and one, a 1-Up! To make it to the exit, race across the myraid of dangerous gaps, avoiding the eggs thrown as well. Ahead are two ? Blocks, one has a Super Leaf inside, granting Raccoon Mario power! Straight ahead, after a couple more gaps, is the Goal Panel.


This level introduces Jelectros, invincible jellyfish enemies, and Big Berthas, who look just like Boss Bass, but simply shoot Baby Cheeps out of their maws. No secrets here, except near a particularly large clump of Jelectros, right under a bubble-spewing pipe, an invisible block with a 1-Up is concealed.


More twirling platform, Donut Lift peril! No secrets except for a 1-Up Mushroom near three Ice blocks. If scared about the Lifts, Mario can jump right onto the edge of one to make it stable.


On the stack of wood blocks Mario starts out on, the top one has a power-up inside. Super Mario can smash away the huge clump of bricks later on to reveal a 1-Up, too! Journey to the right, avoiding Spikes, until after the first pipe, when Mario should grab a Koopa and let it fly at the top brick formation to grow a Magic Vine! Hop along the clouds, ending at a block that has a P-Switch inside.

Fortress 2

This creepy, submerged fortress introduces Stretches, platforms from which Boo heads poke out! Mario must be very careful around them, remembering that some poke heads out of only one side, others on both. Eventually, he'll reach the pipe for the Boom Boom battle.


Boss Bass is back and angry! The water comes even higher now, but Magic Vines abound, allowing Mario to reach safety. The first Koopa seen shpuld be stomped, exposing a Magic Vine and a way to get the powerup from the high Note Block! The solitary block later has a 1-Up, while the rest have either Magic Vines or Coins. Later, two routes can be taken, the bottom having lots of Coins but a high risk of being eaten, the top route has a block with a 1-Up only Racoon Mario can get!


Another 1-Up loop can be made by grabbing a Koopa Shell and letting it rebound in the space by two ground-level Bill Blasters, smacking off the Bullet Bills as they came out. The pipes lead to the bottom, water-logged part, which at the far left has a pipe that leads to a secret room with a Frog Suit!


This ship is as easy and secretless as the first two. At the end awaits Wendy O. Koopa, who throws candy rings that rebound along the walls of the room! Three hits and she's down, but after the second hit, she begins to jump about, making her a harder target.