User:Luigi 128
Who's online: DryBonesBandit, BMfan08, WindHelmet634, Memelord2020, AmossGuy, Rykitu, ILoveBFDI1215, Duraner Hawkeye, Camwoodstock, Mario, Wilben, EvieMaybe, LadySophie17, Blinker, Apikachu68, CBFan5, Sdman213, GlobinGoblin, SuperBallBro, Litnin200, Tails777, TipoTimido33, Dark Jonathan, Pigeonpullover, Salmancer, Sparks, Bowserjr11, The Toadette, Vadenimo, Luigifan05, J-Man, 1468z, ChristopherPAraujo, Doublem, PaperSplash, ThatOneSuperCircuitGuy, Gulliblepikmin, NINTENDOBRO 2007, WayslideCool, Mariofan1996, Hewer, YoshiPrower542, BBQ Turtle, PotatoPlus, Seandwalsh There are December 16 2009 00:00:00 EDT untill my birthday WelcomeHello, I'm Luigi 128 Welcome to my Super Mario Wiki user page I like to participe in the Poll Selection and help on the pages About meMy real name is Fernando Emmanuel, I am a great Luigi Fan since i played Luigi's Mansion for Gamecube, and I like series like Paper Mario or Super Smash Bros, I'm from Mexico and I 13 years old another character tha i like is E. Gadd here are my friends Also I write for the Fake News if you haven't readed my section DOIT RIGHT NOW!!! My GalleryHere are some of my favorite characters (se the at the botom of my Userbox)
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