The 'Shroom:Issue XLIX
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Issue XLIX | April 16th, 2011 | About |

Director's Notes
Hello, hello... Welcome all! SMB here, with the Director's Notes for the third issue of my term. In my notes this time, I will address several things that have happened, what is happening, and what is to come within the next month.
I would like to first apologize about the lateness of the {{Shroomwarning}}. Within the past month, I have been extremely busy and, at a few points, was out of town and not able to contact the staff. Due to my tardiness, I allowed a little pocket of time (four days) after the original due date in which sections that were sent in would be considered "partially excused". What this means is that sections sent in after the due date, but before Thursday, would not be held against the writer in terms of being fired, but that they would not be able to receive the Section of the Month honor. The reason for this being: every writer should have something prepared to send in to 2257 by, at latest, one week before the date that the issue will be released. The warnings are simply to remind our writers what day is the latest day that they can submit their sections and have it considered on time. If warnings are not sent out, it is still the responsibility of the writer to submit their section on time. I only felt it was fair to create an exception this time due to the fact that I did not make this clear before.
I suppose I will now address Section of the Month: discussion amongst the Core Staff is to begin immediately. To go into how Sections of the Month will be selected, I will let you know that individual sections from the main sections and from the sub teams can all qualify for the title. There is a period of time that the staff considers which section should receive the title and makes a final decision, and then the director of the team which the section is under will write a section (entitled "Section of the Month") outlining why the section was given the title and to congratulate the individual that wrote the honored section. Other sections that got a good deal of consideration will also be listed as "Honorable Sections". Sections that qualify for the two titles are sections that are on time and that are of outstanding quality (subjective to the Core Staff). If there are no outstanding sections that were on time, then there will simply be no section that gets the title.
And there is really no news on the situation regarding affiliates besides the fact that Marioguy1 (talk) made an affiliate button for us. I had planned to go out and start negotiating with several of the websites and projects that the Core Staff saw suitable as affiliates, but due to the time constraints I mentioned above, I was not able to do so in time for the April issue. This will certainly not be the case next month: I will be back with news on the topic.
As for the Awards, not much has been discussed about 'Shroom Awards II yet. I plan on bringing up the staff's suggestions to the Awards Committee when the meeting about the ceremony for our newspaper is discussed. As for announcements about the Anniversary, a new section has been made in the Pipe Plaza entitled "Anniversary Announcements", which will run in the Pipe Plaza for the next few months starting in Issue L. The writer of the section is Ralphfan (talk), the Director of the Awards himself, so you will be sure to have the latest news about the process brought to you.
Planning for Issue L has begun, and several things that have been set in stone are: the introduction of the Section of the Month to The 'Shroom, the Feedback Survey, a chat party on the day of the release, and 'Shroom Mafia II. I also plan on having Special Guest Writers, although who will exactly be invited to do so will be discussed by the Core Staff. I have already outlined how Section of the Month will go down, so let me explain a bit of the Feedback Survey, the chat party, and the mafia game. The Feedback Survey, for those who do not know, will pretty much just contain questions about the quality of the paper, about individual main sections, about the sub-teams, and about how to improve the paper. The survey will begin on the release day of Issue L, and end on the release day of Issue LI. After that, we will evaluate the results of the survey and try to apply it to the paper so that we can improve and adjust it to suit the requests of the readers. As for the chat party, it will be divided in to two halves that are back-to-back: pre-release and post-release. The pre-release half will run for an hour, and the post-release for another. The exact time has not been determined yet: once the exact time has been determined, I will go ahead and announce it on the Main Page. Logs of the event will be taken and posted up in the public 'Shroom board afterward. 'Shroom Mafia II will be hosted by the revered Tucayo (talk) in The 'Shroom board on the forum as well. The date that sign-ups open and when the game will start is to be announced.
So that is about all I have to say for this month. Despite all of the setbacks I had in regards to being around for the past month, the Core Staff and the writers have made me satisfied with this month's issue. Good job, everyone! I will be sure to see you on May 21st, 2011, a day which will go down in 'Shroom history.
Until next month,
Sub-director Notes
Fake News
Greetings, this is the April issue of the Fake News.
I must admit that this month has been a little disappointing. In total, there have been four sections I have not received to this very moment, which is rather sad. There are writers who submit their sections on time, though, and it is thanks to those writers that we still have a presentable issue this month. I want to give out a special honorary mention to Gamefreak75, who made a section that was planned well in advance and prepared with much effort for this month. Go check it out.
Also, we received our first outside submission for Fake Report, which is featured in this issue as well. I hope there will be even more in the future. And if you think you are able to write entertaining works and can submit them in time, we would be glad to have you on board.
Next issue of the ’Shroom will be the fiftieth. We hope to make this into an issue worth being called a milestone in ’Shroom history. If we succeed… We will see. :3
Thank you very much.
Fake Report
What was intended as a quick shopping trip turned out to be a peculiar journey of unexpected proportions and copyright violations for a young Toad girl. The little Doro T. (15) left her parents’ house in the morning to spend her allowance on some Diet Chuckola Cola. What she did not anticipate was the fact that the vending machine did not accept blue coins. Being denied her sugary beverage, the girl asked some random passerby for some change. The person turned out to be a Tweester (36). While the Tweester was busy looking for his wallet, Doro T. was caught by the strong winds, catapulted upwards by the funnel cloud, and launched through time and space.
The girl eventually crash‐landed in the mountain domicile of a witch. Said witch (old), who expressed the wish to stay anonymous, was very agitated over these circumstances, which makes sense if you consider that the object that broke Doro T.’s fall was the witch herself. The witch’s official statement regarding the situation was: “You wreck my place, this attitude is what I see as rather rude! A deed like that I will repay, my spells will bring you great dismay! You may assume you’re strong and brave, now watch me guide you to your grave!” She then proceeded to chase the girl all the way down a yellow brick road, riding her broom and monologuing. Doro T. managed to stay ahead of the angry wench for a considerably long time, prompting the witch to utter: “This silly chase grows rather goofy, just like that strangely written movie.” This particular rhyme proved to be so poorly executed that Doro T. cringed in disgust. Everyone involved felt rather embarrassed, so the chase had to be called off. The witch then agreed to help Doro T. get back home. “A nasty secret you now know; my rhyming skills, they sort of blow. You must go home, that would be fair, I cannot let you tell the bear. Besides, you don’t belong to us, the property laws are really crass. With all the cash Nintendo has, there will be lawsuits up my nose. Now let’s act quick, so don’t think slow, just click your heels and off you go!” And with that gesture, Doro T. magically left the strange place.
Two weeks later, Doro T. wound up in a distant place called Kansas where she was promptly sued by a farm girl for identity theft. She was going to be sent to prison, but just before her sentence was supposed to begin, a large fire fell from the southern sky and destroyed the prison. According to scientists, the fire was “approximately the size of a four‐star hotel”. Doro T. eventually grew tired of nothing making any sense whatsoever, so she just grabbed a random flute from somewhere and used it as a Warp Whistle.
Displaying remarkable sensibility like always, we engaged the girl right before she was about to get back home from a traumatizing journey, and we asked her for a statement. She said “Going out and getting some fresh air is nice and all, but sometimes I really wish my life wasn’t just some poorly thought‐out movie reference.”
News flash! Waluigi has just been sent to jail for committing a very dreadful crime! Today at the local Koopa bar at 10:00 AM, Waluigi filled up on 112 bottles of beer and went mad! With his gun he shot Wario, broke into the Mushroom Kingdom bank and stole 10,000 coins, murdered the innocent, burnt down Peach’s Castle and killed Peach! The cops captured him in the center of Toad Town using 10 tranquilizers in a row and one whack with a baseball bat.
Waluigi has been sentenced to a good 50 years in prison for this crime with dozens of police officers guarding his cell. A witness, Gary Goomba, managed to provide some officers with this information: “It was the worst 12 minutes of my life! That evil man, he broke into my Goomba club and killed Goomez in cold blood! I can never forget those lazy eyes, broken teeth and weird laugh the man had. Grr.”
Goomez’s family has sued Waluigi for 30 million dollars and the Goomba’s funeral will be held next Friday at 10:30 AM. Tragic.
Fake TV
Written by: MrConcreteDonkey (talk)
Hey everyone – welcome to a very special edition of Fake TV! Today, we have a guest writer with us – say “Hello” to… uh… Waluigi…?
*Waluigi walks in*
Waluigi: WAAA!
MCD: Um…hi, Waluigi.
Waluigi: You forgot to introduce me to the audience, so I’ll do it myself – WAAlcome to this section, written by the greatest human being on Earth, and your future ruler, Waluigi! Today, I’m here to talk to you about the best show you’ve ever seen and ever will see – Waluigi Time!
This show is a cartoon show. I draw everything for it. It is split up into four fantastic sections:
Waluigi goes to the park
In this section of the first episode, I go to the park. I meet with Wario at the park, and we pull faces at some of the local people! Then, we steal an ice cream from a little girl, and go home! This is really interesting!
Waluigi goes to the beach
In this section, I go to the beach. I eat some fish I find in the sea, and pull faces at the local people. I then apply sun‐tan lotion, but, suddenly, I get a sunburn!
Waluigi uses the telephone
In this section, I punch some people who are waiting to use the phone, then I pull faces at them. I call Wario after that, and we both go yak‐skiing. WAAAAAAA!
Waluigi learns a new word
In this final section, I learn a new word and find many uses for it! I pull faces at the local people while saying it, and soon get arrested by the cops.
So, what do you think?
MCD: It’s a very… interesting show.
Okay, seriously, it’s an accurate representation of Waluigi’s life. There are a few good parts (like the credits) and there are a few bad. Overall, it’s fairly mediocre, but if there’s nothing else on, watch it. It premieres at 1AM on WAATV, and continues through the night. The second episode is much more exciting because Waluigi grows a second face and pulls two faces at the people.
Thanks for reading, so, me and Waluigi wish you good—
Waluigi: WAAAA!
Fake Sports
Gunther continued to wreak havoc on the sporting world this month. After the championship of the Mushroom March Madness Mania Maddeningly Mad Madness, in which Mario fell to Yoshi by a score of 68–54. Green Shy Guy led all scoters with 19 points, and shot five for five from the free‐throw line. Then chaos erupted during the postgame ceremony, while the TV broadcast showed the highlight reel with the song “One Glimmering Instant” playing in the background. Though none of the 3.3 million TV viewers could see or hear it, the ceremony was interrupted with a shout of, “screw you, I’m Gunther!” as he wrenched the trophy out of Yoshi’s hands and ran away. The tournament organizers did the best they could to come up with a replacement trophy, as they valiantly ran to a dollar store and bought a plastic tiara to replace the 22‐pound golden trophy.
Fake Characters
Written by: DyegoHalliwell IceMario12 (talk)
Hola guys. It’s DyegoHalliwell over the Empire Mario Building, with the Fake Characters of the present month. Btw, to extend the duration of the budget for the show, I've been forced to say: You’re watching ShroomTV, sponsored by Coke, Pepsi and Wario’s Farting Company. We’re streaming live on YouTube with the help of the Koopa Mafia. Now, gettin’ back to normal, I hope you like the new fake characters, so, enjoy it!
Dog‐A‐5 Claws
Coming from Nowhere Land, the only robot Dog that has color in the blank part of his eyes, Dog‐A‐5 Claws! He has a long, boring story I won’t tell because the limit is just 10 minutes and one second. He’s classified as A‐5 since the creator was 5 centuries late with the release of the dog‐robot, and his name was Aquiles Dancingboy. His personality hasn’t showed up since he was created, due to the fact he was made to hunt other robot creators and force them to dance to death. His last victim was Einstein, a son of Aquiles, who made a party in which he destroyed the robot’s archive, and sent him to some unknown place, where his is currently being studied to make crappy clones on an upcoming game that will came up in 2014.
Kolored Prince
Koroled Prince is a beta character of the never‐always existing game, The Screwing of Paper Mario 34. He is a descendant of the Crystal King, and was about to take the throne, however a cooler 3D character was created and Miyamoto erased him from the game, along with any other major character and better plots for it. The story behind him, is so short and lacking in sense, that it will be twisted for this transmission and revealed in 10 more centuries. Due to a sex paradox, Crystal King did it with many jewels, and finally found a queen that created with him a new son, named Kolored Prince, since the floating crystals on him exchange colors each 10 minutes. He was so intelligent, that his father threw him from a very high tower, and the fall made him the stupid character that was erased from the game. His weakness is chocolate, since it produces some kind of combustive effect on crystal‐ish beings. Also—
*a big explosion is heard, everyone goes flying away to the floor*
Okay, finally something great happened— err, I mean, Kolored Prince just died. He ate a chocolate due to the excitement caused by his admission into the game. Rest between laptops, Kolored.
Written by: MrConcreteDonkey (talk)
Being as inoffensive as possible, let’s cut to the chase: Goombas are the stupidest, most useless, annoying, fattest, laziest, stupidest, most‐prone‐to‐being‐annoying creatures in the universe. However, there is one Goomba capable of doing more than walking left… he is a professional chef – described as one of the best in the Mushroom Kingdom. His highly imaginative name is Chef Goomba.
Chef Goomba will cook anything you ask him to – fish, chicken, peas, me, water, air, anything. He can also make a good meal out of anything – for example, he can make a fantastic air soup (the secret is that it’s made completely from air :) ). He has his own TV show, Cooking with Chef Goomba, and is apparently 35 years old, married and has 3 children. He looks like a regular Goomba with a chef’s hat, showing that he is indeed a chef and not just an imposter.
You can tell who is an imposter chef and who isn’t by looking to see if they have the hat.
It all depends on the hat.
The hat.
Anyway, he sometimes grows a bit of a beard. At this point, he prefers to be known as Solid Goomba. Solid Goomba goes out and sneaks around places for no particular reason at all, but it’s a pretty dangerous job. Luckily for him, he finds it so easy, he cooks at the same time. Yeah. He also wears a headband.
In conclusion, he’s a very talented Goomba who can do a lot of stuff.
Goodbye, and see you next month!
Fake Games
Hi there! qrs22 here. Sorry about no article last month, I lost my internet and, as a result, track of time. I'm just barely getting this one in.
This month, it's a working title for the Wii - The Boo That Would Be King.
The story:
King Boo has been feeling VERY lonely lately. So he decides to try online dating. Bad decision. He ends up meeting all kinds of women (and one man-- don't ask), but none appeal to him. That is, until he gets a friend request from bowbow2427. "Who is bowbow2427?" you ask? Well, that's what King Boo asked as well. When he finally met her, though, it turned out....
bowbow2427 is Lady Bow!!
Amazing, right? Who would've guessed that a diva like Bow would fall for a jerk like King Boo? I'll never understand love completely...
Anyway, they get together (you know, marry, move to a house in the suburbs, et cetera...) and have a son, aptly named Prince Boo. However, King Boo is disgusted at the thought of having a prince for his son. He expelled his own son into a far off land in a fit of jealous rage.
The game is about Prince Boo trying to find his way back home. On the way, he encounters Bootler and Bootler tells his story. When Bow married King Boo, she left Bootler to live in the mansion all alone. So, he decides to help Prince Boo not only get home, but to overthrow King Boo.
Not much else was revealed to me about the story. Like I said, this is a working title, so they haven't finished much yet. Hopefully, by the time it gets released, we'll know more.
Until then, I'm qrs22! See you next month!
Fake Music
Written by: DyegoHalliwell IceMario12 (talk)
Hola guys, here is DyegoHalliwell, live from ShroomTV, giving you the Britney crap review for the latest CD… of the year 2006: Yoral Pixlation Vol. 2! by Roshakira, with a lack of duets and musical collaboration.
- How Do you Do (to Fly with your Feet)? – Ft. the Yoshi Drummers Band
- Papelligal – Ft. Marios Paperana
- Hammers Don’t Lie – Ft. Wyclef Bro.
- Goomanimal City
- Don’t Kidnap (Cause I really want to Pee) – Ft. Bowser the Tramp
- The Shroom and the Stars
- Plots for Money
- Hey You (Guy with L on Hat)
- Your StupiDress
- Costume Makes the Mario
- Botomless‐pit (Fell to Death)
- Lemon
Well, that was a long list, I think… Oh right, the review, lucky that my stupid manager’s still lying on the floor, I should bu— I mean, here’s the review.
The CD contains a lot of interesting titles and different kind of music. I think Roshakira has gone a brown head by that time. First, we’re going to talk about the rocker songs.
How Do you Do (To fly with your Feet)? is about a woman wondering how is it possible for Yoshi to fly like that, also she takes this opportunity to do heavy criticism to God and religion, quoting Roshakira : “How many times Mario stumped, and killed in your name?”.
Now, let’s go with Don’t Kidnap (Cause I really Need to Pee). Here, Roshakira is just so tired about Bowser kidnapping Peach, that she mades up a urgent journey to bathroom, to call the police, who accidentally lead her to destroy the Koopa Clown Car, and get revenge in Peach’s name, when the police turned out to be the product of her powers.
Our last rocker song is Costume Makes the Mario. It speaks about Wario wanting to take over Mario’s ID, by trying and disguise like him, but ironically, everyone starts to laugh at him, and it inspires Roshakira to do the song from Wario’s viewpoint, making fun of the entire world, with guitar solos in the middle.
Now, love songs. Starting by Papelligal features Marios Paperana music. It talks about how Mario’s father cheated on Roshakira, when bullying enemies. Roshakira thinks it’s illegal, and reveals that the woman Mario’s father cheated on her with was Mario’s mother. In the end, Roshakira watches them getting married, and goes away.
Due to budget cuts, I’m being forced to speak about one more song, and no more.
Hammers Don’t Lie! is the song. This is the happiest song of the CD, which basically talks about Wyclef Bro getting crazy with Roshakira’s belly dance. It also includes how his Hammers say unwanted truth to everyone… God, here goes one of ’em:
Hammer This TV Show is sponsored by the Hammer Mafia! Oh, shut up Hammer! There were many mafias on the TV before yo— I mean That was this month’s review in Fake Music See y’all in May!
Fake Ads
Written by: Gamefreak75 (talk)
Welcome, my good friends.
So I was thinking about a nice place for a vacation since Spring Break is coming up (or passed for some of you ;) ). I went to my house and went to my normal thinking process of doing useless crap until I got the best place and the best deals for a wild spring break.
Today, I will be offering you tickets to…
*audience tries to hold in their excitement*
I know what you’re thinking, but let me explain.
Bowser’s Castle offers a wide variety of fun activities and is an ideal vacation spot for those with the guts to go to the place. First off, why don’t you take a dip in the boiling hot lava jacuzzi. It is recommended that one doesn’t stay in the Jacuzzi for more than 30 seconds, as it is known to give you some serious burns.
If the Jacuzzi is too hot for you, why not participate in some of the fun games offered during the time, such as a sudden death dodgeball match or a good ol’ game of basketball. It is highly recommended you wear fire‐resistant gear and always have a flame-suppressant on hand. You never know when you’re going to need it, but I guarantee you will use it often.
Suntans. Everyone wants one. Those suntans you get at Gelato Beach or some other fantastical place? Those are for weaklings. You go to Bowser’s Castle for the real deal. In less than a minute, you will be baked tanned to a golden brown.
And now for the food offered at the resort. It’s…um…unique to say the least… For starters, they have these weird purple space grub thingies which I have never seen in the series before. Maybe it’s from another planet. For those of you who can stomach it, they also have fried Goomba and Koopa pasta.
*audience stares in disgust*
Of course he doesn’t have fried Goomba and Koopa pasta, you fools. Why would Bowser eat his own minions? You people can’t take a late April Fools joke huh? For the main entrée, there’s roasted everything. There’s like nothing that isn’t roasted in this place. And for dessert there is roasted ice cream, roasted cake, pretty much roasted everything.
The rooms at Bowser’s are also very versatile. The Koopa King is even so nice as to offer you a room to sleep, let alone give you a bed. Wait is that a door? And why is it missing its doorknob? I wonder where it could’ve gone. Bowser has also provided you a trash can and a bucket for you personal duties. I feel like something is staring at me from the bucket and the trash can though. Almost every person will have a roommate as well. The roommates don’t talk much though, but at least they provide company. How lucky! There’s a horn on the floor. It seems Bowser likes to clown around as well…but he claims it isn’t his…
For a measly 400 coins, this offer can be yours. Think about it. Games. Food. And a free room. Bowser is generous enough to lend us his castle for the week. So hurry up, because this offer will not be here forever.
See you there. ;o)
Ask ’3K
Oh hey I have a section! I completely forgot about it after last issue where I had no questions. Your friendly neighborhood ’3K here with another thrilling installment of “Ask ’3K” where yours truly answers the loyal readers’ questions. I only got one this time, but it’s better than nothing. The question comes from MrConcreteDonkey who asks:
Do you enjoy being a moderator of the forums?
For the most part, yes. The worst thing about it are the constant adbots and the occasional attacks from a certain troll who shall remain nameless. But even those aren’t really a big deal. The hardest part is trying to reach a decision about banning a member.
That’s all for this issue. It’s short, but you work with what’s given to you. Peace.
Fun Stuff
Director Notes
by Gamefreak75 (talk)
I’m a man of many words. Too bad I have few to say. Hopefully, next issue, this section of the ’Shroom will be complete. But nobody knows… except me…
Mystery ImagesHello readers, I am your amazing writer Tucayo. Welcome to Mystery Images. Normally I don’t write anything for this section, but I want to write something to you this time to let you know that I changed the design of the images in this section so they look better. I hope you like the changes.
Triviaby Mario Fan 123 (talk) Hey there, people! We are really next to the happy Easter times, hurray! And guess what? I’ve prepared some trivia stuff just for the event. Let’s begin… Did you know…
Well, that’s all for now! See you in the next ’Shroom issue! |
Quizby Fawfulfury65 (talk) Here is another fun quiz brought to you by Fawfulfury65! This month's questions are all related to the Paper Mario series!
Guess Whoby Reversinator (talk) OneWe are found in a crossover TwoI am a voice actor
Find the Differenceby Count Bonsula (talk) The original one can be found here: Edited: (contains ten differences) Answers: Hiding KoopaBy General bob-omb (talk)
Music & Artwork
Director’s Notes (Fawfulfury65)
Hey everyone, welcome back to the Music & Artwork section of the ’Shroom. We’re a little short on sections this month, which kind of disappoints me. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy what’s here currently. No users have been added to the Music & Artwork team this month, but BabyLuigiOnFire has resigned from writing the Sketch Related to Mario section.
If you plan on writing for the Music & Artwork team, don’t hesitate to ask me for a job! I’ll let you fill out an application and the ’Shroom core staff will see if you can have the job or not. Check the sign up list to see what you can write for!
Music Factoid (SimeaMorgana)
This month, I would like to present to you the not‐so‐well‐known music tracks of Mario Strikers Charged Football!
As the game itself is very ‘rough’, the music that plays during the matches is well adapted. A type of music consisting of synthetic sounds and electronic instruments! All of them follow a special pattern. The tension grows to a maximum in the first 2 minutes, the average time of a normal match, then falls quickly and grows again to a maximum at the end of the 3rd minute. It’s mainly a slightly altered version of the main melody of the music piece. Fittingly, you can also choose to play a 3‐minute‐match. After the 3rd minute, the music restarts its ‘2‐minute cycle’, which makes five minutes, also a time option for a match! Everything’s logically structured! Please note that, in some cases, you might not clearly recognize this pattern.
- ‘The classroom’ The most epic, funky and groovy music I’ve ever heard in a Mario game! Especially the part that starts at 0:33. The keyboard I guess confers a very special feeling to the music! You can clearly distinct the special pattern I described.
- ‘Crystal Canyon’ Somehow it reminds me of Wario Land: Shake It! … A very distinctive music style because of the guitar mainly.
- ‘Storm Ship’ The match against Petey was frustrating… The most intense music in the whole game, underlining the roughness of Mario strikers.
- ‘Sandtomb’ The music you really just want to dance to! No? Not really? …
- Pause Menu Yay for elevator music ! It just doesn’t seem to fit into the atmosphere of the game. But now, chill out, relax…
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. (:
Screenshot of the Month (Fawfulfury65)
Hello everyone, and welcome to another great Screenshot of the Month! This time, I chose an image from none other than Super Mario Galaxy 2, a recent Mario game that many people seem to like a lot. Not only is it fantastic in quality and quantity, but it shows Mario doing a full split in the air as he jumps. He’s the most flexible plumber I’ve ever seen. The picture also shows the early parts of the game, where Mario makes his way to Princess Peach’s castle, seen in the background. A lot of detail is present here, and the sky looks quite realistic. There are patterns on the ground, the hills, and even the trees. Well, that’s just about it. Tune it next month for another Screenshot of the Month in the ’Shroom’s 50th issue!
Random Image of the Month (Ralphfan)
This image is of Ridley and Samus Aran fighting in the intro video for Super Smash Bros. Melee. Ridley is not fought in Melee, though he can be obtained as a trophy. He is fought twice in Super Smash Bros. Brawl in the Subspace Emissary.
Sprite of the Month (FunkyK38)
This month’s sprite of the month is from Super Princess Peach. Walk by quietly when it’s sleeping! This little guy is like most of us: on Spring Break, ready for summer, away from school and fishing at the pond.
Pipe Plaza
Director’s Notes (Marioguy1 (talk))Hey everybody! Welcome to the second issue of the Pipe Plaza with the new format! And the verdict for this amazing new format is that it will stay! Additionally, the first Section of the Month is going to be awarded next issue so I hope everybody’s excited <3 Now I have to stop doing SMB’s job and focus back on the Pipe Plaza. I still have my amazing Pipe Plaza description page for anybody who wants to know more about the history of the Pipe Plaza or how to sign up or stuff so go check it out and we do still have positions open so go sign up right now! Aside from that, have a nice Easter and read on! PipeProjects Seeking Contributors (Yoshiwaker (talk))Some recently created PipeProjects that are seeking contributors are:
Mario Calendar (WigglerWhoopin'Warrior135 (talk))
Tip of the Month (FunkyK38 (talk))Tip of the Month: Make sure you check with someone who reverted your edits if you think it was wrong of them to do so. Most of the time, the reverter will check with the person whose information they are changing if they are a valid part of the wiki and not a vandal. If they don’t, be sure to ask them. You could save yourself from starting an edit war! NIWA News (RAP (talk))Evening-o, morning-o MarioWikians! This is RAP, and the NIWA News has arrived in this Pipe Plaza section...and with a mini-bang!
That would be all for this month. See you in the flipside! Featured (Marioguy1 (talk))Hey guys! Gonna start of this issue by saying that Robo Koopa (alter ego) is our first FA that was unfeatured by a merge! Technically I’m also ending off the issue with that because, other than a bunch of FA nominations currently going through the run‐through, there have been no significant changes to the Featured Articles D: Pretty soon this section may start skipping months due to inadequate content, and since I know nobody wants that, go vote on a Featured Article! Now, until next month, |
Review Corner
This month, I will be reviewing one of the Wii’s most popular games, Super Smash Bros. Brawl!
Finally, a SSB game with a real story mode! Brawl introduces the Subspace Emissary, a story mode which consists of sidescrolling levels and boss fights. In my opinion, it is one of the few modes that is better in single‐play than multiplayer. Adventure Mode returns once again, as do Master Hand and Crazy Hand.
Other Modes
VS. matches return to Brawl along with Tournaments, Rotation and some Special Matches with crazy settings. The multiplayer modes are great to play with friends. There are also options like Training for players to hone their skills.
Nintendo used a game engine called Havok to improve the physics, and it worked wonders. The movements of the characters are very realistic, and many of the stages have interesting quirks, such as WarioWare’s microgames and New Pork City’s Ultimate Chimera.
Some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen in a game with non‐human characters. I was seriously blown away.
This is honestly one of the best fighting games of all time. I give it a 10/10.
Entertainment Section
by SKmarioman (talk)
Hello, ’Shroom readers! Welcome to this month’s edition of the Entertainment Section! This month, I am going to talk about two short Mario parodies, Hammer Bro. Mario, and Luigi in 60 Seconds, both parodies on Newgrounds made by Bigfoot3290.
On Newgrounds, both their ratings is T 13+. Don’t worry, there’s no swearing or themes in it. Just a little violence is all, with a HAMMER.
Hammer Bro Mario
Newgrounds description: Mario finds a Hammer Suit and goes nuts!
And really, he does!
Half of the scenes are Mario stabbing hammers into Toad’s or Luigi’s head. But there is one where Mario goes up to Princess Peach and she throws a Banzai Bill at him, thinking he really is a Hammer Bro..
My favorite one, of course is the one where Mario chucks a hammer at a Thwomp and it rebounds into his crotch. I especially like the :3 face the Thwomp makes.
One of the most notable features is the Super Mario World Hammer Mario sprites. These can be found at The Spriters Resource if you want them.
So basically with the ten funny outtakes about how stupid Mario can be, especially with a hammer in his hands, I recommend checking out this awesome movie.
Luigi in 60 Seconds
Newgrounds description: Luigi’s reign summed up in a single minute.
This time it’s Luigi’s turn to mess up. Luigi is always wimping out of great adventures (not to mention that time he totally embarrassed himself in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga when he impersonated the Princess). So now, there is a video of some of the worst times he’s been a total moron.
For the whole movie the famous Beethoven symphony (I forgot which one) is playing in the background. The funny thing about this movie is that for part of the song Luigi is actually ‘screaming’ along with it. Also, during the credits a bunch of Koopa Troopas are singing along with it.
It’s hard to describe the entire movie in words, except for the classic epic fail at the very end where Luigi jumps too early on a Goomba, so to really be laughing at it, just go see it. Don’t worry, it’s only 60 seconds of your life, and it’s worth watching anyway.
You may have noticed this was shorter than last month, because I’m a bit busy right now. Still, this is all for this month and see you in 4 weeks!
by New Super Mario (talk)
Hello everybody! This month I decided to interview Fawfulfury65! Let’s get started.
When did you join the wiki?
- I first joined on April 25, 2009 as Megamariofan65, but I forgot my password. On May 27, 2009, I created my Fawfulfury65 account (with a password I could remember, of course).
Do you have, or had any special rankings on the wiki?
- I am currently a Sysop and I am a former Patroller. I’m also the director of the Music & Artwork section of the ‘Shroom.
Do you have any positions in The 'Shroom?
- Yes, along with being the Music & Artwork director, I write for the Screenshot of the Month and the Quiz on Fun Stuff.
What do you think The 'Shroom could improve on?
- I think we could find more writers. There’s a lot of open sections on the sign up list right now.
Thoughts on Community Polls?
- I think they are fun to vote on and I’m always excited to see the new poll question.
Thoughts on "Did you Know"?
- I usually don’t read it because it’s all the way at the bottom of the main page, but it always has a good piece of information when I see it.
What do you think about the upcoming awards?
- I’m excited for the Mario Awards and I can’t wait.
Are you on Chat?
- I was for a little bit but now I’m inactive there. I’d rather talk on the forums.
Who do you think writes the best article in The 'Shroom?
- There are so many great writers that I can’t just choose one.
Are you on Userpedia?
- I have an account and I’ve made a few edits but I’m rarely online there.
What would be your favorite Non-Mario game?
- I really like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The Donkey Kong games would also be my favorite non-Mario games, if you don’t count them as Mario games.
What would be your favorite Mario game?
- If it counts as a Mario game, I’d say Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is a great one as well.
What would be your least favorite Mario game?
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Mario Tennis (GBC), or Mario Party 8. I’ve never played Hotel Mario so I haven’t seen how bad that one was yet.
What is the easiest Mario game you've played?
- Mario is Missing! on NES. It’s impossible to die in that one. You only have to jump on Bowser once to defeat him.
What is the hardest Mario game you've played?
- Including DK games, Donkey Kong Country Returns is the hardest. I also find Yoshi’s Island DS to be extremely hard.
What game consoles do you own?
- I own a Wii, a Gamecube, a Nintendo 64, a Super Nintendo, and an NES. I have no Xboxes or Playstations.
What handhelds do you own?
- A 3DS, a DS, a DS Lite, a DSi, a Game Boy Advance SP, a Game Boy Color, a Game Boy Pocket, and a Game Boy, which I never play because I don’t feel like finding four AAA batteries.
Thoughts on the 3DS?
- I think it’s a wonderful and innovative device. It’s very shiny too. The 3D doesn’t seem to hurt my eyes at all, so I use it a lot. I’m a bit annoyed that a lot of things on the 3DS aren’t coming until an update in a few months. The launch titles aren’t that great either, but I’m sure better games will come up soon.
What 3DS color do you want?
- I have an aqua blue 3DS and it’s beautiful.
What do you think is the 3DS's best feature, besides the 3D?
- Besides the games, I enjoy the Mii Maker. I would rather have an internet browser though, but that’s not coming until the update. I also like how it keeps track of the games you play on it and how long you play them.
Thoughts on Mario Sports Mix?
- I really don’t like this game. The selection of characters isn’t too great, half of the sports are absolutely monotonous, and it’s way too easy. I’m not really into sports games.
Thoughts on Mario Kart 3DS?
- It sounds like it will be good. I hope there’s a good character selection and better music, since Mario Kart DS had rather awful music in my opinion.
Thoughts on Paper Mario 3DS?
- I’m most excited for this game than all the other upcoming Mario games. The previous Paper Marios were all fantastic (yes, that includes Super Paper Mario), so I’d love to see more of it. I just hope it’s more difficult than SPM.
Thoughts on Super Mario 3D?
- It looks a lot like another Super Mario Galaxy game. I’m not a fan of that series, so I hope it’s not. I want to see a whole new Super Mario series. The game seems like it will be fun, though.
Who is your favorite Mario character?
- I like Fawful, Diddy Kong, and Hammer Bro. Especially Fawful because he has fantastic quotes that always seem to make me laugh.
Who is your favorite Nintendo character, besides a Mario character?
- Excluding characters from Mario, DK, Yoshi, and Wario games, I’d choose Meta Knight or Charizard. Charizard is one of my favorite Pokemon, and Meta Knight’s just plain cool.
What Mario character is your least favorite?
- I really, really can’t stand Daisy (sorry Daisy fans). Her voice just annoys me and she and Peach are always a pain when I play them in Mario Party games.
Mario or Luigi? Choose one, and explain why:
- I personally prefer Mario because he looks more heroic. I also always play him over Luigi in the games because he is much easier to control than Luigi.
Which Paper Mario game do you like the most?
- I really like the Thousand Year Door because it is creative, fun, and has great music.
Which Mario & Luigi game do you like the most?
- Superstar Saga is my favorite because it has the most replay value out of all of them. It is fun and creative and also has very funny dialogue.
Which Mario Kart do you like the most?
- Mario Kart Wii is my favorite because it has the most characters and really fun courses. I really don’t like how I’m always getting pummeled by Blue Shells, though.
Name some of your hobbies:
- I love playing video games, going on the computer (obviously), playing sports, and drawing.
Can you play an instrument?
- Yes, I play the trombone in my school’s band. I used to play a violin.
What is your favorite food?
- Definitely Pizza. I eat it almost every day.
Do you have any pets?
- I have an adorable dog, two evil parakeets, and a few fish. I might not be having the fish much longer though because they are such a pain.
Anything else you would like to say to the readers?:
- Sign up for the ‘Shroom now
Thanks for the interview, and make sure to read next month!
Should Have Been
by MrConcreteDonkey (talk)
Hello everyone, and welcome again to my AMAZING HORSE Should Have Been section, where I discuss what should have been in a game, and the beta elements of said game. This month, I received a personal message on the MarioWiki forums from my good friend, Paper Yoshi (known there as Deutschland) requesting that I write about Mario Kart Wii, or Mario Hoops 3‐on‐3. I produced this beautifully‐edited image to convey my newfound feelings:
So, uh, where were we? Ah, yes – to Mario Hoops 3‐on‐3 we go!
What should have been in this game?

This game was, well, it wasn’t too bad. When I first got it, it was fun to play, but now it seems not only outdated but just not really that fun anymore.
I’ll start with the music – I thought the music was a bit mediocre. Some of the tracks I enjoyed, such as the menu and options theme. I didn’t really like the theme when you’re selecting your characters. I felt it was a bit cheesy and didn’t really fit a Mario game. Also, a minor complaint is that the game kind of overdoes it with the drums: for example, the menu theme has way too many drums in the background in my opinion. It’s a good theme, but it’s overshadowed by the loud drums. Another example is the song that plays on the Bloocheep Sea stage.
The music is generally also a bit painful on the ears. Many of the tracks just seem generic, not really fitting for the stage they play on. They also sound like more or less every other tune that is played in a similar place in similar games (e.g. Wario Factory) – I mean, we’ve seen it all before. I think the music could have been a bit more fitting in this game, not as full of drums and loud instruments playing all over the place, and a little bit less tinny.
Oh, and the sound effects are really annoying – there’s just too much. Every time you collect a Coin that noise plays, but you collect them much more quickly and more often than usual in this game. The noise when you get the ball in the hoop is the worst by far: a horribly loud smashing noise. That same noise plays whenever you get hit and lose your coins, and, it’s just torture to hear. The characters only have about 5 or so phrases they use, and they’re mostly groans and cheers – no real words, apart from the occasional “Yeah!” or “Woohoo!”. I think they should have toned down on the sound effects a bit, and also made the characters say more audible words.
Oh, happy Easter, by the way.
To add on to the baller name conundrum, a few of the characters don’t even have one – we’ve got some great continuity going on here. I think they should’ve just gotten rid of it, if it is anywhere in the game.
I find that the game has way too many rewards: there’s a reward for every medal in every cup, and it’s just way too much, considering how boring I find this game can get. Most of them are alternate outfits. I think the game could have toned it down a bit on the reward subject. Also, I can never figure out how to change the outfits – I think it says once when you unlock an outfit and that’s it. I’ve only unlocked one, and forgot how. I think the game should have said how to do it somewhere. Perhaps it was X + Y… or down + up, or… I mean, it’s only changing an outfit, not performing a Street Fighter combo.

Finally I think Bowser should have been playable from the start – he’s never unlockable, but Bowser Jr. usually is, and now, it’s just the opposite.
Characters who should have been playable
Moofle- Koopa Troopa – Why is Paratroopa playable when Koopa Troopa isn’t? Koopa Troopa is usually playable and much more well known than Paratroopa, so I think Koopa Troopa should have been playable alongside him.
- Hammer Bro. – Hammer Bro., in fact, is a better choice than both Koopa Troopa and Paratroopa – many people like him and he has so much more to bring to the game, like his hammer. Boomerang Bro. and Fire Bro. could have been costume changes.
- Funky Kong – I think basketball would suit Funky Kong, and it would be the perfect game for him to enter the Mario series. Perhaps this would have gained the game more publicity.
- Baby Mario & Baby Luigi – A lot of people like the baby characters, and they are becoming common additions for spin‐off games, so why not?
Beta elements
At the moment, there don’t appear to be any known beta elements for this game. So, it looks like I have to go early this time. Sad
Anyway, goodbye, and if you have a suggestion or disagreement, or even just a comment, PM arachnidsGrip on the MarioWiki forum and I’ll mention it in the next Should Have Been.
Super Mario Galaxy: Cosmic Tips Corner
by Coincollector (talk)
Hello cosmonauts, welcome to Super Mario Galaxy: Cosmic Tips Corner. Your friend Coincollector is here to tell you the first tip on a new and improvised subject. Surprised?
OK, as you can see, I discussed making some changes to this issue with the ’Shroom staff. The staff and I decided to make considerable changes to this section, trying to make it more interesting because I’ve noticed that we were tired talking only about Mario Kart this and Mario Kart that… Therefore we ended up creating this new section entitled the Cosmic Tip Corner, a section dedicated to talking about tips involving the two latest platformer adventures of our favorite red‐capped plumber: Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario galaxy 2. And don’t worry: Just because we changed this section for another one doesn’t mean I don’t know about this subject, so prepared yourselves because this tip is out of this world ;)
The tip of this month talks about the varied power‐ups that Mario has gained in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Let’s see each power‐up and its specialties.
- Fire Mario: The most classic power‐up makes a return in Mario Galaxy 2. With a Fire Flower, Mario’s outfit changes in color and he is able to shoot fireballs. These can burn his enemies and light objects like torches and other objects that can be consumed by fire. Once transformed, take care as you have a limited time to use this power‐up, and once that time has passed, the power‐up wears off. As additional note, in SMG2 this power‐up is now very rare to find.
- Rock Mario: This power‐up comes from when Mario gets a Rock Mushroom. His outfit becomes like pieces of rock and is able to turn in a rolling boulder that increases his speed greatly. In this almost unstoppable state, Mario can bowl over almost any enemy in its way until he bumps against some hard object like a dense wall. In the boulder form, Mario has enough strength to ram into objects that are going to fall and take speed ramps to gain more speed and pass large gaps. The good thing of this power‐up is that it doesn’t have a restricted time in which it wears‐off, but if you’re hit by an enemy, the power‐up disappears.
- Bee Mario: Mario becomes an adorable and chubby bee when he gets a Bee Mushroom. With this power‐up he can fly like a bee for a short time. a meter near to him will show the remaining time you have to keep flying. Once all that time has finished, Mario cannot fly unless he lands to regain the time and fly again. This power up only disappears if Mario is hit by an enemy or if he takes a shower.
- Spring Mario: Mario is wrapped in a very elastic coil when he gets a Spring Mushroom. With this power‐up on hand, Mario can jump higher than usual, going on steep hills without sliding downhill and bouncing over walls. The bad news about this power‐up, is that it is kind of uncontrollable; while using it Mario cannot walk well but jumps all the time.
- Boo Mario: That’s how Mario would look if he died in the real world. But don’t worry, that form he got comes from using a Boo Mushroom. With this Power‐up, Mario can float freely in the air and become occasionally invisible to pass through some wall. Curiously, with this form Mario can also get other Boos’ attention, causing them to follow him, not for an attack but more like, for a date? As you’re a Boo, you also get a Boo’s weak points. In this case Mario shouldn’t be exposed to light or else his power‐up disappears. For that reason, this power‐up only can be found in dark areas.
- Drill Mario: Well, I dunno if there is an exact name for this form (in fact it is Mario holding a Drill), although he gains some abilities when taking one of these items. With a drill, Mario can use his spin to bore through the ground, crossing from one side of a planet to the other or reaching underground areas. Mario will drop the item he is holding and his abilities if he gets hurt by an enemy.
- Cloud Mario: Maybe the most popular power‐up seen in this game. Mario gets baggy overalls and a cap that resemble clouds when he finds a Cloud Flower. In cloud form, the plumber has three clouds following him, so that he can use them to create his own platforms to reach inaccessible areas. With this ability, Mario can also step on clouds, because he becomes very light and with that he can also make very long jumps and fall slowly from great heights. The clouds he is carrying can only be used three times, so you can’t do more platforms when you have used them all, but you can regain the clouds if you take another Cloud Flower. This is another item that disappears if Mario touches water.
- Rainbow Mario: The most powerful ability, which Mario can get when he picks up a Rainbow Star. The star makes Mario totally invincible, speedy (to the point he is hard to control) and able to defeat any enemy in a psychedelic color shower just by touching it. The Rainbow form has a restricted time and wears off once that time has passed, turning Mario back to normal.
Well, here we finish with Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner Super Mario Galaxy: Cosmic Tips Corner for this month. And remember to look at the stars and make a wish when you see a red‐capped comet crossing the sky. Sometimes after reading this article I miss posting Mario Kart tips… Let’s hope I can make at least one more next month.
Fading Into Obscurity
The MarioWiki is filled with many mysteries. What’s the difference between a Pyrosphere and a Lava Bubble? Why is there no article on Weegee? What is ? And why on earth do we have this article? But today, I, Marioguy1 (talk), am here to answer the greatest mystery of all…who the heck is Stanley the Bugman?!?!
Well, to answer this great mystery, we’re going to have to delve into the past, all the way back to the little‐known third member of the Donkey Kong (arcade) trilogy; Donkey Kong 3. In this game, Stanley makes his debut appearance in a non‐Game & Watch game as a playable character. His goals are very simple; use a can of bug-spray to take down an ape four times his size (hey, if Mario can do it with plastic wind-up toys, why not?). Anyways, Stanley is trying to rid his greenhouse of DK, as DK is causing all kinds of trouble. Getting rid of DK saves Stan’s vegetables and everyone’s happy.
Stanley and DK have a lot more fun in a bunch of Game & Watch games, until finally Stanley makes his way into the Wario series. He appears in three 9-Volt minigames and one 18-Volt minigame throughout the series, making only cameo appearances – a great downfall for a character who was once the main protagonist of a mainstream game. What happened to Stanley the Bugman? Why has he been demoted to useless‐cameo‐in‐sub‐series‐guy? Stanley’s life is truly shrouded in mystery, and, like all other mysteries covered in this section, he has Faded into Obscurity.
Character Reviews
Hey guys! Welcome back to Character Reviews! I’m gonna try out a new, quicker, format this week. I reread some of my sections and it looks like I’m doing a lot of rambling… so I’m going to turn the entire thing into a one‐paragraph format. But the upside to this is that I am going to start increasing the number of characters reviewed (for now) so that we can finish up this TTYD runthrough faster. This month I will be covering Vivian, Marilyn and Beldam and Magnus von Grapple; covering an entire chapter in one month! Anyways, let’s get on with it!
Vivian is the most prominent of the three Shadow Sirens. She appears with all of the other sirens throughout Chapter 2, but later in Chapter 4, she joins up with Mario and becomes his partner. She is a very prominent figure, has excellent design (looks like a villain and a hero) and she has excellent character development throughout the story; starting off meek and scared and eventually getting braver. I think her interaction with her sisters is very nice and I love the humor that goes on between them.
Marilyn is the dumb grunt of the Shadow Sirens, she speaks once during the game and is big and strong like most grunts (and nobody had better be thinking Pokémon right now). She isn’t really part of the Beldam‐Vivian interaction and mostly just watches, so I would say she’s the least prominent siren. I can’t really find much I like about Marilyn, I wish she, and Beldam, had been battled more often than they were but oh well.
Beldam is the leader, and second most prominent, of the Shadow Sirens. She is definitely the funniest of the three Shadow Sirens and my second‐favorite. My only complaint with her is (other than her design, I think she should have been tall and skinny, not short) that she is, despite organizing the entire plot, battled only two times in the entire game! She should have been battled a lot more than that, but what am I to do.
Magnus von Grapple
This is technically just Lord Crump in a robot suit but I’m going to treat it as a separate boss from him. Magnus von Grapple is definitely, like Hooktail, end‐boss material. If you can’t have a gigantic Dragon as your end‐boss, a robot controlled by the main villain’s second‐in‐command is the runner up. So I think that Magnus von Grapple is pretty good. He could have been a bit more powerful but overall, he’s a good idea for a boss. The only gripe I can think of is that putting a robot in a tree is a horrible idea; they could have moved him to another chapter and used some kind of spider.
- For Vivian, and her amazing character development, I give a 9/10
- For Marilyn and her amazing mass and… that’s all, 6/10.
- For Beldam and her interaction with her sister, 7/10
- And for Lord Crump, and his power, 8.5/10.
Until next month! MG1, out.