The 'Shroom:Issue 210/Fun Stuff
Director's Notes
Greetings, beautiful 'Shroom readers! Welcome into the September Fun Stuff offices, where we're gearing up for our incoming autumn season. I'm less than a week away from my last year of school starting up - how terrifying! Thankfully, I've got some good music to listen to while writing this late-night intro. Everyone go stream Magdalena Bay's Imaginal Disk. This album is unreal.
Enough about me! You're here for some Fun Stuff goodness! The excellent news is that there's extra goodness for you this month. Boo1268 has made his Fun Stuff 'Shroom debut with a special one-off section, Mouser's Bomb Blast! In addition, local Strategy Wing Director Hooded Pitohui (talk) has yet again stormed into my office and slammed a 'Shroom Quiz onto my desk! He always does it with such ferocity... Make sure to give these two sections some attention, alongside your standard fun and games!
Take care everyone, and happy September!
Section of the Month
In what feels like an unprecedented moment in SOTM, we have a three-way tie for first place! Congratulations to Shoey (talk), Waluigi Time (talk), and ViableBunnyBudd (talk) for your equal successes! Hope you all are feeling lucky, with those three 7's you've rolled! Make sure to vote for your favorite sections this month, and shout-out anything extra special through Poochy's Picks!
Place | Section | Votes | % | Writer |
1st | Trivia | 7 | 23.33% | Shoey (talk) |
1st | Hiding Koopa | 7 | 23.33% | Waluigi Time (talk) |
1st | Hint Art | 7 | 23.33% | ViableBunnyBudd (talk) |
Written by: BBQ Turtle (talk)
Hello everyone, welcome to this month's edition of anagrams! This month I'm serving you up some Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash anagrams- hopefully they're a bigger hit than the game. If you'd like to suggest the theme for a future issue, please let me know on my talk page or in a PM to me on the forums, and I'll be sure to find a way to incorporate it- same with any other funny Mario-related anagrams you find. Alright, let's smash through these lovely anagrams!
How it works...
Basically, this puzzle consists of solving the anagrams. Each month has a specific theme, which will give you a clue about what sort of words or phrases the anagrams will be. I've also included the boxes that the anagrams will fit into, so you'll be able to tell how many words it will solve to be and how many letters will be in each word, which should give you a hand too. You'll also notice that within each set of boxes, one of the squares are yellow. As you solve each anagram, note down the letter which appears in the yellow squares, and if you can solve all of the anagrams, you'll also get a bonus anagram to solve from completing all of the others. I've included the letter configuration for this one at the bottom too, just to give you an extra helping hand. Best of luck!
Bonus anagram:
- Dry Bowser
- Mega Battle
- Ultra Smash
- Knockout Challenge
- Princess Peach
- Morph Court
- Mega Ball Rally
- Sprixie Princess
- Princess Daisy
- Mushroom Court
- Chance Shot
- Gold Mario
Bonus anagram: Mega Mushroom
Word Search
Hello and welcome to another exciting Word Search! Usually we focus on Mario or Donkey Kong topics. But this month, to plug my new (as of last month) Strategy Wing Section Another Ogre Battle Section -- a strategy guide for one of my favorite Nintendo 64 games, Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber -- this month's Word Search is all about characters from that game. Unfortunately this is one of those medieval fantasy style games and all the names are total Goof Troop names so good luck! Words can be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally, backwards, and inside other words. As always have fun and stay safe!
Written by: MarioMorty (talk)
Hello everyone, welcome back to Crosswords, brought to you by the one and only me, MarioMorty. While the puzzle I've brought to you is a bit of a change of pace, like the seasons, I hope it presents a challenge regardless. The topic is enemies/bosses that made their main debut in the hit Wii U game Super Mario 3D World. Not much else from me beyond that, so I will bid adieu, and see you next month for a spooky puzzle. Good luck and have fun!
Mouser's Bomb Blast
Written by: Boo1268
Here it is: Mouser's Bomb Blast! The rules are simple: you must defeat Mouser and escape by "grabbing" bombs with even numbers. You can't grab bombs with odd numbers! You can move forwards, backwards, and to the side; all you need to do is find the right path. There may be more than one to uncover! Good luck!
Hiding Koopa
Written by: Waluigi Time (talk)
Hello there, 'Shroom readers! We're just about a week away from the release of the next The Legend of Zelda game, Echoes of Wisdom! Apparently Nintendo got sick of people thinking Link's name is Zelda, because he's been demoted to supporting cast (the horror!) and Zelda is finally taking top billing in the franchise that has her name on it. Well, technically it's happened before, but we don't talk about that one. Anyway, apparently some Koopas got lost while racing on Hyrule Circuit and now they're hiding in this artwork from the upcoming game. Do you have the wisdom to track them down?
Thanks for playing! Did you find them all?
Hint Art
Written by: ViableBunnyBudd (talk)
Another month, another Hint Art. You know how it is.
So here's how it works: I have picked a location somewhere in the game. This is NOT the location of an existing star in the game; it is a custom location! I then made some art that abstractly represents this location in some way. It is now up to you, the reader, to decipher what this art means and to grab this imaginary star at this location! It's just like the rules of the Hint Arts from Super Mario Odyssey, only it's done for other 3D Marios. Most of these will be ground-pound stars like in Odyssey, but if I'm feeling creative I might have these imaginary stars in the air or activated by punching a wall.
I haven't done a Hint Art for Mario Galaxy yet, so what better time to do it than now? Mario Galaxy is everyone's favorite game1 so you're all going to love it!2
1 - Not true.
2 - Love is not guaranteed.
GAME: Super Mario Galaxy
STAR TYPE: Ground Pound
You may need to look at this another way.
There isn't much to this place.
Don't feel blue… you can always change that!
Thanks for playing, unless you didn't!
Greetings, beautiful 'Shroom readers! Welcome back to another edition of Connections! The Northern Hemisphere is moving into colder temperatures, but maybe you can keep your mind warm with this puzzle?
How it works:
Below is a table of sixteen different words, all of them with some sort of connection to the Mario series. These words correlate in sets of four, and it's up to you to figure out which words belong to a set! Work through the grid and decide which words are connected. Once you think you have the answer, check against the provided answers. If you get stuck along the way, feel free to utilize the clues. There's only one correct answer, so be on the lookout for words that feel like they might fit in more than one category. Good luck!
Toad | N | Bowser | Super |
Syrup | Pirate | O | Hammer |
Mystery | Rainbow | G | Space |
Lamination | K | Frog | Balloons |
Start with "Pirate"
Looking dapper!
"[...] our fearful trip is done,"
- Pirate, Bowser, Mystery, Space: __ Land
- Super, Hammer, Lamination, Frog: __ Suit
- Toad, N, Syrup, Rainbow: Captain __
- O, G, K, Balloons: collectible items in the Donkey Kong Country series
How did you do? Did you figure out the connections? Thanks for playing!
Where in the Marioverse is Carmen Sandiego?
Each issue, you will be given a case to solve and clues to use to help you find the solution! Use your Mario knowledge to crack the case!
You will begin each case at the scene of the crime, and you will be given three clues from passerby as to where the next hot spot is and what game it’s from. Using your knowledge of Mario games and the Super Mario Wiki, figure out where the crook is and go track them down! There are four locations each round: the crime scene (1) at the start, two locations (2 and 3) with clues, and the hideout for the crook of the month (4). Answers for locations will be given with the corresponding round, for example, the clues from the crime scene will lead you to location 2, and once you open the spoiler bubbles for location 2, you will be given the correct answer. You can open the clues for each location in any order you’d like, but be careful! You may encounter an incorrect clue that could throw you off the case!
Clues offered will give you a hint either about the next location or the game it’s in. Unlike a regular Carmen Sandiego game, you do not have to collect information about the crook you are tracking down.
Challenge round (optional):
-Find all locations and games correctly in two minutes or less
-Find all locations and games correctly without using the rest of the Wiki for help
"We've got an interesting case for you, gumshoe. We're not sure if Carmen is connected to this one or not, but we've received a request for help, and we are obligated to take the case! Now, as for the details: we've received word that the Phantom, one of the bosses from Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, has locked himself in his dressing room and won't come out. His shows are being cancelled left and right, and the staff Rabbids that sent the request in believe his phonograph has been stolen! It's theorized that the phonograph is where the Phantom gets his musical powers and prowess, and without it, it's no wonder he's throwing a diva tantrum and locking himself away. The Rabbids aren't sure who took the phonograph, and without a suspect, we don't have any leads! It's time to get to work and find that phonograph, gumshoe!"
Crime Scene |
The Crime
Location 2 |
Location 3 |
Master Suite from Luigi's Mansion 3
"You've cracked the case, gumshoe! We sent a specialized team to The Last Resort at your direction, and we nailed a Boo who had stolen the phonograph! Turns out, he had heard King Boo's singing from Bowser's big bash in Super Mario Bros. Wonder and wanted to hear more singing from him. Seems like he thought the phonograph would be able to give King Boo musical ability, too, and that's why he stole it from the Phantom. I don't think that's how it works, however, but he'll be locked up for this petty theft. You've done good work, gumshoe! The Phantom has gotten his phonograph back and his shows are back on schedule, and the Rabbids couldn't be happier. They even sent you front-row seats to a couple of his shows as thanks! Just this once, I'll let you off so you can go to the show. It's not every day that you get to see a singing ghost perform! But be ready to move if we get more information concerning Carmen's whereabouts!"
Trivia? Early Trivia? Seems illegal, we'll have to check with Congress. But in the meantime, did you know?
- That the Nintendo 64 and the Virtual Boy are the only Nintendo systems without a version of Super Mario Bros. on them?
- That the Super Mario Bros. Movie is the highest-grossing video game movie of all time?
- That Mario was named after Mario Segale, a Washington landlord who Nintendo of America rented warehouse space from?
- That in 1991, due to a quirk in the WCW (World Championship Wrestling) taping schedule, I.E the weekly show was taped in advance while the Pay Per Views were live. The Fabulous Freebirds technically held the World Tag Titles for negative six days, because the episode of WCW Pro where they lost the titles to The Steiner Brothers was filmed before the pay per view Wrestlewar where they won the titles?
- That Rare's GBA puzzle game It's Mr. Pants originally started out development as a Donkey Kong game called Donkey Kong's Coconut Crackers until the Microsoft buyout of Rare forced them to change it?
- That despite being called Tiny Kong, Tiny Kong is actually bigger than her sister Dixie Kong?
'Shroom Quiz
Written by: Hooded Pitohui (talk)
Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! Are you ready to reach back into your memory and see what you can recall from August's edition? I bet you are! Otherwise, you'd probably have skipped right by this section. Well, luckily for you, I'm here with another irregular edition of 'Shroom Quiz to test you on issue 209!
As a reminder, I'll provide two hints with every question to help jog your memory. The first hint will be unrelated to the content of issue 209, to give you an avenue through which you can work out the answer without having to pull up the paper. The second hint will tell you which section you should read again to find the answer, just in case you find yourself stuck. Are you ready? Let's begin!
QUESTION #1: What duo of existing Mario characters inherited the Emerald Circus from Harley Q.?
Battlers and gamblers, one member of this duo challenges you to a guessing game, and the other in Blackjack!
Seek an answer in Boo1268's The Spectral Lens in Fake News!
Answer: Grate Guy and Knife Guy
QUESTION #2: Who opened his home to visitors in order to find new "playmates" last month?
He's the seventh in his lineage, as revealed through a portrait puzzle.
Check out Fake News' The Sunshine Travel Guide by TheBlueCatMenace!
Answer: Booster
QUESTION #3: A certain room in Super Mario 64 has an uneven number of pillars and allows you to see a normally-unseen character. Who is this character?
He's the first NPC you meet in the game!
Find the answer in Fun Stuff's Hint Art by ViableBunnyBudd!
Answer: Lakitu
QUESTION #4: What game's boxart includes all of the following: burnt pancakes, a Boo Bell, Kamek, Mario, and a Skeleton Key?
This game lets you play as Ninji in a shopping mall.
Go to Fun Stuff, play Hiding Koopa by Waluigi Time, and the answer should be fairly apparent.
Answer: Super Mario Party Jamboree
QUESTION #5: According to a comic, what character hired a Lawyer Bro. to help his plot?
The Lawyer Bro. helped to frame a certain someone on Isle Delfino!
Thoroughly search winstein's The ? Panel in Palette Swap and you'll have your answer!
Answer: Bowser Jr.
QUESTION #6: What Gamecube game which released exclusively in Japan featured a sprite of a Magikoopa in oversized robes?
This game bundled together Dr. Mario, Yoshi's Cookie, and Panel de Pon?
Look at Featured Sprite by Waluigi Time in Palette Swap.
Answer: Nintendo Puzzle Collection
QUESTION #7: On August 27th, this game, published by Royal Kougyou, released for the Famicom Disk System.
You'll want to buy some fabric to make the most of this game...
GPM1000's Mario Calendar in Pipe Plaza may be of assistance.
Answer: I am a teacher: Super Mario Sweater
QUESTION #8: What combat robot which once battled Eric and Killerhurtz at the same time was chosen to be a playable character in the Robot Wars board game?
This robot was originally named "Millennium Doom" before its name was changed for unknown reasons.
For all your robot combat needs, Pipe Plaza's What's in a Campaign? by Shoey has you covered.
Answer: Destruct-A-Bubble
QUESTION #9: The Purple Streamer section of Paper Mario: The Origami King draws inspiration from and references what other Nintendo game?
The series you should be thinking about is The Legend of Zelda.
Read A Paper Mario: The Origami King Review by Paper Plumm in Critic Corner, for it has the answer within!
Answer: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
QUESTION #10: This American movie theater chain, founded in 1997, advertises a strict set of theater etiquette rules and an in-seat food ordering experience.
Texans might tell you to "Remember the ___"
For the answer, go to Critic Corner and read Anton's Half-Baked-Reviews!
Answer: Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas
QUESTION #11: Defeating Wood Man in Mega Man 2 grants what weapon?
You may recognize this as Mega Man's down special in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
An Overly Detailed and Funny Walkthrough of Mega Man 2 by Sparks and MightyMario in Strategy Wing has all that you need!
Answer: Leaf Shield
QUESTION #12: What job class in the Octopath duology gets access to the special move "Leghold Trap"?
The profession shared by Artemis and Elmer Fudd is...?
Find the answer by looking at An Octet Gazette in Strategy Wing!
Answer: Hunter
So, how did you do? If you were able to get 10-12 correct, you're a real Master Mycologist! If you got 7-9 correct, you're can call yourself a Fungal Friend of ours! You're more of a Amanita's Acquaintance if you were able to get 4-6 correct, but, hey, that's still better than being a Struggling Spore who only managed to get 0-3 correct.
However you did, I hope you had a little fun! That's enough looking at the past, though. Go check out this month's issue in full!
The 'Shroom: Issue 210 | |
Staff sections | Staff Notes • The 'Shroom Spotlight • Poochy's Picks • Credits |
Features | Fake News • Fun Stuff • Palette Swap • Pipe Plaza • Critic Corner • Strategy Wing |
Specials | TV Tomorrow Commentary Tracks |