The King of Donkey Kong Country 2's talk page! Watch out...
Re:What do you think?Looks OK. Not awful and not awesome, just…something is mising here. Try styling that box and if something will change, I'll let you know. SWFlash HelloMade an account. Are you Happy? I looked around and YIKES! That place needs a lot of work on. --File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 If your happy I'm happy. :D --File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 What are you having? --File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 I don't even know what I am having because it is just me and my sister. --File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 Were eating Sloppy Joe. So see ya. --File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 I'm back but now I have to finish my homework so c u l8ter --File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 Re:PatrollerI've probably made a lot of mistakes. When I first joined I uploaded a lot of images with really confusing names. - 2257(Talk) 18:14, 22 February 2011 (EST) RE:Zero777No, I'm not related nor am I Zero777. It's probably just a coincidence that out usernames has the ending 777. Nah, my favorite video game character is Yoshi, Tails777 is just my username for all things that involve a username. Here is my userbox too by the way:|- |
N WikiI'll join sometime but this is my main wiki so I'll do only little there. No I haven't gotten DKL3 on GBC yet, nor did I get DKC on GBC because I can't find that anywhere. Fawfulfury65 I have joined nintendo wiki now. Thanks for letting me know about it.--File:Yoshi4.jpegYoshidude99 04:37, 24 February 2011 (EST) 3DS?Is anyone here getting the 3DS within the first few weeks that it comes out? If so, can you help with a pipeproject suggestion? If you're interested, please go to the pipeproject page and add your name to the interested list for the 'Filling out Pages for Upcoming 3DS Games' suggestion. HiThanks for helping me with the Kings Category. I made another one with Princes so check it out!-- DonkeyKongCountryRocks friend requestSure we can be friends here is my userbox
Re:Funny StoryNo I haven't ever done that but I used to draw Mario/DK themed pictures for people in my class because everyone loved my drawings. DKC2 is awesome, and so is DKC, and DKC3 is great too (just not as good as the other ones). DKCR is the worst, but they are all great games. Shh... Don't tell anyone my real name ;) Fawfulfury65 DK gamesThe DK games I have are all 3 DKC games for SNES(Virtual Console) and the GBA remakes, Donkey Kong Land and Land 3 for the original gameboy. DonkeyKongCountryRocks P.S. check out the DKC bloopers on my userpage they are funny Re: ReplyHm. This is my reply to your reply. ANYways, you had a question about the 3DS Pipeproject suggestion, correct? Well, here's the purpose; the 3DS is coming out soon. So, we'll need a team to fill out the pages for upcoming Mario 3DS games, am I right? That's why I'm forming a team to fill out those pages. Note: Please don't think that I expect everyone interested to buy a 3DS the first day it comes out. Because I don't. In case you didn't already know, no Mario games are being released on launch day. It will probably be a couple of weeks, or maybe months, after launch day. So really, anyone planning to get the 3DS within a few months after its release can help. Re:Help meSorry, I don't know how to do it. Any advice? SWFlash OpinionI trying to be honest which is better Donkey Kong Land for Game Boy or the Donkey Kong Country remake for the Game Boy Color? User:DonkeyKongCountryRocks -- 10:52, 25 February 2011 (EST)DonkeyKongCountryRocks Re:New usernameI…think…it's good. Why did you change it, anyway? SWFlash
UsernameWhen did you change your username?-- I supported your proposal. It sounds fair!-- ProposalYour proposal currently violates rule #12: Proposals cannot be made about System Operator promotions and demotions. Sysops can only be promoted and demoted by the will of Bureaucrats. It doesn't matter whether soaps say it is ok or not, a rule is a rule.
Ya, why not. |- |
Friends?Hey, while you're helping with that 3DS pipeproject, want to be friends? And while we're at it, can you please explain to me how the whole friend thing works? Something with userboxes, right? Re: RevertingGBA has tilting if you didn't know. Plus it was HARD work. SWFlash
Re: HiI'm a boy that likes Daisies, and as for the Sysop Powers, it's not the best way just asking for it. Only time and dedication (making good contributions to the wiki) will tell if you deserve something nice.
"Fawfulfury65 also changed heroes to Kongs on another article so I am doing that too."I'm just pointing out that I never did that. The phone number on my talkpage isn't real. I made it up, so if you call it the person who answers isn't me. I'm surprised the phone number actually seems to work for some people. I'm in 7th grade btw. And let's see... I do have Diddy Kong Racing DS and I have the original one on N64, which I like more. If I do, it's always obvious that it's fake. I don't know how people fall for that phone number when the first three digits are 555. How many phone numbers do you think begin with 555? Fawfulfury65 AwardsWell, you can't just join the committee for one part of the Awards. You'd also need to be in chat on Friday nights from 8 to 10 pm Eastern time and need to have a forum account to be a part of the committee. More AwardsWell, you're in the eastern time zone. But have you ever used the site's chatroom? I always make a new headerThe chatroom is at Special:WebChat. We meet in #mwikiawards, which can be accessed by typing "/j #mwikiawards". However, the channel is very quiet at the moment. Bland HeaderA little bit. It's all text, though. No webcams or anything. If you really want to be on the Committee, you need to know that it is a very serious commitment and that it requires two hours of your time on Friday nights and a lot of active participation on the forums. This is a very big responsibility and we have had lots of problems in the past with people signing up and never doing anything. MoreRead this. Re: Tomgirl?No, I don't think so. Let's say I'm a moe that likes specially Daisy's current look. She looks so kawaii :3
OKI will join but I need to find some time first. This new Super Mario game is going to be awesome. I hope they bring back bob-omb battlefield or an old level from other games.--File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 I have never played a Donkey Kong game ever but that would be cool. I hope for the mario game they would have Luigi, Yoshi, Wario, and Waluigi. It is going to be awesome.--File:YoshiMP8a.PNGYoshiGo99 HeyIt's me, BattleFranky202. Sorry to hear you've been permanently banned from Wikia. What did you do to get yourself banned? Also, I told Bentendo, Ville10, and TheWho87 about the news. BTW, thanks for calling me your Wikia BFF. - Smashgoom202 20:35, 4 March 2011 (EST) |