Cherry Kingdom

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File:Aurora Glacier.PNG
The first level, Aurora Glacier.

The Cherry Kingdom is the ninth kingdom linked to the J Barrel which appears in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. The kingdom is located on a glacier and a volcano. The Cherry Kingdom can be accessed by completing all the kingdoms linked to the K Barrel and collecting twelve or more Crests. The Cherry Kingdom is the dominion of Hard Roc in the Gamecube version or Grave Tusk in the New Play Control! version. Donkey Kong traveled through this kingdom and at the end of every level he ate a giant Cherry bunch.


Aurora Glacier

Aurora Glacier is the first area of the Cherry Kingdom. As the name implies, the level takes place on a freezing glacier. Donkey Kong had less traction on this stage and slid across the icy floors. Freezing bats attacked Donkey Kong, causing him to freeze as well. The Helper Monkeys tossed Donkey Kong to the next portion of the stage. Donkey Kong swam underneath a block of ice and encountered two Hogs in a tree tossing coconuts at him. Donkey Kong defeated the two Hogs by hitting the coconuts back at them. At the end of the level, Donkey Kong encounted a rolling reptile. Donkey Kong defeated the rolling reptile by clapping and pulling its tongue. He slid down the slope and ate the giant Cherry bunch, completing the level.

Grim Volcano

Grim Volcano is the second area of the Cherry Kingdom. Unlike the previous level, Grim Volcano takes place in a hot volcano rather than a cold glacier. The bats were on fire and caused Donkey Kong to burn if they touched him. The lava in the level shot a pillar of fire occasionally, so Donkey Kong had to time his jumps. The Helper Monkeys tossed Donkey Kong up a cliff where he encountered falling rocks. Donkey Kong used his clapping ability to destroy the falling rocks. At the end of the level, a Ballerina Bear impeded Donkey Kong's progress. To defeat it, Donkey Kong had to reflect the shock waves released by the Ballerina Bear using the clap. Once the Ballerina Bear was stunned, Donkey Kong had to hit it to finish it off. Donkey Kong ate the giant Cherry bunch and cleared the level. After clearing the level, Donkey Kong fought Hard Rock or Grave Tusk depending on the version.