Mountain Mayhem
Template:Level Mountain Mayhem is the eighteenth level in the classic Game Boy game, Donkey Kong Land. It is also the second are in the Monkey Mountains and Chimpanzee Clouds world.
In the first mountain level of the game, the Kongs will have to use their climbing skills to scale a high mountain. This can be tough, though, as the area is brimming with pits, enemies, and even falling rocks. Gnawties, Zingers, Krushas, Slippas, and Kritters will be found all around this level, and can be quite an obstacle for the heroes. Luckily, the rare Animal Buddy, Rambi the Rhinoceros appears about halfway into this level. He can be a big help in defeating the foes throughout the level, and even protecting the monkeys from any unexpected falling rocks.
Level Layout
Bonus Level(s)