Slim Bankshot

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Template:Portrait-infobox Slim Bankshot, the Lonely Poolshark, is a portrait ghost that loves to shoot billiards. He was a legend in the competitive pool circuit, despite the fact that he never played a living soul. Slim spent his afterlife practicing alone in the Billiards Room of Luigi's Mansion. Although Slim Bankshot was a portrait ghost, Luigi did not need to capture the lonely poolshark to help save his brother Mario from King Boo. However, if the green-clad ghost hunter decided to catch the spirit, Luigi would be rewarded with the ghost's great treasure.

When Luigi first encountered Slim Bankshot, the portrait ghost was playing 3-Ball, shooting billiard balls with his cue stick. In fact, Slim hit the balls so hard they would go flying off the table and bounce around the room (causing five HP of damage if they hit Luigi). Each time they were hit, he went around the pool table once before hitting the balls again. To make Bankshot vulnerable, Luigi had to suck up one of the flying billiard balls with the Poltergust 3000. The ball would then get stuck at the end of the vacuum, allowing Luigi to shoot the ball like a projectile at Slim Bankshot. The billiard balls that Slim shoots fly around the room leaving red streaks behind them. The ball that Luigi shoots will leave a blue streak. After being hit three times, Slim would become limp and vulnerable and Luigi could capture the ghost with his Poltergust. If Bankshot managed to break free from Luigi's hold, the spirit would return to shooting pool. As such, Luigi had to hit Slim with another billiard ball to make the portrait ghost vulnerable again.

After combating Slim's medium pull, Luigi captured the ghost and lit up the Billiards Room. After Bankshot's treasure chest appeared, Luigi opened the box and received a Blue Diamond and two Gold Bars. With another portrait ghost eliminated, Luigi continued the search for his brother.

A black-and-white picture of a person similar in appearance to Slim Bankshot can be found on the north wall of the Billiards Room, possibly depicting him when he was alive.


  • Occasionally, a billiard ball that Slim fires will bounce off of a wall and hit Slim while he was traveling around the table, meaning that he hit himself. Though it is still advised to shoot the balls at him and that only happens rarely.
  • Slim is the only non-required ghost that has no attack since he doesn't aim his billard balls at Luigi.
  • In the Courtyard, there is a statue of Slim lying down in a proposal like fasion.
