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A red Swoopin' Stu from Super Mario Sunshine.
Swoopin' Stu
Gelatinous enemies that materialize directly from piles of goop. They move very slowly but fling themselves at Mario when he is near. If they miss, they splatter into goop. They can climb up walls and leave trails of goop behind them. One falls apart when sprayed. Delfino Plaza Pianta Village Coin×1
Water Bottle×1
New to the franchise
SMS Sanbo Head Render.png
Sanbo Head
Pokey heads. They hide underground with only their flowers exposed. They burst to the surface when approached and bounce towards Mario. The flower is the weak point and can be stomped. Bianco Hills Red Coin Field Coin×1
New to the franchise
Seedy Pod
Seedy Pod
Singing Sanbo Heads. Approaching them causes them to bury their bodies underground and release a flurry of projectile seeds. Spraying them with water from a distance stuns them temporarily and leaves them vulnerable to attack. Bianco Hills Red Coin Field Coin×1 New to the franchise
Model of a Pokey from Super Mario Sunshine
Segmented cactus enemies. Their body is covered with spines and will damage Mario if jumped on, but their head is vulnerable. They hide with only their flower exposed but will burst from the ground if Mario is in close proximity. Unlike Sanbo Heads, Pokeys are stationary: they will instead try to strike Mario with their head by falling forward. Doing so temporarily leaves them vulnerable and allows Mario to jump directly on their head. Bianco Hills Pianta Village Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
A Strollin' Stu in Super Mario Sunshine.
Strollin' Stu
Stout, waddling creatures that make squeaky noises and come in a variety of sizes. They will run towards Mario when they make visual contact. Small varieties appear in a secret course that emerge from little holes in the wall. A group in Pinna Park is made of several small ones stacked on a large one. Bianco Hills Delfino Airstrip Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
New to the franchise
A Smolderin' Stu in the game Super Mario Sunshine.
Smolderin' Stu
Fiery Strollin' Stus. Making direct contact will burn Mario. Spraying them with water extinguishes the flames and allows them to safely be defeated. Pinna Park Sirena Beach Coin×1 New to the franchise
Artwork of the Swipin' Stu enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Swipin' Stu
Large, winged Stus. They will swoop down towards Mario when in close proximity and try to steal his cap. They can be forced to the ground by spraying them with water. Pinna Park Coin×1
Mario's cap×1
New to the franchise
Winged Strollin' Stu
Winged Strollin' Stu
Winged Stus that either pursue Mario from above or fly horizontally across a set path. Pinna Park Delfino Airstrip None New to the franchise
A posed Piranha Plant model from Super Mario Sunshine
Piranha Plant
Carnivorous plants born from goop. They shoot globs of goop at Mario. Their bellies expand with water if sprayed and will eventually explode. Bianco Hills Coin×1
A Piranhabon model from Super Mario Sunshine
Giant Piranha Plant heads that roll down slopes like boulders. They are covered in goop and leave trails of it behind them as they roll. Bianco Hills None New to the franchise
Artwork of the Glorpedo enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Bouncy globs of goop that are shot by Petey Piranha and from Monty Mole's cannon in Noki Bay. The former simply explode into goop on impact, but the latter leave trails of goop behind them as they bounce and roll down the slopes of the cliffs. Spraying them with water causes them to expand and eventually burst. Jumping on them causes them to collapse as a puddle of goop. Bianco Hills Noki Bay Water Bottle×1 New to the franchise
Model of a Bee from Super Mario Sunshine.
Aggressive bees that will attack Mario if he is near their hive. Spraying the hive causes it to break and unleashes a swarm of many bees. They are the smallest enemies in the game and cannot directly be defeated by Mario. Spraying them with Yoshi's juice does not transform them into platforms, but he can eat them. Eating all of the bees in a swarm awards the player with an infrequent collectible. Bianco Hills Pianta Village Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
1-Up Mushroom×1
Coo Coo
Coo Coo
Chicken enemies that drop goop as they fly through the sky. They can be brought low to the ground by shooting them with water and jumped on. Bianco Hills Pianta Village Coin×5
1-Up Mushroom×1
New to the franchise
Artwork of the Wind Spirit enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Wind Spirit
Swirls of wind that home-in on Mario. Though difficult to see due to their translucent bodies, Wind Spirits are always accompanied by the sound of wind gusts before striking. Bianco Hills Pianta Village Coin×1 New to the franchise
Model of the Skeeter enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Water strider enemies. They skim on the surface on the water and make short bursts of movement by contracting their legs. They temporarily freeze in place if sprayed with water. Jumping on their bodies makes Mario bounce to an extreme height. Bianco Hills None
Artwork of Poinks from Super Mario Sunshine.
Floating, balloon-like pig creatures. They will suckle on FLUDD's nozzle when Mario is in close proximity. They can be filled with water and launched from FLUDD like rockets. Poinks do not inflict damage on Mario. Bianco Hills Sirena Beach None New to the franchise
Artwork of a red Wire Trap for Super Mario Sunshine
Wire Trap (Red)
Electrically-charged obstacles that look like spiral snail shells. They move slowly along wire ropes. They will shock Mario on contact, but they do not make him lose his grip or balance if he is on the rope. The small red ones can either travel from one end of a water before disappearing and respawning in their original location, or follow Mario along the wire. Bianco Hills Noki Bay X mark.svg
Artwork of a blue Wire Trap for Super Mario Sunshine
Wire Trap (Blue)
The larger blue Wire Traps, which bounce from one end of the wire to the other. Noki Bay X mark.svg New to the franchise
A Blooper model from Super Mario Sunshine
White squids that shoot globs of black goop at Mario. Spraying them with water leaves them dazed. Bloopers are only found on dry land. They will disappear in a cloud of smoke if they make contact with bodies of water. Ricco Harbor Noki Bay Coin×1
Jumping Blooper
Jumping Blooper
Small Bloopers that leap from water. Spraying them with water causes their mantles to temporarily flatten and float on the surface of water, allowing them to be used as platforms. Ricco Harbor None New to the franchise
Spider-like creatures that cling to walls, ceilings, and chain-links. Spraying them with water can temporarily demobilize them. Ricco Harbor Pianta Village Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
New to the franchise
A scarlet Cheep-Cheep model from Super Mario Sunshine
Cheep-Cheep (Red)
Pudgy red fish that leap from water. They do not actively pursue Mario. When marooned on land, they will helplessly flail about. This only has the potential to occur during the boss fight with King Boo. Ricco Harbor Sirena Beach None
A pink Cheep-Cheep model from Super Mario Sunshine
Cheep-Cheep (Pink)
These Cheep-Cheeps pursue Mario underwater. One latches onto him pulls him deeper. Gelato Beach Delfino Airstrip None New to the franchise
A Lava Cheep Cheep model render from Super Mario Sunshine
Lava Cheep Cheep
Cheep-Cheeps that swim in the magma of Corona Mountain. Spraying them with water incapacitates them temporarily. Corona Mountain None New to the franchise
A blue Cataquack from Super Mario Sunshine.
Cataquack (Blue)
Duck-like creatures that toss Mario high into the air. This does not deplete his life meter unless he falls on the same patch of ground from which he was launched. They will immediately charge towards Mario after making visual contact. They otherwise will idly patrol the beach or sleep on the ground. Spraying them with water will temporarily leave them dazed, allowing Mario to jump on them, which will cause them to sink into the ground. Spraying them while they are over sand will make them sink without having to jump on them. Mario himself cannot defeat Cataquacks, but they can be eaten by Yoshi or splattered after being launched by a Dune Bud. Gelato Beach Sirena Beach Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
New to the franchise
Artwork of the Red Cataquack enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Cataquack (Red)
Red Cataquacks that always damage Mario when they toss him into the air. Their behavior is otherwise shared with the blue Cataquacks. Gelato Beach Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
New to the franchise
A Bullet Bill in Super Mario Sunshine.
Bullet Bill
Missiles with smiley sharkmouths. They first appear loosely following the roller coaster tracks during the Mecha Bowser fight at Pinna Park. The ones fired from Monty Mole's cannon on Pinna Beach simply fly in a downwards arc, exploding when they hit the ground. The ones fired from Bowser Jr.'s boat over Corona Mountain have blinking red nosecones like the purple variants and will lock onto Mario. Pinna Park Corona Mountain Coin×1
GoldBulletBill SMS.png
Bullet Bill (Gold)
Bullet Bills launched from Monty Mole's cannon on Pinna Beach. Spraying them with water causes them to explode into eight coins, which will vanish shortly if they are not collected in time. Pinna Park Coin×8 New to the franchise
Purple Bullet Bill
Bullet Bill (Purple)
Bullet Bills that loosely home-in on Mario once they approach the ground, but only horizontally. They are fired from Monty Mole's cannon on Pinna Beach. They can quickly be distinguished from normal Bullet Bills by their blinking red nosecones. Pinna Park Coin×1
New to the franchise
BlueBulletBill SMS.png
Bullet Bill (Blue)
Blue Bullet Bills launched from Bowser Jr.'s ship during the final fight with Bowser. They will home-in on Mario similarly to purple ones, but are also able to adjust their vertical position. They can be jumped on and sprayed with water. Corona Mountain 1-Up Mushroom×1
Water Bottle×1
New to the franchise
Model of a Bob-omb from Super Mario Sunshine.
Walking bombs that look like wind-up toys. They are thrown at Mario by Monty Mole when he gets close to his cannon. They heat up once the key on their head begins to turn and will walk towards Mario. They detonate after three seconds. Spraying them with water will cause them to retract their legs and freeze, allowing them to be picked up. They can still detonate in this form. Pinna Park Noki Bay Coin×1
Model of the Snooza Koopa enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Snooza Koopa
Finned Koopas that feed on the sunflower people. They bury their bodies under the sand. Spraying them with water forces them to the surface. A Snooza Koopa will try to crush Mario by throwing itself into the air and slamming down, carapace-first. Performing a Ground Pound on its plastron defeats it. Their carapaces resemble Yoshi eggs. The Great Sunflower initially mistakes them for actual Yoshis. Pinna Park Coin×1 New to the franchise
Model of the Blue Electrokoopa enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Electrokoopa (Blue)
A variety of Koopa. They sport electrically-charged shells that will shock Mario on contact. A Blue Electrokoopa will remove its shell and toss it towards Mario as a projectile weapon. It is in this instance that it can be safely jumped on and defeated. Pinna Park Sirena Beach Coin×1 New to the franchise
A Red Electrokoopa model from Super Mario Sunshine
Electrokoopa (Red)
A large variety of Electro-Koopa that clings to walls, ceilings, and chain-links. Their carapace will shock Mario on contact, but their plastron is vulnerable to damage. Mario can strike them when on the opposite side of a steel grate. If he makes direct contact with one on the same side of the grate, he will be shocked, immediately lose his grip, and fall. Pinna Park Pianta Village Coin×1 New to the franchise
Artwork of the Electro-Koopa King in Super Mario Sunshine.
Electro-Koopa King
A giant Electro-Koopa sleeping on a metal grate behind Pinna Park's Ferris wheel. Touching its shell directly shocks Mario. It can only be defeated by flipping the grate it sleeps on. Pinna Park Shine Sprite×1 New to the franchise
A Boo model from Super Mario Sunshine
Ghost enemies. They can turn invisible and will disguise themselves as coins. This is the only incarnation of this enemy in the Super Mario series that will not cower when directly faced by the player, can be jumped on to defeat, and can be eaten by Yoshi. Sirena Beach Coin×1
Blue Coin×1
Block Boo
Block Boo
Pink Boos that turn into stationary platforms when sprayed with water. They float in a set path and do not actively pursue Mario. They cannot turn invisible and cannot be defeated. Sirena Beach None
Model of the Sleepy Boo enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Sleepy Boo
Large Boos that sleep in the attic of Hotel Delfino. Their bodies obstruct the halls. Yoshi can eat Sleepy Boos and this is the only way to remove them. Sirena Beach Coin×1 New to the franchise
Artwork of the Chain Chomplet enemy in Super Mario Sunshine.
Chain Chomplet
Young Chain Chomps owned by an orange Pianta. They suffer from a fever that turns their bodies orange and makes them too hot to touch. As they move, they leave trails of burning goop behind them that will burn Mario. He can cool them down with water and grab onto their chains. Pulling back and releasing them will slingshot the Chomplets. They permanently become tame if launched into a body of water. Pianta Village Shine Sprite×1 New to the franchise
A Fevered Chain Chomp
Chain Chomp
A giant, toothy monster that looks like a ball-and-chain. It suffers from an intense fever that makes it too hot to touch, but spraying it with water cools its body and calms it down. Its chain can be grabbed and dragged by Mario after it is cooled. The Chain Chomp will become completely soothed if dragged into the Pianta Hot Spring and will turn gold. It is owned by an orange Pianta and is potentially the parent of her Chain Chomplets. Pianta Village Shine Sprite×1