User talk:Dom

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Look dude, my first archive of old messages has been made! It's under Dom's TOP SECRET archives...

Dom's TOP SECRET Archives! Do NOT read!




Because I enjoy virtual conversations. Most of you people on the Wiki are much cooler than the people at my school!

Hi Dom Its Ben here. I need some help. What is a brillant mario game to buy ??? Thanx Ben

Whoever this Ben person is, tell me your last name, so I actually know who you are. I've known 3 or 4 Bens in my life. - Dom

RULES: No offensive messages, no swearing...especially not F***, S***, W*****, Dumb Idiot, etc.

OMG 34 Kilobytes

Hmm. I've never really noticed the whosonline thing work that well. The only one that's partially accurate, is the one on the Recent Changes page. Dunno why.

Yes, it did! :O </spooky>

Awesome work on that article. Keep up the expansions, and you'll get more attention. Heck, maybe one day you could be a Sysop!

Stooben Rooben 20:29, 19 May 2008 (EDT)

As I said...

Yes, as I told Stooben, I used a tutorial to make that signature... so that is all the help I had. So no one made it for me.

I'll make a Mario one soon and use that as my sig instead. xD

P.S. I'll even show you how to make them when you come over next ;)


Hows it going DOMpster? xD

Well, you have been constantly bugging me to start editing the main pages and I managed to start a whole new section in Donkey Kong HERE! xD

BTW, nice archive section, I think I already told you that at school but meh xD

Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow anyway unless you somehow manage to bludge your way out...



Keep up the great editing! :D And, believe it or not, tiny edits do take you somewhere; if you check my contributions, about 80% of my edits are minor. :O I mostly add templates to pages and fix typos. XD Although, I did an enormous expansion on Donkey Kong Hockey once...

Lol! I hate health food. Except for some vegetables. :D Other than that, tofu sucks, soy sucks, skim milk sucks, tofu sucks, fat free stuff sucks, tofu sucks, sugar free cookies suck, xylitol-enhanced beverages suck, tofu sucks...did I say tofu sucks?

BTW, on Userpedia, I wondered if you would like to make a cameo in Guitar Steward. It's a fanon game I'm making that's a parody of Guitar Hero. :D

Stooben Rooben I also made your Userpedia article!


Eh, your page show up perfectly fine for me. Maybe you get that because of the resolution of your screen/computer. --Blitzwing 06:48, 22 May 2008 (EDT)


Let me guess, you are coming on more regular because I joined? xD

Anyway, lol... I probbaly should do the maths homework for once. I'll start that now actually. So, what was Work Ed homework then?

And yes, I think I will continue editing those pages and maybe some of the character pages related to those games. ;)

Oh, well I guess I had better do that as well then as Mrs Webster ALWAYS checks homework -_-
And lol, i realised i forgot to put my sig in like 2 seconds after I saved the comment... you must be refreshing your page pretty often lol :P


Well... You can't exactly just make stuff up for the heck of it. One of our rules; You can only have four Non-Users who have never appeared in a Comic/story. The rest have to be merged into one page. Any creation you make is worthless if it doesn't appear in a comic/story. Cuz most people just come and make stuff up without giving it a purpose, and the Sysops are upset about this.

I dunno what to edit. Maybe you should take care of Maintenance.

Yes, I've found at least 5 Shiny Pokémon in my entire history of Pokémon. =3 My Bloody Valentine

You're On! :O

Wow, you're on the same time as me.. this is a rare occurance! (except for @ school)

So, have you asked about coming over next weekend yet?



  • Dunno.
  • Nay.
  • I don't care about the nationalities of other users.
  • Unknown, I guess.

--Blitzwing 07:32, 23 May 2008 (EDT)

Sup ranDOM!!! xD

Hehe, I found the name that best suits you :P

Anyway, you have been very quiet lately which is very unusual :O

Ahhh, gtg talk to ya later xD


Hiya, Domster! What's up? Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

I don't count that as a swear. Heh. You're the third user I know from Australia. I joined February 22.

Heh. You're the third user I know that's randomness. :P

Well. The features are vast. It has the regular standard Brawl, it has a complete Story Mode (along with Classic Mode, Events, Multi-Man Brawl, Training Mode, etc.). It has a gallery of Trophies and Stickers. You can obtain some of them in a minigame that you can select. There's a Stage Builder, where, as the name states, you can build your own stage, and then brawl on it. You can listen to Music, and switch it around so that it plays more or less on its stage. There are videos (Subspace Emissary, Sonic the Hedgehog Joins the Brawl!, Solid Snake Joins the Brawl!, etc.) But that's just the setting that the game has. Wait until you get to try the Subspace Emissary.

Yep! And to da randomness! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

  • It's a matter of seeing them vandalize a page on Recent Changes. It's easy to do, and it's a Sysops job to block them.
  • Meh, I worked for it making Upcoming Games at one point, but it took up too much of my time, and got really boring after a while.
  • Well, ain't that nice? Feh, I don't edit much anymore, I just handle maintenance and patrol nowadays.
  • I'm counting the days on my fingers. I try not to get too excited, though. Til' then, I have Brawl Caramelldansen.
  • Never seen any of his edits.
  • Yes, I found them legally. I only ever cheat in Yellow version, to get Mew. Strangely, I found a shiny Weedle twice in my entire history of Pokémon gaming.
  • Pah, Battle Tower. 9_9

My Bloody Valentine

Yay! Points! Creepy... though...

Heh. We both have Pearl. Who's your favorite Pokemon?

Heh. I couldn't come up with anything else... Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png ]

No Brawl 4 U

I think I've gone back to Hyrule Castle to beat Ganondorf at least...a bunch of times! More than I can ever keep track of. However, I've never started from the very begining and gone up to the final battle to beat him again. I did create a new file and try to beat the game again, but then gave up when Brawl game. I feel so sorry for the Australians that don't have Brawl. At least you got Melee still to play...hopefully, you'll get Brawl soon, very soon! And maybe also get WiFi so you can brawl me. It would be so fun... linkswordmi2.gifPaper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·linkswordmi2.gif


Juice FTW! :P

Do you like Tacos or Ziplocs better? Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

What The Fub

Well, I kind of just randomly stumbled upon your Userpage from looking at people's Talk pages... and it seems like you have a lot in common with me 0_o... not to scare ya' or nothin'. Well, please disregard my rather awkward introduction there... I also say "What the Fudge?!?!" , and sometimes replace Fudge with my own made-up word "Fub." I also randomly noticed you have Pkmn Pearl, like myself (which I get criticized a lot for seeing as how I'm a guy). So, anyway, just head over to my Talk Page and start a new section full of random crap; if this suits your liking. Yours in randomness,

-- Cheep-CheepMy Cheep Cheep Image.gif(CheepTalk · CheepArticle) 19:04, 29 May 2008 (EDT)

A McMessage With a Free Milkshake

Hey, like I said, take your time. I understand you're limited on time, so I want you to enjoy the wiki the best you can with your short supply of time. ;) — Stooben Rooben 19:11, 29 May 2008 (EDT)

HAI! Sorry for not replying in forever. But, anywho, I'm Toadette 4evur (please just call me Toadette). SJ derp :P

I'm a: Super Hero In Training

Well, thanks for the nice n' random reply. Yes, I do know how to see how old a User by checking their contribs.

And, yes, I've oblviously been on Mariowiki for a short while, although I've been editing on Wikipedia and making Userboxes there for my own evil personal enjoyment in an attempt to make the entire world full of Duct Tape and Randomness; although now that I've joined Mariowiki, I for some reason have to urge to actually contribute in helpful ways... whereas on the 'pedia, my way on "contributing" was fixing someone's spelling mistake once every few weeks.

Let's see... trying to recall what else you said... ah, yes, cursing at games when those Shnitzel-Stick brained AIs cheat you out of a good game. I like your interesting guidlines for making a simple yet hardcore sunding word. Although the reason I use Fub is because it... well... I can't think of much else better... except for "Son of a Birdo" or "What the Chipmunk" or something very insulting and disturbing, like "Wario's Arse!"

Well, I'm working on limited time, and I've got three suspicious guests following my every move while never taking off their Aviators, even when it's dark. So, in Randomness, -- Cheep-CheepMy Cheep Cheep Image.gif(CheepTalk · CheepArticle) 07:09, 30 May 2008 (EDT)


Awesome. Lemme tell you my Party Pokemon (ones still in training in my Party; once its ready, it'll be awesome in my Party)

I have my starter, who evolved into Empoleon (I chose Piplup). Empoleon is my main Pokemon, who is currently at Level 93! He knows Hydro Pump, Surf, Waterfall, and Grass Knot (which means that Ground Pokemon aoughta stay outta my way!)

I then have Heatran, at Level 70. He knows Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Strength, and Rock Climb. Water Pokemon should stay outta my way because of SolarBeam!

I then have my beloved Staraptor, at Level 40. He knows Defog, Fly, Take Down, and Close Combat.

The next is the one still training; my Level 54 Metang (whom I'm trying to get to evolve into Metagross.) He knows Take Down, Earthquake, Cut, and Hyper Beam.

I then have my Level 56 Camerupt. He knows Lava Plume, Rock Smash, Earth Power, and Earthquake.

My last is Giratina, at Level 70. He knows Shadow Force, Thunder, Earth Power, and Slash.

And I'm actually 10.

Oh, and also, how do you get 'em? (Without doing events?)

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png


Lolz, actually Ziplocs are plastic bags. :o

And I suppose I am sorta respected, well by some anyways, I do have my haters out there. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

Yes, there are really enjoyable Mario Parties (play the original N64 ones, they PWN!), and yes, I've played a Paper Mario game (I have all 3, but SMRPG kicks their butts). And yes, Japanese is awesome. Ohaio! Ogenki desu ka? Genki desu! (Good morning! How are you? I am fine!) Cya L8ter. SJ derp :P

Have you ever played SMRPG? I borrowed it from a friend, but it quit working the next day. :( But, if I could have beaten, it probably could have been my fav game. I wish I had a Japanese Wii, they get SMRPG this month, and other places don't. :| SJ derp :P

Nice team! I'm trying (currently trying) to Level up my Absol, Houndoom, Misdreavus, and Lucario (whom I will state, has the highest level of these four; being at Level 33.) I wish I had Darkai...

But I can maybe have one! I've heard of Action Replay several times; and I've seen ARDS at Wal-Mart for 20 bucks!

I'm actually not the only one that's ten... Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.pngHeh! I will!



It wasn't an insult, it means: Surely, surely, you can't lose. Magic spells, you don't need such a thing. SMRPG had the best SNES graphics, eva!!! SJ derp :P

You Jump Like Mario

Sorry it took so long to repond, I've been busy outside of the Wiki lately -.- Yes, I like te insults too ;)! Anyway, yes, I actually have had people call me feminine 'cause I play Pearl... although we all know Palkia is better than Dialga in a million ways; Palkia controls all of space, with the power to create a rip in the fabric of space. Dialga controls the theoretical matter of time. So, who would be a better choice for a battle? A Pokemon that has the power to "Rand Space" (Spacial Rend, haha); or a Pokemon that has the power to make clocks ring a few hours earlier?

Anyway, I'm still thinking of more Nintendo Character-Based insults (I have some more, although they're not suitable for the Wiki ;). The best I could come up with right about now is 'Yoshi's Tongue.'

So, in insults,

Cheep-CheepMy Cheep Cheep Image.gif(CheepTalk · CheepArticle) 07:47, 3 June 2008 (EDT)
  • Mebbe. Shiny Pokémon aren't too special to me.
  • You can upload tons of crap on Userpedia.
  • I just want to play Brawl, there's no one thing I'm looking forward to the most.
  • Well, that's nice.

My Bloody Valentine

Palkia rules. He used to be one of my "backup" Pokemon. Staraptor and Heatran are my backup Pokemon, while I keep Giratina and Camerupt in use while Metang trains (it has EXP. Share), and my Empoleon (my best Pokemon ever in the games), takes down any Pokemon that comes in my way (even trainers that have Level 50s are no match for Emp. Not even the Elite Four).


Man, I wish I could get a Shiny Pokemon. My Staraptor PWNs the other flying Pokemon. I've had him since I've started the game! I'm trying to find a Larvitar. (Yes, you can find one using the Poke Radar). This way, I can... replace Camerupt. I also did a little trick in FireRed. I kept starting a new game over, and picked a different starter. I kept migratig them over to Pearl ('cept Bulbasaur, as I already migrated a Venusaur from FireRed). I haven't gotten Squirtle yet, but I do have a Charmeleon.

And the other one is Koopa-Troopa. Check the name on Userpedia. We're friends on the wiki. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Blablahblah Kilobytes blablabla Console

1: I'm not serious (Ye should see me in zat chatroom), just lazy.

2: LOL, the "Explosion" part just begged to be archived on Mariowiki:BJAODN XD. About ye question, well, writing about games is rather long and difficult (For having written Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, I can tell you that. And besides, Toadstool Tour sucked.

3: I'm not Stooben, ask him. --Blitzwing 07:51, 5 June 2008 (EDT)

RAP here.

Apparently I got busy over the last few weeks, you know, near to the promotion of the last day of school. Mine's 12th anyway, I have to finish up my dirt anyways. Sorry if I didn't take your message, I find it occasionally rare to just forgot to answer it up, :( I'll try to tell you a few things to simply clear it up,

  • I have heard you a few times later after that previous message you made to me first.
  • I'm a 'crat silly! I’m specialized mainly in the image department, so I actually upload new or improved images most of the time. I also specialize with some innovation problemly in the future, I’m trying to update the Advertisement Sightings, that one’s last year’s update. I gotta fill it up with fresh new ones with a new interface to prevent overusing the space on the screen. See this one for the beta interfaces: User:RAP/test The final version will come soon! Just to note, I tried rewriting the code over 3 times!! ;_; But in another side, I'm a koopaling with a dragon as a pet, though a closest friend of me... Guess who? ;)
  • Hmmmm, check the stubs section or tell me what do you specialize or what do you play and I'll let you know...
  • As of random humor, I like it a bit, as long it doesn't mock me too harshly or has to be too complicated. :P
  • For unused images, there's a lot to do when it comes to deleting images, it takes a process to find out if the user is using it or not... or if the article has that image in it. Otherwise I'd make a total mistake.
  • To Stooben and DP, I haven't heard much sadly; tell me your relations then, :P

Hope that helps! RAP.pngRAP... Heh heh heh... I have a beastly side you might don't wanna know... (evilgrin)

Another list eh? (goes!)

  • I used to write poorly in Mario Party series articles, see this link here! This is an example between the time I arrived, and when I was a crat, (or at least a sysop by the previous contributions). I greatly licensed over 1000 images during my early days, as if I improve my WPM if you know what I mean. XP Try seeing an old image and see the history section, you'll see my edit! I also do other great things to improve the wiki and manage well with maintenance as well. There's more but I can't list them all! :P
  • For writing articles, wow! I seen your specialty on expanding articles. Good work! :)
  • For games, yeah... sports... pretty much the least thing I would plan to play it on. Try remembering some and write it down in a good notebook! Son of Suns told me that tip to improve such articles. :P
  • Heh, the Mario Party series is about party gaming! :P
  • Paper Mario series?! Hooktail's there and now she's here! Three of them unqiue due to the paper effects, :P
  • Those other dragons, although I liked to hang out with those two most of the time they arrive, they are accompanied by my two brothers John and Alex. John's with Gloomtail while Alex's with Bonetail. I'll try to tell a backstory about myself, my brothers, and those dragons... but it's more than that...

RAP.pngRAP... BTW, I tidy up your Userpage once or twice just to reduce some bytes off of our server and the wiki to save space. :D

  • Not sure. I don't care about the different between Minor or Major edits. Normally, I tick "Minor" when it's just correcting something. When it's an actual edit that's rewriting or expanding the article, I don't tick ze box.
  • How'd ya know? Good for you.
  • I have played several Pokémon spin-offs, most of which were very enjoyable. My favorites would have to be Pokémon Ranger and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. Tho, I've never played Mystery Dungeon, but since it's an Action RPG, like Ranger, it should be good.
  • I dunno. Being home-schooled, that won't be a problem for me.
  • He said he'll be gone for about a Month. He'll be back soon.

My Bloody Valentine


Yeah, I have done some media files in the past. It's not a lot, but when a game with good music comes out (Super Mario Galaxy), I do try...maybe I'll get to some Brawl and MKWii this summer.

Also, I'm not a bureaucrat anymore – just a sysop. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 15:57, 10 June 2008 (EDT)

Yo, Dom

Hey, Dom. What's up? Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Yay! Moar awesome points! I will. 'K. Lemme get that on.

That's why its called "The Ultimate Userbox Tower" :D.

Yep. I'm American.

Ya know, view here quickly, before that descision is made.

That was me. What is it?

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

As you can see, people have started doing those ideas. *Glares at Koopa-Troopa, GreenKoopa, and Loogi1up*.

Lol. I have a Level 2 Surskit in Pearl.

Awesome. I'm probably gonna get Action Replay DS... soon... (I just bought a DS game...)

Cool. Thanks, a lot.

Its early here. 9:00 in the morning. :D. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

User talk answers & Userpedia

Thanks! I didn't know that. However, I'm lazy too, so you weren't very wrong...

About Userpedia:

Hmm, so you mean that I can make articles about everything related to... me? I'll maybe sign up there too... --LordVoldemortShy Guy Banana.gifAvada Kedavra 11:48, 12 June 2008 (EDT)


Life is so much less obring without Brawl. Seriously, Brawl was hyped a little too much and we may have expected much more, but I still play it to this day and I got it on March 9. I play it almost every day. It's fun! Also, my favorite scene has to be the whole Zant scene. From him turning crazy to an epic battle...awesomeness. Final boss was epic too!! Happy waiting for Brawl!! linkswordmi2.gifPaper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·linkswordmi2.gif

Yes, I'm very sure Mario Bros. was in the game. My Bloody Valentine


And if you keep doing that, then people might get more awesome points! :lol:

And no, not that I think of. I'm gonna try that today (cuz my friend is having a B-Day, and which its an hour and a half away).

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png Its all in a days work. I think my edits PWN at Userpedia. Stooben says I should be a Sysop there. Reasons on my second archive.

One offense (quite possibly a n00bish mistake) and no Userpage/User talkpage, a block does not make. My Bloody Valentine


Warning.svg This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior (Flaming) on the Super Mario Wiki. Please adhere to the rules or you will be blocked from editing this site.
If you feel this warning was undeserved, you may appeal it.

Even if he's a troll, that was still unneeded flaming. That whole comment could be considered spam, actually. My Bloody Valentine

Quit sucking up, it's just one warning. You can remove your comment if you want. My Bloody Valentine

Pokemon Experts

Well, although I already knew that (sorry, after playing LeafGreen way too long, I ofund some interesting things), I think that you might possibly know this about Diamond or Pearl. You know the Backlot Mansion place? Well, go into Mr.Backlot's special room (the one with the bronze statue) around 2am - 5am. You should notice the Guard will be gone. Click on the statue, and you'll leave some fingerprints. I found that out after having way too much Coca-Cola one night and having a strong urge to sneak around Backlot's house at night.

Anyway, I've temporarily retired from Pokemon training - with 2 boxes full of Mews (cloning trick), and about 28 lv.100s, I'm just sticking to catching some new Pokemon.

Gotta Boogie, -- Cheep-CheepMy Cheep Cheep Image.gif(CheepTalk · CheepArticle) 09:46, 13 June 2008 (EDT)

Also, another reason why Pearl's not feminine. If I can program in Perl, does it make me girlish? ;)

Link to talk page!

Is the sig better now? Or is there anything I should change?--LordVoldemortShy Guy Banana.gifAvada Kedavra 09:55, 13 June 2008 (EDT)


D'oh! sorry, but I was taking a break, so I left the wiki by a while >.< Hess talked to me you're his friend, uhmmm.... what do ya wish to talk us? ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png 14:33, 13 June 2008 (EDT) "I think you visited my user page, and now ya know some about me"

CC replies...

Oh, thanks, I've seen some coins of these type but I've never had one :[ so, art-u from Aussie? Pokémon DP is too... I like the exotic animals coming from australia like the lyrebird, marsupials and the huge saltwater crocodile. And yep I would like to play MKWii (when I obtain it, maybe you can give me your friend code) although MKDD is my fave mario kart game by now, knowing various secrets of the game...

¢oincollctor rsitem209.png "I met two users from Australia, cool!"

Action Replay DS

Yo, Dom. I finally got ARDS! I was able to get Shaymin. You know how to get Darkai (I know how to get Arceus)? Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Lol. Goat.

Ermm... no. All I did was venture up past Victory Road, went to the one route, then just kept scaling north... then I saw Shaymin.... One thing, what's the code?

And that's ANOTHER problem... I dun have a Master Ball. I used it on Palkia.... And I found a code for infinite MBs... too big. You know that code, too?

I've heard of it, but I've never been to it.

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png Everything has to hurt once and awhile, doesn't it?

Sweet. Thanks!

1 HP?! Very... very, very *insert 97 more verys in this edit*... close.

At the top screen, it says "Action Replay DS", then right below it (still on top screen), it says Pokemon Pearl. Is that a prob?

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png Taking a guess, that is a yes.

Heh. Looks like Leet.

Alright. I'll let ya know.

No. I don't have Pokerus. And yes, it is rarer (surprisingly)


How exactly will I spread the word?

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.pngType smaller ones, then!

We can only hope... or not... :shifty:

'K. I'll do that.

...Problem. I just tried doing the Manaphy one, and it was too big. I only got to the EDB88320 part, and it won't go any farther. Do you know what's goin' on?

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.pngDun mention it. I'm used to it.

Hmm... I'll try it again today, and see if it works.

Sure, I'd like that. My talk page is coming close to a third archive. I might create that third one today.

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.pngYou never wanna do exams... or do you? :ninja:




The :ninja: is a smilie on the Userpedia Forums, if you wonder. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

HP books

My favourite is Deathly hallows too, and my least favourite is Chamber of Secrets. However, CoS is good too! --LordVoldemortShy Guy Banana.gifAvada Kedavra 08:56, 15 June 2008 (EDT)

Polka-mon Platnium

Hey, you've heard of Pokemon Platnium, right? It'll be the new release for the D/P series, and incase you haven't, here's a good link: [1]. Whether you've heard of Serebii or not, it's still a good place to get Pokemon info. Although I mainly stick to testing my stuff in the game, I use Serebii for new releases... -- Cheep-CheepMy Cheep Cheep Image.gif(CheepTalk · CheepArticle) 07:42, 16 June 2008 (EDT)

And so the time comes, FOR I HAVE THE CODES!

Yo, Dom! I've finally fixed my minor problem. Well, anyways, I have obtained all four legendaries (Manaphy, Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arceus). Go here for every code you'll need, including more Arceus', every Pokemon being Shiny, etc. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

LOL page, man!

I ROFLed and LOLed (even WETMYSELFed a bit) on your userpage!! Hey, make sure to read my userpage, as every Sunday a new chapter of Paper Mario: The Darkness Within comes out, and when I'm done I'm submittin it to Nintendo!!! (Seriously, if you played it if it was real you'd love it.) I also got an adventure mode idea for the "final" Mario Kart game, Mario Kart Ultimate.

Oh yeah, and for those D/P players, definitely get a Heracross at the beginning of the game. I OWNED Cynthia with it. But then I traded my bro a Togepi I got, he got it into a Togekiss...and Cynthia got OWNED like five times harder. BTW, isn't Togekiss' cry creepy?

CUL8R, Negative Squad


I guess people are just geniuses. Ok... I won't *goes to click code off*. Anyways, with this one code, I was able to get Level 100 Pokemon, even Pokemon like Dialgla or Rayquaza! You should try it. Wherever its posted, the guy gave instructions. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Its cool, I like doing that. Its opens moar random conversations. :D

Yet, you have to click select. If not, you get a Level 6 Pokemon. Darn my brain for not even thinking. I now have a Level 10 Tyranitar. Yet, I can't get the Hoenn Pokemon, due to the fact that my Rupy game won't save, and I lost Emerald somewhere. My boxes are full of Pokemon I've caught in the past. All but one of my Pokemon has reached Level 100 (without the code), and which is my Empoleon. Staraptor got to Level 50; while I trained my Level 1 Manaphy to a Level 49/50 Manaphy.

I guess.

I wonder what happened in Chat. :|

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png

Lol. Rofl. I wish I learn another language, yet I am next year.

I actually know a very good way to train low level Pokemon (which I've known over a year now, and it doesn't involve cheating or hacking in anyway). Go to the Elite Four with the EXP. Share on the low level Pokemon, or otherwise, head up to places like Survival Area and head out onto to routes to train.

Oh, and I've never been to Chat, too. Only the Forums and the Userpedia Forums.

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.pngI'm a wise Pokemon fan, like you.

Your welcome, I just wish I could win muh proposal. People keep thinking that its gonna create articles, when I stated in the comments that we could add just a tad of info from the games and some history of the characters in the articles. And like I said to one user "I'd talk to anyone, really."

Ok. I'll try that, since I have two Banette's from back at the one route by the Survival Area. I hate trying to get Chansey's in the early games, but this will be a sin... I hope.

I actually do that in the earlier games, and then I tried it before I got ARDS (when I was trying to train my Absol, Houndoom, and Misdreavus), man did none of 'em level up!

Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png And so are you.


A-Thanks for the thanks (a-uh). I like putting a-before words, did you a-notice?

About the 'Shroom... Well, there's quite a few sections vacant. I suppose you could either replace Garlic Man in the character comparison for a month, and you could become a (somewhat) permanent writer at the Beta-Elements. That, or you can creates the riddle.

Now, excuse me but I must-a find out what happened in Castle Klaw Chat yesterday. There's a been a lot of fuxed up things going on that (Among other things, Super-Yoshi retired because of the chat, Steve dropped the f-bomb and DP got demoted). Argh. --Blitzwing 07:13, 20 June 2008 (EDT)