The 'Shroom:Issue 134/Strategy Wing

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Director Notes

Written by: Superchao (talk)

Blocky ('Shroom Staff portrait)

Hello, 'Shroom readers! Like with Fake News, here I am, claiming temporary dominion over Strategy Wing... not that there's much Strategy Wing this month, unfortunately. I don't have much to say, other than remember this goes back to Meta Knight next month. Someday you'll stop seeing me every month in a team's notes, I promise.


Section of the Month

Congratulations to Yoshi876 (talk) for winning this month!

Place Section Votes % Writer
1st Pokédex Power 13 44.83% Yoshi876
2nd Card Games on Pokéballs 8 27.59% Meta Knight
3rd Mario Calendar 5 17.24% GPM1000

Tips and Challenges
History and Facts

GPM1000 may inform you of all the Mario titles this month!!
[read more]

Yoshi876 lights up our lives with these Pokedex entries!!
[read more]

Mario Calendar

Written by: GPM1000 (talk) Heyo, what's up! GPM here with another Mario Calendar! This section lists all the games that have come out in history during the month of publication. This means that today, I'll be listing the Mario games that have come out in May. Let's just get into it!

Region Abbreviations

Abb. Region
ALL All Regions
JP Japan
NA North America
EU Europe
AU Oceania/Australia
SK South Korea

Console Abbreviations

Abb. Console
NES Nintendo Entertainment System
Famicom Nintendo Family Computer
SNES Super Nintendo Entertainment System
N64 Nintendo 64
GC Nintendo GameCube
Wii Nintendo Wii
Wii U Nintendo Wii U
GB Game Boy
GBC Game Boy Color
GBA Game Boy Advance
DS Nintendo DS
3DS Nintendo 3DS
Switch Nintendo Switch
Wii VC Nintendo Wii Virtual Console
3DS VC Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console
3DS eShop Nintendo 3DS eShop
Wii U VC Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console
Wii U eShop Nintendo Wii U eShop
Switch eShop Nintendo Switch eShop
DSiWare Nintendo DSiWare
WiiWare Nintendo WiiWare
VB Virtual Boy
G&W Game and Watch
64DD Nintendo 64 Disk Drive
MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
Satellaview Satellaview
CD-i Philips CD-i
e-Reader e-Reader
Arcade Arcade
  • May 11
    • 2001 (JP): Mobile Golf (GBC)
    • 2017 (NA): [[Minecraft: Nintendo Switch

Edition]] (Switch eShop)

Pokédex Power

Written by: Yoshi876 (talk)

It's a Flash Pokémon, thankfully it's not a flasher one, otherwise we'd be in for a totally different Pokémon.

Hello everyone, it's me, Yoshi876 again with a new edition of Pokédex Power, the section written by the person who was recently training a Pokémon that had the ability Hustle. Now Hustle is quite possibly one of the worst Pokémon abilities out there, the only worse one I can think of is Truant, but as I haven't gotten to Generation VII yet there might be a worse one than these.

What Hustle does is boost your attack, which is good, but lowers your accuracy which is of course bad. Especially because as any Pokémon fan knows, if your accuracy is lower than 100% most of the time your attack will miss, and if you have an ability that lowers your accuracy it's near impossible to hit with a move that has an accuracy rating lower than 90%.

But we're not going to be looking at a Pokémon that has the ability Hustle, thankfully, instead we're. looking at one that has much better abilities, although Generation VII seems to have slightly lowered the usefulness of Rivalry. But anyway, it's Shinx, a cute little electric creature… I want to say a fox, but I'm not certain. I think Shinx is absolutely adorable, and I think that it's a travesty that none of the main characters caught one during the Gen IV anime. Obviously Pikachu negates the need for another Electric-type on Ash's team, and Dawn had Pachirisu, but come on Brock, it's not like you even train mostly Rock-types anymore anyway.

Generation IV

Pokémon Diamond All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.
Pokémon Pearl Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered.
Pokémon Platinum The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble.
Pokémon HeartGold The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Pokémon SoulSilver The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.

We learn a decent amount about Shinx from this Pokédex entries, especially about how it generates electricity, a common theme with other Electric-type Pokémon. And the way that they generate electricity ties in with its design, the little rings above its feet could be part of the generation system. I also like how the Pokédex entries have tied in with its typing, that of it being a Flash Pokémon. The entries mention how its fur dazzles, before unleashing a blinding blast, or as it might otherwise me called: Flash. But other than this, there isn't anything else to mention, which is a shame because the existing entries were stellar.

Generation V

Pokémon Black The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Pokémon White The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Pokémon Black 2 The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Pokémon White 2 The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.

So long as you've seen the Platinum Pokédex entry, you've seen all of the existing entries for Generation V.

Generation VI

Pokémon X The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Pokémon Y All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.
Pokémon Omega Ruby The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.

Like on many other occasions, Generation VI doesn't offer any new insights into Shinx.

Conclusion We might as well have only looked at Shinx for Generation IV, considering that this is the only time that it actually got new Pokédex entries. The facts that Generation IV present are interesting enough, but where the future generations fail to expand on anything, Shinx itself is still pretty much a blank slate of a Pokémon in this regard. It would be nice to know whether they live in packs, or whether like other Stage 1 Electric-type Pokémon, they struggle to control their electricity in their youthfulness. All in all, a good set of entries for its introduction, but other than that, there's nothing else to add.

The 'Shroom: Issue 134
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