List of glitches in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
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This is the list of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon glitches.
Single Player Glitches
When the player pauses the game and then unpauses, a large portion of the background music will skip.
In Treacherous Mansion, it is possible to use a balloon berry in the Nautical exhibit. First, turn the E.Gate twards the Study. Next, enter the Study and get a balloon berry. Take the berry to the Jungle exhibit and stand under the waterfall. Luigi will take a shower and drop the balloon berry. However, it will not pop. Leave the berry there and enter the Nautical exhibit. Turn the E.Gate around onece more. Then, return to the Jungle Exhibit and grab the balloon berry. It is then possible to take the balloon berry into the Nautical exhibit though the E.Gate.
In the Old Clockworks, during the fight with the Greenies causing tornadoes, it is possible to cause the tornado sound effect to repeat continuously by suddenly stunning the two Greenies after being sucked into one of the tornadoes.
During the cutscene of Luigi confronting King Boo, it is possible that the cutscene won't add the crystal glow effect when King Boo charges his crown. It is unknown what causes this and it seems to occur randomly. The glitch ends after the cutscene.
In level C-3 Roundhouse Brawl when versing the Ancient Poltergeist if Luigi gets scared by a Sneaker when catching the Ancient Poltergiest when the poltergiest is about to throw a brick, it is possible for the brick to play the first frames of the levitating animation continuosly. The glitch ends when th epoltergiest levitates and throws the brick or when the level ends.
In the Old Clockworks, in the Kiln room, after Luigi captures the two Greenies the room will remain dark and continues playing the dark room music thinking there are still ghosts in the room even though there are none. Luigi can leave the room as he has cleared it though. The mini map also registers this as a room with ghosts in it after clearing it. This glitch is currently only found in PAL version's and happens at random.
If Luigi goes back to the mission in Gloomy Manor after gaining the dark light it is possible to enter rooms meant for later access. Also if Luigi looks into the Library through a hole in the wall during mission A-2 All Geared Up he will see books float into the air and fly around. Luigi can enter the room while the books are flying. If he does not look through the hole they will remain on the floor.
- Invisible Mouth Glitch: In some copies of the English version of the game, after Luigi has restored the Dark Moon and returned the ghosts to normal, the Greenie that appears right at the screen within the Ghost Container in E. Gadd's Bunker is missing its mouth. This Greenie will still lack its mouth when it leaves the container after E. Gadd releases the ghosts. This glitch is not present in Japanese copies of the game.
- Missing Vanes in Haunted Towers Gate: During the scene where the Slammer has a Greenie in its mouth the vanes on the gate behind them will vanish during the scene. This glitch is random.
If there is a dollar bill floating in the air while the player gets a call, it will freeze in midair after the call is over. Dollar bills and sheets of paper will also get stuck in the air at random when Luigi reveals a "stash" of them. The glitch ends when the player collects the money.
- Busted Piano: During the Poltergeist's introduction cutscene, the piano keys on the far left are falling through the piano. This glitch always happens and has no ill effects on gameplay. It is currently only found in PAL versions.
- E. Gadd's theme: During the cutscene after beating the Grouchy Possessor and after talking with E. Gadd, E. Gadd's theme sometimes plays over the cutscene as the single spider scares Luigi.
It is possible, but rare, to successfully capture a ghost from behind a wall. If the resulting catch rewards the player with treasure, it will be blocked by the wall. If there is another room behind it, the treasure will not be in it.
If Luigi calls with the control pad at the same time he does something else, he will put his arm down instead of using it normally. However, the animation will otherwise be unaffected. For example, When Luigi whipes his hands at the end of a level, he will only use one hand, as the other will be resting by his side. This glitch is easiest to see when Luigi gets a call from E. Gadd or picks up a gem. This glitch is possibly due to Luigi's arm having scripts that the rest of Luigi doesn't read. The glitch ends after the mission ends or Luigi is controllable again.
Whenever an objective of a mission is cleared, Luigi usually has a few seconds before he receives a call from Professor E. Gadd. If Luigi manages to pick up an object with his Poltergust 5000, such as a bucket, or the furry, purple enemies from Secret Mine, or Toads before he gets the call, the glitch will trigger. During the call, Luigi may start fidgeting, or start sliding around, or may vanish from the screen for a few seconds. The object being carried by the Poltergust 5000 may even get stuck inside Luigi. This is due to the game trying to load the object stuck on the Poltergust 5000 when it is not supposed to. The glitch ends when the results screen appears.
During the mission results screen, certain parts like the speaker go missing at random. This is most noticable in the Old Clockworks and Treacherous Mansions boss fights. The Old Clockworks is missing the "screen glow" effect, and Treacherous Mansions speaker will vanish. This is currently only found in PAL versions.
At the Secret Mine, in the Deep Hall, there is a small fireplace, and a Greenie holding a red gem. The player must first defeat the Greenie holding the red gem. Next, the player must use the Poltergust 5000 to pick up the red gem and walk over to the fireplace. If the player walks into the fireplace at a certain position, Luigi will walk through it and be stuck on the other side. In this position, the player can't move, and can drop items outside of the boundaries. The only way to get out of this position is to restart the mission.
After defeating King Boo , when the mission cleared screen appears a shadowed Luigi can be seen as some moving black pixels from his hat, and his right arm can bee seen moving across the red part of the monitor. This glitch causes no problems and always happens.
In Old Clockworks' Mission C-5: Piece at Last, after saving Toad from his Painting, if the player heads to the Maintenance Hub, shoots the Toad across the chasm to the floor above (leading to the Service Elevator room) and makes his or her way to him, the Toad will fall through the metal floor. There is no explanation for this glitch.
Sometimes during an encounter with ghosts all Sound effects will vanish besides the music. The glitch is random and ends when all the ghosts in a room are caught.
This is a very rare glitch but sometimes when the player beats a boss in one of the mansions (more possibility in old clockworks boss) the Dark Moon piece won't come out of the Poltergust 5000 like it usally does when sucking up the posseser and nothing will happen, the player has to restart the boss battle to end the glitch since there is nothing the player can do if the Dark Moon piece isn't there.
B-Boss Cutscene Glitch
There are some little black squares in the first Cutscene of this Level.
Multiplayer Glitches
In the ScareScraper sometimes an extra red coin will spawn. It is a 5th red coin. This does not affect gameplay and it ends when the player collects four red coins.
In the ScareScraper, when versing a Sneaker boss, if both Sneakers are caught at the same time, or if one is caught while falling through a portal, the game will not register it being caught and will continue thinking that there's still a boss. When the timer runs out, the game will not end but stays on the boss floor. The glitch ends when all players quit. However, a Luigi can sometimes cause the level to count as complete by returning to the room the Sneaker boss was defeated in. It will still count the level as not complete despite the boss being caught if he does not return, though.
Sometimes when two players collide next to a vase in the corner of a room, the player adjacent to the vase may end up going behind it and falling through the floor. The player will then drop back in the room normally.
In the ScareScraper, whenever a Luigi is revealing something with the Dark-Light Device, the object plays a continuous noise as if Luigi is interacting with it as it appears. This causes no problems and always happens.
In the online mode of ScareScraper, a random boss will sometimes appear during an already going boss battle. It is unknown why this happens. The glitch ends when the first boss is captured, but the ghosts will still remain.
In the ScareScraper mode, if the Red Coin Scramble starts when 2 or more Luigis speak the same thing, the countdown theme plays with another countdown theme playing slightly behind, sounding much like an echo. It is also possible with a single player saying something as soon as the music loads. The glitch ends when the 20 seconds of music are over or when all Red Coins are collected.
Sometimes after getting sucked out of a Sneaker boss battle in ScareScraper via a portal, Luigi will spawn partly in the floor and quickly fall through, with his shadow appearing like it's above the ceiling. He'll then drop back in the room normally with no additional damage taken.
Sometimes during a game of ScareScraper, the players will skip a floor. It is unknown why this glitch happens, but may be due to server or internet connection problems.
Ghosts can sometimes spawn or travel through walls. This is mostly seen when capturing the ghosts. The Glitch causes no harm besides the innacasebale treasure glitch.
It is possible, to successfully capture a ghost from behind a wall. If the resulting catch rewards the player with treasure, it will be blocked by the wall. If there is another room behind it, the treasure will not be in it.
In Rush Mode, sometimes if a player enters a room with a map item in it and defeats the last ghost in that room and falls in a carpet trap while the ghost is still going in the Poltergust nozzle, a huge amount of maps will constantly spawn from the nozzle and may cause the game to lag until the player is freed from the carpet trap.
In the Polterpup Mode of ScareScraper, sometimes after Luigi finds a Polterpup's hiding place, investigating the object does nothing. The Polterpup is not revealed, and when investigating any other object in the same room, a noise of when Luigi finds the Polterpup and the animation of Luigi finding the Polterpup is displayed. The object can be repeatedly investigated, producing a continuous sound. Sometimes the glitch can be fixed by interacting with the object continuosly or by leaving and re-entering the room, otherwise the round continues until the timer runs out.
In the ScareScraper during a online Hunter mode game, a key that is required to progress will sometimes not spawn in. The glitch ends when the timer runs out.
In an online Polterpup Mode sometimes the dog house may start to appear but won't appear. This glitch is fixed when all players leave the room.
If a Luigi manages to get the last Red Coin right before the timer is out and the losing animation starts, all Luigis do a failure animation, but the game still counts the Red Coin Scramble as success as seen at the results screen; most of the time, the Luigis do the success animation. This Glitch also works vice-versa, where if the Luigis get all 4 Red Coins during the last second the game counts it as a failure.
In the ScareScraper if the player/s mange to surpass 25 floors on endless the game randomly glitches out and continues using the same series of boss ghosts for the boss floors. The glitch ends when the game ends.
In the ScareScraper, if two players accidentally run into the back of a closet, one player will slide to the back of the closet and get stuck there. This glitch ends when the floor is completed.
Also in the ScareScraper, it is possible to end up landing on an object (like a tall vase) via a portal generated by a Sneaker boss. Luigi will end up sliding off the object to the left or right if the player does not press any buttons, but can theoretically stand there until the timer runs out.
On rare occasions, a ghost may not go in a player's Poltergust nozzle and get stuck. This glitch is fixed when the game ends.
Sometimes when a player uses their Dark-Light Device on a piece of furniture (such as long kitchen tables) and they're standing in it while transparent, the furniture may actually materialize and the player will become stuck and unable to get out unless they get knocked back from damage, the floor is cleared or the game ends.