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Hello! My name is Luigi700MarioWiki. I like MINECRAFT, and my account on the page is Luigi700. I like ROBLOX as well, and my account on the page is Turtley3. I also like to play on the computer on my favorite emulators.

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NIWA is a group of open-content encyclopedias based on Nintendo franchises.
Bulbapedia: Pokémon
Chibi-Robo! Wiki: Chibi-Robo!
Dragalia Lost Wiki: Dragalia Lost
Fire Emblem Wiki: Fire Emblem
F-Zero Wiki: F-Zero
Golden Sun Universe: Golden Sun
Icaruspedia: Kid Icarus
Inkipedia: Splatoon
Kingdom Hearts Wiki: Kingdom Hearts
Kovopedia: Magical Vacation
Lylat Wiki: Star Fox
Metroid Wiki: Metroid
MiiWiki: Mii games
Mystery Dungeon Wiki: Mystery Dungeon
NintendoWiki: Nintendo
Nookipedia: Animal Crossing
Pikipedia: Pikmin
Pikmin Fanon: Pikmin fanworks
Rhythm Heaven Wiki: Rhythm Heaven
SmashWiki: Super Smash Bros.
Starfy Wiki: The Legendary Starfy
StrategyWiki: Strategy guides
Super Mario Wiki: Super Mario
Ukikipedia: Super Mario 64
Wapopedia: Drawn to Life
Wars Wiki: Nintendo Wars
WikiBound: EarthBound
WiKirby: Kirby
Xeno Series Wiki: Xeno series
Zelda Wiki: The Legend of Zelda