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Revision as of 20:07, May 4, 2012 by Pkstarstorm1up (talk | contribs) (Gus isn't optional. Admiral Bobbery's house is past where Gus stands guard and you need Admiral Bobbery to advance the storyline therefore you have to fight Gus sooner or later.)
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Template:Location-infobox Rogueport is the hub world and starting point in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Mario comes here at the beginning of the game to meet Princess Peach because she found the Magical Map. In Rogueport, there are two item shops. There is an inn and a Chuckola Cola bar, the Lovely Howz of Badges, the Pianta Parlor, and two entrances to the Rogueport Sewers.

The town is divided into five sections, the north side, the west side, the main plaza, the docks, and the east side. Mario will be moving through here constantly throughout the game. He can also find his brother Luigi in the different areas of Rogueport during different chapters.

Rogueport was built by generations of poor folk after the battle between the four heroes and the Shadow Queen. The area was barren and in ruins, so the people built Rogueport over the old city, which is now Rogueport Sewers. Over the centuries, only a handful of people have seen the Thousand-Year Door. Even a thousand years later it still contains a great evil power. Those who live in the sewers fear the area where the Door is.

Rogueport and its surrounding areas are a part of the Mushroom Kingdom.


The majority of the population is considered to be thieving and notorious, fitting the city's name. This is more true in the eastern side of Rogueport. Toads, Bob-ombs, Goombas, Doogans, Craws, Piantas, and Bandits make up the majority of the population.

Rogueport in Detail


The Docks

The docks are starting point of Mario's adventure. Right after arriving, he meets Goombella and gets into a big fight with the X-Nauts and Lord Crump. The workers at the docks are not surprised by struggles in the area and try to warn Mario to keep away from Lord Crump.

Ships are said to regularly anchor at the place. During his adventures in Rogueport, Mario takes Cortez's ship to Keelhaul Key from here. The Black Skull continues to anchor at the site after Chapter 5. People Mario can meet at the docks include Lumpy and Pa-Patch (before Chapter 5).The docks are in its mayority are Bob-ombs and some Toads.

The Plaza

The plaza.

The plaza is the market of Rogueport, with the gallows in the center. The place is home to the Toad Bros. Bazaar, an item shop, and the Lovely Howz of Badges, a badge shop, as well as Podley's soda bar with an inn upstairs, and a Toad House. Zess T. has her house on the west side and Charlieton is frequently seen in the streets selling his wares.

The town separates the west side controlled by Don Pianta and the east side ruled by Ishnail. Neither of the opposing parties seem to have a total control over the market place. At the very beginning of the game, as Goombella starts to tell Mario what's going on, two members of the Pianta Syndicate can be seen to ambush and threaten two Robbo Gang members in front of Podley's Place. Several criminals hide in the back of the tall buildings. A Bandit resides in a house behind Podley's place; this is the same Bandit that robs Mario at the beginning of the game. If spoken to, he will give Mario the coins back. McGoomba also resides back here, too. The plaza in its mayority are Doogans, Toads, Goombas, and Mousers.

East Side

The east side of Rogueport

The east side of Rogueport, also called Ishnail's Turf by its inhabitants, is an insecure and run-down place controlled by the Robbo Gang, lead by Ishnail. Bandits roam the streets, and when Mario first enters the area, he immediately gets robbed half his coins. The place is dirty, the houses are in a bad shape. This place is home to Merlon and Professor Frankly. The pipe to the Rogueport Sewers is just outside Professor Frankly's house. The far east part of the east side is guarded by Gus. Mario has to pay him or fight him in order to pass. In that area, there is the Trouble Center, the Robbo Gang's hideout located in a secret backyard, and Admiral Bobbery's house. Several persons like Grifty and Darkly are hiding in corners or on top of buildings.

West Side

The West side of Rogueport.

The west side is a relatively secure area of Rogueport controlled by the Mafia of Don Pianta. Don Pianta's own residence is here behind the item shop. The place is much cleaner than the east side, and there is a fountain as well as a small park. The Pianta family runs the Pianta Parlor and the Westside Goods store in the area. Lucky, who manages the lottery, is also found here. There is a grate which Mario can use to get to the Rogueport Sewers.

At the northern part of the west side, there is the train station and airport. Mario can take the Excess Express to Poshley Heights here and the Cheep-Cheep Blimp to Glitzville.


Items Found

Name of Item Icon Found In
Power Smash File:Powersmash.gif From Professor Frankly before leaving for Petal Meadows
Attack FX B File:Attackfxb.gif From Ms. Mowz after completing her trouble
Honey Shroom File:MushroomHoney.PNG From Zess T. after completing her trouble
Star Piece File:Star Peice.PNG Under a hidden panel near the gallow in the plaza
Under a hidden panel near Frankly's house
Under a hidden panel on the top of Garf's house
Behind a barrel near Ishnail's house
On top of Bobbery's house behind the chimney
Behind a pipe in the west side garden
Behind a trash can near Westside Goods
Behind the pipe to the Cheep Cheep Blimp
Under a hidden panel in front of the Excess Express
Behind a wood board in a Bandit's house behind Podley's place
Under a hidden panel near McGoomba
Under a hidden panel in front of the Pianta Parlor
On top of a box near Darkly
Hidden on the roof of Zess T.'s house
House Key File:PM2 HouseKey.gif By the Lovely Howz of Badges after selecting Garf's trouble
Box File:Box.gif From McGoomba after selecting his trouble
Wedding Ring File:PM2 WeddingRing.gif Near Garf's house after selecting Frankie's trouble
Gold Card File:Goldcard.gif From Frankie after completing his trouble
Blimp Ticket File:Blimpticket.gif From Don Pianta after bringing Francesca and Frankie to him before Chapter 3
Train Ticket File:Trainticket.gif From Don Pianta after bring Francesca and Frankie to him before Chapter 6
Old Letter File:Oldletter.gif From Podley after visiting Admiral Bobbery's house
HP Drain File:Hpdrain.gif In a chest on a platform accessed by using the boat panel in the harbor
Double Dip File:Doubledip.gif In a chest on a platform accessed by using the boat panel behind the Trouble Center
Shine Sprite File:PMTTYDShinespritesprite.png In Bobbery's house
Across on a platform east of Ishnail's house; accessible only using Yoshi
In a nook by Westside Goods; accessed by using Bobbery
On top of Frankly's house

Area Tattles

  • This is Rogueport Harbor. Ships come here from all over the world! Everybody's always working their tails off down here. No wonder it's totally sweaty. Sometimes this area's all stacked high with cargo from all the ships. The water smells pretty rank, but that's like, the magic of a port town, y'know?
  • This is Rogueport's main square. It's sorta the central shopping area, I guess. There are lots of regular working folks here, but there are also ne'er-do-wells... If you venture into the back alleys, be ready to deal with some nasty sorts...
  • This is Rogueport's east side. It's considered dangerous here, even for Rogueport! This is Ishnail's turf. He's the leader of a band of thieves called the Robbos. Then again, you can also find Merlon here. He can help your partners level up. Still, it's definitely too rough a place for a girl like me to walk alone!
  • This is Rogueport's west side. This is totally the friendlier face of Rogueport. Not that it's, y'know, a great place to raise a family, but it's good for Rogueport. The corner with the fountain is definitely the most restful spot in Rogueport. This area is controlled by Don Pianta, head of the Pianta syndicate... Yeah. The shop and parlor here are totally fronts for his "business."
  • This is Rogueport Station. You can board intercity trains or blimps here. The Excess Express bound for Poshley Heights is nice and shiny, isn't it? Wow! I bet all the town kids are just DYING to ride it at least once, y'know? That blimp way over at the airfield looks super-cool, too. Blimps are awesome!

Names in Other Languages



  • Rogueport is also similar to Toad Town from Paper Mario, as both locations can lead the player to many others. It is also worthy to note that parts of the background music in Rogueport are remixes of Toad Town's.
  • Rogueport contains the word rogue which is a scoundrel or mischievous person. Rogueport is filled with rogues which ties into the name.
  • Several characters in the game say that they would never come to Rogueport if there was no treasure. However, people only came and constructed Rogueport after an antagonist in the game spread a rumor that there was a treasure there. If the rumor wasn't spread, or if the treasure never existed, Rogueport wouldn't have existed in the first place.
