- “The spontaneous rap battle between two talented rappers is finally being released! Man, those rhymes are tight!”
- —In-game description, WarioWare Gold
18 x 13 is a song featured in WarioWare Gold. It is featured in the intro for 18-Volt's stage and features 13-Amp and 18-Volt as rappers. It can also be heard on the first difficulty level of Fine Tune.
The following are transcriptions of the lyrics as they appear in the in-game cutscene subtitles.
English version
Never heard my name? Well that's a shock.
Forget my fame. You want his game? Let's talk.
You don't know this kid. So why do you care?
It's really no big. I won it fair and square.
I was on my way home. Saw this kid looking sad.
Wondered what was wrong, and I thought I should ask.
You say the game is yours. I won't debate facts.
But maybe my rappin' skills could win it back.
My rhymes are epic and my beats are tight.
With your subpar bars, this won't be a fair fight.
You wanna take that gamble, then hey, let's go.
Enough preamble. Time for the show.
Maybe you think there's no one better than you.
But if you beat me, I'll give you my games too.
Hey, deejay, let the records spin.
May the very best rapper standing here win.
European French version
French script
T'as un problème ou quoi ? Tu veux savoir qui je suis ?
Balance un peu ton flow, je parie qu'il est pourri.
J'ai volé sa console, ouais. Pour la récupérer,
Encaisse donc mes paroles, mes couplets acérés.
J'ai croisé ce gamin, j'ai vu son désespoir.
T'es là, tu joues les dures, t'es la seule à y croire.
J'ai une info pour toi, yo : du rap je suis l'empereur.
T'as encore du boulot pour être à la hauteur.
T'as du cran de dire ça, t'es du genre téméraire.
Tu crois pouvoir me battre ? Allez, redescends sur terre.
Continue comme ça, tout ce que tu vas gagner,
C'est une leçon de rap quand je vais t'humilier.
T'as l'air bien sûre de toi, fais monter les enchères.
Ma console pour le vainqueur, au perdant la misère.
Alors que le meilleur gagne et que l'autre s'incline.
Allez DJ, à toi, fais tourner tes platines !
You got a problem or what? You wanna know who I am?
Go on, drop your flow, I bet it's lousy.
I stole his console, yeah. To get it back,
Put up with my lyrics, my biting verses.
I crossed paths with this kid, I saw his distress.
You're there, acting tough, you're the only one who believes it.
I got some news for you, yo: I'm the emperor of rap.
You still got some work to do to be up to it.
You got some guts to say that, you're a daring one.
You think you can beat me? Come on, come back down to earth.
Continue like that, all you're getting
Is a rap lesson, when I'll humiliate you.
You look quite confident, raise the stakes.
My console for the winner, the shame for the loser.
So may the best rapper win, and the other one bow.
All right, DJ, it's your turn, spin your turntables!
German version
Hast du 'n Problem mit mir, pack ich's in 'nen Rap.
Kick die Rhymes und zeige dir: Du bist hier der Depp.
Ich hab die Konsole und willst du sie zurück,
Battle mich mit Worten, ich wünsch dir mai viel Glück.
Ich so aur der Straße hör plötzlich jemand heulen.
Wer Kinder bringt zum Flenn', kriegt von mir verbale Beulen!
Es ist nicht so, dass ich mich über unser'n Fight nich' freue.
Und trotzdem fühlt sich's an wie Perlen vor die Säue.
Perlen vor die Säue?
Wohl eher Größenwahn.
Du legst dich mit der Falschen an.
Dein krasser Kämpfergeist gefällt mir, doch die Toughness ist nur Malzbier, Von der Sorte zisch ich doch zum Frühstück zwei, drei Liter kalt auf Ex.
Dann hau ich mal Belag für dein Frühstücksbrötchen raus:
Wer diesen Fight gewinnt, nimmt 'ne Konsole mit nach Haus.
DJ, dreh den Beat auf, hol dir lieber noch 'n Snack,
bevor die Turntables rauchen, denn DAS. IST. SWAAAG!
Italian version
Yo, spilungone,
che problema c'è?
Me li mangio colazione
i tipi grossi come te!
Ho io il suo giochino
e se indietro lo rivuoi,
al rap devi battermi,
una gara tra di noi.
Vado verso casa,
vedo un bimbo disperato,
altro che regina,
tu l'hai proprio derubato!
Si crede la migliore
ma ancora non lo sa
che ora ha di fronte
il vero re del rap!
Guarda che sbruffone,
fa mostra di coraggio,
crede per davvero di
essere in vantaggio?
Sarà subito game over,
usciranno lacrimoni,
zimbello tu sarai
per tutti i testimoni!
Mi gioco la console
tanto non c'è sfida,
sei out al primo scratch
ne resterai basita!
Bene caro deejay,
metti su le basi,
preparati che arriva
una raffica di frasi!
Latin American Spanish version
Spanish script
¿De verdad no me conoces? Mis rimas son feroces.
Me salen sin pensar al prender los altavoces.
¿Defiendes a los niños? ¿Quieres una medalla?
Le devuelvo la consola si me ganas la batalla.
Perdóname amiga si me siento apenado.
No hay nada peor que un niño desconsolado.
Ahora vas a ver que rapear es lo mío.
¡Te arrepentirás de proponer el desafío!
¡Uy, qué miedito! Si no me equivoco,
crees poder ganarme. ¡Qué ingenuo! ¡Qué loco!
¿Quieres batallar? Dejemos el preámbulo.
¡Despierta! ¡Anímate! ¡Pareces un sonámbulo!
Si te gustan las consolas, en vez de robar,
te regalo la mía si me logras ganar.
¡Ánimo, DJ! ¡Tu ritmo no falla!
¡Luces, música, y que empiece la batalla!
You really don't know me? My rhymes are savage.
They come out without thinking when I turn on the speakers.
You defend children? You want a medal?
I'll return the console to you if you win the battle.
Pardon me, friend, if I feel sorry.
There's nothing worse than a heartbroken child.
Now you're gonna see that rapping is my thing.
You'll regret proposing the challenge!
Ooh, I'm scared! If I'm not mistaken,
you think you can beat me? How naive! That's crazy!
You want to battle? Let's stop the preamble.
Wake up! Liven up! You look like a sleepwalker!
If you like consoles, instead of stealing,
I'll give you mine if you can beat me.
Let's go, DJ! Your rhythm doesn't fail!
Lights, music, and let the battle begin!
European Spanish version
The European Spanish translation of the song makes use of many Spanish slang terms.
Spanish script
Rapeando soy la monda, y no tengo rival,
Mis rimas son redondas, las tuyas huelen mal.
Robé yo su consola, ya nunca la verá,
Salvo que me derrotes en un duelo de rap.
Yo no quiero ningún lío, a quién voy a engañar,
Pero deja en paz al crío o te la vas a ganar.
Mi estilo de rapeo tampoco es nada feo,
Así que acepto el duelo ¡y te daré pa'l pelo!
¡Je! Sobraaao. No sé bien de qué vas,
Pero lo llevas claro si crees que ganarás.
Con solo un par de rimas, te bajo yo esos humos;
Te aplasto la autoestima cual luchador de sumo.
Está bien que te flipes y digas disparates.
¡Mi consola te regalo si ganas el combate!
No vale echarse atrás, no seas tan cobarde.
Que empiece el duelo ya, ¡la cosa está que arde!
I rock when rapping, and I got no rival,
My rhymes are perfect, yours stink.
I stole his console, he'll never see it again,
Unless you beat me in a rap duel.
I don't want no trouble, who am I kidding?
But leave the kid alone, or else, I'm gonna get you.
My rap style is not that ugly,
So I accept the duel, and you'll get yours!
Ha! You're a show-off. I don't know what's up with you,
But you got it if you think if you think you'll win.
With just a couple rhymes, I get you off the throne;
I crush your self-esteem like a sumo fighter.
That's fine, you can hype yourself up and talk rubbish.
I'll give you my console if you win the fight!
There's no going back now, don't be such a coward.
Let the duel start now, this thing is on fire!
- Pa'l is a contraction of para el, which means "for" or "to".
Japanese version
Japanese script[1]
オレさまの ラップは サイコーだぜ
ついて これない そいつは 負け犬
ゲームは 取られて トーゼンじゃね?
返して ほしけりゃ バトルに 勝ちな!
Oresama no rappu wa saikō daze
Tsuite korenai soitsu wa makeinu
Gēmu wa torarete tōzen jane?
Kaeshite hoshikerya batoru ni kachi na!
My raps are the best
He who can't catch me is a loser
His game must be taken, right?
If you want it to return, you win our battle!
フラッと 通った いつもの 公園
泣いてる 子を 放っておけん!
ラップなら オレっちも 大得意!
かかってくるばい ビビッてるんか?
Furatto tootta itsumo no kōen
Naiteru ko o hōtte oken!
Rappu nara oretchi mo daitokui!
Kakatte kurubai bibitterunka?
The usual park where I just dropped in
I couldn't leave the crying kid there!
I'm also pretty good at rap!
Bring it on! Are you timid?
ハッ、いいねぇ その 度胸
まるで ボスに 挑む ファイター
すぐに ゲームオーバーに してやるよ
で、オマエが 負けたら どーすんだ?
Hah, iinē sono dokyō
Maru de bosu ni idomu faita
Sugu ni gēmu ōbā ni shite yaru yo
De, omae ga maketara dōsunda?
Hah, that's good courage!
You're like a fighter who challenges the boss
I will make you game over soon
So, what will you do if you lose?
そんときゃ やるたい オレっちの Switch
でも ゲームオーバー アンタたい
すぐに 押すとよ 音楽の スイッチ
いざ 勝負ばい DJ カモン!
Son tokya yaru tai oretchi no Suitchi
Demo gēmu ōbā wa anta tai
Sugu ni osu toyo ongaku no suitchi
Iza shoubu bai dījē kamon!
At that time I'll give you my Switch
Still the game over is you!
It's time to push the music switch
Now, let's game! Come on, DJ!
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Names in other languages
18×13[?] Eitīn x Sātīn
18 x 13