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Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
  • Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
  • "Vote" periods last for one week.
  • All past proposals are archived.

A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed with the signature code ~~~(~).

How To

  1. Actions that users feel are appropriate to have community approval first can be added by anyone, but they must have a strong argument.
  2. Users then vote and discuss on the issue during that week. The "deadline" for the proposal is one week from posting at:
    1. Monday to Thursday: 17:00 (5pm)
    2. Friday and Saturday: 20:00 (8pm)
    3. Sunday: 15:00 (3pm)
  3. Every vote should have a reason accompanying it.
  4. At any time a vote may be rejected if at least three active users believe the vote truly has no merit or was cast in bad faith. However, there must be strong reasons supporting the invalidation.
  5. "# " should be added under the last vote of each support/oppose section to show another blank line.
  6. At the deadline, the validity of each vote and the discussion is reviewed by the community.
  7. Any proposal that has three votes or less at deadline will automatically be listed as "NO QUORUM"
  8. All proposals are archived. The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it. If it requires the help of a sysop, the proposer can ask for that help.

The times are in EDT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after school, weekend nights).

So for example, if a proposal is added on Saturday night at 11:59 PM EDT, the deadline is the next Saturday night at 8:00 PM. If it is indeed a minute later, the deadline is a day plus 15 hours (Sunday), as opposed to a day minus 4 hours.

CURRENTLY: 13:11, 28 March 2025 (EDT)

New Features

None at the moment.


Backup Ops

I do not believe many of you are aware, but there has been a practice of "backup-oping" in the chatroom. When it is crowded and people are spamming, or if the only op in the room has to go for awhile, they op their friends or anyone who claims that they will use their power responsibly. I consider this abuse of power & incapability on part of the current ops. If there really is trouble in the chatroom that often, we need more patrollers (at the time of this posting there was 10 users but 0 ops), and the current ops need to take action and not cower in fear! But one of these days chaos will wreak havoc at the hands of one of these "backups". I'm not saying anyone is not trustworthy, this just isn't smart and things need to return to normal.

Proposer: Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y
Deadline: 15:00, Dec 2

Only Current Ops

  1. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – one of these days a proclaimed backup will disrupt the chat, I guarantee it. We need more capable ops, that's the problem!
  2. Glowsquid Even thought I am one of those back-up operators, I agree with what Wayoshi said. I am too not against the idea of having more pattrolers, I mean, currenlty, we have at least 10 sysops and one pattroller... what the heck?
  3. ChaosNinji I agree wholeheartedly that we need more patrollers and less Back-up ops. At the time of my writing this, the chatroom is being flooded and spammed, as it has been all day, and not a one op has appeared throught the day to stop it!
  4. Dannyboy: Agreeing with the person with the title of Wayoshi.
  5. Mr. Guy the GuyPickle.png Talk!E Per Wayo
  6. Ghost JamShyghost.PNG With the current inconsistencies with the rules, it's hard enough for the official ops team. I can't imagine it being any better for someone else.

Allow Backups

  1. My Bloody Valentine Even as I write this, Wayoshi is spamming the Chat. Do you see why he wants to get rid of Back-up Ops?
  2. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 21:37, 25 November 2007 (EST) I would remain neutral on this, but I don't think people will be promoted solely to watch over a chatroom, so there would be even less of a solution than there is now.
  3. Master Crash Per all
  4. NMRodo I thought Wayoshi was being reasonable, until I read Pokemon DP's vote.
  5. ~Uniju(T-C-E)Changed from support, Per Dodoman.
  6. Luigibros2 Per DP
  7. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC Per DP
  8. Alphaclaw11– There has to be a few backup OPs when NO op is on. Which Steve can do. I vote no backup Ops if this won't happen.


If this proposal fails, I would like a list of official backups current ops can look towards, maybe in Help:Chat, at the very least. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 12:30, 25 November 2007 (EST)

There needs to be more active ops. Alphaclaw11

One thing you guys are forgetting, is that most of the current Sysops are trapped in their personal lives at the moment and, I don't know if school is on in America, but, if it is, that is a distraction as well. And, the reason I'm not on all the time, is because I have a life to live, as well as sleep I need! And, are you sure we should be listening to Wayoshi? He spams the most in the Chat when there are no Ops. Additionally, we should not make Patrollers just to save the Chat. Patrollers have to fight off vandalism on the Wiki, not JUST protect the Chat. If this is such a big deal, why don't you just remove the Chat for good? My Bloody Valentine

Pokemon DP: While Wayoshi motives are indeed dubious, he's right. This whole back-up up thing may make soem of those back-uo operators that they could get promoted to Pattroler status, plus, a back-up operator can only be opped when an actual operator is on the chat, which make the point of their existence kind of moot. Glowsquid

I'm going to remain neutral on this, as both sides have a fair point. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 21:05, 25 November 2007 (EST)

Since I don't use the chat I don't think it's my place to go sticking my nose into issues involving it, however I do think we should have more than one Patroller (for the Wiki in general). - Walkazo

To Dodoman: Don't pay attention to what DP said, he's just a bit upset he won't be able to op Uniju, LB2, etc. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 18:51, 26 November 2007 (EST)

Can we get a solid definition of spam up in here? I know DP is more strict about it than some other moderators, for example. That might help clear up some of the bad feelings that are going around right here. Stumpers! 18:54, 26 November 2007 (EST)
Most of the spam happening is indeed spam, not DP over-reacting. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 20:35, 26 November 2007 (EST)

Sorry for asking, but who exactly are currently ops in the chat? - Cobold (talk · contribs) 11:07, 27 November 2007 (EST)

DP, Phoenix Rider, RAP, Porplemontage, KPH2293, YellowYoshi398, Ghost Jam, and Myself. However only RAP, DP, and I are on everyday. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
And how do you decide who becomes Op? All you listed are also Sysops on the wiki. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 15:01, 27 November 2007 (EST)

Wayoshi: In response to the list of official back-up Ops, I've decided to agree on that. For example, after discussing it with Plumber, Luigibros will NOT be a back-up Op anymore. I'm still thinking about Uniju... Blitzwing seems trustworthy enough. Plumber can act a bit spammy at times, but, I'm sure he wouldn't do anything like what HK did. =| My Bloody Valentine I'll still watch him, just in case. Also, with Ghost Jam on the Chat, I will lower the amount of Back-up Ops in Chat.

I've only been using the chat extensively for the last two and a half days. Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. Things has been rather silent, with some little discussion here and there, with only a few people who had to be kicked. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 20:22, 27 November 2007 (EST)

And now I do see what all the fuss is about. -_- -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 21:27, 27 November 2007 (EST)

Alpha, if a back-up tells Steve they're a back-up, he'll add them, like he did with me. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 22:30, 27 November 2007 (EST)

MarioWiki:Improvement Drive

The improvement drive was created a few time ago, even thought simmilar ideas have been tried and all failed miserably, it seemed like a good idea at time. But now, it's barely edited and the creator (Max2) is blocked from editing forever. As of now, the Improvement drive seem like a waste of database space more than anything, I propose we delete it and state somewhere than project like it were tried and failed, so we won't end up with the idea being brought up again, accpeted, and turn out to be a similar fiasco.

Proposer: Glowsquid
Deadline: 15:00, Dec 2

Get rid of it

  1. Glowsquid
  2. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – I knew this wouldn't work. We are a big community, yes, but it seems mainspace contributors don't work together, as our knowledge is spread out, not concentrated on a particular area (I myself have never played the original SMB). This just won't work consistently.
  3. NMRodo It's a trainwreck, and a waste of our Wiki's space.
  4. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC 12:58, 27 November 2007 (EST) Per All
  5. Walkazo - I think we should still have a plain old list of bad articles, that way any old user can see what they can do, and then do it without having all the hooplah about a "weekly collaboration drive" wasting their time along the way.
  6. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 22:25, 27 November 2007 (EST) Per my original opposition of the project in the first place

Try a comeback


Walkazo: We have that list, it's called Category:Rewrite and Expansion Requested.


Splits & Merges

Ashley & Red (Revisit)

As per this proposal, the article Ashley and Red must be split into to separate articles.

Aside from not a single person who voted on the proposal taking steps to follow through, read the article. There just isn't enough information on the character Red to create anything substantial. It would result in two articles being created, one being virtually unchanged, the other being little more than a stub, resulting in a deletion or a proposal for merging.
Two articles being created, both nearly identically in content, resulting in a redirect or proposal for merging.

Until the character of Red starts to play a bigger role, I say we leave well enough alone.

Proposer: Ghost Jam
Deadline: 17:00 Nov. 29

Overturn Previous Proposal

  1. Ghost JamShyghost.PNG I am the proposer and my reasons are listed above.
  2. ~Uniju(T-C-E)Per Ghostly Jam
  3. My Bloody Valentine Per Traffic Jam. I mean, Ghost Jam. =P
  4. f_cm_767603a.pngChaos NEEDS MOAR NINJI f_cm_767603a.png Per the Jam of Ghosts.
  5. NMRodo Red's as worthy of an article as "Gullible Soup". >_>
  6. Glitchmansig.PNG Glitchman (talk · contribs) Glitchmansig.PNG Glitchman - Per Ghost Jam.
  7. Walkazo - Yeah, I voted to split the articles last time but Ghost Jam has a point about there not being enough information to make it worth while...

Continue with the split

  1. Glowsquid Yeah.... No one took the time to split thee page, but ti still say it should be split. Red have different abbilities, a different personnality (He have more speaking lines than Ashley, infact.) presently, the Ashley page doesn't disccus this, but this could be changed with the split. Sorry for my lazyness...
  2. Stumpers! You want someone to split it? Fine. No promises, as today is Thanksgiving. I probably only have five minutes, but I'll do what I can... ASAP. After trying to write the Red article, I changed my mind.


Glowsquid: Is there enough unposted information to make a Red article at least a full fourth of the size of the current article (not including templates)? If yes, and it can be proven, I'll pull this proposal.

Stumpers: My issue isn't with the the article not being split (in fact, that's a whole 'nother matter). My issue is with a split just not being practical based on the information we have. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 13:47, 22 November 2007 (EST)

Ah, but you yourself said that we don't yet have enough information. Wouldn't you rather have a good, established platform now when that infromation does come? Having a platform let's people feel like they can easily edit. Just gimme some time to show you. I've already started, but Christmas decorating pulled me away! :) Stumpers! 19:53, 23 November 2007 (EST)
Now you're just splitting hairs. We don't yet have enough information on Wario's mother. Shouldn't be have a good, established platform for when the information becomes available? This line of thinking will leave us with a never ending ocean of stubs. If there is sufficient information to create an article about Red, that isn't a stub, then you have an argument. At the moment, however, I don't see how it's possible. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 21:30, 23 November 2007 (EST)
Well, I didn't mention Wario's Mother and I don't see how I'm splitting hairs. You'll remember one of the points you made in your proposal was that no one actually made the article, but then said "that's a whole 'nother matter." Long story short, I'm very confused about what's going on. You want something saying that the article that would make "Ashley and Red" a complete article that doesn't need to be split? Fair enough, but I don't understand why you wanted it. I wouldn't have written the Red article (it's not posted yet) if you hadn't put this up... gah! You guys just do whatever you want. I'm done. I only like to write anyway. :) Stumpers! 15:54, 25 November 2007 (EST) Mmm... and just cause it will bug me if I don't say this... an implied character is not the same as a defined, major character, obviously. I know, it was just an example.
My issue is with the split, which I fell is unnecessary, to be a requirement. The fact that the people who should have done it didn't is a completely different matter for a completely different proposal (I believe there is currently a discussion about it on Talk:Main_Page).
As for the split, you know how things work around here. When a proposal is passed, it essentially becomes a rule that must be followed. By that rule, Ashley and Red still needs to be split. I feel that there is no point given that there isn't enough information on Red to warrant two articles. So, following the trend, I created this proposal to overturn the previous one, making the previous proposal null.
I say that you're splitting hairs because you're using the 'other stuff exists' argument. Bridges aren't built without a foundation, societies aren't formed without an economic base, water isn't hydrated with a missing oxygen molecule and wiki articles aren't posted without proper information. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 20:17, 27 November 2007 (EST)
I'm going to have to drop my point just because that was so outrageously amazing. Also, I tried writing the Red article, and gave up for that reason. You'll note that I recently did up the Mario and Luigi's Parents article... and didn't split it. CHANGE OF HEART! W00T! Stumpers! 22:51, 27 November 2007 (EST)

Minor NPC's

A while back, I remember some users that created a "Minor NPC" Template. I don't know if it's still active, but I don't think it should be. Articles about extremly minor NPC's, with conjecture names like Suscpicious Doogan, do not deserve articles. However, we need a way to mention them. What I am proposing is an article describing, in as much detail as possible, the unnamed minor NPC from various mario games (The RPG's mainly, but Super Mario Sunshine had a lot too). This could be one huge archive, or it could be seperated into different sections. Any oppositions?

Proposer Ultimatetoad
Deadline November 30th, 20:00


  1. Ultimatetoad(oops)
  2. Walkazo - Sounds good, though you might wanna mention NPC stands for Non-Playable Characters for those us who aren't slang-savvy.
  3. Stumpers! I was just thinking we needed something like this. I can't help you with it, but I'll support you in this way.


  1. Cobold (talk · contribs) - Too short articles are banned by current rules already. I do not think it will do much good merging guys from different games in a single article. How do you define a minor character? Is Goomther one? Larson, who appears in a Trouble Center quest? Charlieton, who's optional to talk to, but is major in the Pit of 100 Trials? You cannot decide really. Only conjeturally named articles should be limited to the most important ones.
  2. Per Cobold--Caith Sith 12:13, 28 November 2007 (EST)


You are not supporting yourself, Ultimatetoad? - Cobold (talk · contribs) 07:55, 24 November 2007 (EST)

Once again, the question arises: Who do you count as too minor? Everyone with a conjectural name? I do not think so. I also don't think we should mix up characters from different games into the same article list. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 11:09, 27 November 2007 (EST)
Good point. If this passes the "Minor Conjecturally-Named Non-Playable Character" article will have to be split up into sections for each RPG. - Walkazo
That was what I was thinking of when I voted for this. Either that or separate articles. In responce to your question, Cobold, I would say that each "potentially minor" character like Goomther or Charliaton should get an entry, and a template:main placed in the entry, but to delete the old article? I wouldn't advise it. Ultimatetoad, if you want to do that count me out. I'm hoping just for a list of those characters, with links where available. So... for example someone like Peach would be in the M&L:SS section in my perfect list here, but I wouldn't want her article deleted, obviously. Stumpers! 22:49, 27 November 2007 (EST)


Rename Function

I am tired of seeing users have name changes at will. This is a privilege, not a toy, and I definitely feel like it is being abused by many (e.g. "3dejong" to "3Dejong" is a complete waste, as well as switching back to an original username after realizing the name change was not likable, among other things). It is also extra unnecessary work for the bureaucrats to be moving all of your userspace pages with each change you make.

Therefore I say we have these limits as an official policy:

  • Each user may only change their name twice a year.
  • A get-back counts as two renames. So going from SM97 to Viper and back to SM97 wastes your rename privilege for the year. All of you should be 100% sure of your name change, anyways.
  • Minor changes such as (de)capitalization of letter(s) and addition or removal of digit(s) are not allowed.

If this goes through the policy will be in effect starting asap. Another change will be an official request page at MarioWiki:Changing username (thanks Steve for showing me this example).

Proposer: Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y
Deadline: 20:00, 30 Nov

Limit Name Changes

  1. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – currently there are no rules on renames, which has led to abuse and excessiveness. These limits are very reasonable, IMO.
  2. Mr. Guy the GuyPickle.png Talk!E Per Wayo, there's been some VERY minor name changes
  3. ~Uniju(T-C-E)Per Wayoshi. Some wikis don't even have user rename...
  4. f_cm_767603a.pngChaos NEEDS MOAR NINJI f_cm_767603a.png Per Wayo. It may just be that I have never changed my name, but I find that these limits are easy to follow and understand. If some of these horror stories are true (Which I have to believe they are, considering they're coming from an ex-'Crat), it seems like these name changes are causing a lot of unwanted stress to 'Crats.
  5. Shrooby GreenDance.gif Talk Per Wayo.
  6. Cobold (talk · contribs) - per all.
  7. My Bloody Valentine - Per Wayoshi. Seriously, it gets annoying when Users change their Usernames too often. It is a big hastle on the Userpedia as well, but more of a hastle to the busy 'Crat's who have more important stuff to take care of.
  8. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 18:52, 23 November 2007 (EST) It doesn't even matter what username you have, sometimes I think of names better than Plumber, but it's too much of a waste to change.
  9.  Caps Lock LORD Per Wayoshi.
  10. NMRodo Moogle. >_>
  11. Mewtwo49 Mewtwo.png per all.
  12. ~Lil ' Boo LilB Thumb.PNG Per Wayoshi and also it must be annyoing for all those awesome sysops to change alot of usernames. They have MUCH more important stuff to do than change names.
  13. User:TehBooKid/sig
  14. Walkazo and PP - Per all. Name changes are fun for some, confusing for all.
  15. User:Imperialscouts Limit them: per above.
  16. InfectedShroom.Infectoicon.png Per everyone. They hardly ever allowed name changes at Nsider...
  17. Luigibros2 It's a waste of time for the crats plus it counfuses the othere users when someone changes there name to many times.
  18. Time Questions I, personally, don't care about which user changes his user name how often. But if it's that much work for the sysops, it should be limited. And Wayoshi's rules sound reasonable.
  19. Storm Yoshi sig.pngStorm YoshiStorm Yoshi sig.png per all

No Limit on Renames

  1. I feel that you should have no limit, yet the name changes must be Major (ie. Paper Luigi DS-Master Crash) Not minor (ie. 3dejong-3Dejong) or you will not be able to change at all. FLY_GUY_2
  2. --HyperToad 15:42, 28 November 2007 (EST) What the crap! This is stupid, I had to change my name from Gowser to HyperToad, I thought about it, and I did. Why does everyone always care about what other people do? This is absolutely retarded.


It seems like it would be less work to just ban name changes and make page moves a sysops only function. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 21:24, 23 November 2007 (EST)

LOL, I remebered when Smiddle told 3D to make major name changes, not just chainging a letter Mr. Guy the GuyPickle.pngMeh name:Lario to Mr. GuyE

Ghost Jam, I think name changes are OK as a change from the norm, something fresh, just not excessively. Also, I don't understand how the 'move' right restriction applies to this proposal. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 22:51, 23 November 2007 (EST)

I call it killing two Condors with one mushroom block. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 00:09, 24 November 2007 (EST)

HyperShroom: Huh? To change your name you need to have a 'Crat do it. And a 'Crat needs to move the user page, user talk page, and user sub pages. ~Uniju(T-C-E)

Hypertoad: As Uniju said, only Bureaucrats can rename users . While most name change are quickly done, I remmember there was an user who asked for a name change and had a whooping total of 19 userpages and sub-pages, all of which needed to be moved independantly. And also, the older name of all of these pages had to be redirected to the newer name so there wouldn't be uneeded red link on older pages. I think this proposal was created so there wouldn't be less of this kind of work for the Bureaucrats. Blitzwing

Poll of the week

At first I found the Quote of the moment interesting but now it's boring, rarely you find a cool quote. I asked Steve to add <poll>, with that we could make a poll for each week and put in the place of quote of the moment! The results could be archived.

Proposer: Shrooby GreenDance.gif Talk
Deadline: 20:00, 2 Dec


  1. Shrooby GreenDance.gif I'm the You-Know-Who and my You-Know-What are given You-Know-Where


  1. Mr. Guy the GuyPickle.png Talk!E Those belong on the forums
  2. Cobold (talk · contribs) - Per Mr. Guy.
  3. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – per all. Remember we have several guests everyday each of whom are probably intrigued by the randomquote generator, as a member you must live with it. In fact usually I go straight to RC...
  4. Walkazo - Per all. If you don't like the quotes, don't read 'em.
  5. My Bloody Valentine Per All, except Cobold, who already Per'd someone. =P


When first I saw Random Quote I also liked but it get boring after a time... It would better something like featured Quote. Shrooby GreenDance.gif Talk

I am not sure what you mean, but we should have a poll like favorite mario character Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach. Like on nintendo's site. Alphaclaw11


Face it, most users (I wont name anyone.) barely edits and are using the wiki as a social network. A patroller/sysop/bureaucrat could put a message on the concerned user Talk-page stating that's it's not the purpose of a wiki. Credit goes to Demyx Demyx-sig.gif for the idea.

We are an encyclopedia, some seem to have forgot it.

Started by: User:Demyx on this proposal

Proposer: Blitzwing

Deadline: 20:00 4 Tuedsay

Warn these users

  1. Blitzwing
  2. Cobold (talk · contribs) - per Blitzwing.
  3. Demyx Demyx-sig.gif - since this is apparently my idea and all ;)

Don't bother with them

  1. ~Uniju(T-C-E)The whole idea is stupid. We have like, how many users? Most of them inactive? Are you just going to go around placing a template on inactive people's talk pages? No one is actually going to take that seriously, that is, if this survives long enough for people who do still come here to get them.
  2. Alphaclaw11 i am one of those people, but i dont edit because i allways edit wrong. And with more users coming to the wikithat means lees or no edits for people.


I'd do it especially with those who break the rules in the community element of the side, e.g. too much personal images, flamewar etc. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 11:45, 28 November 2007 (EST)

I agree with this, but I also think it's too difficult to find the official policy on this site. It would be nice if there were a Community Portal linked on the sidebar, and if that Community Portal had links to matters of policy. Demyx Demyx-sig.gif 11:55, 28 November 2007 (EST)

In response to Uniju: This would not go for inactive users, just users who make tons of edits in userspace and none in mainspace. For example, if you see someone who is CURRENTLY spamming up Recent Changes with many social-network type edits. Demyx Demyx-sig.gif 11:56, 28 November 2007 (EST)

...And, what? Their just going to get a warning? What happens if they keep doing it anyway? Ban them? ~Uniju(T-C-E)
A friendly reminder the first time. If it continues to be a problem, yes, I would say warn and ban them, but only in the most serious cases. On HRWiki, this is not normally a problem, but the policy has come in handy for dealing with some particularly disruptive users. Demyx Demyx-sig.gif 12:05, 28 November 2007 (EST)
There should be no warning or banning for being inside the rules. Noone can be forced to edit. But when continously having to many personal images, flaming, disregarding sig rules and not editing, we can take action. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 12:08, 28 November 2007 (EST)
Oh, in case it wasn't clear, I was not suggesting that not contributing to the wiki should be a bannable offense. Obviously, we can't and shouldn't try to force people to edit. It's the combination of not contributing AND being disruptive that would warrant a ban. Demyx Demyx-sig.gif 12:11, 28 November 2007 (EST)

Uniju: Of course, we wouldn't place that template on inactive users talkpage, that would be retarted. But the way you worded your comment, you make it so it seem there is only 2-3 active users on the wiki, which isn't true. As Cobold said, we only should take actiong in the most egerious cases (Breaking sigs and PI rule repeatly, starting flame war in the community and trying to bring them on the wiki... ect. Think of Max2 before he vandalised.) Blitzwing

Some people are too shy to edit Alphaclaw11 like me. P.S. i will get been ed if this proposal is won.


None currently