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About me
Instead of boring you all with hundreds of facts about me, I've decided to simply show you the results of my many personality tests.
There is a reason why Nintendo tried to limit my involvement to giving out clues and various other insignificant tasks. That is because I can't last a whole game as the center of attention without smoking up. I am pretty fun to chill with, as long as no one makes snide remarks about my height, but I am not suitable for young children. This doesn't bother me too much. I don't crave the spotlight like others do. I have my friends, my bong, and a constant paycheck. Being Toad rocks muchly.
You are... ROUGE!You're a beauty and you're strong. You're also narrow-minded and a bit of a pain. Confusion gives you an advantage, but at the same time it makes it difficult for you to gain the trust of others. But, as far as you're concerned, diamonds are a girl's best friend