List of Luigi's Mansion glitches
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This is a list of glitches in the game Luigi's Mansion.
This glitch occurs in Chauncey's Room and happens when, the player picks up the ball with , goes to the top-left corner, and releases and right after the player presses and hold
and the ball will be bouncing from left to right extremely fast. [1]
This is a lighting glitch in which Luigi's shadow appears to be hung when lightning strikes. It appears three times throughout the game.
- The first appearance is in Chauncey's room right after Luigi beats Chauncey.
- The second appearance happens right after Boolosus is defeated.

- The third appearance happens when Luigi enters the Telephone Room and talks to Professor E. Gadd on the phone.
When Luigi comes out of the Twin's room and presses , Luigi will do the open door animation. [2]
When the player makes Luigi face a door and the player checks the Gameboy Horror map with , Luigi's nose and part of his cap will be going through the door. [3]
This glitch only works with the Toad on the balcony. Luigi is able to push toad around and once he does, if the player saves Luigi will be teleported back to the Foyer. [4]
This glitch occurs when the player rushes to the chest after defeating Chauncey. It will allow Luigi to walk on the ceiling. [5]
When Luigi rushes into the well and a Ceiling Surprise scares Luigi, he will fall underground next to the well and will be unable to get out. [6]
Using the Stuck in Ceiling glitch, the payer must have side-step enabled. After moving to the right, Luigi will run into an invisible wall. It's here that the player must press and Luigi will do a walk. Eventualy, Luigi will open a door. The player must turn the light around so a Purple Bomber or Ceiling Surprise can't scare Luigi. The player will then see bats, and must make the bats notice him. Before Luigi gets hit, the player must hit down-right on
. As soon as Luigi makes the "hurt" noise, the player must release
. This will cause Luigi to be in a sideways angle. The player must hold right on both
, and if the angle Luigi is in is sharp enough, Luigi will go around a ledge. If Luigi's angle isn't sharp enough, he won't go around, and if that's the case, Luigi can enter a door and exit, and the bats will respawn. If down right, Luigi must then go down the hallway to the rooms including the Conservatory , while walking backwards due to some ghosts scaring Luigi. The player must then go to the left and try to vacuum some bats, but instead bring them to the right most area, and while doing so, the player must release
, while quickly tapping left on
and briefly holding right on
all in one sequence. Luigi should have a diagonal angle once more. Switching to Standard mode, Luigi should go and face the player, along with his light. The player must re-enter Side-step, hold up on both
. The player then must pause, switch to standard mode, and hold up-right on
and press
to continue while pressing
to open the Game Boy Horror. If done right, Luigi should fall into the wall of the hall to the Secret Altar. It's hard to see, so the player must enter First-Person View on the GBH to see. If all done right, Luigi should enter the Secret Altar and fight King Boo early.
There are some catches[7]:
- Before Chauncey, it's best to save with Toad first, as the player only has one try.
- It's possible to fail the Stuck on ceiling glitch by either releasing
too late, or too early. Also, the player must vacuum and as Luigi puts the Poltergust away, Luigi must enter the wall. If Luigi walks in too early or late, he will fall into the Laundry Room.
- It's difficult to get the right angle by the bats.
- If ghosts scare Luigi, he will fall to the floor.
- Luigi has to be in the wall when in the hall to the Secret Altar, as it won't work if he's outside.
- Also, it's possible the player did the glitch wrong, and that he won't fall to the hall to the Alter when opening First-Person view.
- In the wall to the Altar, if Luigi walks too much to the left, a cut scene will play of King Boo blowing Luigi to the Foyer thus ruining the glitch. If Luigi walks too much to the right, he will get stuck and won't be able to move.
- The wall is also dark and hard to see through. It's best to bring out the Game Boy Horror.
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