I made the Harlem Shake; WaraWara Style. If you want to see it, see: this!
File:BluebabyyoshiNSMBU.pngI'm-a Baby Yoshi!
Real Name: ...
Age: ...
Gender: Male.
Speaks: Serbian, Dutch and English.
Country: Belgium!!! BELGIUM ROCKS
Favourite Game of All: Assassin's Creed III
Favourite Mario Game: Super Mario 64
Favourite Zelda Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Favourite Character: Baby Yoshi
Least Favourite Character: Princess Daisy
Status: Autocomfirmed
Likes: Games
Dislikes: SCHOOL
About me
Welcome guys, i am a guy with the username MarioMan51. I am a huge fan of Nintendo and Ubisoft. The gameseries i like are: Assassin's Creed, Mario, and Zelda. I also like the Sonic games, but though, i don't play them. My favourite character is Baby Yoshi. My favourite playable character is Yellow Toad, though my favourite colour is blue, but it's not Blue Toad. My favourite console of all consoles in the world is the Wii U. If you wanna be friends, be sure to stop by. And also have fun with my userpage!
Armin00's Userbox Tower
Ovaj korisnik jematernji govornik srpskog jezika.
Deze gebruiker spreekt Nederlands als moedertaal.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
This user lives in Belgium.
This user is a Yoshi and is member from the group.
This user thinks that the Nintendo 3DS is the best portable gaming system ever made.
This user owns a 3DS.
This user thinks Link is gaming's greatest legend.
This user likes the Sonic Series.
This user has been on a trampoline.
This user LOVES money... but then again, who doesn't.
This user listens to video game music.
This user thinks Luigi dances very well.
Come on, Wario. You've been at this FOREVER!
This user thinks Waluigi should appear in more than just sports games.
This user has all 121 Power Stars with Mario and Luigi in Super Mario Galaxy.

This user likes Belgium and Germany
This user thanks Steve for creating the Super Mario Wiki!
Armin00's Userbox Tower
This user is friends with GEX.
This User is friends with RandomYoshi. This User's randomness was raised by π.
This user is Friends with Castle Toad!
This user is friends with NinjaYoshi.

This user is friends with MortonBoo99.
Who's online: KinokoBlast, Sparks, Memelord2020, ZanyDragon, Porplemontage, Sprited64, Blinker, LinkTheLefty, AlphaSapphire, BMfan08, Goomba Fan, Drago, TiredBlueToad 96, Nightwicked Bowser, Pingouinsandwich, Knuxchux, Cloudee, Max Nuts, Jdtendo, Stanleysus, Aomaf, Starbit, Kaptain Skurvy, Maw-Ray Master, FanOfYoshi, RHG1951, TheGreenBeetle, AJOMarioWiki, Technetium, Hewer, SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA), Warriors97, Traincrisis, ToxicOJ, GoldenEgg5746, Arend, CBFan5, Daita, BFDI Maker, Doc von Schmeltwick, Nelsonic, Ch4r135, CupcakePelle, Orhoshmand
There is a Win contest. Please read everything to know - and understand everything. If you answer this question correctly, you'll win a (Baby) Yoshi Egg! The best part is that i have infinite (Baby) Yoshi Eggs! If your (Baby) Yoshi Egg hatches, don't worry, it means that it will come out. Take care of your (Baby) Yoshi.
Importnant Rules
- Rule 1: You can't have something two times, example: 2 Yellow Yoshi's.
- Rule 2: Winners who already won, have to wait 3 weeks before they can win again.
- Rule 3: If you want to switch your Egg/(Baby) Yoshi for another Egg or (Baby) Yoshi, go here.
- Rule 4: If i change my question to another question and you answered on the previous one, it wont count.
- Rule 5: Post the answer here and please don't forget to say what kind and what colour you want.
The Yoshi Eggs
The Baby Yoshi Eggs
The Magenta Baby Yoshi Egg
The Yellow Baby Yoshi Egg
The question
What is the last boss of Super Mario Galaxy 1?
Winners with a Yoshi Egg
Winners with a Baby Yoshi Egg
My plans
My 7 Yoshi's and Baby Yoshi's
Look at my Green Yoshi! The name is just Yoshi.
NSMBwii Yyoshi.jpg
Look at my Yellow Yoshi! The name is YY.
Look at my Light Blue Yoshi! The name is Derpshi.
Look at my Pink Yoshi! The name is Pinky.
Baby Yoshi's
Me in other wikis
- User Wiki as MarioMan51
- Zelda Wiki as LinkMan51
- Minecraft Wiki as EnderMan51
Friend Codes
- My 3DS friendcode = 1607-2121-5889
- My Wii friendcode = 7488 1759 3811 4685
- Please ask permission to add these friendcodes.
- If you want that i add your 3DS or Wii friendcode please go to my talk and post yours.
Friend requests
- My frienduserbox is in my talk, but first ask please on my talk a friend request and put your frienduserbox here, unless you don't have one.
- If you need help, i can make one for you and ask it here.
Pages I Created
Pages planning to create
Friends List
Yoshi kong by Sandaphlon.jpg
The Baby Yoshi and Yoshi Group
Hello and Welcome! Every (Baby) Yoshi (Fan) must join this group! To join the group, go to my talk! And please post a userbox with your name in my talk.
Take these userboxes, choose 1 of the 2!
- Yoshi: {{userbox|border=green|mainbkgd=white|codebkgd=green|codecolor=#000000|code=[[File:Yoshi FS.png|50px]]|msg=This user is a Yoshi and is member from the group.}}
- Baby Yoshi: {{userbox|border=green|mainbkgd=white|codebkgd=green|codecolor=#000000|code=[[File:BluebabyyoshiNSMBU.png|50px]]|msg=This user is a Baby Yoshi and is member of the group.}}
Thanks for the users who are joining my group!
Consoles I own
- Wii U
- Wii
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo GameCube
- Laptop
Favourite consoles
- Wii U
- Wii
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo GameCube
Favourite Mario games
- New Super Mario Bros. U
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii
- Super Mario 64
- Super Mario 3D Land
- Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Super Mario Galaxy
- New Super Mario Bros. 2
- Super Mario Sunshine
- Mario Tennis Open
- Mario Kart 7
- Mario Kart Wii
- Super Mario 64 DS
- New Super Mario Bros.
Favorite The Legend of Zelda games
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3D)
Games I own
Nintendo Wii U
- Assassin's Creed III
- Nintendo Land
- Mii-Maker
- Miiverse
- Nintendo eShop
- System settings
- Download Manager
- Nintendo Tvii
- LoveFilm Instant
- YouTube
- Internet Browser
- Wii U Chat
- Friend List
- Wii Street U
- Health and Safety Information
- Diary
- Parental Watch
- Uplay
Nintendo Wii
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Super Mario Galaxy 2
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii
- Wii Sports
- Wii Sports Resort
- Avatar Into The Inferno
- Wii Play + Motion
- Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cosmic Destruction
- Family Trainer Extreme Challenge
- Just Dance 2
- Just Dance 3
- Toy Story 3
- Wii Party
Wii Channels
- Nintendo Channel
- Wii Shop Channel
- Wii Photo Channel
- Weather Channel
- News Channel
- Internet Channel
- Mii Channel
- Lucky Day Channel
- Wii U channel that sends saved software on the Wii, to the Wii U.
Virtual Console
- Super Mario 64
- Super Mario Bros. 3
Nintendo 3DS
- Super Mario 3D Land
- Mario Kart 7 (with 1.1 update)
- Mario Tennis Open
- New Super Mario Bros. 2
- Nintendo Letter Box/Swapnote
- Nintendo Video
Nintendo GameCube
- Fifa Street 2
- Fifa 03
- Fifa 07
- Robots
- Spiderman 2 (not working anymore)
- Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
- Peter Jackson's King Kong The Official Game of The Movie
- Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex
- Spongebob Squarepants and Friends Unite
Gameboy Player
- Dr. Mario
- Looney Tunes
- Pitfall
- Agent Hugo RoboRumble
- Tomb Raider
- Pirates of The Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl
- Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End
Samsung Galaxy Mini
- Muppen64Plus AE - N64 Emulator
- Snesoid - SNES Emulator
- NES.emu - NES Emulator
- Cubie
- WhatsApp
- Play Store
- Samsung Apps
- Youtube
- Skype
- Gmail
- My files
- Talk
- Messages
- E-Mail
- Google Search
- Google Maps + Street View for Google Maps
- Search by Voice
- Dropbox
- Hello!
- Camera
- Clock
- Music
- Settings
- Calculator
- Downloads
- Internet
- Contacts
- FM-Radio
- Gallery
- Notitions
- Locally
- News and weather
- Diary
- Navigation
- Task Management
- Social Hub
- JIM-menu
- Telephone
- Voice Recorder
- Google Settings
- Quickoffice
- Doodle Jump
- Boost 2
- Fling!
- Pou
- Fruit Ninja
- Fruit Ninja Puss in Boots
- Bartender Mix Genius
Favourite Characters
Mario series
From other series
Favorite Power Ups
Favourite video game company's
1st place
2nd place
Chat Rules
Most Important Rules
- Don't insult ME, N64dude, World10, BetaMaster64, Sunscreen, Ultra_Koopa, ThePremiumYoshi, MarioSmasher or any of my friends, or else you'll be banned FOREVER!!!
- If you didin't listen to any of my rules, you'll be banned FOREVER!!!
- Don't hack users in my chats, or else you'll be banned FOREVER!!!
Original Rules
- Don't spam at this chat.
- Don't flame users, they have feelings too.
- Don't flood at this chat.
- Don't stalk on this chat.
- Don't send porn to anybody.
- Don't sockpuppet on this chat.
- Don't pretend as an user else on NPC without doing nice things
- Please listen to the ops, if you don't, they might kick and/or ban you.
- Don't ask me to give you powers.
Some rules of here doesn't count for ops.
Op Rules
- Don't op abuse, or else i'll take you're powers.
- Don't put NPC on without MY PERMISSION!!!
- You can ban someone if you want, but only for a good reason. Or i'll take your powers.
- You can make someone voice/operator/admin without my permission, only if he earns it. Or else i'll take your powers.
- If i take your powers away, don't be angry. If i think that you don't deserve it, then it's so.
Story of the "#" chat
You maybe know Ultra_Koopa's story about the "#" chat. At the beginning there was one person, called nenolod. I was at the chats and UltraKoopa came online. I said: "Hey UK, let's go to "#". We where sending messages to him and then this message came: "Can't send message to nenolod due to flooding". 1 day there was another person that is named USA|52666623 and he stayed then whole the time with nenolod. Me and UltraKoopa did the same thing to that person like we did to nenolod, the same message came again. Now you can't see them anymore on "#", but there is now another person that is called Moof. I sent him a hi one time and he replied a bit later, but there is a really small chance he will say something, because i did that maybe everyday again and then he didin't answer anymore. That means i was really lucky that time! He also never goes away, he literally stays there forever! Will the story continue?
Some Random pictures
Stop, you're making me dizzy.
Waluigi is following Luigi.
This stays one of the nicest videogamesong that i ever heard, even it's Zelda's Lullaby backwards, i like this one way more!
The End
This is the end of my userpage!
- I hope you had fun, MarioMan51