Swamp Pipe Crawl

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Swamp Pipe Crawl
A swamp level in Super Mario Bros. Wonder
World Pipe-Rock Plateau
Game Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Difficulty ★★★
Wonder Effect Activates Inchworm Pipes
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Swamp Pipe Crawl is a course in Pipe-Rock Plateau in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. It is unlocked after beating Wiggler Race Mountaineering!. This course houses two Wonder Seeds.


The level is set in a cave filled with poison and cyan pipes decorated with stars. In the first area, Snails climb out of the poison and up the pipes and platforms. After this, a Shova is shown pushing a pipe to the left, followed by platforms with more Snails, then two Shovas pushing either side of a pipe, causing it to remain in place. The player can push the pipe to the far right to connect it with a pipe segment, which makes pipes rise out of the poison to form a path forward. Next is a section containing two pipes and no enemies, followed by an area with numerous vertical pipes, some of which sink if the player stands on them. After passing through an area with more platforms and Snails, another section of vertical pipes appears before a final section containing large platforms with Snails on the front; jumping across these platforms leads to the top of the Goal Pole, after which the second Wonder Seed is obtained.

Wonder Flower

In the area with two pipes, the player must push the lower pipe to the right, then push the pipe on the platform across the lower pipe so that it can connect with the pipe segment. This causes the Wonder Flower to appear from the pipe and automatically activate the level's Wonder Effect, where Inchworm Pipes start moving across the poison and along the ceiling. The player can ride the Inchworm Pipes to avoid the poison and reach the first Wonder Seed, ending the Wonder Effect.

10-flower coins

  • 10-flower coin 1: When the first Shova appears, the player must push the pipe next to it to the right to connect it with a pipe segment. The player can then enter the pipe to access the area in the background, where touching the wonder bud makes the 10-flower coin appear. By reaching the high pipe on the left side of this area, the player can hit a Hidden Block containing a 1-Up Mushroom.
  • 10-flower coin 2: Immediately after the first Shova, the player must break the Brick Blocks with a Ground Pound or Snail shell, then push the vertical pipe to the left in order to enter the horizontal pipe, which leads to a sub-area with the second 10-flower coin.
  • 10-flower coin 3: In a background area during the Wonder Effect, which can be accessed by touching a wonder bud to reveal a pipe to that area. If the Wonder Effect is not activated, the player can instead throw a Big Snail shell to break Hard Blocks, allowing access to a different pipe which leads to that area.

Enemies and obstacles

Talking Flower quotes

  • "So many creepy-crawlies..."
  • "They just keep coming!" (in the sub-area with the second 10-flower coin)
    • "Will it ever end?"
  • "I love this place." (in the area containing the Wonder Flower)
    • "Nothin' to do but relax."
  • "EyaaaAAaah!" (after the Wonder Effect is activated)
    • "How is this happening?!"
    • "Phew! I'm fine. Everything's fine." (after the Talking Flower flies out of poison)
    • "What ARE they?"
    • "Keep going!"
    • "What IS all this?!"
    • "Was it all a dream?" (after the player obtains the first Wonder Seed)
  • "Feel like you're missing something?" (if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
  • "So long!" (near the end of the level, if the Wonder Flower is avoided)
