World 29
World 29 is a cliff rock-themed world resembling Rock-Candy Mines in New Super Mario Bros. U in Dr. Mario World similar to World 22, except it takes place at night. The first area is available as of 11 PM PT on Jun. 2, 2021[1], while the second area, challenge stages and special stage are available as of 11 PM PT on Jun. 16, 2021[2].
When an area is cleared, red Koopa Troopas, Fuzzies and Stone Spikes appear. The viruses featured in the regular stages are red, blue and yellow.
Area 1
Image | Stage | Best Doctors | Overview |
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Stage 1121 | ![]() Dr. Fire Luigi |
Starting with 38 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (28) and collect all virus coins (48).
In this stage, the larger virus coins are separated by a border consisting of colorful crates and viruses. Some of those viruses are encased in ice cubes. Each of the viruses and colorful crates has a virus coin behind them except for the fourth colorful crate in the fifth row. Two of the larger virus coins are covered by half-frozen exploders and floatie viruses, while the other two virus coins are covered by half-frozen electric exploders and floatie viruses. |
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Stage 1122 | ![]() Dr. Lemmy |
Starting with 35 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (56).
In this stage, viruses are scattered among barrels and crates. Most of the barrels contain viruses, except for the undamaged barrels in row #6 and #8, the first and last barrels in row #1, and the middle barrel row #2, which all contain rotating cannons. The barrel in row #3 contains a crate. The two top-right viruses are fully frozen. |
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Stage 1123 | ![]() Dr. Donkey Kong |
Starting with 33 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (24) and collect all keys (3).
In this stage, the viruses, colorful crates, and muddy coins are arranged in diagonal lines, while the keys and doors are in the second, middle, and eighth columns. All viruses, keys, and doors are half-frozen. |
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Stage 1124 | ![]() Dr. Fire Peach |
Starting with 28 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (22).
In this stage, the even-numbered columns contain dust clouds and Empty Blocks while the odd-numbered columns contain either fully frozen viruses, cages, or lock blocks. Two of the lock blocks are locked behind cages. All the dust clouds do not contain anything. |
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Stage 1125
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Dry Bowser |
Starting with 35 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (60), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (30) and collect all purple coins (18). The only colors available in this stage are red and yellow.
At the beginning of the stage, there are barrels (all containing viruses) and exploders. The first-revealed row contains five floatie viruses, where the middle one is half-frozen. The second-revealed row contains half-frozen purple coins (caged and uncaged). The third to fifth revealed rows contain dust viruses and colorful crates. The sixth-revealed row contains caged coins. Brick Blocks (all containing coins) are found in the seventh- and eighth-revealed rows, where half-frozen exploders and pop cannons are in between them in the even-numbered columns. The last-revealed row contains caged coins in between Empty Blocks. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 9 lines are introduced. |
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Stage 1126 | ![]() Dr. Luigi |
Starting with 33 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (32) and collect all muddy coins (1).
In this stage, the middle consists of a large muddy coin surrounded by bubble machines, viruses, and Empty Blocks. There is a square gap in between those objects and the square containing viruses inside clouds and crates. |
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Stage 1127 | ![]() Dr. Wendy |
Starting with 37 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (21), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (24), collect all purple coins (21) and collect all keys (5).
In this stage, the keys and doors are in the leftmost, middle, and rightmost columns. The middle has a column of cages in between the key and door, while the leftmost and rightmost columns have Brick Blocks where the keys are hidden inside the second row while the doors are hidden inside the ninth row. The left Brick Block in row #5 contains a hidden lock block, the right Brick Block in row #5 and both Brick Blocks in row #6 contain hidden electric exploders. The rest of the Brick Blocks are Coin Blocks. In the other columns, there are rows of half-frozen viruses and purple coins (caged and uncaged). Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1128 | ![]() Dr. Yoshi |
Starting with 20 capsules, the objective of this stage is to collect all virus coins (9).
In this stage, cages are found in the even-numbered columns while the odd-numbered columns contain floatie viruses, ice, and barrels. The barrels contain lock blocks and viruses. All the objects cover the virus coins found in the stage. |
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Stage 1129 | ![]() Dr. Fire Mario |
Starting with 27 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (30) and break all barriers (24).
In this stage, the odd-numbered columns contain Brick Blocks (all containing hidden viruses), pop cannons, floatie viruses, and crates, while the even-numbered columns contain barriers and Brick Blocks containing nothing. |
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Stage 1130
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Larry |
Starting with 25 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (13) and collect all virus coins (16).
In this stage, both halves are separated by a gap, where each of them has floatie viruses, colorful crates, and caged coins. The top half in particular has dust viruses in the topmost row. Both halves cover eight virus coins each. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1131 | ![]() Dr. Goomba Tower |
Starting with 26 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (23) and break all ice (49).
In this stage, there is a triangle of ice cubes where some of them have exploders inside, and it is surrounded by bubbles containing viruses. There are doors near the angled side, where the keys below them are half-frozen. The keys are adjacent to Empty Blocks, and some of those blocks have exploders next to them. |
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Stage 1132 | ![]() Dr. Baby Wario |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to collect all virus coins (5) and collect all muddy coins (4).
In this stage, the corners and the middle contain virus coins. The virus coins in the corners are each covered by half-frozen viruses and purple coins (caged and uncaged). The virus coin in the middle is covered by two of the large muddy coins and an exploder. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1133 | ![]() Dr. Blooper |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (52).
In this stage, there is a square of objects around the middle right consisting of barrels (containing viruses) checkered with objects where the middle contains a lock block, the corners contain ice fans while the rest contain viruses. Around the top and the middle-left, there are four groups with handy boxes surrounded by viruses, where two of the groups are fully frozen while the other two are locked behind cages. |
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Stage 1134 | ![]() Dr. Dolphin |
Starting with 27 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (30) and collect all purple coins (23).
In this stage, there is a diamond of bubbles, which consists of viruses and purple coins (caged and uncaged). Around the top, there are clouded viruses, caged coins, and Brick Blocks containing caged coins. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1135
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Lemmy |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (71), break all barrels (95) and collect all keys (3).
At the beginning of the stage, there are three rings of viruses and four rows containing barrels. The first row has a shell in the leftmost barrel, viruses are in the barrels in the first and fourth rows, and exploders are found in some of the barrels in the second to fourth rows. Keys are revealed in the first-revealed row in the leftmost, middle, and rightmost columns, where there are barrels above them. The first six revealed rows contain exploders in between frozen viruses, where the exploders starting from the second-revealed row are also frozen. The barrels in the seventh-revealed row contain nothing, while the even-numbered barrels in the ninth-revealed row contain electric exploders (the others contain nothing). In between those two aforementioned rows, there are exploders in the even-numbered columns. The last two revealed rows contain ice where some of them contain viruses, and the doors are in the last-revealed row. This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 11 lines are introduced. |
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Stage 1136 | ![]() Dr. Iggy |
Starting with 33 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (13), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (27) and collect all keys (10).
In this stage, the keys and doors are obstructed by purple coins (caged and uncaged). Exploders are in the second and eighth columns, where they are near the crates and the purple coins in between the keys and doors. The middle column consists of a pop cannon. The third, fifth, and seventh columns contain Brick Blocks (all containing coins) and fully frozen floatie viruses. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1137 | ![]() Dr. Ludwig |
Starting with 17 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (24) and collect all virus coins (16).
In this stage, there is a square of cages where the middle of each side has an exploder. The corresponding lock block is in the middle. The cages are in between ice and Brick Blocks all containing viruses. The corners near the cages contain viruses. Virus coins are covered by most of the objects, except the ones in the middle column and the fifth row. |
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Stage 1138 | ![]() Dr. Roy |
Starting with 34 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (28) and collect all purple coins (11).
In this stage, most of the viruses are inside bubbles, where only two are normal and four of them are inside some of the cages. The top-left and top-right contain lock blocks to unlock the cages. Crates are found in the fourth to sixth rows where a barrel containing a purple coin is surrounded by many of them. Caged coins are found in the odd-numbered rows and columns except for the middle column. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1139 | ![]() Dr. Toad |
Starting with 26 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (21) and collect all coins from Coin Blocks (48).
In this stage, the even-numbered columns contain Brick Blocks (all containing coins), crates, and bubbles containing viruses. The odd-numbered columns contain crates, half-frozen exploders, bubbles containing viruses and pop cannons, and pop cannons (except the third and seventh columns). |
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Stage 1140
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Wario |
The last stage of the first area and starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (38) and collect all keys (7).
In this stage, there is a diamond of half-frozen caged coins where the keys and doors are in the same columns as them. Inside the diamond are dust clouds containing viruses and floatie viruses, barrels (containing nothing), and an exploder. On the outside, the viruses and floatie viruses are half-frozen, and there are also barrels containing purple coins. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
When cleared, the rest of the first area in the world map gets cleared of viruses. Players also obtain the Fuzzy assistant upon completing this stage. |
Area 2
Image | Stage | Best Doctors | Overview |
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Stage 1141 | ![]() Dr. Larry |
Starting with 25 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (29) and break all colorful crates (36). The only colors available in this stage are red and yellow.
In this stage, there are two triangles of colorful crates, each with a different color. The red one and part of the yellow one are surrounded by viruses, exploders, and barrels. The leftmost and rightmost barrels in the topmost row, as well as the barrels in rows #6 and #8, contain rotating cannons, while the rest contain viruses. |
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Stage 1142 | ![]() Dr. Daisy |
Starting with 35 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (35), collect all crates (18) and collect all muddy coins (6).
In this stage, the cages containing crates form three wings of blades where the Empty Block represents the pivot. Each section has two muddy coins and a lock block, and the rest are occupied by viruses. |
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Stage 1143 | ![]() Dr. Lemmy |
Starting with 27 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (31), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (24) and collect all virus coins (4).
In this stage, the fully-frozen viruses form an Aries symbol that is symmetrically mirrored vertically. The Brick Blocks in row #5 are all Coin Blocks. The barrels and the viruses except for the ones in the middle column have large virus coins behind them. The barrels contain exploders. |
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Stage 1144 | ![]() Dr. King Boo |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (45).
In this stage, there are viruses, barrels, and Brick Blocks. All the barrels contain viruses, but not all the Brick Blocks contain viruses. There is a shell handy bottle in the middle of the topmost row. |
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Stage 1145
(Hard) |
![]() 8-Bit Dr. Mario |
Starting with 23 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (40) and collect all muddy coins (1).
In this stage, the barrels form a knot, where there is a muddy coin in the middle. Groups of ice fans are found in the top-left and bottom-right and groups of floatie viruses are found in the top-right and bottom-left. The other viruses are found in groups of eight. The barrels are all empty. |
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Stage 1146 | ![]() Dr. Roy |
Starting with 28 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (36) and pop all bubbles (41).
In this stage, fully frozen viruses are found in pairs of two (in a column) in the second and third rows, as well as the sixth and seventh rows. The leftmost and rightmost columns contain pop cannons, while the seven middle columns contain bubbles with crates inside. Empty bubbles are found in all the columns where they are found in between and above the viruses and crates. |
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Stage 1147 | ![]() Dr. Koopa Troopa |
Starting with 20 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (31) and collect all coins from Coin Blocks (27).
In this stage, there is a path of viruses and dust viruses, where there are objects on each side. The lower-right side has red cages housing a yellow lock block, viruses, and an exploder, as well as Brick Blocks, and the top-left side has a red lock block in between Brick Blocks and yellow cages housing viruses and Brick Blocks. All the Brick Blocks contain coins. |
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Stage 1148 | ![]() Dr. Toad |
Starting with 25 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (9), collect all keys (8) and collect all muddy coins (11).
In this stage, muddy coins are found around the top rows and the middle rows. The ones in the middle rows are in between the keys and doors, while the ones at the top are near the bubbles containing lock blocks and bubbles. The lock blocks unlock the cages containing crates, keys, and doors. Bubbles containing exploders are near the empty cages below the middle set of muddy coins. The virus in the bubble at the top-left is surrounded by Empty Blocks. |
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Stage 1149 | ![]() Dr. Ludwig |
Starting with 35 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (33) and break all crates (24).
In this stage, a group of ice is surrounded by crates, except with one exposed side. The ice contains flasks and viruses. There is an Empty Block in the middle of the ice. The filled flasks in this stage will shoot out electric exploders. |
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Stage 1150
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Wendy |
Starting with 23 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (47), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (36) and break all barriers (10).
In this stage, there is a circle of objects. There is a line of viruses separating the circle to two halves. At the top half, there is a column of barriers around Brick Blocks, while at the bottom the barriers are above the Brick Blocks (all containing coins) and are near the viruses. In the top half, the first and last Brick Blocks in the first three rows contain coins while the rest contain hidden viruses. |
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Stage 1151 | ![]() Dr. Roy |
Starting with 32 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (14) and collect all virus coins (9).
In this stage, groups of three each containing two bubbles and one dust cloud are separated by crates, where some of them are locked behind cages. Most of the bubbles contain viruses, while three of them have lock blocks and one has an exploder. The dust clouds do not contain anything. Blue cages are found around the corners where each group of cages has one exploder each, which are hugging the corners of the crates. |
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Stage 1152 | ![]() Dr. Bowser Jr. |
Starting with 28 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (26), pop all bubbles (48) and collect all keys (3).
In this stage, there is a group of empty bubbles near the barrels that are nearby the keys, and those do not contain anything. There are a group of viruses above those barrels, where most of them are inside bubbles. The doors are in the topmost row, while the barrels in the second row contain shells. |
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Stage 1153 | ![]() Dr. Baby Mario |
Starting with 32 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (8), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (24) and collect all muddy coins (12).
In this stage, medium-sized muddy coins form a circle, where there are caged Brick Blocks (all containing coins) within, floatie viruses outside, and a yellow lock block in the middle. The top corners contain caged handy bottles labeled with exploders, while the bottom corners have caged lock blocks. |
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Stage 1154 | ![]() Dr. Bowser |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to break all barriers (8), beak all colorful crates (20) and collect all purple coins (8).
In this stage, there are two sets of two rows of clouds containing viruses. Above the lower set of clouded virus rows, there are columns of barriers in between columns of colorful crates. Above the upper set of clouded virus rows, there are columns of purple coins in between columns of colorful crates. |
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Stage 1155
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Fire Rosalina |
Starting with 28 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (11), collect all virus coins (9) and collect all purple coins (20).
In this stage, the caged coins form a flower pattern, and uncaged coins are found at the corners. The middle consists of an exploder surrounded by barrels and rotating cannons. Surrounding this group, there are Empty Blocks, colorful crates, crates, and floatie viruses. A pop cannon is found at the bottom of the middle column. All the barrels in this stage contain caged coins. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
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Stage 1156 | ![]() Dr. Wendy |
Starting with 28 capsules, the objective of this stage is to collect all coins from Coin Blocks (84). The only colors available in this stage are red and blue.
In this stage, there are two sets of Brick Blocks (all containing coins), each set formed by two columns of seven blocks. Each set is partially surrounded by fully frozen viruses and half-frozen floatie viruses. The middle column contains crates and fully frozen viruses. |
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Stage 1157 | ![]() Dr. Iggy |
Starting with 33 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (16) and collect all virus coins (3).
In this stage, there are three lock blocks each surrounded by Brick Blocks. The Brick Blocks contain Capsule Plus, all starting from +1. They are separated by cages and crates, with electric exploders at the corners. The top-left and top-right corners contain groups of caged floatie viruses. |
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Stage 1158 | ![]() Dr. Larry |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (10), break all barriers (26), break all colorful crates (12) and collect all purple coins (8).
In this stage, there is a group of objects forming a diamond in the middle. Within this formation, the top and bottom each contain five floatie viruses arranged in a cross, the middle is empty but surrounded by barrels containing exploders, while the rest of it are barriers. The left and right sides of barriers have different activation states. The top-left and top-right corners contain colorful crates which are blocked by purple coins. |
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Stage 1159 | ![]() Dr. Lemmy |
Starting with 25 capsules, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (12), collect all coins from Coin Blocks (45) and collect all virus coins (11).
In this stage, there are diagonal lines of barrels arranged alongside lines of ice cubes. The ice cubes contain viruses, exploders and electric exploders. The barrels in the odd-numbered rows contain Coin Blocks, while the rest are empty. |
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Stage 1160
(Hard) |
![]() Dr. Wario |
In the final stage of this world and starting with 31 capsules, the objective is to eliminate all viruses (28), collect all keys (12) and collect all muddy coins (20).
In this stage, medium-sized muddy coins occupy the majority of it. In the beginning, two of the lock blocks are found, and there is also an exploder. Blue cages are found starting from the fifth-revealed row, and its lock block is found in the seventh-revealed row. Four sets of keys and doors are locked behind cages and are found in the second and eighth columns, while the rest are not locked behind cages. Viruses are found throughout most of the stage, but floatie viruses are found in the last two revealed rows. This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 10 lines are introduced. Once it is cleared, the remaining area of the stage map gets cleared of viruses, and players can access World 30. Upon completion, players earn a free Staff Ticket. |
Challenge stages
Image | Stage | Best Doctors | Overview |
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Stage 29A | ![]() Dr. Baby Peach |
Within a 40 second time limit, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (36) and collect all muddy coins (12). The only colors available in this stage are green and pink.
In this stage, the columns other than the middle one have medium-sized muddy coins, which are checkered with groups of four fully frozen viruses. The middle column contains small muddy coins, two normal viruses and two fully frozen viruses. Completing this stage awards the player 500 coins. |
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Stage 29B | ![]() Dr. Roy |
Within a 60 second time limit, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (64), pop all bubbles (18), break all crates (26) and break all colorful crates (18). The only colors available in this stage are green and pink.
In this stage, groups of viruses are checkered amongst groups of other object types. Bubbles are found in the fifth to eighth rows, colorful crates are found in the first to fourth rows, and crates (all requiring 2 hits to break) are found in all the revealed rows. This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 6 lines are introduced. Completing this stage awards the player 500 coins. |
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Stage 29C | ![]() Dr. King Boo |
Within a 50 second time limit, the objective of this stage is to eliminate all viruses (54) and collect all virus coins (24). The only colors available in this stage are green and pink.
At the beginning of the stage, groups of viruses and floatie viruses are checkered among bubbles, where there are virus coins behind them. The first-revealed row is empty, but the four revealed rows after that have columns of two viruses checkered among columns of two bubbles, with virus coins behind them. This stage will scroll for one line each time enough objects are cleared or enough capsules are added to the stage and will stop after 5 lines are introduced. Completing this stage awards the player 1000 coins and a Staff Ticket. |
Special Stage
Image | Stage | Best Doctors | Overview |
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Special Stage | ![]() Dr. Wario |
Starting with 30 capsules, the objective of this stage is to collect all purple coins (39) and collect all keys (1).
In this stage, coins (caged and uncaged) are found in the three leftmost and three rightmost columns, with the coins in the first five rows being half-frozen. The middle column has a key and door with purple coins (caged and uncaged) in between, and there is a handy bottle containing shells below the key. The fourth and sixth columns contain pop cannons, bubble machines covered in clouds, and fully frozen crates. A shell is also found in the leftmost of row #7. Purple coins are unlocked in the following sequence:
Completing this stage awards the player 1000 coins and Dr. Morton. |
Stage layouts for scrolling stages
- Dr. Mario World Twitter:
- Yellow: "A new world opens tomorrow! Standing at the edge of a cliff is scary enough...but at night?! Nuh-uh, no way! Also, do you see my friends stuck on that cliff over there? Please go help them!"[1]
- Red: "The second half of the new world stages has been added. If you clear the special stage, you can get Dr. Morton! His skill changes bubble machines or ice fans into empty blocks. I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who looks as strong as him!"[2]