User:List of selling prices in Super Paper Mario

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  For Megadardery (talk | block log | uploads | logs)

Megadardery (talk [+] • contribs [13,962] • signaturetutorials1 (a) - 2 (a) - 3 (a) • [WGs] • CSSJS)

In Super Paper Mario, Mario, Peach, Bowser and Luigi can sell items from their inventory to shopkeepers in the four normal item shops around the world. The player cannot sell his items to Itty Bits' shopkeepers nor can they sell them at the Twinkle Mart in Outer Limits. Most items can be sold to the shopkeepers for a set price at every shop, however, some items will sell at a higher price depending on the location of the shop and the item itself. Mario can make a profit if he purchases an item at a low price from one store and sells it to another that will buy it from him at a higher price. This page lists every item and how much it can be sold for at each shop.

Name Shops
Flipside and Flopside Yold Town Downtown of Crag
File:AwesomeSnack SPM.png
Awesome Snack
55 55 55
File:BerrySnowBunny SPM.png
Berry Snow Bunny
5 5 5
File:BigEgg SPM.png
Big Egg
13 13 13
File:BlackApple SPM.png
Black Apple
1 1 1
File:BlockBlock SPM.png
Block Block
25 25 25
File:BlockMeal SPM.png
Block Meal
53 53 53
File:BlueApple SPM.png
Blue Apple
15 15 15
File:Bone-InCut SPM.png
Bone-In Cut
30 30 30
File:CakeMix PM2.png
Cake Mix
13 13 13
File:ChocoPastaDish SPM.png
Choco Pasta Dish
60 60 60
File:ChocolateCake SPM.png
Chocolate Cake
55 55 55
File:CouplesCake SPM.png
Couple's Cake
150 150 150
File:CourageShell SPM.png
Courage Shell
5 13 4
File:DangerousDelight SPM.png
Dangerous Delight
3 3 3
File:DayzeeSyrup SPM.png
Dayzee Syrup
35 35 35
File:DayzeeTear SPM.png
Dayzee Tear
25 25 25
File:DyllisBreakfast SPM.png
Dyllis Breakfast
60 60 60
File:DyllisDeluxe SPM.png
Dyllis Deluxe
225 225 225
File:DyllisDinner SPM.png
Dyllis Dinner
100 100 100
File:DyllisDynamite SPM.png
Dyllis Dynamite
66 66 66
File:DyllisLunch SPM.png
Dyllis Lunch
75 75 75
File:DyllisSpecial SPM.png
Dyllis Special
160 160 160
File:EggBomb SPM.png
Egg Bomb
50 50 50
File:ElectroPop SPM.png
Electro Pop
82 82 82
File:EmergencyRation SPM.png
Emergency Ration
40 40 40
File:FireBurst SPM.png
Fire Burst
10 4 8
File:FreshPastaBunch SPM.png
Fresh Pasta Bunch
15 15 15
File:FreshVeggie SPM.png
Fresh Veggie
10 10 10
File:FriedEgg SPM.png
Fried Egg
30 30 30
File:FriedShroomPlate SPM.png
Fried Shroom Plate
35 35 35
File:Fruit parfait.PNG
Fruit Parfait
70 70 70
File:FruityCake SPM.png
Fruity Cake
90 90 90
File:FruityHamburger SPM.png
Fruity Hamburger
65 65 65
File:FruityPunch SPM.png
Fruity Punch
55 55 55
File:FruityShroom SPM.png
Fruity Shroom
60 60 60
File:GhostShroom SPM.png
Ghost Shroom
44 44 44
File:GingerbreadHouse SPM.png
Gingerbread House
130 130 130
File:GoldBar PM2.png
Gold Bar
90 120 115
Gold Bar ×3
275 375 350
File:GoldenChoco-bar SPM.png
Golden Choco-bar
50 50 50
File:GoldenLeaf PM2.png
Golden Leaf
45 45 45
File:GoldenMeal SPM.png
Golden Meal
50 50 50
File:GorgeousSteak SPM.png
Gorgeous Steak
75 75 75
File:GradualSyrup SPM.png
Gradual Syrup
50 50 50
Icon of an item from Super Paper Mario
40 40 40
Healthy Salad
28 28 28
File:HeartfulCake SPM.png
Heartful Cake
75 75 75
File:HeavyMeal SPM.png
Heavy Meal
10 10 10
File:HerbTea SPM.png
Herb Tea
18 18 18
Honey Candy
24 24 24
File:HoneyJar SPM.png
Honey Jar
10 10 10
File:HoneyShroom SPM.png
Honey Shroom
? ? ?
File:HoneySuper SPM.png
Honey Super
? ? ?
File:Horsetail PM2.png
? ? ?
File:HorsetailTart SPM.png
Horsetail Tart
? ? ?
File:HotDog SPM.png
Hot Dog
? ? ?
File:HotSauce PM2.png
Hot Sauce
? ? ?
Ice Storm
? ? ?
Ink Pasta Dish
? ? ?
Inky Sauce
? ? ?
File:InkySoup SPM.png
Inky Soup
? ? ?
File:KeelMango PM2.png
Keel Mango
? ? ?
File:KoopaDumpling SPM.png
Koopa Dumpling
? ? ?
File:KoopaPilaf SPM.png
Koopa Pilaf
? ? ?
File:KoopaTea SPM.png
Koopa Tea
? ? ?
Koopasta Dish
? ? ?
File:LifeShroom PM2.png
Life Shroom
? ? ?
File:Long-LastShake SPM.png
Long-Last Shake
? ? ?
File:LoveNoodleDish SPM.png
Love Noodle Dish
? ? ?
File:LovePudding SPM.png
Love Pudding
? ? ?
File:LovelyChocolate SPM.png
Lovely Chocolate
? ? ?
File:LuxuriousSet SPM.png
Luxurious Set
? ? ?
File:MangoJuice SPM.png
Mango Juice
? ? ?
File:MangoPudding SPM.png
Mango Pudding
? ? ?
File:MeatPastaDish SPM.png
Meat Pasta Dish
? ? ?
File:MegatonDinner SPM.png
Megaton Dinner
? ? ?
File:MeteorMeal SPM.png
Meteor Meal
? ? ?
File:MightyTonic SPM.png
Mighty Tonic
? ? ?
File:MildCocoaBean SPM.png
Mild Cocoa Bean
? ? ?
File:MiracleDinner SPM.png
Miracle Dinner
? ? ?
File:Mis TakeSPM.PNG
? ? ?
? ? ?
File:MixedShake SPM.png
Mixed Shake
? ? ?
Icon of an item from Super Paper Mario
? ? ?
File:MushroomCrepe SPM.png
Mushroom Crepe
? ? ?
File:Mystery SPM.png
Mystery Box
? ? ?
File:OddDinner SPM.png
Odd Dinner
? ? ?
File:OmelettePlate SPM.png
Omelette Plate
? ? ?
File:PeachJuice SPM.png
Peach Juice
? ? ?
File:PeachTart SPM.png
Peach Tart
? ? ?
File:PeachyPeach SPM.png
Peachy Peach
? ? ?
File:PinkApple SPM.png
Pink Apple
? ? ?
File:PosionMushroom SPM.png
Poison Shroom
? ? ?
POW Block
? ? ?
File:PowerSteak SPM.png
Power Steak
? ? ?
File:PrimordialDinner SPM.png
Primordial Dinner
? ? ?
Primordial Fruit
? ? ?
File:RedApple SPM.png
Red Apple
? ? ?
File:RoastHorsetail SPM.png
Roast Horsetail
? ? ?
File:RoastShroomDish SPM.png
Roast Shroom Dish
? ? ?
File:RoastWhackaBump SPM.png
Roast Whacka Bump
? ? ?
File:SapMuffin SPM.png
Sap Muffin
? ? ?
File:SapSoup SPM.png
Sap Soup
? ? ?
File:SapSyrup SPM.png
Sap Syrup
? ? ?
File:ShellShock SPM.png
Shell Shock
? ? ?
File:ShroomBroth SPM.png
Shroom Broth
? ? ?
File:ShroomCake SPM.png
Shroom Cake
? ? ?
File:ShroomChoco-bar SPM.png
Shroom Choco-bar
? ? ?
File:ShroomDelicacy SPM.png
Shroom Delicacy
? ? ?
File:ShroomPudding SPM.png
Shroom Pudding
? ? ?
File:ShroomShake SPM.png
Shroom Shake
? ? ?
File:ShroomSteak SPM.png
Shroom Steak
? ? ?
File:SkyJuice SPM.png
Sky Juice
? ? ?
File:SleepySheep SPM.png
Sleepy Sheep
? ? ?
File:SlimyExtract SPM.png
Slimy Extract
? ? ?
File:SlimyShroom SPM.png
Slimy Shroom
? ? ?
File:SmellyHerb SPM.png
Smelly Herb
? ? ?
File:SnowBunny SPM.png
Snow Bunny
? ? ?
File:SnowCone SPM.png
Snow Cone
? ? ?
File:SpaceFood SPM.png
Space Food
? ? ?
File:SpaghettiPlate SPM.png
Spaghetti Plate
? ? ?
File:SpicyDinner SPM.png
Spicy Dinner
? ? ?
File:SpicyPastaDish SPM.png
Spicy Pasta Dish
? ? ?
File:SpicySoup SPM.png
Spicy Soup
? ? ?
File:SpitRoast SPM.png
Spit Roast
? ? ?
File:StaminaJuice SPM.png
Stamina Juice
? ? ?
File:StandardChocolate SPM.png
Standard Chocolate
? ? ?
File:StopWatch PM2.png
Stop Watch
? ? ?
File:SuperShroomShake SPM.png
Super Shroom Shake
? ? ?
File:SweetChoco-bar SPM.png
Sweet Choco-bar
? ? ?
File:SweetCookieSnack SPM.png
Sweet Cookie Snack
? ? ?
File:ThunderRage SPM.png
Thunder Rage
? ? ?
File:TownSpecial SPM.png
Town Special
? ? ?
File:TrialStew SPM.png
Trial Stew
? ? ?
File:TurtleyLeaf SPM.png
Turtley Leaf
? ? ?
File:UltraShroomShake SPM.png
Ultra Shroom Shake
? ? ?
File:VeggieSet SPM.png
Veggie Set
? ? ?
File:VolcanoShroom SPM.png
Volcano Shroom
? ? ?
File:VoltShroom SPM.png
Volt Shroom
? ? ?
File:WarmCocoa SPM.png
Warm Cocoa
? ? ?
File:WeirdExtract SPM.png
Weird Extract
? ? ?
File:WackasBump SPM.png
Whacka Bump
? ? ?
File:YellowApple SPM.png
Yellow Apple
? ? ?
[[Category:Paper Mario]]